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Bangladesh is secular, not moderate Muslim country: FM

If La-Hasina and hindu minded and hindu looking Al has any gut in them, then they should remove Bismillah, tawaktu Allah and state religion from constituion. Only then this malaoon dipu moni can open her ugly mouth and can declare Bangladesh is a secular country. Until then I advice this malaoon to keep her malaoon mouth shut.

As they say, religion is the last refuge of a coward. And people always forget, religion is by BIRTH NOT by CHOICE.

Hope you are enjoying your stay in a secular, democratic and Christian majority country. Enjoy that freedom to express your religious intolerance towards non-muslims. We Non-Muslims cant dream about such freedom in a Muslim majority country.
rather one should be a true dalal of Saudi Arabia!! Like Al Fakira.

How can a religion be a language?

You and Ershad really take the cake!

A RELIGION downgraded to a LANGUAGE?

My mistake. I meant to say, state religion Islam. Al has been trying hard for last two years to please you by removing Islamic principal but words on the street is that, it will be suicidal for Awamis future politics.
As they say, religion is the last refuge of a coward. And people always forget, religion is by BIRTH NOT by CHOICE.

Hope you are enjoying your stay in a secular, democratic and Christian majority country. Enjoy that freedom to express your religious intolerance towards non-muslims. We Non-Muslims cant dream about such freedom in a Muslim majority country.

Your secular india doesn' allow it's muslim citizen to sacrifice cow during Eid-ul-adha because cow happen to be God to Hindu majority. We are strickly against shirk activity yet we not only allow them to do puja but also declare national holy day during puja. Note that we have 5 to 6 percent hindu population.
Hindus enjoy freedom in Bangladesh. In fact I think too much. National hindu holy day shuld be withdraw because secular state like usa doesn't grant us holy day for eid although there is christmass day.
Europeans preach secularism, but they are not secular. Can someone tell me then what is the meaning of secularism? England has Protestant church, other european countries are Catholic. It is same all over the continent. The Pope of Rome is regarded as the legal guardian of the Christian society. Even, people of england say, Tony Blair has kissed his hand, although he is a Protestant. So, secularism bears no fundamental change in a society whose population believe in their respective religion.

These european countries can be termed moderately Christian, but their leaders would say they are secular. These westerners change the meaning of many words to suit their own interest. Take the word 'Terrorist' used very frequently now-a-days by the non-Muslims. Only a few years ago the word was 'Freedom Fighter.'

If UK is secular, then why their Monarch is the Head of Protestant Church? Also, why then there was and is a North Ireland issue there? People of that part of Ireland are Protestant, and the independent Ireland is Catholic.

One group in the North want their land to be a part of a greater Ireland because lingustically they are Irish. But, majority people in the north want to remain part of UK because they are `Protestant. So, there are clashes of religion still in this age in the so-called secular countries.

Only India needs a kind secular image, because they want to hide the reality on the ground. India's society is full of JATPAT. They are divided into many sects, they cannot marry among each other without considering which JAT he or she belongs to, even they cannot share food with each other. India is a total mess type of society and they need to camoflage it from outside by proclaiming themselves as secular.

BD does not need to brand itself with SECULARISM like India. BD was always and will always remain a moderate Muslim country. A country is what its people think of it. People have to understand that Christian and Jewish political establishments do not want an Islamic movement that re-instates a Khalifa, under which Muslims will be united. And now, our woman FM, who has not probably read a page of history suddenly comes here to proclaim SECULARISM.
The Awami League is more concerned about what the West thinks of them, then what is good for the country. They worship the West, and will do anything to gain their approval.

The opposite of the AL are the Iranians. They don't give a damn what the West says about them, and they have advanced from nothing to a big industrial and scientific power in 30 years.

iran industrial power ? Iran to begin with was never a poor country compared to south asian recent history. And Iran current blood is oil exports. take that away, the regime will find it difficult to survive.... let alone prosper...
Your secular india doesn' allow it's muslim citizen to sacrifice cow during Eid-ul-adha because cow happen t be God to Hindu majority. We are strickly against shirk activity yet we not only allow them to do puja but also declare national holy day during puja. Note that we have 5 to 6 percent hindu population.
Hindus enjoy freedom in Bangladesh. In fact I think too much. National hindu holy day shuld be withdraw because secular state like usa doesn't grant us holy day for eid although there is christmass day.

if US thinks soo narrowly like u.... muslims can't migrate and prosper in US, and if everyone thinks like u, every country will declare a state religion and deprive minorities..... Nothing is perfect but by secular one means atleast minorities and majorities get equal rights and opportunities be it education, job or law..... at least according to the law and constitution....
Your secular india doesn' allow it's muslim citizen to sacrifice cow during Eid-ul-adha because cow happen t be God to Hindu majority. We are strickly against shirk activity yet we not only allow them to do puja but also declare national holy day during puja. Note that we have 5 to 6 percent hindu population.

Neither does it force Muslim citizens to sacrifice pigs. Secular doesn't mean appeasing Muslims or any other minorities. Secular means, looking out for the sensitivities of each and every group.

Besides slaughtering a cow isn't a must. A goat is just as good, its even called Bakr-Eid in the sub continent.
If La-Hasina and, hindu minded and hindu looking Al has any gut in them, then they should remove Bismillah, tawaktu Allah and state religion from constituion. Only then she can open her ugly mouth and can declare Bangladesh is a secular country. Until then I advice this malaoon to keep her mouth shut.

What is this guy? :what: A proper example of religious extremist. First one I meet in my life!

Your secular india doesn' allow it's muslim citizen to sacrifice cow during Eid-ul-adha because cow happen t be God to Hindu majority. We are strickly against shirk activity yet we not only allow them to do puja but also declare national holy day during puja. Note that we have 5 to 6 percent hindu population.
Hindus enjoy freedom in Bangladesh. In fact I think too much. National hindu holy day shuld be withdraw because secular state like usa doesn't grant us holy day for eid although there is christmass day.
What? Bangladesh has 9.2% Hindu and it is decreasing every year.
Only India needs a kind secular image, because they want to hide the reality on the ground. India's society is full of JATPAT. They are divided into many sects, they cannot marry among each other without considering which JAT he or she belongs to, even they cannot share food with each other. India is a total mess type of society and they need to camoflage it from outside by proclaiming themselves as secular.
Here starts the India bashing! :sick: You cannot hide you born hate identity against India? What caste has to do with secularism? Nothing.

India is a secular countries because India does not has any state religion. India gives chances to every citizen to be with his own religion. India gives fair chances to everyone to be successful in life.

BD does not need to brand itself with SECULARISM like India. BD was always and will always remain a secular country. A country is what its people think of it. People have to understand that Christian and Jewish political establishments do not want an Islamic movement that re-instates a Khalifa, under which Muslims will be united. And now, our woman FM, who has not probably read a page of history suddenly comes here to proclaim SECULARISM.
BD is and was secular country? No secular country has constitution like that and minority decreasing. Bangladesh has 9% Hindus but never seen a high ranking official or military man or politician being a Hindu except Suranjit Sengupta.
What is this guy? :what: A proper example of religious extremist. First one I meet in my life!

What? Bangladesh has 9.2% Hindu and it is decreasing every year.

Im not suprised after reading some of the comments on here...

Bangledesh has a 10% minority NATIVE population why would they wanna live under a muslim nation.

This is why i a disagree with religion based countrys.
The principle is pretty universal.

Where Muslims are majority it should Islamic Republic.
Where Muslims are minority it should Secular Republic along with reservation to minority and human rights watch. Because of this attitude only hatred follows the path. Because of this statements only riots happen all over the world. God Bless the minds of illiterate fantasy.

BD is and was SECULAR country? No secular country has constitution like that and minority decreasing. Bangladesh has 9% Hindus but never seen a high ranking official or military man or politician being a Hindu except Suranjit Sengupta.

Read BD is a MODERATE MUSLIM country instead, and not secular. It was a typing mistake. Sorry!
Your secular india doesn' allow it's muslim citizen to sacrifice cow during Eid-ul-adha because cow happen t be God to Hindu majority. We are strickly against shirk activity yet we not only allow them to do puja but also declare national holy day during puja. Note that we have 5 to 6 percent hindu population.
Hindus enjoy freedom in Bangladesh. In fact I think too much. National hindu holy day shuld be withdraw because secular state like usa doesn't grant us holy day for eid although there is christmass day.

But Goats still allowed even though Hindus don't sacrifice it.
Im not suprised after reading some of the comments on here...

Bangledesh has a 10% minority NATIVE population why would they wanna live under a muslim nation.

This is why i a disagree with religion based countrys.

Actually its quite amusing that any educated person can have such views on other people that is purely based on religion. In modern days over internet its quite surprising.

I agree what you said about religion and state.
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