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Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Relations

We have no other option but invest in defence because of our unfortunate Geographical location.

well if you can protect bay of bengal then your geographical location can turn into a prize
Trade with Bangladesh

WHILE addressing the students of IBA, the deputy high commissioner of Bangladesh, Mr Mohammad Abdul Hannan, aptly focused on various sectors of trade between Pakistan and Bangladesh (Dawn, April 28). His stress on joint ventures between the industrialists of the two countries as an effective instrument of promoting closer relations is quite understandable.

However, he thought it expedient not to dilate upon some unsavoury aspects of our mutual trade out of deference to the sensibilities of the host country and constraints of his post. For instance, he parried questions on the balance of trade skewing towards Pakistan’s side — an irritating factor from Bangladesh’s point of view. This has got to be addressed seriously by Pakistan

Second, for reasons best known to him, he did not even obliquely refer to the basic Bangladeshi commodity, namely, jute crop, which can still play a significant role in tilting the balance of trade. At present, Pakistan is importing raw jute in its least value-added form. It is a sector where considerable expansion in Pakistan can take place, if we encourage expertise and investment from Bangladesh. Though it is history now, I may recall that it was none other than this golden fibre which stood Pakistan’s economy in good stead in its infancy as the main foreign exchange earner.

While it is true to some extent that geography and nature have been less generous to Bangladesh for a broader industrial base, it doesn’t mean that nothing can be done to bring about improvement in the existing one-way traffic. The country is rich in its handicraft products which can find a receptive market in Pakistan. Pakistan can provide impetus by gifting the Bangladesh three small outlets in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad for these handicrafts. Bangladesh has also been bequeathed huge potentials in the field of fine arts and music. Its government may officially subsidise initially cultural tours or individual performers so that awareness in Pakistan is created of the unmatched quality of their artistic talent.

Similarly, I know from personal knowledge that Bangladesh has made strong showings in the field of pharmacy. It is competitive in the manufacturing of low-cost medicines. We can import certain medicines from Bangladesh.

The entire burden of narrowing the imbalance between our bilateral trade falls on tea. Let us make Pakistan a protected market for tea from Bangladesh. As long as their tea can meet Pakistan’s demand, it should be given preference over other sources.

The fact remains that the binge of one-sided trade with Bangladesh cannot go on forever. Our businessmen will have to do business with them on more or less equal terms. Hats off to the people of Bangladesh who continue to show proclivity for Pakistani products in spite of their higher costs.

All those who are aware of our common history and shared struggle for Pakistan owe it to the people of Bangladesh to ask our policymakers to be proactive in evolving a long-term pattern of everlasting fraternal relationship between the two countries.

Stop look back before 2000. There is no benefit at all.

Indians are always interested in these sort of discussions to create mis-understanding with their irreverent logics.
Convert ur ideas, thinkings, knowledges for the future relation with Pak. If it is not possible good relation with Pakistan then, at least, stop look back in past.

+ If u want to hate Pakistan in context of any present issues then I've no problem but not for 1971's mistake. So find issue/cos to hate Pakistan for present situation if you want but not from 1971's mistake.

I'm sure that there is no big loss to Pakistan if BD hate them. Also we are not much significant to them. But there are many possibilities in relation Pak-BD if we can use/depend strategically.
+ If u want to hate Pakistan in context of any present issues then I've no problem but not for 1971's mistake. So find issue/cos to hate Pakistan for present situation if you want but not from 1971's mistake.

I'm sure that there is no big loss to Pakistan if BD hate them. Also we are not much significant to them. But there are many possibilities in relation Pak-BD if we can use/depend strategically.

Where do you come up with tons of bull$hitt all the time. In one way you are saying you are not significant to Pakistan and in other way you are dying for a relationship with Pakistan. Why do you want a insignificant relationship?? Are you happily married yet?? If not, my little piece of advice, never go that way unless you will end up at in laws familly as a free loader. :no:
Where do you come up with tons of bull$hitt all the time. In one way you are saying you are not significant to Pakistan and in other way you are dying for a relationship with Pakistan. Why do you want a insignificant relationship?? Are you happily married yet?? If not, my little piece of advice, never go that way unless you will end up at in laws familly as a free loader. :no:

You have more of hate in your post then reason why Bangladesh and Pakistan should not get close. You can have your history making you stay back but this is not your history alone and we have similar complains as you might have. Lets be logical here and talk of gains and possibilities. Bangladesh and Pakistan have nothing to loose if we stay the way we are but we can expect mutual gains if there is extended cooperation between the two. Pakistan doesn't have the most advance technology available on the planet but we are better off from 10s of countries in many ways and there lies opportunity for Bangladesh to take advantage from that.
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Where do you come up with tons of bull$hitt all the time. In one way you are saying you are not significant to Pakistan and in other way you are dying for a relationship with Pakistan. Why do you want a insignificant relationship?? Are you happily married yet?? If not, my little piece of advice, never go that way unless you will end up at in laws familly as a free loader. :no:

Let say you are right than what have bangladesh gained by getting stuck in the past when diplomatic tie already established back in 74 when mujib was alive?
Where do you come up with tons of bull$hitt all the time. In one way you are saying you are not significant to Pakistan and in other way you are dying for a relationship with Pakistan. Why do you want a insignificant relationship?? Are you happily married yet?? If not, my little piece of advice, never go that way unless you will end up at in laws familly as a free loader. :no:

Where do you come up with tons of bull$hitt all the time.

Yes I always come up with tons of bull. Strange!

hm, either I did not say entirely in that post or u did not get what I said.

BTW, I wanted to mean that even we hate Pak there is no problem to them cos we are not that much significant partner to them.

But if we could make good relation then that could be strategically significant. My intention was to say that there is possibility if we have well relation but no harms that much to both even we hate each other as we r not that much significant partner. And I, just, proposed for good relation for seeking possibilities, not dying for it.

I wanted to tell to those people who hate Pakistan that even if u hate them then it is not big loss for them. And this very true.
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You have more of hate in your post then reason why Bangladesh and Pakistan should not get close. You can have your history making you stay back but this is not your history alone and we have similar complains as you might have. Lets be logical here and talk of gains and possibilities. Bangladesh and Pakistan have nothing to loose if we stay the way we are but we can expect mutual gains if there is extended cooperation between the two. Pakistan doesn't have the most advance technology available on the planet but we are better off from 10s of countries in many ways and there lies opportunity for Bangladesh to take advantage from that.

No there was no hate in my post but I was referring to the tone of the poster used in his earlier post. Ofcourse we can gain each other as a partner in defence, economy, technology and culture and we did have a common history. Pakistan has its own strength so does Bangladesh. Also Pakistani youths have a keen interest on Bangladesh which could take relationship to a new height in coming future. India hating can not and should be the only reason we should work together, infact it should not be the any reason at all.
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Your post wasn't dubious and I think an approach like yours is needed on both sides to make things work for Pakistan and Bangladesh. I would appreciate if you would keep this spirit alive and keep working to make things better for two nations.
Let say you are right than what have bangladesh gained by getting stuck in the past when diplomatic tie already established back in 74 when mujib was alive?

Who said we are stuck in the past. You have no idea, how much interest Pakistani Business houses have in Bangladesh. I was surprised seeing so many Pakistani stalls in trade fare currently running in Dhaka. Even small shop keepers from Karachi came here to sell some of their beautifull items. It would have not possible if Bangladesh people and Pakistani people considered themselves as enemy. You will also surprised seeing so many Pakistani professionals working in Bangladesh and their children are getting educated in Bangla. I wont be surprised if I see them getting settled in this country.

By the way AL is in power now... ;)
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----- bengali minded munafiq media-----------
What is your point in criticizing the word 'bengali' in your post? What we are then, Arabs and Persians? You are amazingly disturbed minded. See the geography and check your nationality. You are a guy who would find differences in twin words like Missri and Egyptian, Indian and Bharati, Persian and Irani, Turkic and Uzbeki or Trkmenistani, and Bangali and Bangladeshi.

What is there to criticize if an African is called a Negro or a Qafri or a Habshi? Why should SAUDI Arabia be also named after the family name of King SAUD Ibn Abdul Aziz and its Muslim population be called Saudi citizens? Why don't you say Wastagferullah, then? Grow up from a baby to an adult, and learn not to spit towards the sky. It comes down to your own face.
What is your point in criticizing the word 'bengali' in your post? What we are then, Arabs and Persians? You are amazingly disturbed minded. See the geography and check your nationality. You are a guy who would find differences in twin words like Missri and Egyptian, Indian and Bharati, Persian and Irani, Turkic and Uzbeki or Trkmenistani, and Bangali and Bangladeshi.

What is there to criticize if an African is called a Negro or a Qafri or a Habshi? Why should SAUDI Arabia be also named after the family name of King SAUD Ibn Abdul Aziz and its Muslim population be called Saudi citizens? Why don't you say Wastagferullah, then? Grow up from a baby to an adult, and learn not to spit towards the sky. It comes down to your own face.

Welcome back from hibernation. How is your health?

Bengali minded media are those who promote Bengali first and Muslim second. Bengali minded are those who promote hindu bengali culture in the name of bengai culture. As a result a segment of our population has become mushrik minded. They don’t see anything wrong celebrating mushrik ritual like boishaki mela. Benglai minded are those low lives who view Islamic garments or culture as foreign concept while wearing dhoti as their own. Do I need to explain you any further? You won’t get it anyway and please do not give me anymore history lesson.

Let's get back to topic.
Welcome back from hibernation. How is your health?

Bengali minded media are those who promote Bengali first and Muslim second. Bengali minded are those who promote hindu bengali culture in the name of bengai culture. As a result a segment of our population has become mushrik minded. They don’t see anything wrong celebrating mushrik ritual like boishaki mela. Benglai minded are those low lives who view Islamic garments or culture as foreign concept while wearing dhoti as their own. Do I need to explain you any further? You won’t get it anyway and please do not give me anymore history lesson.

Let's get back to topic.

They were like that all along. You just ended up in the wrong land. Your ancestor should have moved westward instead of eastward. :undecided:
They were like that all along. You just ended up in the wrong land. Your ancestor should have moved westward instead of eastward. :undecided:

Well Only low quality islamic name muslims would celebrate this mushrik culture.

It depend on once upbrining. Prominent muslim never took part of this pagan celebrattion. A muslim should not have to accept unislamic culture despite the land of living. It will be hard to find a muslim that eat pork in western country unless they become kafir.

This Phenomena of taking part of this hindu culture evolved around sixties to humuilate islamic government by munafiq and mushrik elements of then east pakistan. As a result pakistan governemnt banned this event to stop shirk practice.

You do understand that shirk will not be forgiven my Allah. Don't you?
Well Only low quality islamic name muslims would celebrate this mushrik culture.

It depend on once upbrining. Prominent muslim never took part of this pagan celebrattion. A muslim should not have to accept unislamic culture despite the land of living. It will be hard to find a muslim that eat pork in western country unless they become kafir.

This Phenomena of taking part of this hindu culture evolved around sixties to humuilate islamic government by munafiq and mushrik elements of then east pakistan. As a result pakistan governemnt banned this event to stop shirk practice.

You do understand that shirk will not be forgiven my Allah. Don't you?

We get saudi TV channel through our cable operator and they have all kind of cultural programs; talk shows, dramas (imported from egypt and lebanon). They also run relentless propaganda praising their King and most of them include dancing in groups holding swords in their hand. Do you consider them Shirk??? If so why you are always after Bengalis a$$? why you never talk about other muslims around the world who never left their culture? Why you never talk about Pakistanis who celebrate Basant Utsab, dancing in their wedding and in every familly occasion which include boys and girls holding their hands and body? Are they shirk? :hitwall:
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