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Bangladesh being a puppet state

I have not referred any name but it has hurt two Bangladeshi flagger - Zabaniya and Apocalypse. I humbly request both of u to come up here with your own indian flag. yar take pride with your own flag. dont serve the indian interest with false Bangladeshi flag.

I have not referred any name but it has hurt two Bangladeshi flagger - Zabaniya and Apocalypse. I humbly request both of u to come up here with your own indian flag. yar take pride with your own flag. dont serve the indian interest with false Bangladeshi flag.

You should post more often.
I have not referred any name but it has hurt two Bangladeshi flagger - Zabaniya and Apocalypse. I humbly request both of u to come up here with your own indian flag. yar take pride with your own flag. dont serve the indian interest with false Bangladeshi flag.

My friend, what makes you say that? I know Apocalypse personally and there is no doubt,whatsoever, that he is a Bangladeshi. So please avoid what you dont know and post more often.

My friend, what makes you say that? I know Apocalypse personally and there is no doubt,whatsoever, that he is a Bangladeshi. So please avoid what you dont know and post more often.

One doesn't not have to be indian to act on behalf of them. We have seen and living through plenty of examples - Sheikh Hasina and Awami League leaders. Sheikh Hasina's advisors Moshiur Rahman and Gowhar Rizvi all acting for indian interest. So do not get worked up on member of Indo Awami echo chamber brigade here, focus on real anti Bangladesh Awami regime.
One doesn't not have to be indian to act on behalf of them. We have seen and living through plenty of examples - Sheikh Hasina and Awami League leaders. Sheikh Hasina's advisors Moshiur Rahman and Gowhar Rizvi all acting for indian interest. So do not get worked up on member of Indo Awami echo chamber brigade here, focus on real anti Bangladesh Awami regime.

I get your point and what you are saying is correct. But there is also no point getting worked up on a BD member without any valid reason. Do not compare Hasina/Rizvi with anyone, they do not deserve such 'fortune'. A sane poster always praises what is good and criticizes which is not. It does not make him a captive of his own point of view.

My friend, what makes you say that? I know Apocalypse personally and there is no doubt,whatsoever, that he is a Bangladeshi. So please avoid what you dont know and post more often.


Brother, he may have born in Bangladesh but he definitely an Indian minded/Indian lover.

Here is way.

1-He openly support of giving corridor to India even though it will harm our interest. Almost all Bangladeshis against this corridor except Awami dalas.

2-He called Bangladeshis as "settler" (Chittagong hill tract) in their own land.

Not a genuine Bangladeshi. :disagree:

I have not referred any name but it has hurt two Bangladeshi flagger - Zabaniya and Apocalypse. I humbly request both of u to come up here with your own indian flag. yar take pride with your own flag. dont serve the indian interest with false Bangladeshi flag.

Can not disagree because they seems to be more loyal to serving India's interest than Bangladesh. It's our bad luck that we have too many diluted souls born in Bd land.
Why only bangladesh has munafiq/dalals/traitors.
I rarely see any pakistani calling another traitor, or an Indian calling another traitor. I may fight for/against bjp/congress/anna hazare, but have never been called traitor nor have I called anybody.

Is bangladesh a country which has significant traitor population. Or is it lack of civility while arguing with somebody who has different view(but from same country).
Brother, he may have born in Bangladesh but he definitely an Indian minded/Indian lover.

Here is way.

1-He openly support of giving corridor to India even though it will harm our interest. Almost all Bangladeshis against this corridor except Awami dalas.

2-He called Bangladeshis as "settler" (Chittagong hill tract) in their own land.

Not a genuine Bangladeshi. :disagree:

Can not disagree because they seems to be more loyal to serving India's interest than Bangladesh. It's our bad luck that we have too many diluted souls born in Bd land.


1 - How does it harm our interest? Be very specific.

2 - No, not all Bangladeshis are settlers in CHT. But people from the plains are. The tribal Bangladeshis are the locals there, and all who fetch their lands to raise families or to make a living are settlers.

All of us here are patriots. I do respect your version of patriotism, but I have reasons to be wary of the Islamist flavors in it. Your loyalty lies to the Muslim Ummah first and foremost, no?
I was actually talking about this incident in Titas river in my post. And it is absolutely outrageous.

AL is going through all its India appeasing acts without ever thinking its reactions among the populace. Titas river blockage is one such thing. However, by any means SH wants to help India build its Tripura power plant. And she knows it is impossible if the barrage is discussed openly. So, she went a short-cut, she hid the information from public.

SH is treating her country as her personal property. However, I think, the river will be reinstated once heavy machineries for the Patiala (?) plant are transported over the barrage. Transportation will certainly complete before the starting of next monsoon and Titas will come back into its usual life in May/June 2012.

India was desparate to transport the equipments. But, AL govt was unable to get any concessions from the hardcore Indians. BD did not receive a much awaited Teesta water treaty and also could not get a renewed promise from India that it will not build Tipai dam. SH gave everything to India and BD received nothing in exchange.

Note also that not a single dollar of the promised $1b CREDIT has been disbursed by the GoI so far. This is what I have read in the newspaper only a week before. Indian promises are all on papers. After all, India still remains a poor country and is still sticking to the mentality of a poor country.
Why only bangladesh has munafiq/dalals/traitors.
I rarely see any pakistani calling another traitor, or an Indian calling another traitor. I may fight for/against bjp/congress/anna hazare, but have never been called traitor nor have I called anybody.

Is bangladesh a country which has significant traitor population. Or is it lack of civility while arguing with somebody who has different view(but from same country).

Lack of rationality coupled with fragmented emotions backed by little or no intellect is what screwed the Muslims of Bengal to begin with.

AL is going through all its India appeasing acts without ever thinking its reactions among the populace. Titas river blockage is one such thing. However, by any means SH wants to help India build its Tripura power plant. And she knows it is impossible if the barrage is discussed openly. So, she went a short-cut, she hid the information from public.

SH is treating her country as her personal property. However, I think, the river will be reinstated once heavy machineries for the Patiala (?) plant are transported over the barrage. Transportation will certainly complete before the starting of next monsoon and Titas will come back into its usual life in May/June 2012.

India was desparate to transport the equipments. But, AL govt was unable to get any concessions from the hardcore Indians. BD did not receive a much awaited Teesta water treaty and also could not get a renewed promise from India that it will not build Tipai dam. SH gave everything to India and BD received nothing in exchange.

Note also that not a single dollar of the promised $1b CREDIT has been disbursed by the GoI so far. This is what I have read in the newspaper only a week before. Indian promises are all on papers. After all, India still remains a poor country and is still sticking to the mentality of a poor country.

It's understandable that those fanboys in New Delhi really want the transit through Bangladesh to connect to NE India. But, that is merely a pipe dream.

Neither the AL or BNP cannot manage the massive project to begin with, and there's also the question as to whether or not Bangladesh will get a fair share of the deal. Then, there's also the issue of political mudslinging in Bangladesh.

They need to understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
2 - No, not all Bangladeshis are settlers in CHT. But people from the plains are. The tribal Bangladeshis are the locals there, and all who fetch their lands to raise families or to make a living are settlers.

Anyone calling Bangladeshis living in CHT as "settlers" do not recognize Bangladesh sovereignty over CHT and therefore not a Bangladeshi, period. And Apocalypse is one of those people is hiding behind Bangladeshi identity but don't recognize Bangladesh sovereignty. Please be aware and stay clear when reading comments from these shady characters.
However, I think, the river will be reinstated once heavy machineries for the Patiala (?) plant are transported over the barrage. Transportation will certainly complete before the starting of next monsoon and Titas will come back into its usual life in May/June 2012.

You trying to be Awami League mouth piece and justify Awami anti state activities in the shade of "however", "I think" and what not. So show the proof of your "May/June 2012" claim - that is what Awami regime committed to do.
Lack of rationality coupled with fragmented emotions backed by little or no intellect is what screwed the Muslims of Bengal to begin with.

Ah! Lack of rationality and emotion exist everywhere. Its just that our country was seperated from india on the basis of religion and pakistan on the basis of equality and freedom. So anyone who betrays those principles are termed as Dalal or Rajakar. That clever indian doesnt have any problem with the word Rajakar and you took his Munafiq dalal bait. Those who have allergy with islam should have left the country during 1947 ......
Ah! Lack of rationality and emotion exist everywhere. Its just that our country was seperated from india on the basis of religion and pakistan on the basis of equality and freedom. So anyone who betrays those principles are termed as Dalal or Rajakar. That clever indian doesnt have any problem with the word Rajakar and you took his Munafiq dalal bait. Those who have allergy with islam should have left the country during 1947 ......

You have nailed the point but these "secular" wanna be dont have place in indian either. And indian "secularism" echo for Bangladesh is just to establish minority Hindu supremacy over majority Muslim population in Bangladesh. Indian official activity in GMG airline should prove that point.
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