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Bangladesh envoy slams Pakistan army, Advani endorses

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I think it is the other way around. First of all this America is a superpower and not to be easily trifled with. I saw in these forums your countrymen in virtuel orgasmic delight over just the notion of America asking you guy's for a Naval base - even when this was just a false deluded pipedream.

In our case we have milched these Yanks and then behind their backs shafted them. To top it all we have them now coming back angry one minute and softy the next asking for NATO supply route and our help to stabilize Afghanistan. They blow hot and cold air. They have regular crisis meetings in White House and regular visits to Islamabad by some hot shot American 4 star General or Presidential aide pleading.

The Afghan Taliban [Haqqani Faction ] to quote Admiral Mike Mullen in his hearings to Congress "are a veritable arm of the ISI" and use Pakistan for refit, rest, recuperate and then go back into Afghanistan to shoot American soldiers. All America can do is send some drones.

All the while Kayani sits there with a grin on his face blowing smoke into the aggravated faces of the Americans, so no my friend I would say we have made a bi*ch out of the only superpower.

Just so as you know I don't support this aggresive policy but I brought it up to counter your assertion.

Firing drones into Pakistan with all those protests tells me other who's B**** is.:bunny:
Thts coz the british ruled over for more than 200 years and treated you like slaves while in our case it was less than 49 years and still we were autonomous .. although financial tributes were probably paid to them....

" honour the baluch"....
Same in India, british did not rule whole of India, there were kings, some of them were quite rich during british period, who ruled their state. But all of them had to respect british monach, british agents to their darbar, pay tributes or help provide soldiers.
All of them had to also respect british justice system.
I loled at this one... i wonder if they are so rich and educated than why is the indian media and reports lying? claiming tht they are the poorest,most uneducated and least represented community of india despite being the largest minority

LaBong is famous for making this kind of false statements about India and Indian Muslims or about anything that suits his ego and gives him a win in a discussion. You may not be able to farther with your view. he will bring out some magic links to prove he is right and you are wrong. This is Indian bigotic mindset you are facing here.
I loled at this one... i wonder if they are so rich and educated than why is the indian media and reports lying? claiming tht they are the poorest,most uneducated and least represented community of india despite being the largest minority

You wasted your "lol" then.

What LaBong said is correct, the literacy rate and annual income rate for Indian Muslims in 2001 is higher than the current(2010-11)literacy rate of Pakistan. Indian media isn't reporting lie, Indian Muslim community is the least educated and has the lowest income out of all the communities(which is what the media reports are about), but even the worst of India is better than Pakistan. Bitter, but thats how it is.


Indian Muslims had approx 60% literacy rate in 2001. It should be atleast upto 65% in 2011, as opposed to 57% in Pakistan(2009)
And they talk about oppression of Muslims in India. :lol:

The specs paint different landscape then they imagine.
You wasted your "lol" then.

What LaBong said is correct, the literacy rate and annual income rate for Indian Muslims in 2001 is higher than the current(2010-11)literacy rates and annual income of Bangladesh and Pakistan. Indian media isn't reporting lie, Indian Muslim community is the least educated and has the lowest income out of all the communities, but even the worst of India is better than Pakistan and Bangladesh. Bitter, but thats how it is.

I asked you not to crook data on Bangladesh when you post here. Recently education minister has reported that literacy rate of Bangladesh has reached 67%. Only the people those who are illiterate those who were left behind in between 1970-1990 period.

Recently Bangladesh has achieved 99.6% enrollment rate in both primary and secondary level and womans enrollment rate is higher then man where as in India woman are way lagged behind then Bangladesh. This is a fact. On top of it if any woman are dalit apart from other minority just hell drop on them.

Two dalit girls in Madhya Pradesh stripped in examination hall - The Times of India

But thanks to god we are not jaat paat manifested backward society like India where woman are treated so harshly..

It has been reported here...

Ranking Bangladesh

The Education For All (EFA) report puts Bangladesh's Gender Parity Index (GPI) at 1.6. A GPI below one means a disparity in favour of boys; a GPI greater than one means disparity in favour of girls.

Three other countries -- India (0.97), Sri Lanka (1.00) and Bhutan (1.01) -- have achieved gender parity in primary education, according to the report. Pakistan (0.83) and Maldives (0.94) lag behind. Afghanistan, last in the report, has a dismal GPI of 0.66.

Between 1990 and 1995, primary school enrollment in Bangladesh stood at 45% for girls and 55% for boys. Today, of the 10.6 million primary students enrolled, girls account for 50.07% while boys make up the remaining 49.93%.

According to Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) figures, at secondary level (grades 6 to 10), the boy-girl ratio in 1990 was 66:34. In just 15 years, gender parity was achieved in 2005. The current boy-girl ratio in secondary school is 46:54.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...chieves-equality-education.html#ixzz1yft7OUAi

Have you seen how much India is lagged behind!!!

Lastly regarding literacy Bangladesh is to eradicate illiteracy by 2014-2016. The way Bangladesh has made development in these regards ... jaat paat manifested India is no where near to these rate of development.
I asked you not to crook data on Bangladesh when you post here. Recently education minister has reported that literacy rate of Bangladesh has reached 67%. Only the people those who are illiterate those who were left behind in between 1970-1990 period.

10 minutes too late, I included Bangladesh for the annual income figure, but then decided not too. Indian Muslims earn more than Bangladesh. Sorry for making you waste your breath. Now settle down:lol:
In any case, in 2001 Indian Literacy rate was 64.8% and for Indian Muslims it was 59.1%. Thats about 8.8% less.

The literacy rate for India in 2011 is 74.04%. Now even if we assume that the disparity between the literacy rate still lags by that same 8.8%(should have improved), that should give a literacy rate of 67.5% for Indian Muslims(2011).

Still more than that of Bangladesh:rofl:
10 minutes too late, I included Bangladesh for the annual income figure, but then decided not too. Indian Muslims earn more than Bangladesh. Sorry for making you waste your breath. Now settle down:lol:

Not necessarily... people in western India earn little more then eastern India... so it has nothing to do muslims earn more or less. The fact is what is their living standard this is the fact. On top of it price of necessary commodity is higher in India so most of the income goes there. But you will find it interesting that in Bangladesh farmers dnt commit suicide like India.. its minister dnt ask people to eat rats instead of rice.

Lastly regarding eastern india and western india part.. in Bangladesh income may be little less then western India but it is same or higher then most of the dirt poor eastern Indian states.

Now dnt come with age old bbs stat... as that is just based on survey which does not give true picture as out of 30 million only 1 million people give tax ... so one say a single word about their real income and expenditure.

That day I told you clearly even a rickshaw puller earn minimum 15000 taka a month (now a days even for a minimum distance they charge 30 taka) and for your that days irrelevant posting about official salary of the government official... I would like to say to you no official lead life by their official salary. Their real income including bribe varies minimum 10 times to more then 100 times.

I have checked price of properties in dhaka and kolkata with one my kolkata friend... it is higher in Bangladesh... salary is also almost same as Bangladesh... I know about kolkata more then you... so uttering lie to satisfy your ego is not gonna work.
In any case, in 2001 Indian Literacy rate was 64.8% and for Indian Muslims it was 59.1%. Thats about 8.8% less.

The literacy rate for India in 2011 is 74.04%. Now even if we assume that the disparity between the literacy rate still lags by that same 8.8%(should have improved), that should give a literacy rate of 67.5% for Indian Muslims(2011).

Still more than that of Bangladesh:rofl:
My 2000th post quoting you....BTW nice specs you have provided...explains a lit about condition of Muslims in India.
That day I told you clearly even a rickshaw puller earn minimum 15000 taka a month (now a days even for a minimum distance they charge 30 taka) and for your that days irrelevant posting about official salary of the government official... I would like to say to you no official lead life by their official salary. Their real income including bribe varies minimum 10 times to more then 100 times.

I have checked price of properties in dhaka and kolkata with one my kolkata friend... it is higher in Bangladesh... salary is also almost same as Bangladesh... I know about kolkata more then you... so uttering lie to satisfy your ego is not gonna work.

Yes all Bangladeshis are super loaded and all the rikshawallahs earn 15000 takka. You should fool someone who hasn't been to Bangladesh, not me:lol:

As for living cost, I just have one word for you, PPP.
In any case, in 2001 Indian Literacy rate was 64.8% and for Indian Muslims it was 59.1%. Thats about 8.8% less.

The literacy rate for India in 2011 is 74.04%. Now even if we assume that the disparity between the literacy rate still lags by that same 8.8%(should have improved), that should give a literacy rate of 67.5% for Indian Muslims(2011).

Still more than that of Bangladesh:rofl:

I just feel pity on clown like you....

Look at the rate at which literacy rate is increasing and the way womans education standard has been improved ... India is no where close to this development rate.

N 8.8% less then 74.04% ... how it becomes 67.5%!!! It is 65.2%.... n in India it counts people those get some education in between 1970-1990... n in Bangladeshs majority of the illiterate people falls in that range...

In India muslim youths are lagged behind in literacy and enrollment rate in both secondary and primary level... where Bangladesh has achieved 99.6%. This is not including Indian woman those who are far lagged behind then Bangladesh.
N 8.8% less then 74.04% ... how it becomes 67.5%!!! It is 65.2%.... n in India it counts people those get some education in between 1970-1990... n in Bangladeshs majority of the illiterate people falls in that range...

In India muslim youths are lagged behind in literacy and enrollment rate in both secondary and primary level... where Bangladesh has achieved 99.6%. This is not including Indian woman those who are far lagged behind then Bangladesh.

I ll let you figure that one out, you are an engineer apparently:lol:
Yes all Bangladeshis are super loaded and all the rikshawallahs earn 15000 takka. You should fool someone who hasn't been to Bangladesh, not me:lol:

As for living cost, I just have one word for you, PPP.

:rofl: what a joker you are... if anyone would have really gone to Bangladesh he would have known how much the transportation cost has risen and how much taxi, cng and rickshaw pullers are incoming...

You are pretty good in net searching... I guess you have already done it... n just uttering your rubbish just to satisfy your ego..

Though there were many article on this... just find one... it is one year old... n price has increased twice or thrice since then...

CNG price hike sparks chaos in transport sector, kitchen market

Bus fares, rickshaw price hiked in Bangladesh

Sat, 14/05/2011 - 3:13am | by Fahud Khan

The latest price hike of compressed natural gas has created a chaotic situation in the country’s transport sector and kitchen markets.

In a litany of reactions, CNG-driven buses, pick-ups, and auto-rickshaws have increased fares, rickshaw-pullers used that as an excuse for doubling their asking rate, rickshaw vans followed the suit of rickshaw-pullers, and vegetable vendors raised prices on the ground of increased transport cost.

When a minimum fare of a room is around 5000 taka I am not sure what income you are trying to attribute to the rickshaw puller... if it is really not for trolling... this is without including food price for the whole family members.

He's saying that BD rickshaw people overcharge, so they get more money.
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