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Bangladesh being a puppet state

One more Cry Baby nation on the Rise ....

"1 KG of garlic costs Tk. 180" ??????? how is India responsible for this India itself is facing Inflation...

Kuch bhi ho blame it on India..... this whole Crybaby nation needs a psychiatric evaluation

"Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.[1

An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.

The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud - in his letters to Wilhelm Fliess, '"Draft H" deals with projection as a mechanism of defence'[2]
Because of US support to india, india got the courage to go this far. India can do anything now. I am seeing a second Sikkim if not AL is destroyed soon. Yes destroyed. Why? Because they are selling bangladesh. They aren't the only bangladeshis or the mejority, it is us the rest, the public. India got so much arrogance is that they divide a river of a free country and bangladeshis can't do anything. The bd gov is silent. The Awami League gov. makes 30 year contract of padma river water sharing and this river when divided perpendicular wise to the bank with cement and bags full of soil and Awami League, the saviour of bangalees stays quiet. Very suspicious. The people who are at the responsibilities on bangladesh side are obviously gaddars of bangladesh and its public. Also Awami League who make contracts for padma river of water sharing for 30 years does not do anything about tipaimukhi barrage. India couldn't do this if the bangladeshi gov or the opposition stopped it. US is killing two birds with one stone, pakistan and bangladesh. In the case of bangladesh, US need not doing anything, because India is working for it and the gaddars of bangladesh are the ones from all the public of bangladesh getting bags full of money.

By the way from puppet state name is no more for this thread but it should be the second sikkim
easiest way to escape: Blame India for each and every thing. Keep telling lies so that ppl start believing in it.

Because of US support to india, india got the courage to go this far. India can do anything now. I am seeing a second Sikkim if not AL is destroyed soon. Yes destroyed. Why? Because they are selling bangladesh. They aren't the only bangladeshis or the mejority, it is us the rest, the pubic. India got so much arrogance is that they divide a river of a free country and bangladeshis can't do anything. The bd gov is silent. The Awami League gov. makes 30 year contract of padma river water sharing and this river when divided perpendicular wise to the bank with cement and bags full of soil and Awami League, the saviour of bangalees stays quiet. Very suspicious. The people who are at the responsibilities on bangladesh side are obviously gaddars of bangladesh and its public. Also Awami League who make contracts for padma river of water sharing for 30 years does not do anything about tipaimukhi barrage. India couldn't do this if the bangladeshi gov or the opposition stopped it. US is killing two birds with one stone, pakistan and bangladesh. In the case of bangladesh, US need not doing anything, because India is working for it and the gaddars of bangladesh are the ones from all the public of bangladesh getting bags full of money.

By the way from puppet state name is no more for this thread but it should be the second sikkim

So what do you want confrontation with India??? Pathetic attitude, Some ppl have habit to create trouble and then get rid of it.. Easiest way to escape is abuse India,USA,Israel and west for everything...
Look let's be honest.

Bangladesh is surrounded almost on all sides by India, its lifeline of rivers all come from India and out of the two political parties if one is sympathetic to Pakistan/Islamist cause then naturally the other will be seen as more tolerant and conducive to India and by extension will get the biggest power's (India) support.

That is the reality of all small,relatively weak states surrounded by big powers. Bangladesh is no exception to this regard. It's smartness lies in how it utilizes that relation to develop itself and the life standards of its citizens. Trying to fight off the bigger power or engaging in shadowy hostile acts will get it nowhere.

The sooner the people understand this the better for everyone.

Cease all your effort at using logic in the BD subforum! It's blasphemy! The mullah brigade is gonna go mad!

PS: nicely put :enjoy:
Because of US support to india, india got the courage to go this far. India can do anything now. I am seeing a second Sikkim if not AL is destroyed soon. Yes destroyed. Why? Because they are selling bangladesh. They aren't the only bangladeshis or the mejority, it is us the rest, the public. India got so much arrogance is that they divide a river of a free country and bangladeshis can't do anything. The bd gov is silent. The Awami League gov. makes 30 year contract of padma river water sharing and this river when divided perpendicular wise to the bank with cement and bags full of soil and Awami League, the saviour of bangalees stays quiet. Very suspicious.

The people who are at the responsibilities on bangladesh side are obviously gaddars of bangladesh and its public. Also Awami League who make contracts for padma river of water sharing for 30 years does not do anything about tipaimukhi barrage. India couldn't do this if the bangladeshi gov or the opposition stopped it. US is killing two birds with one stone, pakistan and bangladesh. In the case of bangladesh, US need not doing anything, because India is working for it and the gaddars of bangladesh are the ones from all the public of bangladesh getting bags full of money.

By the way from puppet state name is no more for this thread but it should be the second sikkim

Now, think you are the BNP Chief and you have won the next election. You are the new PM of BD. You now prove us how to become a non-gaddar BNP. Give us some logical points, otherwise, your post will become a simple bickering without essence. How will you deal with Padma water sharing, Teesta water sharing and construction of Tipaimukh bdam. Do not break your head when typing and take care of the key board, too.
"Because of US support to india, india got the courage to go this far. India can do anything now. I am seeing a second Sikkim if not AL is destroyed soon. Yes destroyed. Why? Because they are selling bangladesh. They aren't the only bangladeshis or the mejority, it is us the rest, the public. India got so much arrogance is that they divide a river of a free country and bangladeshis can't do anything. The bd gov is silent. The Awami League gov. makes 30 year contract of padma river water sharing and this river when divided perpendicular wise to the bank with cement and bags full of soil and Awami League, the saviour of bangalees stays quiet. Very suspicious. The people who are at the responsibilities on bangladesh side are obviously gaddars of bangladesh and its public. Also Awami League who make contracts for padma river of water sharing for 30 years does not do anything about tipaimukhi barrage. India couldn't do this if the bangladeshi gov or the opposition stopped it. US is killing two birds with one stone, pakistan and bangladesh. In the case of bangladesh, US need not doing anything, because India is working for it and the gaddars of bangladesh are the ones from all the public of bangladesh getting bags full of money.

By the way from puppet state name is no more for this thread but it should be the second sikkim"

they all are equally responsible. And in your case, I suggest you change your bangladeshi flag under the avator.
"Because of US support to india, india got the courage to go this far. India can do anything now. I am seeing a second Sikkim if not AL is destroyed soon. Yes destroyed. Why? Because they are selling bangladesh. They aren't the only bangladeshis or the mejority, it is us the rest, the public. India got so much arrogance is that they divide a river of a free country and bangladeshis can't do anything. The bd gov is silent. The Awami League gov. makes 30 year contract of padma river water sharing and this river when divided perpendicular wise to the bank with cement and bags full of soil and Awami League, the saviour of bangalees stays quiet. Very suspicious. The people who are at the responsibilities on bangladesh side are obviously gaddars of bangladesh and its public. Also Awami League who make contracts for padma river of water sharing for 30 years does not do anything about tipaimukhi barrage. India couldn't do this if the bangladeshi gov or the opposition stopped it. US is killing two birds with one stone, pakistan and bangladesh. In the case of bangladesh, US need not doing anything, because India is working for it and the gaddars of bangladesh are the ones from all the public of bangladesh getting bags full of money.

By the way from puppet state name is no more for this thread but it should be the second sikkim"

they all are equally responsible. And in your case, I suggest you change your bangladeshi flag under the avator.

Can you please elaborate how the government or the opposition will stop india??? Please dont troll bout eastwatch, he's one of the more sensible ones. If his views doesnt agree with you that does not mean his views are against the interest of the country
Can you please elaborate how the government or the opposition will stop india??? Please dont troll bout eastwatch, he's one of the more sensible ones. If his views doesnt agree with you that does not mean his views are against the interest of the country

If I am not the sensible one, then why are u asking me? For Fun? This is your love for your country when the evidences are clear? Everyday the evidences show that bangladesh's interest being hampered.I suggest you change your bangladeshi flag too. I am mollah and I am happy that I am one rather than munafik (Hypocrit).
If I am not the sensible one, then why are u asking me? For Fun? This is your love for your country when the evidences are clear? Everyday the evidences show that bangladesh's interest being hampered.I suggest you change your bangladeshi flag too. I am mollah and I am happy that I am one rather than munafik (Hypocrit).

so when u got nothing to say u resorted to personal attack in order to avoid a direct question......tells a lot about your mentality.....
so when u got nothing to say u resorted to personal attack in order to avoid a direct question......tells a lot about your mentality.....

Am I suppose to give the solution? What makes you think I have a solution? The bangladesh gov. has billions of dollar, they can find someone better than me to find solution and who am I, nothing! Now you guys are asking solution from me, that means you have the solution and can judge my one is sane or not. Why don't you all present your solutions? eh! I'm out.
Am I suppose to give the solution? What makes you think I have a solution? The bangladesh gov. has billions of dollar, they can find someone better than me to find solution and who am I, nothing! Now you guys are asking solution from me, that means you have the solution and can judge my one is sane or not. Why don't you all present your solutions? eh! I'm out.

please don't come back...
If I am not the sensible one, then why are u asking me? For Fun? This is your love for your country when the evidences are clear? Everyday the evidences show that bangladesh's interest being hampered.I suggest you change your bangladeshi flag too. I am mollah and I am happy that I am one rather than munafik (Hypocrit).

I asked you the questions because be it AL or BNP, you cant stop india from building the dam. BNP got ran over by india as well when they were in power. Cos the thing is when one party chooses to do one thing the other one opposes it.

Bangladesh interest are being hampered, i agree with that. But my question to you is, what can you do about it? Nothing. Rambling on about your problems isnt gonna solve anything. Why dont you think of something constructive for once??

About the sikkim part. Sikkimese majority wanted to ba a part of india. However bangladeshis do not want to be a part of india. The power of safeguarding independence lies with the people, as long as bd wants to remain independent(hopefully forever), bd will never bow down to anyone
If I am not the sensible one, then why are u asking me? For Fun? This is your love for your country when the evidences are clear? Everyday the evidences show that bangladesh's interest being hampered.I suggest you change your bangladeshi flag too. I am mollah and I am happy that I am one rather than munafik (Hypocrit).

Ignorant Mullahs who still want us to belive that the Sun revolves around the Earth, should better preach in mosques. This Forum is a place where more enlightened ones contribute to the learning effort of others. Since, you claim to be a Mollah, therefore, you have stopped your mind from learning any further.

Why not stop trolling? What evidence did you provide to prove your point? None, except that people, who do not believe in your stupid preaching, are all Munafiqs. This is 22nd Century, but you are living in the 6th Century when people accepted the idea of drinking camel urine to cure a disease. This is why you put your argument like a blind whose eyes do not allow any entrance of light that carries knowledge.
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