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Bangladesh envoy slams Pakistan army, Advani endorses

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Problem is it goes above your head, so please quit trying to understand my statements and passing your moronic judgement about me. I express my opinion and you express yours. To each his own. No one is representing anyone.

And I will not try to answer your false statements, insinuations and insults, because they do not deserve a reply.

But I will let others make up their mind about who represents what. And finally if you want to help your country try to do something tangible for the country, instead of just making tall statements and attacking people whose views don't match with yours. What have you done for Bangladesh so far, if I may ask?

No one here will accept your sweet-coated moronic view that 1947 Partition was tantamount of shooting at our feet. No one except a Razakar will accept another of your moronic view that we shot again at our feet in 1971 by saving ourselves from internal morons like you and your sponsors from the west.

Both the struggles were needed for our national survival. Better keep all your moronic thinkings inside yourself with the freedom, of course, to express yourspelf at any Razakar gatherings. We are a free people of Bangladesh here and we are not here to clap your stand against an independent Bangladesh.

I will keep you reminding what you have stated in your former post that I have answered. Now, tell us what good contributions you yourself are making to Bangladesh except criticizing the country's very formation in the name of criticizing the govt? It was not your first post, though.
Have you got this teaching from Pakistani education system???
nope just check what your politicans say every day..??
i mostly trust the hamaud ur rehman report..which suggest that by taking all high estimates the number of fatalities cant be more than 20,000. while also quoting fatalities of atleast 7,000 of biharis muslims, which are now living in camps..racism i guess
The spinning, Turning ,Twisting of facts and happening for their own end is " hallmark" of Bangladeshi mental approach. I have anxiously been waiting for the day when some Bangladeshi "scholar" would claim that they have found true authentic and statistical evidence of their so called "genocide". By Bangalies, slammed we are,....... By indian "friends" screwed they are
Well I don't fault them. They were instigated to believe that Hindus and Muslims are two different nation who can't live peacefully together by Aligarh educated North Indian Muslims just to have their political future secured.

If only they would have listened to Moulana Azad insted, who was born in Calcutta of a Bengali father and obviously differed from North Indian Muslim elite.

The muslims of Bengal, who were dominant in the politics of this region for about six centuries, were made a group of landless peasants by the combined conspiracy of British and Bangali hindus, or this is what the Muslims of pre-1947 used to think.

Well, they might have been right in their total assessment. So, they and their leaders were worried about their future welfare in a Hindu dominated country where they have already been sent to the lowest rung of the social/economic ladder.

Partition has been generally proved good after about 60 years. Economically we are still facing hardships, but, our social indexes are on the rise. I personally believe these achievements would not have been possible in an Akhand Bharat. I have met Indian Muslims and many of them have fundamentalist thinkings without, of course, a trait of Talibanism. I do not think, education has percolated into their minds.

Muslims in India are surrounded by Hindus. They are naturally taught not to think, talk and behave lie Hindus. So, their philosophy is different from the present population of BD who are not worried any more to be dominated by a majority Hindu.

The BD Muslim society has, therefore, got rid of many unwanted ties to the superstitions that an Indian muslim cannot get rid of for fear of thinking like a Hindu. So, we do not limit ourselves to a few books wriiten 1500 years ago.

Our liberated minds now promptly accept knowledge, science or otherwise, without consulting old books. This I think, is the very positive outcome of a Partition.
And what you say about this comment from a Bangladeshi.

He is ISI agent right? :D

That's why a Muhajir became the COAS and president of Pakistan for one decade and over threw the govt of a Punjabi.

You guys are a joke seriously. Chinese are true when they comment about IQ level of Indians.

Firstly I did not label him an ISI agent . You did before any Indian could.

Secondly , I understand that my comment touched a raw nerve , but no need to get personal and i hope you do realise that the average IQ of all South Asians is in the lower 80s , so when they make fun of the Indian IQ , they are automatically making fun of the Pakistani IQ as well as it lies in the same range .

Indians may be a lot of things but we are certainly neither as clueless nor as touchy as some of you Pakistanis here .:pop:
Firstly I did not label him an ISI agent . You did before any Indian could.

Secondly , I understand that my comment touched a raw nerve , but no need to get personal and i hope you do realise that the average IQ of all South Asians is in the lower 80s , so when they make fun of the Indian IQ , they are automatically making fun of the Pakistan IQ as well as it lies in the same range .

Indians may be a lot of things but we are certainly neither as clueless nor as touchy as some of you Pakistanis here .:pop:

Chinese never said such stuff to us. May be because of their good IQ they know who should be called what! You are called what you guys are.

You aren't clueless since you guys have built a wonderland for yourself with the help of Indian media and bollywood even though that wonderland is too different from the real world. You guys have too firm believe in that wonderland. Your last post was a perfect example.
Chinese never said such stuff to us. May be because of their good IQ they know who should be called what! You are called what you guys are.

You aren't clueless since you guys have built a wonderland for yourself with the help of Indian media and bollywood even though that wonderland is too different from the real world. You guys have too firm believe in that wonderland. Your last post was a perfect example.

Beautiful :lol:

Carry on :tup:
The muslims of Bengal, who were dominant in the politics of this region for about six centuries, were made a group of landless peasants by the combined conspiracy of British and Bangali hindus, or this is what the Muslims of pre-1947 used to think.

Bulk of Muslims are landless even back in Sultanate era. Most landlords were Hindus who have only been made permanent after British came.

Muslims in India are surrounded by Hindus. They are naturally taught not to think, talk and behave lie Hindus. So, their philosophy is different from the present population of BD who are not worried any more to be dominated by a majority Hindu.

The BD Muslim society has, therefore, got rid of many unwanted ties to the superstitions that an Indian muslim cannot get rid of for fear of thinking like a Hindu. So, we do not limit ourselves to a few books wriiten 1500 years ago.

What's up with Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslims taking a dig at Indian Muslims. Are you living in Japan and Kalu living in Canada are inferior Muslims as well?

An average Indian Muslim is more literate and earns more than an average Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim. I'd not even compare their achievements as Indian Muslims scores many times over.

Chinese never said such stuff to us. May be because of their good IQ they know who should be called what! You are called what you guys are.

You aren't clueless since you guys have built a wonderland for yourself with the help of Indian media and bollywood even though that wonderland is too different from the real world. You guys have too firm believe in that wonderland. Your last post was a perfect example.

May be because of your good IQ you didn't know that the paper which Chinis quote place Indians and Pakistanis in the same category.

But it's not surprising as I have seen Pakistanis insulting Indian because of our colonial past, while conveniently forgetting they shared the same past as well. You guys are amazing! :tup:
Bulk of Muslims are landless even back in Sultanate era. Most landlords were Hindus who have only been made permanent after British came.
Where from did you get this insight? No one in Bengal was landless, it is a vast land comparing to its population even yesterday. What is your idea of the population in those days? Talk logically if you want to discuss.
May be because of your good IQ you didn't know that the paper which Chinis quote place Indians and Pakistanis in the same category.

They never called us to be the people of low IQ. Only you have this honor. May be because being dumb isn't something encouraging here in Pakistan as it is in India.

You guys better work on this "social evil" instead of arguing with Pakistanis.
We have potential, but think about our situation:

- in all 3 sides we have India, the big dada who is trying to strangle us putting dams on all rivers
- in Myanmar, India is partnering with them, because they share the hatred for Muslims and Bengal Muslims
- our only way out of complete isolation is Bay of Bengal, and thank Allah (SWT) for that, how do we keep that secure and make sure India cannot blockade it? how do we make sure we can defeat RAW infiltration? either we have to go with USA or with China, depending on our other strategic situation, while in the long term may be Muslim world will amount to something, who knows
- we make RMG for US/West and do odd jobs for Arabs

That in a nutshell is our existence in this small over populated land. These little pesky Bummers are killing Rohingya, our neighbors and fellow Muslims, who are similar to Chittagonians, we can do nothing to save them.

In order for us to get from point A to point B, we will need partners. Of course we can try to do everything on our own, but alliances and partnerships and the right ones sometime makes or breaks nations, if you look at history, you will see what I mean.

Please don't get discouraged by my harsh words, but sometimes it is necessary to high light our situation.

Also please look at the Japanese, they were destroyed after WW II, but they built everything back in a few decades. Nation building is not an easy job, it takes time and constant struggle and sometimes centuries, but once you are there, even nukes cannot destroy a nation, that is how powerful nations can be.

I will give you one example, I have been here a few months, exchanging views with people. While I feel this is necessary and important, I also feel we need more direct nation building action among ourselves. But none of us are interested, a few signed up, but when they see the new forum not interesting while here there are so many people posting on so many different subject, people give up. Any work to build is boring and monotonous and not fun like mud-slinging here in this forum, and no one is interested. This is just one example. Nothing in this world is free, you cannot build a nation by mud-slinging here. You can have fun, inform and educate, but we also need real action and organizing that makes a difference.

And please do not quote US Ambassador, what does he know.

I meant to say I'm against washing feet of any and on for partnerships and we do have some such in existence. It's lack of our capability both in diplomacy, prudence, shaky foreign affairs and above all leadership.
I see Bangladesh produces very good jokers to work in middle east and this minister is no exception...he should know that commenting on nuclear issues is not suitable to a status of country which cannot even operate a proper air force.
They never called us to be the people of low IQ. Only you have this honor. May be because being dumb isn't something encouraging here in Pakistan as it is in India.

You guys better work on this "social evil" instead of arguing with Pakistanis.

Go through my previous post and try to comprehend. I understand you are rather dense but lil more effort and you can crack it. :tup:
Go through my previous post and try to comprehend. I understand you are rather dense but lil more effort and you can crack it. :tup:

Yes I got your post but right now only you are blamed for low IQ. Work on it. Instead of proving that you are another victim.
Yes I got your post but right now only you are victim of that low IQ blame. Work on it. Instead of proving that you are another victim.

lol I don't really care for a chini certificate of all things, not sure why Pakistanis see chinis almost as godfather, sometimes it's like borderline worshiping!
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