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Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Relations

remember one thing no west pakstani wants that he rule east pakistans majority.
it was corrupt marshal law regime who also supress west pakistan and also control east pakistan.and mis understandings grow so stronger that one nation was splited in to two.
remember one thing india is not anyones friend.:pakistan:
Mig-29 is not a crap,but it is not ideal for Bangladesh Air force.
One of the reasons being the huge maintenance cost of Mig-29s.

Jf-17 on the other hand is a single engine interceptor plus with ground attack capabilities.With some western upgrades according to our needs,it is perfect for our Air force.
Its not too expensive,with upgrades it might cost 25 million.In addition maintenance friendly.And suits the role which BAF needs,i.e. interceptor.

If we can use Chinese planes,why not Jf-17?Its also partly Chinese.

But if BAF can go for Gripen NG....:smitten:

JF-17 is overrated. Going to JF-17 from Mig-29 will be going down in quality. JF-17 is not Pakistani made. It was researched and developed in China by Chinese engineers. Now Pakistan just contributed with money. That's why they were in the project. It is like the F-35. Turkey put money in F-35 and they will receive some when it is completed. But they did not developed it. Production in Turkey also does not imply Turkey has developed the F-35. If we badly want this plane then we can get it directly from China! Why not?!

Gripen NG is too expensive. There are better fighters than Gripen NG for the same or lower price. Mig-35, F-16 block 60...
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Sad, that u, still, couldn't trust Pakistan even after 38 years! Yes, they did wrong but now? You already know that in this thread :tup: ( http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/41456-battles-1971-a.html ) they give us complete privilege to write in their own defence forum about 71 against them, what is a sign of big soul.

So now extend your hands to them, which will be the best answer to them against 71, even they did wrongs. Now make trust and brothers to show the world that it is possible to make trust again.

you are totally deceived by simple trickeries here. You should know better.

What does "38 years" mean? Bengalis could not trust Pakistanis when they were the same nation and you are saying we must trust them when we are different countries?! Do you even realize what you are talking about?! Pakistanis are the most selfish nation I have ever met in my life. One two good exceptions don't speak for their 170 million people. and they let us talk in this forum because that's the right thing to do. What is so wrong with it?! I know Bengalis are always happy with little and you are melting down with gratitude for your Pakistanis, that's very cute but it is actually getting too awkward. It's not our responsibility to make trust here. We always trust people. That's our weak point. The ones who caused us to lose faith in them will have to make the effort. If there is something to write about 71, it is to write against Pakistan. What is so surprising here?! If they are letting people write about this, then they are letting people speak the truth. I do not know why are you so embarrassed about that?!:what:
I disagree with that. You should start with govt passport holders and business people first then it will come to a point when everybody will be allowed to be provided with a port entry visa.
I suppose, visa free means port entry visa but not the absense of visa with unlimited stay.
ISI can come to BD with Visa as well.

The biggest problem Bangladesh is facing right now is some short headed Pakistanis trying to blow themselves up inside Bangladeshi territory and influence uneducated Bengalis to do that. Pakistani militants and agents operating in Bangladesh is already a big headache. You don't want to increase that risk.
gromell...JF-17 is overrated. Going to JF-17 from Mig-29 will be going down in quality. JF-17 is not Pakistani made. It was researched and developed in China by Chinese engineers. Now Pakistan just contributed with money. That's why they were in the project. It is like the F-35. Turkey put money in F-35 and they will receive some when it is completed. But they did not developed it. Production in Turkey also does not imply Turkey has developed
the F-35. If we badly want this plane then we can get it directly from China! Why not?!

Gripen NG is too expensive. There are better fighters than Gripen NG for the same or lower price. Mig-35, F-16 block 60...

We all know the quality of Mig29ers hmm lets see 200+ grounded in russia..malaysia is replacing them as soon as possible next year they will go for SU-30..etc etc..
since the bangladeshi mig29ers are not upgraded to the standard of nato u can't call them superbikes..
No body overrated JF-17 the specs are infront of all of us it has been said that JF-17 with time will become a lethal machine and its true look at the earlier F-16s and look and the current blk 52s for bangladesh JF-17 = F-16 check out ur MIG29ers cockpit and look at the prototype JF-17 cockpit see the difference?
MIG 29


You should visit JF-17 thread..JF-17 is an earlier 4th generation fighter affordable low cost for small air forces with room for upgrades for years to come MIG 29 is goner its airframe is 30+ years old avionics wise even if russia offers you u won't be able to afford it..now come down from that pine tree.
Pakistanis are the most selfish nation I have ever met in my life. One two good exceptions don't speak for their 170 million people.

# Not sure as I don't get any chance to meet any Pakistani yet!! But may be you've misbehaved with them, as you hate Pakistan, thus they also dislike you.

# If they are selfish nation then how China is their good friend. Also their literature is very rich which does not represent them as selfish but generous. Please read those.

# Also then why you trust India. Are they so generous?

I know Bengalis are always happy with little.

Yes, really, it is.

We always trust people. That's our weak point.

Yes, really, it is.

If they are letting people write about this, then they are letting people speak the truth. I do not know why are you so embarrassed about that?!

# I, the new generation, want to avoid 71 for better future relation. Why you always want to cling to bitter past.

# Also when you bash Pakistan roughly for their mistakes in 71 which pop up your mean mind in front that embarrass me.
With all respect to my BD and Pak brothers, why are we debating among each other? We are here to talk and discuss about the possible positive outcomes of any BD-Pak defence relation. So please lets not talk about 1971 and its effects and stuffs and stay on topic.....shall we.....:pdf:

Ok guys, long ago in this thread we talked about joint FAC building BD-Pak.....i guess its almost a year (according to this thread) that no one has given any updates about it. Can anyone please shed some light into that subject.....

Cheers to our brotherhood!!! :cheers::toast_sign:
How is the statement idiotic. As i said, pakistan is in no shape sending any assistance to bangladesh in regards to it's economy or infrastructure.

Yes u can send in whoever you desire, But there is no need of doctors or teachers in Bangladesh. There isn't any epidemic bangladesh is suffering, whether it's due to natural disaster or any crisis.

Those teachers and agricultural experts are needed in pakistan more than anywhere else.

Now this is where Pakistani export industry and Chinese export markets will clash for this share of the pie.

Zubair isn't Alkhalid is using Chinese turret and components in Alkhalid. Wouldn't china would want it's share of this deal.
It would be easier for Bangladesh to buy the same tanks from China without the nightmare of logistics from 2 different countries for same product. ?:cheers:

The highlight ^ portion is true as we are not in any epidemic condition.

But we are not talking about that situation. Here we are taking about mutual collaboration to improve both's quality and to set up a good relation. So why u r not getting that point?

And, whatever, we have not good economy, we will try with our little resource, no problem. Here the main matter is about mutual helping not one's economical condition actually.

** post here to avoid derail of that thread.
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Brother Bangladesh I think the Admins opened BD section in PDF because simply the fact that you guys are an important part of the PDF community. If we can give the Indians a sections, then by God there should be no qualms in why you guys can't contribute to the PDF forum.

But it gets to me why still some Bangladeshi Brothers in this forum have hate towards Pakistan. If the Chinese can forgive the Japanese in what they did in China, then what right does Bangladesh have in whining continuously about the past.

We trade quite heavily with each other, and with time we can learn from each other, which will lay down a foundation of Brotherly friendship. I might be wrong, but there was even rumours that Bangladesh might be JF-17, which I think would be great for Bangladesh because of its low costs, and the fact that arm parts can never be embargoed because both China and Pakistan have a Great level of understanding towards Bangladesh.

Don't listen to Gromell he is a sad person, that seriously has some issues, which should be looked by a Doctor urgent. Anyway I hope I have not offended any of my good Bangladeshi brothers.

Pak-BD Friendship Zindabad
Pak-BD Friendship Zindabad
Pak-BD Friendship Zindabad
Just asking to know clearly:

Is there any importance of having BD section in PDF for Pakistan?

Brother Bangladesh,

Just look at the number of members from Bangladesh.Its growing here,and that's why MODs opened this section for Bangladesh.
Many Thanks to them.

When I started there was no separate section for Bangladesh.But as the discussions relating to Bangladesh increased,the MODs opened it.
It's very unfortunate that Pakistan-Bangladesh relations change with the goverment. We trend to devolop closer relation with pakistan and islamic world when BNP comes to power while nose dive during Awami leauge. This kind of mentality is not good for both of our nation. I believe we should build relation based on mutul interest rather than past history.

La-hasina will visit bharat but I bet she will not visit pakistan nor pakistan prime minster will visit bangaldesh eventhough pak prime minister showed interest begining of it's administration.

Bangaldesh has a lot to gain from pakistan mainly in defence yet bangladesh will not think about it's interest so long pro-bharati awami munafiq in power.
If Bangladesh diverts some of the money from its social project..

Brother do you really wanna divert funds from social projects to weapons.I don't think it's such a good idea.Especially when your enemies are not extremely powerful than you.Believe weapons are the most useless thing in this world but unfortunately for some they are a necessity don't follow PAK army we have to spend huge amounts on defence because our enemies are very powerful than us.Brother don't follow our path it will only lead to destruction.Money is better spent on school,hospitals and other welfare projects.Besides because of the global warming BD should set some funds for some research and defence of your coastal area from water.
Brother do you really wanna divert funds from social projects to weapons.I don't think it's such a good idea.Especially when your enemies are not extremely powerful than you.Believe weapons are the most useless thing in this world but unfortunately for some they are a necessity don't follow PAK army we have to spend huge amounts on defence because our enemies are very powerful than us.Brother don't follow our path it will only lead to destruction.Money is better spent on school,hospitals and other welfare projects.Besides because of the global warming BD should set some funds for some research and defence of your coastal area from water.

Brother I will not disagree with you on this however do you remeber the outcome of lebanon as a result of zionist agression. Lebanon has done exactly what you have suggest yet zinist did not hesitate to bull doze the country with in few days. I am not saying that Bangaldesh should invest all the resource to military however a minimum investments are required to face the odd day.

As per as pakistan concern. Your country would have been delhi ruled if you did not have strong military in place. You may forgot that it was bharat inititated this arm race in sub continent by testing neuclear weapons. Pakistan merely match it enemy.

you suggest would work if only we all sign some kind of peace deal or accept bharat as the god father.
Brother I will not disagree with you on this however do you remeber the outcome of lebanon as a result of zionist agression. Lebanon has done exactly what you have suggest yet zinist did not hesitate to bull doze the country with in few days. I am not saying that Bangaldesh should invest all the resource to military however a minimum investments are required to face the odd day.

As per as pakistan concern. Your country would have been delhi ruled if you did not have strong military in place. You may forgot that it was bharat inititated this arm race in sub continent by testing neuclear weapons. Pakistan merely match it enemy.

you suggest would work if only we all sign some kind of peace deal or accept bharat as the god father.

well you are right INDIA is the threat to everyone in the subcontinent.Fortunately for BD.Pakistan faces the blunt of INDIAN aggression so BD is relatively safe.But you are right a nation must not let it's guard down however a nation should not also spend money blindly on weapons as INDIA does.so well BD should maintain a balance.However under no circumstances welfare funds should be directed for weapons.Although your threat is Burma to my understanding.Not Powerful as INDIA.BD only needs an extremely strong navy to protect it's rights in Bay of Bengal.
well you are right INDIA is the threat to everyone in the subcontinent.Fortunately for BD.Pakistan faces the blunt of INDIAN aggression so BD is relatively safe.But you are right a nation must not let it's guard down however a nation should not also spend money blindly on weapons as INDIA does.so well BD should maintain a balance.However under no circumstances welfare funds should be directed for weapons.Although your threat is Burma to my understanding.Not Powerful as INDIA.BD only needs an extremely strong navy to protect it's rights in Bay of Bengal.

Burma is threat but it can not subdue us however bharat can easily do that if we are not keep up with time and place. I believe bangladesh spend least in defencec compare to sub continent however we need to bring a notch up as we will have confilct in near future due to bharat aggression to control our sea. :tdown:

We have no other option but invest in defence because of our unfortunate Geographical location.:hitwall:
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