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Bangladesh starts monitoring mosques, madrasas

Eastwatch whenever he does not have valid argument to back up his tall claim, has habit of labeling others as "extremist" "Jamati", "rajakar" and what not. He had done that with me as well.
Interesting yet, he is showing growing allergy toward the Holy Quran and Islam.
I guess he is angry on me because i replied to his Humayun post that day! I just replied what i read in a book!!
Bro, i have passed significant times discussing with islamists! Believe me, too much secularism promotes extremism! Let the Hasina rule another 5 years, people will be more and more aggressive! Balance is all we need!!

Funny fact.
Bro, i have passed significant times discussing with islamists! Believe me, too much secularism promotes extremism! Let the Hasina rule another 5 years, people will be more and more aggressive! Balance is all we need!!

Well, extremism of any form is bad. Even secularism.

My implication is that it is not the government's job to forcefully interfere with people's way of life.

Unless of-course, there's violence.

Interestingly, this happened during Ramadan. Both RAB and police didn't give a damn about it:

<i>Crime goes unchecked</i>

See? There goes credibility.

I guess he is angry on me because i replied to his Humayun post that day! I just replied what i read in a book!!

They can be an overly emotional and sentimental people. Even the most educated ones. He even claimed that America and AL have great relations, and united. Dr. Yunus is a nobody.

Don't give too much importance to them. Their own political culture are filled with thugs and corruption anyway. You can see that trait here before your very eyes.
Bro, i have passed significant times discussing with islamists! Believe me, too much secularism promotes extremism! Let the Hasina rule another 5 years, people will be more and more aggressive! Balance is all we need!!

Turkey is also a secular state, are Turks radicalized. :what:
Turkey is also a secular state, are Turks radicalized. :what:

Just check their history! Kamal ataturk killed a man, who wanted to wear traditional turk Cap instead of western Hat! Their president Adnan was killed by the army for removing the ban on Arabic Adhan! Now the islamists are in power for a decade and islamisation are taking place, even there is threat from Army! Every now and then Secular army officers are accused of coup! Condition of turkey is worse than Bangladesh! It is rich and developed only because it was never ruled by foreign powers!
Just check their history! Kamal ataturk killed a man, who wanted to wear traditional turk Cap instead of western Hat! Their president Adnan was killed by the army for removing the ban on Arabic Adhan! Now the islamists are in power for a decade and islamisation are taking place, even there is threat from Army! Every now and then Secular army officers are accused of coup! Condition of turkey is worse than Bangladesh! It is rich and developed only because it was never ruled by foreign powers!

They existed for a century as a Secular state, they don't face sectarian violence. Problem of extremism is at very low level in Turkey.
How do you know there is no extremism in Bangladesh when there is every reason to believe that you yourself may be one of them. Check and re-read your posts. Here you pretend to be an unbiased BNP follower, but, you support extremism. BNP is not an extremist party. All the extremists like to hide behind the name of BNP. This is how BNP is getting bad name.

you being a awami malun should just STFU. Living in japan and lecturing a bangladeshi about his/her own country you Sake drinking fool. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone about his political ideology and before lecturing some one about BNP-jamat read about BNP's ideology, & Pres Zia's Banladeshi Natonalism which your suckular indian Ball licking BAL couldn't abolish from the constitution....And oh yeah BNP and Jammat are officially in an alliance that you awami indian malauns are trying so desperately to break. And have you forgotten how your leaders begged Professor Golam Azzam in 1991 to not support BNP and how AL used Jammat's backing to bring forth the care taker system in 1996, the same system your malaun party is now trying to avoid to rig votes. Being a shameless bootlicking awami leger, on what grounds are you
spouting rubbish about BNP. Bisar mani tobe tal gaj ta amar, na?:lol:
Do not say anything against BNP.

He is not saying anything against BNP, period. Rather it seems like certain awami dalal living in Japan are hiding behind the BNP to spouting rubbish.

It is not a Mullah party, it is a progressive party.

The word Mullah refers to scholars of Islamic theology. Pea brain awamilegers living in Japan won't
even come close to a real Mullah in terms of knowledge and education.:rolleyes:

Will you kindly define these following terms for me: Mullah party, progressive.

However, it is now heavily influenced by the Jamaatis.

Good for BNP and bad for awami dalals. DO you have any idea how strong the leadership structure
of BNP is? A veteran patriotic leader like Begum zia didn't allied with them for nothing. Keep
you brain farts to your self.:cheesy:

Many jamaatis have also infiltrated into this party.

Really? :woot: Even if its true then its good for BNP and the 18 party alliance and the country as a whole.:agree: BTW they are a recognized political party based on the pan islamic ideology of Egyptian muslim brotherhood who just came to egyptian power by a free election. Be afraid
E.watch be very afraid. They will force you to wear burqa. :lol:

Almost all the posters who claim themselves BNP are in reality Jamaatis.

More like some no name awamileger living in japan jumping ships and hiding behind BNP. What's
the matter E.Watch awami titanic is sinking eh?:lol:

Watch them, they refer to the verses of our Holy book instanteneously. No BNP supporters will/can ever do it.

Giving verses from the Quran is extremism and bad according to you?:undecided: Wow just unbelievable. Forget about whether everyone here is a jamati or not (according to you awami logic), but its quite certain that you are a munafiq awami leger.

BNP is hardliner against India because it needs a section of voters to win the elections. However, it is more India friendly than people assume.

Yeah what ever suits that slave mentality mind of yours. Sleep tight , BNP/Jamat won't force you to wear burqa in japan.:coffee:
They existed for a century as a Secular state, they don't face sectarian violence. Problem of extremism is at very low level in Turkey.

no violence in turkey? Kurdistan anyone? Anyway, Birth of secularism in turkey and Bangladesh is almost identical! That is Founding father using his popularity promoting secularism just to alienate people from their previous Islamist regime! Kamal survived but Mujib didnt! He was wiped out with his entire clan and rebel officers announced in the radio 'Bangladesh is islamic republic now'! I was just trying to explain this! Zia's islamic nationalism has no alternative to a country like Bangladesh!
It would be better if they spent this amount of energy observing nd apprehanding criminals and pirate gangs that wreck havoc.

In bangladesh most extremist are a lone wolf or a small group of lone wolves, thats why our militancy level is very low scale(almost zero). If police or RAB wants to take out militancy completely, target these group, not the entire population. Targeting the entire muslim population will only cause distrust among the police and the bangladeshi muslims.

Wrong. The support network that aids these terrorists is immense. And I believe the number you give incorrect. By attacking the support, this will lead to a bigger mystery as more nations will be outed for their contribution to these terror networks. YOu have to understand Terror in South Asia is not singular. It transcends borders, especially in Bangladesh.
Indian trolls at at their best. They seem to have their A$$E$ on fire jumping up and down in joy.:lol:



Afzal said the guidelines had already had an impact with "fewer processions or meetings" by Islamist outfits in recent months.

"We've successfully convinced the clerics and Islamic teachers about the danger of militancy. They now speak against Maududi philosophy, which has harmed Islam in the sub-continent," he said.

Afzal. :lol: , this is the guy who danced with american models in BD islamic foundation in front of Imams. He was delusional enough to say that Dr. Zakir Naik don't know anything about islam.:rofl: I doubt if this guy even knows the kalimah.
no violence in turkey? Kurdistan anyone? Anyway, Birth of secularism in turkey and Bangladesh is almost identical! That is Founding father using his popularity promoting secularism just to alienate people from their previous Islamist regime! Kamal survived but Mujib didnt! He was wiped out with his entire clan and rebel officers announced in the radio 'Bangladesh is islamic republic now'! I was just trying to explain this! Zia's islamic nationalism has no alternative to a country like Bangladesh!

What make you think Kurdish problem is related to Secularism in Turkey.:disagree: Kurdish issue is about Turkish vs non-Turkish identity. Even you guys fought for Bengali identity just 5 years after Independence in 1952 in your Islamic republic.

Why you naming Mujib alone, there were others too who were killed in Bangladesh's political instability.
Funny fact.
bro he is actually right we had the same in india imagine if congress wont have been implementing too much secularism(or lets call it pseudo secularism) we wouldn't have witnessed the rise of extermism amoung some hindu organization
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