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Bangladesh Navy

SWADS Members During Training.
PC: Johannes Ushan

Bangladesh Navy SWADS doing Special Operations with BAF's Mi-17.
Navy SWADS are getting 2XAW-101 Merlin helicopters for SOF purpose. Order will be placed within 2020.


They were all killed ruthlessly at gunpoint by evil dictator Zia's cohorts in jail as they refused to join the shadow gov of Zia. And more importantly was part of first gov of BD in Mujibnagar.
u r such a knowledgeable man i missed all these days. damn dude, i think u were in there in the head of zia, especially u resonated inside Zia's brain! right, am i???
Guys can we please keep discussions limited to Bangladesh Navy topics only. Thanks.
Bay of Bengal?

Water has a weird colour?

In shallow areas of the Bay near the Bangladesh river deltas (<10m draft) there is mud and plankton in the water. Once you get past the shallow continental shelf areas and into deeper water, the water gets more transparent (blue).

Same thing in China near the pearl river estuary.


In Pakistan's coast you have less sediment in the water (mostly rock which doesn't color the water) and the drop-off to ocean floor is much steeper.

These shallow delta estuary areas are perfect defensively, because you cannot get deeper draft submarines to recce the coastal activity.
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In shallow areas of the Bay near the river deltas (>10m draft) there is mud and plankton in the water. Once you get past the shallow continental shelf areas and into deeper water, the water gets more transparent (blue).
Hope you don’t mind me sharing a pic..
Took it years ago with my Nokia ..

Panjab-KPK border, near Attack Fort;

The dark water is River Kabul.. the blue is Indus... both fall into one.. yet the water doesn’t change its colour..
BN are going to procure 2 new guided missile frigate for stop gap due to late production start of CDDL. model is 54B,china. So what will be their weapons? is it will be fitted better weapon then BNS BB? if yes then what will be their name BNS BB 1,2,3 Rapid action team of Bay of Bengal.
BN are going to procure 2 new guided missile frigate for stop gap due to late production start of CDDL. model is 54B,china. So what will be their weapons? is it will be fitted better weapon then BNS BB? if yes then what will be their name BNS BB 1,2,3 Rapid action team of Bay of Bengal.

If true - I receive this with mixed feelings. And I hope it is true...

On one hand I am happy that we are receiving a more modern platform (I thought we were receiving two dated 053H3s or Jiangwei IIs, similar to Pakistan's F22P Zulfiquar class).

On the other hand - I do not want to see our indigenous frigate project being delayed much farther afield. In this respect we have fallen behind Myanmar which is a shame (their questionable design/build quality notwithstanding).

By the way you can't get Type 054B Jiangkai III platforms because so far China has only launched two of them and none are commissioned yet (being fitted out). Maybe you are talking about Type 054A Jiangkai II platforms, which china has roughly 26 of in the fleet. They started adding higher technology these ships after the sixth one. the big difference is that 054A are 3600 ton ships whereas 054B are way larger 5000 ton ships. And Type 054B, is being fitted with a full electric propulsion system.

Nevertheless late model 054A will still have some improved features compared to plain 054 class,

Such as,

1. Type 382 advanced planar array radar which was derived and improved from the Russian MR-710 Fregat radar (but not as advanced as passive phased array radars sported on ships like the arleigh burke class). Operating an advanced radar will help us leap way farther in advanced threat detection in a naval scenario.



2. Improved HQ-16c missiles (longer range) housed in VLS tubes

Chinese HQ-16 Air Defence Missiles of Type 054A Frigate

Type 054A Jiangkai-II Frigate carries HQ-16 in a 32-cell vertical launching system (VLS)
which allow high rate of fire.

There are many other improvements - but these are good topics to start a discussion.
By the way you can't get Type 054B Jiangkai III platforms because so far China has only launched two of them and none are commissioned yet (being fitted out).
Do two Type 054B have been launched???
Do two Type 054B have been launched???

I believe two (definitely at least one) have been launched (hull only) and are being fitted out (with superstructure building, sensor and weapons fitting and all, but long away from being commissioned). I saw a report saying Pennant No. 551 was launched at least, if not also a second one (hull only). See below,


They cannot fully commission a 054B in 2018, if it hadn't been launched (i.e. hull floating in the water) already.

In any case - I was trying to make the point that we could not get 054Bs, this was probably an error.
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