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Bangladesh to launch its own satellite

I repeat India has launched only one Geo-stationary satellite in it's history. The GSLV is not a proven platform for Geo-stationary sat launches.

I'm sure if BD requires help and asks ISRO - ISRO will provide help. But BD needs to decide whose help it wants. China has good capabilities in space. They might offer a better price.

The PSLV - used to launch Remote sensing sats is a proven ISRO launch vehicles. If BD needs military spy sats or sats to montior their land resources and borders then it can definitely look at PSLV. Even the Israelis trusted this vehicles to launch their spy sat.

Thank god this thread is still on track

BTW, why do you say ISRO has only one successful GSLV launch, their official site says 4 successful and one unsuccessful launch

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Iajdani,isro is the cheapest provider of satellite launch on this goddamn planet if you didn't know!.....many western countries opted for india for that very reason and also for its successfull record.......so going by bd economy i think india would be not bad of a choice.....whats your opinion?.....and yes isro should surely bid for this project,it can also help improve indo-bd relations.
Our PM will fly to India on Dec. 18. That the satellite news has been floated in the newspapers may have some underlying meaning. I suspect (not necessarily a negative one), the issue will be raised in the Delhi meetings with Indian leaders. This may be why the govt has leaked the news now.

However, a satellite in the sky is always imagined with SPYING. So, people in BD may not like a situation whereby India launches a BD (SPY?) satellite. The political price for an Indian cooperation may not be that good for the ruling Party.

Anyway, these are all my own imaginations only, reality may be far away from these.
i dont know why these Bangladeshis become anti Indian we helped them so much for their independence and see what the are now
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Ew,what has a launch by india or any other country have to with the functioning of the sat???.......and by god this is just your first satellite,i dont believe it can be a for any type of spying purpose!
@KillBill - Yes I think I need to correct myself - I was only counting the launch of INSAT 4CR as the only geostationary sat launched by ISRO.
The correct answer is 3 satellites - KALAPANA - I, EDUSAT and INSAT 4CR.
Still GSLV is not a proven platform for geo-stationary sat launches.
@KillBill - Yes I think I need to correct myself - I was only counting the launch of INSAT 4CR as the only geostationary sat launched by ISRO.
The correct answer is 3 satellites - KALAPANA - I, EDUSAT and INSAT 4CR.
Still GSLV is not a proven platform for geo-stationary sat launches.

GSLV is not as proven as PSLV but still its good enough, 4 success in 5 launches is not bad to start with. But yeah it still has a long way to go in terms of success rate.

I think after GSLV Mk III is ready, ISRO will be more potent
Well, if its only launching, then the media and people need to ask the govt why the cheapest one is not chosen? If its the political reason or the politicians may get a better cut from some other vendor? ( may be, I am not accussing anyones integrity here, just thought may be possible as we know the standard of corruption in our politicians)

Answer is very simple, cheapest option is not always best option from quality to strategic to security to many other reasons. Good to see indians are showing their hand in some sold out media elements in BD to justify their ISRO sales pitch. Now we know where these questions will come from - indian bought media pass holders.But what indians conveniently avoided mentioning and possibly prode media to ask is what security, strategic and other risk involved in selecting ISRO?

What BD politicians decides is internal matter to BD and your (and indians in large part) desperation to poke nose in BD political decision is interfering in BD sovereignty. And indians wonder why people in BD dont like india and indians.

But above all, Bangladesh has no reason to justify what reason we choose what to india, period. Be that for cheapest or not cheapest or any other security and strategic reason. With line of arguments they have made it clear that india and indians can not accept Bangladesh independence and sovereign decision.
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Answer is very simple, cheapest option is not always best option from quality to strategic to security to many other reasons. Good to see indians are showing their hand in some sold out media elements in BD to justify their ISRO sales pitch. Now we know where these questions will come from - indian bought media pass holders.But what indians conveniently avoided mentioning and possibly prode media to ask is what security, strategic and other risk involved in selecting ISRO?

What BD politicians decides is internal matter to BD and your (and indians in large part) desperation to poke their nose in BD political decision is interfering in BD sovereignty. And indians wonder why people in BD dont like india and indians.

But above all, Bangladesh has no reason to justify what reason we choose what to india, period. Be that for cheapest or not cheapest or any other security and strategic reason. With line of arguments they have made it clear that india and indians can not accept Bangladesh independence and sovereign decision.

With the amount of hatred and prejudice you have for India, your post does not come as a surprise.

I am not against you choosing any non Indian launcher, its your money and your decision. But would you care to explain a few questions i may have

1. How come ISRO launching your satellite a compromise to your security, strategic and other risk you mentioned ?

2. Cheapest is definitekly not the best. But can you please list what qualities you are looking out for that some certain vendor can not provide?

3. Is providing a service means poking nose? Are we poking our nose in USA, Canada and most of Europe when it comes to IT?

Firstly, India has so far not shown any interest in the satellite project. About the Daily Ittefaq statement that out of 13 such satellites sent to space by India, Chinese technology was used in 10. Is the statement true or false?

You know that BD does not possess technology to build a satellite by itself. It will order a country to build one with all those pre-specified electronics gadgets inside it and then send it to the space on BD's behalf. So, transport cost upto launching pad is not required.

ISRO in it's entire 40 years of existence has never sought Chinese help...there is a reason we are rivals.
and it's shameful that some 'reliable' BD source of yours is full of misinformation.
I don't know if BD has become a superpower overnight...but when the EU and Israel and Japan can get their satellites launched by us...anybody can.
you can't see far with pride clogging your vision.
you are a sovereign nation..do as you please.
Ew,what has a launch by india or any other country have to with the functioning of the sat???.......and by god this is just your first satellite,i dont believe it can be a for any type of spying purpose!
I surely understand your point. But, I was talking about our general ignorant mass and our hypocrite politicians. Politicians will do negative propaganda. Question remains, if AL will be willing to take such a risk. Like all other Parties, it also wants to be re-elected.

Problem is, if Indian offer is very cheap, then also the public will think, there is something DAAL ME KALA, and then there will be all kinds of rumours spreading throughout the country. It is all because people do not really trust India.
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1. How come ISRO launching your satellite a compromise to your security, strategic and other risk you mentioned ?

With history of indian opposition to raising Bangladesh defense to creating insurgents against Bangladesh and instigating political interference and whole list of other things made india a security risk to Bangladesh. So india knowing any aspect of BD satellite, let alone launcing it is security and strategic risk. There are quite a few threads about indian activity threatening Bangladesh independence and sovereignty. Enlight yourself.

2. Cheapest is definitekly not the best. But can you please list what qualities you are looking out for that some certain vendor can not provide?

Quality details are expert and authorities to decide will most likely be detailed in RFP. But Chinese, European and US has much more to offer quality and otherwise than ISRO can.

3. Is providing a service means poking nose? Are we poking our nose in USA, Canada and most of Europe when it comes to IT?

This is your earlier statement detailing exactly how indian govt interfere.

"if its only launching, then the media and people need to ask the govt why the cheapest one is not chosen? If its the political reason or the politicians may get a better cut from some other vendor? ( may be, I am not accussing anyones integrity here, just thought may be possible as we know the standard of corruption in our politicians)"

Again, Bangladesh has no reason to justify what reason we choose what to india, period. Be that for cheapest or not cheapest or any other security and strategic reason.
With line of arguments they have made it clear that india and indians can not accept Bangladesh independence and sovereign decision.

I suggest you read some history books before concluding something as absurd as that.
Well I think the launcher provides an insurance for failures. So suppose I am launching for you, and if I fail then I would give you some predecided amount in return for my failure.

Thank you, but they do not provide the entire amount spent on a satellite :no: do they?

your answer will surly help me to increase my knowledge. :cheers:

Please dont mix topics, for this part of your comment there are specific dedicated threads

:offtopic: I just answered to below mentioned: :wave:

Looks like indians even developed art in begging;

^^^ Looks like indians even developed art in begging; now they come up with fiction that if Bangladesh does not use ISRO for satellite launch we will go bankrupt. Little holiday amusement.
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