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Bangladesh to launch its own satellite

The lauch will be in 2013. Most likely it will be SPARSO space agency of Bangladesh and BTRC telephone regulatory comission and BUET Bangladesh University of Eng. and Tech, jointly develop this.:tup:

Thanks for the info, I think BTRC might fund but may not be of any help technically ( my assumptions)
Any idea if BD govt planning to take any outside help ( well I am not suggesting India's hand here :D), Building satellite for the first time is a mammoth task, and almost impossible without any outside help, but once mastered its damn easy. All the NA/EU unniversities have their own satellites launched. Last time during chandrayan , even IIT's satellite was launched.

I think there must be some foreign help needed ( China or Russia? )
The link says this:


Translation: Of the 13 satellites of neighbouring India, 10 have been launched using Chinese technology.

Can anybody clarify this.

In all probability it is the usual attempt to 'marinate' public opinion, for selecting the Chinese system over a less expensive Indian system - including the lesser cost of transportation of the satellite from BD to the Indian launch site and other associated and incidental expenses, e.g. insurance etc.

Can't say its not working. The usual gullibles have already bought it hook, line and sinker.

Firstly, India has so far not shown any interest in the satellite project. About the Daily Ittefaq statement that out of 13 such satellites sent to space by India, Chinese technology was used in 10. Is the statement true or false?

You know that BD does not possess technology to build a satellite by itself. It will order a country to build one with all those pre-specified electronics gadgets inside it and then send it to the space on BD's behalf. So, transport cost upto launching pad is not required.
Firstly, India has so far not shown any interest in the satellite project. About the Daily Ittefaq statement that out of 13 such satellites sent to space by India, Chinese technology was used in 10. Is the statement true or false?

You know that BD does not possess technology to build a satellite by itself. It will order a country to build one with all those pre-specified electronics gadgets inside it and then send it to the space on BD's behalf. So, transport cost upto launching pad is not required.

Well if its only launching ( as per me), ISRO is the best choice. But if BD is looking forward to building+launching then may be going to China is a better option. I dont know if ISRO has provided any help to any foreign county interms of building one.
Best of luck for your future plans... :tup:

But I have a question why do BD need a spy satellite just after their first satellite? :devil:
Who ever said of a spy satellite? Even if there is any such component in any of our satellites, it will be known only by the military top brass. Anyway, the present one will be a communications satellite with a component of weather observation, I guess.
Who ever said of a spy satellite? Even if there is any such component in any of our satellites, it will be known only by the military top brass. Anyway, the present one will be a communications satellite with a component of weather observation, I guess.

He was replying to the post by iajdani.

well everyone will go with communication first and spy satellite later. I think first thing first BD should focus completely on the first project at hand
Oh yeah, this is called marketing. Whenever you see an opportunity, nevere spare a moment to reach that market ( Marketing 101)
Its upto the buyer what they want but reaching there is the first step :)

Let's see how things start to snowball.
Someone posts a news topic. Ppl start talking. Some guy says something, other guy doesn't like it. In a few posts it goes to full scale mud slinging. Why, for the life of me I don't understand :woot: . Well its not only here, its everywhere where there is an open forum.
Since KillBill mentioned Marketing 101, I am going to paste this very popular joke.

Marketing 101
You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I'm fantastic in bed." That's Direct Marketing.

You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, "He's fantastic in bed." That's Advertising.

You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I'm fantastic in bed." That's Telemarketing.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink. You open the door for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her a ride, and then say, "By the way, I'm fantastic in bed." That's Public Relations.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says, "I hear you're fantastic in bed." That's Brand Recognition.

So KillBill, is ISRO that strong of a brand :D?
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Firstly, India has so far not shown any interest in the satellite project.
That is a different issue. Posters here are debating, what would be a better option for BD, if they opt for a launch vehicle. In reality there are many more complexities. Off the top of my head, availability of space inside the launch vehicle is foremost.
About the Daily Ittefaq statement that out of 13 such satellites sent to space by India, Chinese technology was used in 10. Is the statement true or false?
You know that BD does not possess technology to build a satellite by itself. It will order a country to build one with all those pre-specified electronics gadgets inside it and then send it to the space on BD's behalf. So, transport cost upto launching pad is not required.
In that case, it is not an indigenous effort. Much ado about nothing.
Marketing 101
You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I'm fantastic in bed." That's Direct Marketing.

You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, "He's fantastic in bed." That's Advertising.

You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I'm fantastic in bed." That's Telemarketing.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink. You open the door for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her a ride, and then say, "By the way, I'm fantastic in bed." That's Public Relations.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says, "I hear you're fantastic in bed." That's Brand Recognition.
:rofl: Good one.
Third and most important, India is not a beggar but Bangladeshis (illegal migrants) in India are. They are begging, enshrouding and involved in crimes in India.
Feel free to disagree.

Of course, you are mistaken about our ability or about our determination to become a well off country.
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That is a different issue. Posters here are debating, what would be a better option for BD, if they opt for a launch vehicle.

Well, if its only launching, then the media and people need to ask the govt why the cheapest one is not chosen? If its the political reason or the politicians may get a better cut from some other vendor? ( may be, I am not accussing anyones integrity here, just thought may be possible as we know the standard of corruption in our politicians)

But I think, as its too early, as the satellite is due to be launched in 2013/14, nothing is decided by now.

In that case, it is not an indigenous effort. Much ado about nothing.

As BD has no satellite of their own, I think its the first priority to get things done faster than doing it all on its own. after their first priority is solved they may look to build and learn technology on the way
Please give us some free lectures on how to sell wives because of poverty. Read the news of your wife-selling, but not a begger, India. India must be a paradise on earth, or, probably a part of white Moon in the sky.

He was definitely trolling, now feeding the troll by this article is not going to help, does it? Being a senior member you should have just ignored the same, rather pasting one huge article which has the potential to derail the thread.
In that case, it is not an indigenous effort. Much ado about nothing.
We had to work hard for a few decades to come to this stage of economic, not neceassarily technology, development where the country needs its own satellite to better the wireless communication system. It itself is an achievement.

A day will surely come when BD will possess technology to build and launch a satellite.
He was definitely trolling, now feeding the troll by this article is not going to help, does it? Being a senior member you should have just ignored the same, rather pasting one huge article which has the potential to derail the thread.

Sorry, I appreciate your point. I have erased the original post and revised it to something of a positive note. I will refrain from doing recurrence and I request others not to respond to trollers for an important topic like this. Thanks.
I repeat India has launched only one Geo-stationary satellite in it's history. The GSLV is not a proven platform for Geo-stationary sat launches.

I'm sure if BD requires help and asks ISRO - ISRO will provide help. But BD needs to decide whose help it wants. China has good capabilities in space. They might offer a better price.

The PSLV - used to launch Remote sensing sats is a proven ISRO launch vehicles. If BD needs military spy sats or sats to montior their land resources and borders then it can definitely look at PSLV. Even the Israelis trusted this vehicles to launch their spy sat.
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