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Bangladesh being a puppet state

Because of US support to india, india got the courage to go this far. India can do anything now. I am seeing a second Sikkim if not AL is destroyed soon. Yes destroyed. Why? Because they are selling bangladesh. They aren't the only bangladeshis or the mejority, it is us the rest, the public. India got so much arrogance is that they divide a river of a free country and bangladeshis can't do anything. The bd gov is silent. The Awami League gov. makes 30 year contract of padma river water sharing and this river when divided perpendicular wise to the bank with cement and bags full of soil and Awami League, the saviour of bangalees stays quiet. Very suspicious. The people who are at the responsibilities on bangladesh side are obviously gaddars of bangladesh and its public. Also Awami League who make contracts for padma river of water sharing for 30 years does not do anything about tipaimukhi barrage. India couldn't do this if the bangladeshi gov or the opposition stopped it. US is killing two birds with one stone, pakistan and bangladesh. In the case of bangladesh, US need not doing anything, because India is working for it and the gaddars of bangladesh are the ones from all the public of bangladesh getting bags full of money.

lol , do you sit and imagine these stories in your free time , grow up dude , if you have a problem with the awami league league then just vote them out in next elections , why always trying to play the victim card and coming up these b.s theories of the west and the hindu dynasty (india) having vested interest's on destroying every single muslim nation .
If you guys mistrust Awami league this much and you know this Awami League is Indian agent or something back in 1970s, then why you Bangladeshi people elected them twice in 1996 and 2009. :girl_wacko:
If you guys mistrust Awami league this much and you know this Awami League is Indian agent or something back in 1970s, then why you Bangladeshi people elected them twice in 1996 and 2009. :girl_wacko:

The reason why they won 2009 election was because people got frustrated of Tarek and his goons.

trust me Awami league is not getting elected next time ;)

:tup: :tup:
^you got married to an Indian or what?

Lol. No. :D

Just following the advice of the man in my avatar.

PS: J/K. I'm only interested in discussing ways we can achieve better economic growth and a safer future. The "scapegoating" rhetorics that are so popular among the politicians and the gullible mass all over South Asia are getting boring.
Gulshan doesnt look anything like the picture posted.
Because of US support to india, india got the courage to go this far. India can do anything now. I am seeing a second Sikkim if not AL is destroyed soon. Yes destroyed. Why? Because they are selling bangladesh. They aren't the only bangladeshis or the mejority, it is us the rest, the public. India got so much arrogance is that they divide a river of a free country and bangladeshis can't do anything. The bd gov is silent. The Awami League gov. makes 30 year contract of padma river water sharing and this river when divided perpendicular wise to the bank with cement and bags full of soil and Awami League, the saviour of bangalees stays quiet. Very suspicious. The people who are at the responsibilities on bangladesh side are obviously gaddars of bangladesh and its public. Also Awami League who make contracts for padma river of water sharing for 30 years does not do anything about tipaimukhi barrage. India couldn't do this if the bangladeshi gov or the opposition stopped it. US is killing two birds with one stone, pakistan and bangladesh. In the case of bangladesh, US need not doing anything, because India is working for it and the gaddars of bangladesh are the ones from all the public of bangladesh getting bags full of money.

While I agree, that some instances such as the transit issue could have easily been handled in ways that would have benefitted Bangladesh. For example, we see Titas river being blocked to make way for Indian trucks. It clearly shows the submissive nature of the the Govt. Ignoring the interests of our nation for another nation; on top we are not even sure we will be paid enough.Bangladeshi highways are inadequate in accommodating its own share of transport, now the addition of Indian vehicles will only make matters worse, in fact, it is making matters worse.
That being said, I am not against transit, it should be given but with payment and also after the infrastructure of Bangladesh is improved. Not so hastily as it is being done now.

On the other hand, for some matters such as Tipaimukh dam; I don't think any party in power would be able to prevent India from building it. They will go forward with it anyway. So all these demonstrations we are pulling off at campuses and streets will go down the man hole like many others. Call me cynic or whatever, but that's the truth.

Now if you look at the policies of both BNP and AL regarding India, you will find that sometime or the other both have been submissive in nature. While AL definitely shows submissive nature but that does not mean BNP is different. Its just that BNP has an anti-India stance which gains it popularity and votes.It does not necessarily make it a "messiah against Indian aggression".
Now I can go on with examples of BNP's submissive behavior as well, but that would only lead some people calling me an Al thug or Raw agent, so no point in getting into argument. There are people in both parties who are prepared to make deals with India for their own personal gains.

My point of this post was; no matter what parties in power it will bow down to Indian pressure as long as we have this mud throwing contest going on in our political arena. The only way to overcome any foreign dominance is through economic prosperity which calls for political stability. Then will come the matter of defence.

These things have been discussed over and over and over again here at PDF. Discussing it again, here in a foreign forum will not bring any fruit. So I really don't see the point why you actually started the thread in the first place.
P.S: As several members already suggested, the best we can do is elect someone or some party who are capable. But here is where the problem lies.

All these continuous whining really makes us look like cry babies, which we Bangladeshis are not. So don't give outsiders a false impression.
moral of the story,

"পরের মাথায়ে কাঁঠাল ভেঙে খাওয়া" - Indians

"বেল পাকলে কাকের কি?" - AL fanboys

"খাজনার চে বাজনা বেশী!" - BNP Fanboys.

Foreighners, do not worry, no slangs used.
While I agree, that some instances such as the transit issue could have easily been handled in ways that would have benefitted Bangladesh. For example, we see Titas river being blocked to make way for Indian trucks. It clearly shows the submissive nature of the the Govt. Ignoring the interests of our nation for another nation; on top we are not even sure we will be paid enough.Bangladeshi highways are inadequate in accommodating its own share of transport, now the addition of Indian vehicles will only make matters worse, in fact, it is making matters worse.
That being said, I am not against transit, it should be given but with payment and also after the infrastructure of Bangladesh is improved. Not so hastily as it is being done now.

On the other hand, for some matters such as Tipaimukh dam; I don't think any party in power would be able to prevent India from building it. They will go forward with it anyway. So all these demonstrations we are pulling off at campuses and streets will go down the man hole like many others. Call me cynic or whatever, but that's the truth.

Now if you look at the policies of both BNP and AL regarding India, you will find that sometime or the other both have been submissive in nature. While AL definitely shows submissive nature but that does not mean BNP is different. Its just that BNP has an anti-India stance which gains it popularity and votes.It does not necessarily make it a "messiah against Indian aggression".
Now I can go on with examples of BNP's submissive behavior as well, but that would only lead some people calling me an Al thug or Raw agent, so no point in getting into argument. There are people in both parties who are prepared to make deals with India for their own personal gains.

My point of this post was; no matter what parties in power it will bow down to Indian pressure as long as we have this mud throwing contest going on in our political arena. The only way to overcome any foreign dominance is through economic prosperity which calls for political stability. Then will come the matter of defence.

These things have been discussed over and over and over again here at PDF. Discussing it again, here in a foreign forum will not bring any fruit. So I really don't see the point why you actually started the thread in the first place.

I protested. Only thing I can do is protest. Also hoping that bangladeshis (non-AL) will support. This is the age of internet. Therefore, everyone should know about it about what india doing. I don't know if you have been seen or not one of the bangladeshi member already posted the picture of the river. submissive or not, bangladeshi political leaders with citizens of bangladesh could stopped the tipaimukhi and the road across the river. Yes it is possible! Look at bangladesh now, the whole country is indians hand. If even after all this you think u can stay quiet dude, actually any older brothers our's here can manage, bangladeshis can go infront of the parliament building in this minus degree in ottawa and show our voice. Why not get help from the Canadian gov. and Allah is with us all the time.
While I agree, that some instances such as the transit issue could have easily been handled in ways that would have benefitted Bangladesh. For example, we see Titas river being blocked to make way for Indian trucks. It clearly shows the submissive nature of the the Govt. Ignoring the interests of our nation for another nation; on top we are not even sure we will be paid enough.Bangladeshi highways are inadequate in accommodating its own share of transport, now the addition of Indian vehicles will only make matters worse, in fact, it is making matters worse.
That being said, I am not against transit, it should be given but with payment and also after the infrastructure of Bangladesh is improved. Not so hastily as it is being done now.

On the other hand, for some matters such as Tipaimukh dam; I don't think any party in power would be able to prevent India from building it. They will go forward with it anyway. So all these demonstrations we are pulling off at campuses and streets will go down the man hole like many others. Call me cynic or whatever, but that's the truth.

Now if you look at the policies of both BNP and AL regarding India, you will find that sometime or the other both have been submissive in nature. While AL definitely shows submissive nature but that does not mean BNP is different. Its just that BNP has an anti-India stance which gains it popularity and votes.It does not necessarily make it a "messiah against Indian aggression".
Now I can go on with examples of BNP's submissive behavior as well, but that would only lead some people calling me an Al thug or Raw agent, so no point in getting into argument. There are people in both parties who are prepared to make deals with India for their own personal gains.

My point of this post was; no matter what parties in power it will bow down to Indian pressure as long as we have this mud throwing contest going on in our political arena. The only way to overcome any foreign dominance is through economic prosperity which calls for political stability. Then will come the matter of defence.

These things have been discussed over and over and over again here at PDF. Discussing it again, here in a foreign forum will not bring any fruit. So I really don't see the point why you actually started the thread in the first place.

here's the clip
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India is never a problem.... Its just hasina... she feels that India helped her (after 1975,2008) now its her duty to pay back even that goes against her nation's interest...... But India always meant business....

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