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Bangladesh is rising while Pakistan is sinking — praise from Modi on Mujibur birth centenary

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Bangladesh is rising while Pakistan is sinking — praise from Modi on Mujibur birth centenary
This Modi the Chaiwala is trying to cause rift between Bangladesh and Pakistan by unnecessarily comparing the two countries. Pakistan has faced hard times but it will certainly overcome its present difficulties with a strong leadership of Imran Khan.
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Modi probably has nightmares about Pakistan every single night. Talk about being obsessed haha!
Funny think is India seems to be the one collapsing into abyss. Falling gdp, fake numbers showing a semblance of economic stability when every sector of the economy seems in freefall. Increase corruption, increase sectarianism, etc... Pakistan might not be perfect but has made large strides in lowering poverty, corruption, and increasing middle class wealth... Pakistans middle class is still far more sophisticated or wealthy than either indias nor bangladeshs

I would also like to add when it comes to middle class (50-70% of all countries population). India's middle class is increasingly sectarian esp hindus in the cities. Same with bangladesh. They are both ticking time bombs similar to where Pakistans middle class was in the 80s under zia. We saw what that lead to in the 90's-early 2000's. Whereby Pakistans middle class is becoming far more liberal and open minded. Anyone who lives in pakistan is aware of this fact how society is becoming far more open minded to various ideas and options available. We will see the benefit of this over the next decade whereby our neighbors who mock us will sink in their own jokes

Just few things, don't judge only by seeing pak middle class. Indian middle class purchasing power has risen in last decade and they are more free minded caring only for develpment and sucess. see talk about economy and false numbers only if you have enough proof that it is not the case with pak with them taking IMF bailout for record time. Rest all is good, enjoy you peacefull time in pak :) and hope you inflation does keep you from buying basic commodities ;)
Just few things, don't judge only by seeing pak middle class. Indian middle class purchasing power has risen in last decade and they are more free minded caring only for develpment and sucess. see talk about economy and false numbers only if you have enough proof that it is not the case with pak with them taking IMF bailout for record time. Rest all is good, enjoy you peacefull time in pak :) and hope you inflation does keep you from buying basic commodities ;)

Sure sure. Because india is a rich developed nation with 0 poverty..... :lol:
Sure sure. Because india is a rich developed nation with 0 poverty..... :lol:

Sire if you are being sarcastic then its okay.
Because india is a poor country (not even developing), poverty is high and majority of population relies on agriculture and lives in villages only advantage is that we are young and can improve upon. So yes we are poor country with more than 20% people BPL thanks for reminding :)
Sire if you are being sarcastic then its okay.
Because india is a poor country (not even developing), poverty is high and majority of population relies on agriculture and lives in villages only advantage is that we are young and can improve upon. So yes we are poor country with more than 20% people BPL thanks for reminding :)

But according to indians, india was going to become a superpower comparable to America and China by 2020..........:lol:
Just few things, don't judge only by seeing pak middle class. Indian middle class purchasing power has risen in last decade and they are more free minded caring only for develpment and sucess. see talk about economy and false numbers only if you have enough proof that it is not the case with pak with them taking IMF bailout for record time. Rest all is good, enjoy you peacefull time in pak :) and hope you inflation does keep you from buying basic commodities ;)

Yes, please do speak more on this growing Indian middle class. We so them in action last week. In Killing and burning your capital city with your law enforcement and politicians in cahoots. This is a very good sign of your country’s huge progress and development. And yes i agree here of a very strong upwards growth in this in India. And we Pakistan have fallen well behind in you this. Something hopefully PM Imran will now urgently look into and rectify
Yes, please do speak more on this growing Indian middle class. We so them in action last week. In Killing and burning your capital city with your law enforcement and politicians in cahoots. This is a very good sign of your country’s huge progress and development. And yes i agree here of a very strong upwards growth in this in India. And we Pakistan have fallen well behind in you this. Something hopefully PM Imran will now urgently look into and rectify

Certainly I hope that pak can emerge victorious out of these situations, please refrain from this topic on riots where it will be a seperate discussion and i welcome you to quote me in relevant thread.
And if you see although recent years have not been good for our economy but so is the case in whole world as slowdown is in progress. I would rather love to talk more about comparing bang and pak in terms of post freedom growth and development where bang is a notch ahead if not alot.
Is it a parameter to get separation from Pakistan and live a prosperous economic life?
Tribute to Mujibur
Mujibur Rahman is revered in Bangladesh for his relentless struggle in freeing Bangladesh from Pakistan, which eventually happened in December 1971.
That struggle started in March 71,when he failed to get PMship and got landed in a Dak Bunglow in West Pakistan.That struggle continued throughout following months while he enjoyed first class living in Dak Bunglows.His only service towards East Bengal was sowing seeds of anarchism and than enjoying life sitting in West Pakistan.
In his speech, Modi also referred to Mujibur’s brutal assassination on 15 August 1975, which was carried out by pro-Pakistan group Jamaat-e-Islami.
Modi is dimwit this statement after his cloud theory confirms that.Those guys who killed Munib were from BA,ex-officers of PA and not long ago one them's wife was violated by son of Mujib.
Funny how indians and their gungu relatives who share the same genes somehow believe they are a superpower...........:lol:........but then again dishonestly, lies and deceit are hard-wired into their DNA.

According to indian logic, he is testing a superpower advanced rocket..........:lol:

Let them think what they want. They are honestly wayyyy to obsessed with pakistan
Just few things, don't judge only by seeing pak middle class. Indian middle class purchasing power has risen in last decade and they are more free minded caring only for develpment and sucess. see talk about economy and false numbers only if you have enough proof that it is not the case with pak with them taking IMF bailout for record time. Rest all is good, enjoy you peacefull time in pak :) and hope you inflation does keep you from buying basic commodities ;)

HA what a joke. Your middle class is built on debt debt debt. Now that non performing loans and a credit crunch is catching upto you buddy your consumption is plummetting to levels not seen before. Your purchasing power will evaporate with it in a years time. Pakistans middle class wealth is built on pure CASH son not debt.

It is sad that india a country with the most poor in the whole world has the most billionaires. Maybe if you taxed your billionaires and didnt give them preffered treatment your middle class would actually have $$$. I know countless indians who have bought land on credit only to see their equity evaporate overnight. Indias whole economic boom was built on consumption driven credit spending on ineffecient businesses. Now it is collapsing like a house of cards and your raja modi cant do a damnnn thing


Your fourth largest bank is collapsing...do you know what contagion is beta? the level of your non-performing loans is unbearable. Never in history has such a poor country built artificial wealth on debt and non performing loans like india. Its like the snake charmer getting built by his own snake lol

Now compare that to Pakistan- most people esp middle class and even poor have their wealth in land. 99% of this land is paid off and was bought with cold hard cash not debt. Extremely few people in pakistan take out any kind of mortgage to buy land/homes since rates have always been extremely high. That is the difference beta :) indias wealth is fast vanishing and equity will go underwater so it seems your country is a titanic sinking into the abyss but must be a moral booster feku is still obsessed with pakistan

Also to make things much better. Once this coronavirus induced global depression sets in Pakistan will be relatively shielded. Due to a much smaller percentage of GDP being in exports compared to triple the figures in bangladesh/india. And also due the much lower levels of consumer debt. Once the global financial sector goes haywire, India burdened banking sector will be further destroyed with investors cashing out their stocks/bonds which is already starting to happen. I predict an economic contraction of 20% easily for india within a years time but your people will make it look like 4% growth as usual lol
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