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Bangladesh starts monitoring mosques, madrasas

And we are happy we are infested with tribalism. They are the real warriors. If US invades Pakistan, tribals will not allow it, but if India or USA invades BD, you're pretty much screwed.
This is just a codename for harassment of practising Muslims, who are usually anti-AL. The Awami League is really digging a hole for themselves. They've failed to improve anything in the country, and now are trying to score points and increase their popularity among foreigners by bashing Islam and Muslims. Its easy to do that, instead of building roads and improving governance and reducing corruption. They are a party stuffed full of Islam-hating traitors whose loyalty is to foreign powers.

As a practising Muslim, my hate for this pathetic traitor party has risen to such a level I don't even speak politely to my pro-Awami relatives anymore. This traitor party is an enemy of the nation, and must be destroyed. There is no alternative, because they will steadily one by one destroy every remaining institution in this country, as they did to BUET, my university. They did the similar thing in BUET: They tried to take over by appointing awami animals, and when the professors protested, they accused the professors of being "Islamic terrorists".

This is the Awami animal strategy: Take over the entire country, and if anyone tries to resist, then bash Islam and Muslims. Its free, and helps them to get the support of the West. Its the same strategy taught to them by their zionist masters.
lol some people are actually buying this! There is no extremism in Bangladesh right now. There was no need of monitoring!

How do you know there is no extremism in Bangladesh when there is every reason to believe that you yourself may be one of them. Check and re-read your posts. Here you pretend to be an unbiased BNP follower, but, you support extremism. BNP is not an extremist party. All the extremists like to hide behind the name of BNP. This is how BNP is getting bad name.
And we are happy we are infested with tribalism. They are the real warriors. If US invades Pakistan, tribals will not allow it, but if India or USA invades BD, you're pretty much screwed.

You do know tribalism means that the tribal people in pakistan(who practice tribalism) will be more loyal to the tribe than to pakistan? And they might do things that is gainful for their tribe and harmful for pakistan.

As for the second part, it is called guerrilla warfare. You do not need to a tribal to carry out these kind of warfare
How do you know there is no extremism in Bangladesh when there is every reason to believe that you yourself may be one of them. Check and re-read your posts. Here you pretend to be an unbiased BNP follower, but, you support extremism. BNP is not an extremist party. All the extremists like to hide behind the name of BNP. This is how BNP is getting bad name.

Kindly Define extremism First and Quote my Posts to prove me extremist!
Kindly Define extremism First and Quote my Posts to prove me extremist!

1. You said you supported Pan-Islamism
2. You didn't vote for Awami League last election
3. You don't want the Bangladeshi economy to be dominated by foreign companies
4. You don't support Israeli occupation and killing of Palestinians
5. You want Bangladesh to be a free independent sovereign country who is not a slave to India/US, or indeed any other country, but loyal to Bangladeshi citizens.
6. You have some self-respect for your own culture and religion.

That's it. What more evidence do you need? You obviously are an FANATIC ISLAMIC TERRORIST!

Now don't move, and allow the "progressives" to come along to your house and take you away.
You do know tribalism means that the tribal people in pakistan(who practice tribalism) will be more loyal to the tribe than to pakistan? And they might do things that is gainful for their tribe and harmful for pakistan.

As for the second part, it is called guerrilla warfare. You do not need to a tribal to carry out these kind of warfare
exactly! Those tribal leaders think they are the authority not the government which leads to chaos and terrorism! Few days ago saw a documentary, every yemeni in tribal area carries sharp cutting weapon with them which is traditional, they like to show it always as part of manhood! Shedding blood is their culture, not ours!
1. You said you supported Pan-Islamism
2. You didn't vote for Awami League last election
3. You don't want the Bangladeshi economy to be dominated by foreign companies
4. You don't support Israeli occupation and killing of Palestinians
5. You want Bangladesh to be a free independent sovereign country who is not a slave to India/US, or indeed any other country, but loyal to Bangladeshi citizens.
6. You have some self-respect for your own culture and religion.

That's it. What more evidence do you need? You obviously are an FANATIC ISLAMIC TERRORIST!

Now don't move, and allow the "progressives" to come along to your house and take you away.

I am deeply hurt! Someone accused me of extremism! This wise man is mixing up fundamentalsm with terrorism,now it seems i can't follow my religion properly! I have to compromise some part of it for becoming progressive!anyway, when Maksud Helali was first accused of extremism, i went to buet, there were postrs everywhere accusing helali of extremism.now the students are with their teachers against this! So i guess the whole Buet is terrorist now!..
Kindly Define extremism First and Quote my Posts to prove me extremist!

Try to find out your answer in any Holy books you are so fond of giving references to. If you do not find one I ask you to open your eyes and find the answer in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Thus very firmly, Hasina gang is now pursuing western style of all-surveillance for the sake of national interest and catching 'terrorists'?

USA had the 'Patriot Act'..so, when are we having one?

Oh and what about the FEMA-oriented 'BEMA' camps - (Bangladesh Emergency Management Agency(?)). Shouldnt we be having that one as well?

How do you know there is no extremism in Bangladesh when there is every reason to believe that you yourself may be one of them. Check and re-read your posts. Here you pretend to be an unbiased BNP follower, but, you support extremism. BNP is not an extremist party. All the extremists like to hide behind the name of BNP. This is how BNP is getting bad name.

The correct question should be:
How do you know there's a significant level of extremism in Bangladesh?

How do you even know that Kobi is an extremist? :eek: Biting off someone's a$$ like a true Bangladeshi eh, sir? :lol:

The fact is, there isn't anything significant throughout the 41-year history of the nation. Not even close to what happened in Afghanistan and Somalia. No one cares what Indians believe.

Western style policing with the current law & order situation, along with RAB and Bangladesh police? My foot!! :rofl:

Be careful, you don't want to do that to the mullahs and their disciples as per standard operating procedures of RAB and police right now.

Otherwise, you'd get what you were fighting against in reality.
Try to find out your answer in any Holy books you are so fond of giving references to. If you do not find one I ask you to open your eyes and find the answer in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
So Kobiraaz quoting Quran and Hadith gives BNP bad name? Sir are you drunk or what? Wearing indian glass on your eyes?? Founder of BNP himself was attracted to islam! Some reality check
Zia moved to lead the nation in a new direction, significantly different from the ideology and agenda of Sheikh Mujib.[5] He issued a proclamation order amending the constitution, increasing the direct influence and role of Islam on the government. In the preamble, he inserted the salutation "Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim" ("In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful"). In Article 8(1) and 8(1A) the statement "absolute trust and faith in Almighty Allah"' was added, replacing the commitment to secularism. Socialism was redefined as "economic and social justice". Zia further introduced provisions to allow Muslims to practice the social and legal injunctions of the Shariat and Sunnah. [9] In Article 25(2), Zia introduced the principle that '"the state shall endeavour to consolidate, preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries based on Islamic solidarity."[3] Zia's edits to the constitution redefined the nature of the republic from the secularism laid out by Sheikh Mujib and his supporters.[9] Islamic religious education was introduced as a compulsory subject in Bangladeshi schools, with provisions for non- Muslim students to learn of their own religions

Kindly Define extremism First and Quote my Posts to prove me extremist!

Eastwatch whenever he does not have valid argument to back up his tall claim, has habit of labeling others as "extremist" "Jamati", "rajakar" and what not. He had done that with me as well.
Interesting yet, he is showing growing allergy toward the Holy Quran and Islam.
The correct question should be:
How do you know there's a significant level of extremism in Bangladesh?

How do you even know that Kobi is an extremist? :eek: Biting off someone's a$$ like a true Bangladeshi eh, sir? :lol:

The fact is, there isn't anything significant throughout the 41-year history of the nation. Not even close to what happened in Afghanistan and Somalia. No one cares what Indians believe.

Western style policing with the current law & order situation, along with RAB and Bangladesh police? My foot!! :rofl:

Be careful, you don't want to do that to the mullahs and their disciples as per standard operating procedures of RAB and police right now.

Otherwise, you'd get what you were fighting against in reality.
Bro, i have passed significant times discussing with islamists! Believe me, too much secularism promotes extremism! Let the Hasina rule another 5 years, people will be more and more aggressive! Balance is all we need!!

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