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Bangladesh being a puppet state

I was actually talking about this incident in Titas river in my post. And it is absolutely outrageous.
I was actually talking about this incident in Titas river in my post. And it is absolutely outrageous.

A proper procedure would be to sue the transportation company
in charge through BELA. Munshi might help, not sure though.
I protested. Only thing I can do is protest. Also hoping that bangladeshis (non-AL) will support. This is the age of internet. Therefore, everyone should know about it about what india doing. I don't know if you have been seen or not one of the bangladeshi member already posted the picture of the river. submissive or not, bangladeshi political leaders with citizens of bangladesh could stopped the tipaimukhi and the road across the river. Yes it is possible! Look at bangladesh now, the whole country is indians hand. If even after all this you think u can stay quiet dude, actually any older brothers our's here can manage, bangladeshis can go infront of the parliament building in this minus degree in ottawa and show our voice. Why not get help from the Canadian gov. and Allah is with us all the time.

lol, Canadians...:lol:

India is never a problem.... Its just hasina... she feels that India helped her (after 1975,2008) now its her duty to pay back even that goes against her nation's interest...... But India always meant business....

Both Hasina and Khaleda are the problem.

leonblack's post was 100% spot on. Read his post again.

Look at it this way, the majority of both the BNP and AL ministers and MPs tend to settle their kids in Western countries. And a lot of money along with that.

You see, the thing that is lacking is not how many fighter planes we have, or how many tanks we have, or how many battleships we have. What's lacking is the patriotism in our axis of leadership. No matter how corrupt they are, it is that patriotism that is more powerful than any weapon there is out there. That's what's lacking in the current axis of leadership.

Anyways, the private sector is doing very well. Yes there is inflation. Yes there is corruption. Yes there is political infighting. Yes our middle class is comparatively weak. But then, people are still buying stuff. Some of the things people buy now were unthinkable 10 years back.

So yes, there is economic growth and still has space for more despite how some of the few bigots here try to pin that down. It has potential.

Hopefully, we can get a fair share of the water coupled with an efficient water management strategy. It'll be helpful for our agricultural sector. Perhaps engage in more trade that way, and perhaps lead to more sufficiency for Bangladesh.

As far politics in Bangladesh go, the two begums and their families need to leave. Through and through. Hell, I'd even pay money to have their citizenship stripped off.
As far politics in Bangladesh go, the two begums and their families need to leave. Through and through. Hell, I'd even pay money to have their citizenship stripped off.

Not so easy. AL and BNP have such die-hard fans among the ignorant public that you'd have to initiate the process by stripping off the fanbase's citizenship
Not so easy. AL and BNP have such die-hard fans among the ignorant public that you'd have to initiate the process by stripping off the fanbase's citizenship

Those damn fanboys :lol:

Now if you look at the policies of both BNP and AL regarding India, you will find that sometime or the other both have been submissive in nature. While AL definitely shows submissive nature but that does not mean BNP is different. Its just that BNP has an anti-India stance which gains it popularity and votes.It does not necessarily make it a "messiah against Indian aggression".
Now I can go on with examples of BNP's submissive behavior as well, but that would only lead some people calling me an Al thug or Raw agent, so no point in getting into argument. There are people in both parties who are prepared to make deals with India for their own personal gains.

Its popular Awami League template to hide behind neutral ground and equate Awami League and BNP actions to justify Awami acceptance. Because people who use this template know there is no third alternative therefore justifying Awami League action.
You claim you do not support Awami League or its action yet Sheikh Hasina makes same equating claim as you.

Now that your intention and action being clearly identified, when you equate Awami League and BNP you need to provide your example to show how they are same. Otherwise you are reflecting yourself as same Awami tool.

But those who are interested to see stark differences between Awami League and BNP on india centric policy and actions:

1) BNP stopped import of cotton yarn from india through land port in order to protect Bangladesh textile industry from indian dumping.

2) BNP did not make secret deal with india (as awami League govt did) on transit and security issues and who knows what (that Awami League signed during Sheikh Hasina's visit to india) that harming Bangladesh security and sovereignty.

3) BNP did not allow unilateral gas pipeline transit as indian tried without Bangladesh demand and interest were met.

4) BNP did transparent review with independent expert like Dr. Wahiuddin Mahmud on Tata investment proposal to uphold national interest and prevented indian plundering scheme.

5) BNP did not provided (as awami League govt did) indian business like Airtel with $150 million worth of tax break and allowed to use Bangladesh govt own infrastructure.

6) BNP did not allow indian movie to be screened (as awami League govt did) in Bangladeshi theater which will further indian cultural invasion and will harm Bangladesh film industry.

7) BNP did not give (as awami League govt did) tax break so cheap indian automakers can dump their product. So far over indian auto makers made hundreds of crores of taka tax benefit on back of Bangladeshi taxpayers.

8) BNP did not destroy (as awami League govt did) Bangladeshi river, infrastructure and and peoples livelihood to provide india transit.

9) BNP did not allow (as awami League govt did) indian RAW intel and security agency to operate inside Bangladesh. The way ULFA leaders are abducted from Bangladesh it proved more than enough that indian activity inside Bangladesh.

List goes with stark contrast of Awami and BNP approach on india centric policy and actions. Even indians are agreeing BNP activities are not according to indian wishes (to put it mildly).
A proper procedure would be to sue the transportation company
in charge through BELA. Munshi might help, not sure though.

Government and administration regularly ignore rulings in PIL cases.
lol, Canadians...:lol:

Both Hasina and Khaleda are the problem.

leonblack's post was 100% spot on. Read his post again.

Look at it this way, the majority of both the BNP and AL ministers and MPs tend to settle their kids in Western countries. And a lot of money along with that.

You see, the thing that is lacking is not how many fighter planes we have, or how many tanks we have, or how many battleships we have. What's lacking is the patriotism in our axis of leadership. No matter how corrupt they are, it is that patriotism that is more powerful than any weapon there is out there. That's what's lacking in the current axis of leadership.

Anyways, the private sector is doing very well. Yes there is inflation. Yes there is corruption. Yes there is political infighting. Yes our middle class is comparatively weak. But then, people are still buying stuff. Some of the things people buy now were unthinkable 10 years back.

So yes, there is economic growth and still has space for more despite how some of the few bigots here try to pin that down. It has potential.

Hopefully, we can get a fair share of the water coupled with an efficient water management strategy. It'll be helpful for our agricultural sector. Perhaps engage in more trade that way, and perhaps lead to more sufficiency for Bangladesh.

As far politics in Bangladesh go, the two begums and their families need to leave. Through and through. Hell, I'd even pay money to have their citizenship stripped off.

Both Hasina and Khaleda are the problem.
More of dissimilarities between them than the reverse one. Both are in politics but trajectories of the thrust for power are completely different. Khaleda has come to power by pure mandate OTH Hasian by managing IND, powerfuls. One is reconciliatory but the other is venomous. Khaleda's unflinching patriotism has prevented her from leaving country even at the cost of her dearest sons, house and repression in jail OTH Hasina has given away her morality, steadfastness by slaps at the wrist compare to her. So, track record and history tell us that hardly anything matches except their affiliation in politics. Most of the times, Hasina practices complete non-ethics under the veneer of politics compare to Khaleda's regulatory ones, better way to say that their woman hoods are only similar
we should b aware of some false Bangladeshi flagger who r actually indians and misguided other Bangladeshi user in PDF.
we should b aware of some false Bangladeshi flagger who r actually indians and misguided other Bangladeshi user in PDF.

What purpose does it serve in the grand scheme of things? :lol:
we should b aware of some false Bangladeshi flagger who r actually indians and misguided other Bangladeshi user in PDF.

As if everything that goes on in PDF is Bangladesh's lifeline.

And you have been a member here for more than 3 years and only 8 posts. Who are you to tell who's who?
Since when was i an awami league supporter?? Me fundamentalist? If you cant argue dont argue by talking bulls**t

You will be regarded as an Awami Leaguer
Until you bow down to Idune pressure
And accept his formula to turn your vapour
Into ice that is a solid block of water.
As if everything that goes on in PDF is Bangladesh's lifeline.

And you have been a member here for more than 3 years and only 8 posts. Who are you to tell who's who?

I have not referred any name but it has hurt two Bangladeshi flagger - Zabaniya and Apocalypse. I humbly request both of u to come up here with your own indian flag. yar take pride with your own flag. dont serve the indian interest with false Bangladeshi flag.

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