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Bangladesh envoy slams Pakistan army, Advani endorses

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Well we can always make sanctuaries for Bangladeshi Hindus and Buddhist Chakmas. Will also secure us a sea route through Chitagong into Tripura. Ek teer se do shikar!

Now only if Bangladesh had the balls to provoke India first, cause we don't want to look like bully, we are a peace loving nation after all :angel:

It was a long time ago in probably 1963/64 when there was quite a fierce battle in some place in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. It was called 'The Battle of Asalong,' where IA mobilized a few thousand troops and the then PA could mobilize only less than a hundred Bangali and west Pakistani troops. The battle forced IA to a line that still sticks today. These PA braves then moved around east Pakistan to receive people's affection and love. I was one of many to salute them. I also shaked the hand of one Punjabi soldier who lost two of his fingers at that battle.

Our troops are always willing to give away fingers and heads to defend the motherland. Number of enemy troops have nothing to do with them. So, do not enlarge your wish list any further.
He has a few relevant points, pak military do want tit for tat in India and there are some in Pakistan who feel they are naturally superior (without proving it).

The perception is so low that everybody is taking shots at Pakistan and no one really cares in the govt.
You have not been made a national leader. So, you do not represent and do not have to speak for all of us. Talk only for yourself. You are the guys who had shot at their feet, not us, the independent minded Bangali muslims who did not want to be slaves of either British, Hindu or Punjabis.

You guys still regret the partition (because it was opposed by that Moududi?) and still now regret a separation from west Pakistan. Your type of people do not belong to our land, better go for a Hijrat to the west and contribute to the talibanism there. We are a liberal muslim country.

While I do not support the viewpoints of that envoy Karim, neither do I support the anti-Bangladeshi viewpoint of a razaakar who speaks from behind an anti-partition veil. Anti-partition people are the believers of Akhand Bharat. This is not the first time you have posted similar sentiments in this forum. You must keep your tongue (or fingures) in check.

Problem is it goes above your head, so please quit trying to understand my statements and passing your moronic judgement about me. I express my opinion and you express yours. To each his own. No one is representing anyone.

And I will not try to answer your false statements, insinuations and insults, because they do not deserve a reply.

But I will let others make up their mind about who represents what. And finally if you want to help your country try to do something tangible for the country, instead of just making tall statements and attacking people whose views don't match with yours. What have you done for Bangladesh so far, if I may ask?
Why do you leave out Brahmin/Kshatrya opinion for Kalu Muslim peasants of Bengal of Shudra, Dalit and Adivasi origin? Does Jaban, Meleccha ring a bell? Why do you think partition happened because Hindu Zamindars treated Muslims with Dohi-bara every time they met?

Race and religion based exclusivism is a universal phenomenon. Some people can manage it and get by, others get instigated and bothered because of their emotional nature and shoot themselves at their feet.

Why do you think those Muslims have whatsoever no problem at living with Brahmins and Kayshthas in West Bengal which is probably most tolerant and secular region in the sub-continent?

How many of Hindu Jamindars were there, hundreds, thousands? They don't reflect the majority of Hindu Bengalis. The problem must have been lies with you, and after encountering jamatis and rajakars in this forum, I believe partition is well worth, every single penny of it.

I'd rather vouch for a loose political amalgamation in the line of Euro zone with Pakistan, but never with Bangladesh.
Why do you think those Muslims have whatsoever no problem at living with Brahmins and Kayshthas in West Bengal which is probably most tolerant and secular region in the sub-continent?

How many of Hindu Jamindars were there, hundreds, thousands? They don't reflect the majority of Hindu Bengalis. The problem must have been lies with you, and after encountering jamatis and rajakars in this forum, I believe partition is well worth, every single penny of it.

I'd rather vouch for a loose political amalgamation in the line of Euro zone with Pakistan, but never with Bangladesh.

We know why you Indian Hindu's like Pakistan, because they are more superior Aryan's than you, but we are lower Shudra, Adivasi kalu, so it is only natural that you will feel this way. But we are not waiting for your invitation, so spare us your bs.
We know why you Indian Hindu's like Pakistan, because they are more superior Aryan's than you, but we are lower Shudra, Adivasi kalu, so it is only natural that you will feel this way. But we are not waiting for your invitation, so spare us your bs.

Superior Aryans? lol Bangladeshi brain at work?

Buddy I'm tea sipping, kafka reading, Fellini watching smug 'bhadrolok' Bengali, we don't consider nobody superior to us, let alone Pakistan of all ethnicity.

My assertion was based on my interaction with Pakistanis online.
Superior Aryans? lol Bangladeshi brain at work?

Buddy I'm tea sipping, kafka reading, Fellini watching smug 'bhadrolok' Bengali, we don't consider nobody superior to us, let alone Pakistan of all ethnicity.

My assertion was based on my interaction with Pakistanis online.

Perhaps you don't even know it, its in your subconscious mind, think about what I said. If you read Kafka then that should be some good food for thought for you.
Honestly before coming to this forum, I didn't even know that some Pakistanis consider themselves superior Aryans or pure Aryans, my exposure to Pakistani people were their cricketers and politician and they, to my eyes, looked what average North Indians look like.

Anyway I am too clever and educated to believe this kind of BS, we have had a long debate with a pushtun think tank if I remember correctly, Joe Shearer made some excellent posts in that thread, go look it up kalu miah, it should be able to clear the cobwebs on your eyes.

And above all, I don't have a collective ego.
Anti-partition people are the believers of Akhand Bharat. .

Not necessarily, if you meant Akhand Bharat in the traditional sense.

The opposition to Partition from certain Muslims comes from their thinking that nationalism is discouraged in Quran, that dividing the Muslim population in South Asia into three [warring] countries reduces the bargaining power of Muslims as a whole and that division will put a full stop in the complete Islamization of the subcontinent.
Let me add a few points to ponder over.
We could easily add multiple 'friendly neighbours' in our vicinity if idiotic traitors like BAL are exterminated. Hint: 'Seven sisters' should be liberated. Buffer state in West Bengal could be created. Both could be achieved through supporting proxies, and other means that our enemies already use throughout the world.
Idiocy seems to have no bounds! Which world are you living in, my friend? I fail to understand how a human brain can even conjure up such nonsensical scenarios, like the twaddle you've just spewed out.

With people of the Jamaat spreading their wings here on PDF, what else does one expect? It sure is heading South, what with the imbecilic baloney being posted here. This crap really beggars the mind! :tdown:
You still haven't answered my question Kalu, if upper echelons Bengali Hindus were racist towards Bengali Muslims peasantry, how come West Bengal has become an oasis of tolerance in South Asia?
You still haven't answered my question Kalu, if upper echelons Bengali Hindus were racist towards Bengali Muslims peasantry, how come West Bengal has become an oasis of tolerance in South Asia?

I don't know the answer you seek, only thing I know is that I personally asked people who were born in 1930's and 40's and they vehemently claim that Pakistan was the right thing to do, because they did not want to live with Hindu's anymore, due to Hindu Zamindar's oppression and maltreatment.
I don't know the answer you seek, only thing I know is that I personally asked people who were born in 1930's and 40's and they vehemently claim that Pakistan was the right thing to do, because they did not want to live with Hindu's anymore, due to Hindu Zamindar's oppression and maltreatment.

Well I don't fault them. They were instigated to believe that Hindus and Muslims are two different nation who can't live peacefully together by Aligarh educated North Indian Muslims just to have their political future secured.

If only they would have listened to Moulana Azad insted, who was born in Calcutta of a Bengali father and obviously differed from North Indian Muslim elite.
Well I don't fault them. They were instigated to believe that Hindus and Muslims are two different nation who can't live peacefully together by Aligarh educated North Indian Muslims just to have their political future secured.

If only they would have listened to Moulana Azad insted, who was born in Calcutta of a Bengali father and obviously differed from North Indian Muslim elite.

North Indian Muslims did want to get top positions in a new Muslim country, but it was not just the effect of propaganda, people hold an opinion mainly because of their own and somewhat because of their earlier generation's life experience. The propaganda works only when it matches the already existing deep rooted feeling among the masses, just like Bengali nationalism worked 1950-1971, because the unfair treatment from West Pakistan was real, as perceived by then East Pakistan elite, which I also heard from the same group of people who went through that experience. I know about Azad, I believe his views were correct. Anyways we are going off topic.
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