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Bangladesh is secular, not moderate Muslim country: FM

A retarded excuse. I didn't know that Amu, Tofael, Razzak, surenjit and other were at their 80's in 71. Face it, Awami is party of big mouth cowards and you should commit suicide for supporting this Hindu dalals.

You can take individual accountable and their deed but should not make a wholesale sweeping remarks. Yes I dont see Tufael or Razzaque having Bir Protik or Bir Bikrom Khetab. But I can bring 1000s of examples where AL leadership availed those. Jalil is a Bir Bikram. Kader Siddiqui?? I thought he was a awami leaguer too. Jamir Uddin another Bir Bikram my neighbour was a Awami Leaguer. Our ex MP, Commandant Manik Choudury took over Sylhet by himself was a Awami Leaguer. I can write the whole pages my friend.
A retarded excuse. I didn't know that Amu, Tofael, Razzak, surenjit and other were at their 80's in 71. Face it, Awami is party of big mouth cowards and you should commit suicide for supporting this Hindu dalals.

I couldn't really say that Awami League are Hindus. They appear to be more like pagans if you ask me. Sheikh Mujib is their god.

His daughter even built a $200 million monument to commemorate her father. Even building a $7 billion airport in honor of her father. With $7 billion, the poor can be fed for 20 years straight.

North Korea anyone???
You can take individual accountable and their deed but should not make a wholesale sweeping remarks. Yes I dont see Tufael or Razzaque having Bir Protik or Bir Bikrom Khetab. But I can bring 1000s of examples where AL leadership availed those. Jalil is a Bir Bikram. Kader Siddiqui?? I thought he was a awami leaguer too. Jamir Uddin another Bir Bikram my neighbour was a Awami Leaguer. Our ex MP, Commandant Manik Choudury took over Sylhet by himself was a Awami Leaguer. I can write the whole pages my friend.

Perhaps but no one has more contribution to the liberation war than General turned president Zia and his party BNP has more active freedom fighters than Awami munafiq league. You must agree with me on this fact.

Recently Tagore loving Islamic name mushrik told after the meeting with Surenjit that they want to erase the Islamic principal from constitution. How dare them Mushrik talk like that in front of 150 million Muslims. It's because Awami has been supporting them enemy of Islam and Bangladesh. Well, Awami will not be in office for eternity.

If nothing unexpected happen then Awami will be out office either before or after next election for anti-Islamic activities and Bharti dalali. Many things will be settle in near future including these Islamic name Mushriks.
Zia is most unmiltiary like.

When you take an Oath, you cannot turn against that Oath.

He took an Oath for Pakistan.

He should have resigned and then taken up the Cause.

It is like a Muslim turning an apostate.

A Muslim who leaves the religion is supposed to be killed.

Al Zakira may correct me on the issue that an apostate is to be killed if he leaves Islam.
I couldn't really say that Awami League are Hindus. They appear to be more like pagans if you ask me. Sheikh Mujib is their god.

You could check them out, couldn't you?
A sick mind postulates!

Indian Muslims are free from sickness and they are happy.

They don't grouse and weep like you!

We are certainly not weeping guys. Indian govt. attitude makes us angry, that's all. We know what kind of life the HAPPY Indian Muslims have to live in the presence of barb-spitting Hindu mobs. Do not teach us about their condition. Teach us how you are implementing your secularism crap in the daily life in India, or abroad. How about your social gatherings and your (marriage) ceremonies? I hope all kinds of secular people gather in these occassions.

Oh my God! I was just imagining a scene, not from a novel, my dear, of a chair cleaned with Hindu cow dung where a Muslim was sitting immediately before in one such gathering, who might have been invited by mistake. Do you still clean the places where Muslims sit?

You see, Muslims are very very unclean people, although they clean parts of their bodies 5 times a day before praying, and clean themselves with water even after urinating. Do you SECULAR Hindus still believe in your superstition that Muslims are unclean? Although we find Hindus the uncleanest of all the human races. Yet, we do not clean the chairs.

Your secularism is a joke, but you need that in order to do some mind cleaning of the Hindus. Islam itself teaches not to hate and disrespect others because of religion. So, we do not need that SECULRISM recipe.
A retarded excuse. I didn't know that Amu, Tofael, Razzak, surenjit and other were at their 80's in 71. Face it, Awami is party of big mouth cowards and you should commit suicide for supporting this Hindu dalals.

At least as you state they are dalal of someone.

You are a dalal who is freelancing!
We are certainly not weeping guys. Indian govt. attitude makes us angry, that's all. We know what kind of life the HAPPY Indian Muslims have to live in the presence of barb-spitting Hindu mobs. Do not teach us about their condition. Teach us how you are implementing your secularism crap in the daily life in India. or abroad. How about your social gatherings and your (marriage) ceremonies? I hope all kinds of secular people gather in these occassions.

Oh my God! I was just imagining a scene, not from a novel, my dear, of a chair cleaned with Hindu cow dung where a Muslim was sitting immediately before in one such gathering, who might have been invited by mistake. Do you still clean the places where Muslims sit?

You see, Muslims are very very unclean people, although they clean parts of their bodies 5 times a day before praying, and clean themselves with water even after urinating. Do you SECULAR Hindus still believe in your superstition that Muslims are unclean? Although we find Hindus the uncleanest of all the human races. Yet, we do not clean the chairs.

Your secularism is a joke, but you need that in order to do some mind cleaning of the Hindus. Islam itself teaches not to hate and disrespect others because of religion. So, we do not need that SECULRISM recipe.

Have you been to India?

Or are you the lazy one who goes by slander by people like Al Zakira?

Did you see what Maulana Madani of the Darool had to say to Musharraf about the Indian Muslim. Check it out, it is on YouTube and I have appended it twice on this forum to shut people like you up, who are consumed by falsehood, hate and insecurity!!

What about marriages? It is attended by friends and relatives. Religion of friends and relative are not material.

I don't think there is a need to clean a chair where a Muslim sat. Are you suggesting that they are unclean?

Indeed the secularism is a joke. That is why our families have got mixed up with all religions being in the family.

But how will a hardened fundamentalist like you understand that, more so, since your mentor, OBL is dead!!
Perhaps but no one has more contribution to the liberation war than General turned president Zia and his party BNP has more active freedom fighters than Awami munafiq league. You must agree with me on this fact.

Recently Tagore loving Islamic name mushrik told after the meeting with Surenjit that they want to erase the Islamic principal from constitution. How dare them Mushrik talk like that in front of 150 million Muslims. It's because Awami has been supporting them enemy of Islam and Bangladesh. Well, Awami will not be in office for eternity.

If nothing unexpected happen then Awami will be out office either before or after next election for anti-Islamic activities and Bharti dalali. Many things will be settle in near future including these Islamic name Mushriks.

No i dont agree to that. The most valiant freedom fighters Khaled Musharraf and Taher who most of the time was on the front line and stayed inside Bangladesh. They were directly involved in the war and all the freedom fighter used to dream to work under their command. Major Zia left Bangladesh after the announcement in Chittagong and never set a foot back again. I dont want to undermine him, may be he had other role to play like Tufael and Razzaque..
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