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Bangladesh Army

Recently the Army put up a tender regarding LCTs, TCV and Command vessels. The LCTs are specified as being river going vessels, and will be able to carry 8 MBT200s and will have a helipad. They will be getting 2 of them.

The troop carrying vessel will be able to carry 200 troops and we will be getting 3 of them. They will also be seaworthy upto sea-state 4.

The command vessels(4 on order) will be able to carry 35 personnels plus 1 jeep and 1 pickup and they will also be seaworthy up to sea-state 4.

The Army seems to really stepping up in building up their riverine force. Granted none of them are offensive, they seem to be integrating and utilizing rivers into their operational plans

Well riverine warfare has always been our forte, even during and since independence. Given rivers are one of our national assets, it makes perfect sense to romp up warfare surrounding rivers where any aggressor would have territorial disadvantage.

As a defensive force, for us, sychronized guerrila and riverine warfare is the way forward. What I believe we are lacking is mobile anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons that can be moved easily through these warfare techniques.
Well riverine warfare has always been our forte, even during and since independence. Given rivers are one of our national assets, it makes perfect sense to romp up warfare surrounding rivers where any aggressor would have territorial disadvantage.

As a defensive force, for us, sychronized guerrila and riverine warfare is the way forward. What I believe we are lacking is mobile anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons that can be moved easily through these warfare techniques.

Only in the past few years the army seems to be active in purchasing these LCTs and LCVPs. Before that i didnt really see them have much riverine assets. To me it mostly looked like they were using the rivers as geographical barriers.

These purchases seem to indicate that army wants to use the rivers actively to project their power. Like their land assets can be quickly redistributed to meet operational needs. Also reduces the dependency on bridges

I do agree with you on the anti-tank/aircraft part. Maybe we can have fast attack riverine crafts loaded with these weapons lol.
Only in the past few years the army seems to be active in purchasing these LCTs and LCVPs. Before that i didnt really see them have much riverine assets. To me it mostly looked like they were using the rivers as geographical barriers.

These purchases seem to indicate that army wants to use the rivers actively to project their power. Like their land assets can be quickly redistributed to meet operational needs. Also reduces the dependency on bridges

I do agree with you on the anti-tank/aircraft part. Maybe we can have fast attack riverine crafts loaded with these weapons lol.

Lol most likely. Our shipyards could come up with some boat designs which allows you to station/move anti tank weapons.

But seriously though, we need more 'effective' agility in our kind of terrain to have superior advantage. Hit and run works only when you have dealt a considerable amount of damage with the one shot you got.
Bangladesh Army participated in a multi-national exercise KIS-2019 with 17 countries in Turkey.




Our shipyards could come up with some boat designs which allows you to station/move anti tank weapons.

Then you can consider this. ;)

Bangladesh Army is evaluating US-made unmanned aerial vehicles for the first time. The drones will be purchased to undertake target acquisition, battlefield damage assessment, reconnaissance and surveillance.

The Army is to induct at least three to four different model drones including one for target practice by air defence artillery brigade.

One of our sources commented that Army will get a better UAV than the Wing Loong II UCAVs purchased by the Bangladesh Air Force.

Why not? Army swims in money these days and it knows how to get things done pronto.

There are many applications for using drone technology in Bangladesh.

- Counter-terrorism ops
- Counter-insurgent in CHT
- United Nations peace enforcement missions such as the Mali mission
- High intensity war missions

The main issue with acquiring hi-tech gear is not money or will of the government. Its to do with human resources. Army has a shortage of qualified and educated manpower at NCO level. Most of the NCOs are not too bright so this is why it is important to invest in quality education (science, engineering, technology and polytechnic institutes) across the length and breadth of Bangladesh.

Army schools for civilians are working on this. Hopefully those facilities can output the skilled manpower to ensure a smooth FG2030.

Indian Army IL 76 leaving Dhaka with Indian Army contingent taking part in joint training exercises.

Interesting that they would proceed to Guwahati via Daudkandi at 3000 feet altitude which is barely ten minutes from Dhaka at standard cruise speed for that aircraft. I am guessing the Army contingent is based at Guwahati or environs....
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Indian Army IL 76 leaving Dhaka with Indian Army contingent taking part in joint training exercises.

Interesting that they would proceed to Guwahati via Daudkandi at 3000 feet altitude which is barely ten minutes from Dhaka at standard cruise speed for that aircraft. I am guessing the Army contingent is based at Guwahati or environs....
they don't have their priorities straight
The Bangladesh Army's Yamaha TW2000 trail bikes for dispatching when communications lines are down and bad roads everywhere!

Recently the Army put up a tender regarding LCTs, TCV and Command vessels. The LCTs are specified as being river going vessels, and will be able to carry 8 MBT200s and will have a helipad. They will be getting 2 of them.

The troop carrying vessel will be able to carry 200 troops and we will be getting 3 of them. They will also be seaworthy upto sea-state 4.

The command vessels(4 on order) will be able to carry 35 personnels plus 1 jeep and 1 pickup and they will also be seaworthy up to sea-state 4.

The Army seems to really stepping up in building up their riverine force. Granted none of them are offensive, they seem to be integrating and utilizing rivers into their operational plans
All weapons are basically offensive. The purpose of building a vessel that will carry 8 battle tanks and has a helipad, too, is certainly not defensive in nature. However, since it will carry important military hardware as well as troops I believe the vessels will be fitted with weapons that can be used against an enemy attack from the sky.
All weapons are basically offensive. The purpose of building a vessel that will carry 8 battle tanks and has a helipad, too, is certainly not defensive in nature. However, since it will carry important military hardware as well as troops I believe the vessels will be fitted with weapons that can be used against an enemy attack from the sky.

I disagree bro, not all army equipment is offensive. The craft is a force multiplier though and has some defensive capability, but it is still a transport craft end of the day.

As per the tender, it only has 4 14.5mm AAMG. No much firepower imo.
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