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Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Relations

@ BD members - about celebrating cultural programs in BD.

Do not mix up these three Islamic Cultures, Native Cultures and Hindu Cultures together.

I mean:
# I should not any problem to celebrate Islamic Cultures like Eid and may others.

# I have no problem to celebrate our Native Cultures like Nobanno Utsob and many others.

# But we should not celebrate those Hindu Cultures like Diwali and others.

So in that case we need to sort out what is Boishaki mela. If it is our Native Culture then we should celebrate it proudly and since we are not worshiping anything at Boishaki mela then how it is sin to celebrate? Take it, just, as a simple fair where people find occasion to celebrate due to arrival of a new Bangla year.

And also every cultures celebrated by Indians/Hindus, may be, not related to Hindu religion. Some could be Indian Native Culture like Pakistanis who celebrate Basant Utsab. But we should not promote Hindu Bengali culture in the name of Bengali culture. But, no harm, if we celebrate any country's Native Cultures which are not against Islam. Our Native Cultures define us well, so let celebrate these.
You have no idea, how much interest Pakistani Business houses have in Bangladesh. I was surprised seeing so many Pakistani stalls in trade fare currently running in Dhaka. Even small shop keepers from Karachi came here to sell some of their beautiful items. It would have not possible if Bangladesh people and Pakistani people considered themselves as enemy. You will also surprised seeing so many Pakistani professionals working in Bangladesh and their children are getting educated in Bangla. I wont be surprised if I see them getting settled in this country.

By the way AL is in power now... ;)

No reason to think in this way, since Bangladeshis are not mean minded. We allow every country to promote their products here. No mater, either it is BNP or AL regime.
Why you never talk about Pakistanis who celebrate Basant Utsab, dancing in their wedding and in every familly occasion which include boys and girls holding their hands and body? Are they shirk? :hitwall:

what the hell is that???

please refrain from posting false and insulting allegations.

and don't bring in Pakistan in needless places for comparison sake.

They were like that all along. You just ended up in the wrong land. Your ancestor should have moved westward instead of eastward. :undecided:
You have missed one final location for these rootless people, that is, Bay of Bengal. They can drown in that deep sea to relieve themselves from the sin of being born in the hinterland of Bengal. I am fond of history, I read a lot. I am fond of reading about anthropology. And I can attest that there is very little chance that any Bangali Muslim, foreign or local origin, is not mixed-blooded.

How then this fellow from that uncultured western land can claim that he is pure blooded? By the way, will this claim send him to paradise? I have seen many SAUDI Arabians much shorter than us and much darker than many of us. Some even look like negroes. So, what this rootless Zakir want to tell us by implying that he is of pure-blooded foreign origin, and, therefore, he hates to be called as a Bangali? I find no logic in his assertion.

I again ask him what difference does it make in the following twin words. Japan and Nippon or Nihon, Thailand and Siam or Siamdesh, Burma and Myammar, China and Shina or Chugoku, Malay and Malaysia, Poland and Polonoi, Holland and Netherlands, Germany and Deutsland (spelling?) etc. Does any group of these contrasting names belong to Hinduism and the other group to non-Hindu?

Why someone should start name calling of others whenever he reads the word Bengali? Do these illiterate Mullahs know that the name 'Subeh' Bengal was given to this region during the rule of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir sometime in 1605? Before that this region was called after the name of its Capital. It was called Lakkhanabati, Gaud, Tanda, Jannatabad etc. We are both Bangalis and also Bangladeshis. I do not see any conflict in these two words.
The last time i checked....i was in a defence forum.....:angel:

Would you explain how economy of E. Pak was prosperous from 1960-70? As max ppl know W. Pak used to do partiality to us.

Please compare any decade with 60-70 in BD's known history, when the likes of 4 Universities (CTG, BUET, Rajshahi, Agri), 4 BITS (Rangunia, Ghajipur, Khlishpur and Rajshhi), Komolapur as the finnest Rail Station, Parliament Bhabhan as the finest architecture, 247 jute mills (Adamji as the largest in Asia), Industrial City like Patenga (Steel Mill as one of the largest in south asia, Dry Dock as a great dock yard, Eastern Refinery, GM Plant etc), Khalispur (News Print Mills, Jute mill, Pakshi paper Mill etc), Fenchuganj Fertilizer Factory etc have been built, regards.

Hmm, and you forgot to mention Kaptai Dam which was completed in 1962. It seems our most of basic structures was built in that time. And after then no decade is as prosperous as 1960-70 due to our own corruption, political dispute, lacking in skill, common good intention, and patriotism. Although we are little bit modern now but it takes 38 years on the basis of our previous set-up which was built in Pakistan period.

No doubt, we would more developed either we (Pak-BD) were same country or after separation either if BD people’s had only same philosophy and common vision as max people had in 71. God knows, why BD’s people are frustrated and divided now who had unity in 71. I feel that there was alternative solution of our independence which we could not find out!
Well china is building a SUPER SPEED TRAIN service from China , may be BD (East Pakistan) should get that train , that way we will also get on train to our borders :yahoo: ....

Bangladesh - China - Pakistan ... thru the vally !!! May be even all the way to Afghanistan and Iran ...

I suggest China - Banglades - Paskistan should discuss this in detail ...

India is too busy ... planning its world domination it does not cares for nothing else , damn building and weapon buying

Can't you understand that you are talking about impossible dream?

BTW, we like pk and thanks for liking us too.
Yes I always come up with tons of bull. That's why I get thanks some time also. Strange!

hm, either I did not say entirely in that post or u did not get what I said.

BTW, I wanted to mean that even we hate Pak there is no problem to them cos we are not that much significant partner to them.
But if we could make good relation then that could be strategically significant. My intention was to say that there is possibility if we have well relation but no harms that much to both even we hate each other as we r not that much significant partner. And I, just, proposed for good relation for seeking possibilities, not dying for it.

I wanted to tell to those people who hate Pakistan that even if u hate them then it is not big loss for them. And this very true.

*BTW, I also consider myself as a 3rd/C class poster sometimes.

If only Pakistan makes peace in Afghanistan, and then allows transit routes to the five independent central asian Muslim Republics through Afghanistan and its own land to the sea port of Gwaddar, only then Pakistan will be able to make the best use of its location.

In such a scenerio, BD will significantly gain by doing trades with all these countries through this route. BD's economy will certainly grow to $200 billion after about 12 years from now. A richer BD will need to import many billion dollars worth of goods from this region that also include Pakistan.

But, is Pakistan moving in that direction? Will this country stop to support the Talebans from fighting against the Kabul govt?
If only Pakistan makes peace in Afghanistan, and then allows transit routes to the five independent central asian Muslim Republics through Afghanistan and its own land to the sea port of Gwaddar, only then Pakistan will be able to make the best use of its location.

In such a scenerio, BD will significantly gain by doing trades with all these countries through this route. BD's economy will certainly grow to $200 billion after about 12 years from now. A richer BD will need to import many billion dollars worth of goods from this region that also include Pakistan.

But, is Pakistan moving in that direction? Will this country stop to support the Talebans from fighting against the Kabul govt?

You need a little reality check. Do you have any idea how hard we are fighting. How much we lost in this war.? how many families are without any guardians now? You guys don't deserve to be "brother".
Stay happy with your BS posts. you guys can just **** without knowing the ground realities and believe on some propaganda news.
You need a little reality check. Do you have any idea how hard we are fighting. How much we lost in this war.? how many families are without any guardians now? You guys don't deserve to be "brother".
Stay happy with your BS posts. you guys can just **** without knowing the ground realities and believe on some propaganda news.

Brother Naushad, do not get angry with me. I am a well wisher of Pakistan and am in favour of a better BD-Pakistan relationship. But, when it is reality check, please note that when one group of Talebans are fighting against the govt of Pakistan with the assistance from India, there is another larger group of Talebans who are fighting against the Kabul govt with the tacit help from your ISI or a part of your military, and with Iranian finance.

Your govt has to make every effort to undo things that have been unravelling for more than two decades. If part of your govt keeps on resisting US effort in Afghanistan, and if you do not open the Gwadder route to the central muslim countries, then there is a strong possibility that India and USA will jointly separate Baluchistan to establish such a transit route.

Why such a trade route is so important to the USA? It is because USA does not want the central muslim republics to fall back on Russia again. They will certainly do so if they do not get into the Arabian Sea through Gwaddar.

About India. This country wants to do do trade with the potentially rich central asian countries. So, when Pakistan is not willing to provide such a link through its port, India will support a separate Baluchistan movement.

I have stated only a hypothesis. You may do some evaluation of it and come to a conclusion whether my hypothesis is correct or not. Better you understand the geopolitics of the entire region that encompasses central asia and Pakistan.
eastwatch you have to provide credible proof that ISI is supporting afghan talibans.
Easy for you to say Baluchistan separation..you got nuclear armed Pakistan..therefore there are no such possibilities merely dreams of certain people. The weapons afghan talibans have are of russian/iran origin..
Pakistan reserves the right to whom we open Gawadar route or not.
Either it’s true or false but those people (in BD too) who do not know well about pk believe, for some obvious reasons (propaganda or true), that Pk supports the Talibans and those people dislike pk for that. We, the BD PDF members know that PK is good but what about them who know pk by only media or propaganda? Well, LeT is fighting for Kashmir but what about Talibans? Talibans are real terrorist group for every country. Pk needs a huge budget along with its war budget to prove that “Ye hum nehi” to the world.

And about Baluchistan, be sure India/usa can’t do anything. Yes, we hope one day BD will use pk route to export its products to those central Asian countries by using Gwaddar port. And be sure it too, even if pk supports some Talibans then consider it as a political strategy as like USA did in Iraq with false excuse to take strategically benefits. ISI is not any stupid like our intel who have no counter policy to face India’s bad policy. So in that sense if (not sure) ISI helps Let then it’s good for Kashmir issue. I mean if India supports in our CHT problem then we should take counter policy to support their NE problems. Why our intel is so immature?
eastwatch you have to provide credible proof that ISI is supporting afghan talibans.
Easy for you to say Baluchistan separation..you got nuclear armed Pakistan..therefore there are no such possibilities merely dreams of certain people. The weapons afghan talibans have are of russian/iran origin..
Pakistan reserves the right to whom we open Gawadar route or not.

Nuclear armed USSR has been divided into many. Nuclear armed India seeks BD cooperation in its NE to stop disintegration. So, this power will not help you. Pakistan can get best results out of its strong location only by fulfilling the desire and aspirations of the USA and the central asian muslim countries.

This aspiration is to get an exit to the Arabian sea through Gowaddar port, which these countries can use to trade with south asian countries like BD and India as well as with countries of southeast asia. If it is not fulfilled, then the USA assumes that someday the independent republics will again seek domination by the Russians.

USA and India both have stakes in Gwaddar. They will not make any direct attacks, but will try separatist activities in Baluchistan covertly.

By the way, where do you propose to drop your atomic bomb? You must be naive to think that way. An atomic weapon may prevent an enemy from attacking its territory, but it does not necessarily provide any guarantee of a win over a separatist movement.
eastwatch because if india has to directly involve its self in the separation of Baluchistan than on the other side Pakistan will launch a full scale incursion and counter ops to over take Occupied Kashmir and this will turn into bloody war and that is where the possibility of nukes come into..its not a video game to over take a remote land and separate it do you not see the air/naval/land resistance india will face? and possibility of China to over take its land further putting pressure on india to withdraw and commit its resources other way..It is simply not easy for india..india is in no position to open 3 fronts..
Separatist are active in Baluchistan but this is not 1971 all who declare it would be arrested prosecuted court martial and thrown into prisons..you want example? look at Myanmar there is a party fully funded and supported by us but failed disastrously.
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