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Bangladesh Air Force

Well mate BAF is too blind to see any of these deals , although new Gripens seem good and idk if the Phillippines is buying some

I think best to stay away from new build Gripen Es.

They are expensive at 85 million US dollars per plane, will need to wait 3-4 years for first deliveries and BD is stuck with this plane till 2050s.

Refurbished Gripen C cost will be 30-40 million dollars, delivery within 12-18 months and airframe lifetime of around 15 years. Only disadvantage is they have less load capacity and range then Gripen E.
Just Simple Information.
PAF stationed 20 Sabres----14 squadron Tail choppers, The only sqd in East Pakistan---- Note now this squadron is equiped with JF-17 thunders block 2 and will be upgraded to block3 category with in two years----Which is just like a Gripen
1 AESA radar
2 WS-13 engine with 91kN Thrust
4 Single large screen cockpit (like that of F-35)
5 PL-15 with 400km range
6 Nuclear strike capable
7 IR integrated pod
wonder if you can buy K8 which is off course a Pakistani trainer (don't tell me it is China made or Pakistan just a buyer of it) then why not jft????
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Just Simple Information.
PAF stationed 20 Sabres----14 squadron Tail choppers, The only sqd in East Pakistan---- Note now this squadron is equiped with JF-17 thunders block 2 and will be upgraded to block3 category with in two years----Which is just like a Gripen
1 AESA radar
2 WS-13 engine with 91kN Thrust
4 Single large screen cockpit (like that of F-35)
5 PL-15 with 400km range
6 Nuclear strike capable
7 IR integrated pod

wonder if you can buy K8 which is off course a Pakistani trainer (don't tell me it is China made or Pakistan just a buyer of it) then why not jft????

Firstly why JFT rather than J10....

Secondly If we consider MM as the imediate enemy then fielding JFT against them we have the same problems with supply vis-a-vis MM and J10...

For MM we need western jets that does not have chinese strings for operational freedom
Firstly why JFT rather than J10....

Secondly If we consider MM as the imediate enemy then fielding JFT against them we have the same problems with supply vis-a-vis MM and J10...

For MM we need western jets that does not have chinese strings for operational freedom
jft is better than J-10 ....it is a false thought that J-10 has an edge over jft
Even in some areas JF-17 is superior than that of J-10
1 Dsi intakes
2 F-16 resembling dynamics
3 Western Avionics
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jft is better than J-10 ....it is a false thought that J-10 has an edge over jft
Even in some areas JF-17 is superior than that of J-10
1 Dsi intakes
2 F-16 resembling dynamics
3 Western Avionics

Ok...but for BD our issue relating to MM and china connection remains and thus problematic.

If BAF opts for an option primarily focused on IAF then J10 is the only feasible option because of established relationship with china.

It is unlikely that JFT would be in the running. Geopolitical consideration would thump technical prowess of JFT.

Personally i would prefer EFT/J10 combination for BAF over F16/J10 combination...... but whatever..... BAF is very nearly a lost cause....
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Wow such a relief, more trainers to the rescue !
I had a boss who used to say , " Everybody is getting ready to get ready ! " .
BAF maybe, just maybe someday will buy some proper MRCAs !

Eh I hope , Typhoons seem like the only option along with the J-10C

BAF is truly a pathetic branch , while other countries are buying new 4th gen fighters or already have them.

Bangladesh leaders over here are screaming " MUH HUH PEACEFUL COUNTRY"
Eurofighter should rebrand Typhoon Tranche 3's as AJTs. BAF would then buy hundreds in a heartbeat.

Every district would get flooded with Typhoons.

America : We have F22s and F35s as our fighters what's your ?

U.K : F-35s and Typhoons
Russia: T-50 and Su35s
Japan : F-35s and F-15s
China: J-20 and J-10Cs
India: Su30s and Rafaels

Bangladesh : We have trainers....

Everyone : :omghaha:
OK, at least BD is getting progressively richer and so should be able to purchase a lot of fighter planes once the intention is actually there.

Let us see if some of the experts can help us here.

Guys say there was almost unlimited funds, how long would it take to quickly build a modern airforce of 4+/5 gen fighters from where BD is with just 3rd gen jets, no AWACs, 8 old 4th gen fighters but plenty of trainer planes of all types?
We are ignoring supply constraints in terms of geopolitics here but just looking at the practicalities of getting planes inducted, BAF trained to fly them and integrate them into an effective modern fighting force.


Thank you in advance if you can spend some time writing down your opinions for the benefit of us non-professionals here.

PS - We are looking at around 160 fighter planes in total here.
They bought a Chinese vegetable cart and painted it green and white and tada Bob's your uncle, their own 'indigenous' jet....

Thankfully, they didn't add a cringy perso-arabic name this time.

Epitome of an identity crisis.
That vegetable is a modern 4th gen fighter which we are manufacturing ( 58 percent from scratch) anyways we'll just watch the show when Bangladesh gets their butts kicked by Myanmars JF 17 with SD10As and link 17s ... while so called economic power gets their butts kicked and cry to daddy UN for help ... don't act smart peanut your fancy words don't matter what matters is you have a SHIT airforce and instead of shitting on others progress and success you whine about it ..... get yourself a real airforce first... btw you also rely on vegetable cart F7 lol so when is dhaka getting Myanmar's flag .. pathetic sense of superiority over nothing
That vegetable is a modern 4th gen fighter which we are manufacturing ( 58 percent from scratch) anyways we'll just watch the show when Bangladesh gets their butts kicked by Myanmars JF 17 with SD10As and link 17s ... while so called economic power gets their butts kicked and cry to daddy UN for help ... don't act smart peanut your fancy words don't matter what matters is you have a SHIT airforce and instead of shitting on others progress and success you whine about it ..... get yourself a real airforce first... btw you also rely on vegetable cart F7 lol so when is dhaka getting Myanmar's flag .. pathetic sense of superiority over nothing

Face it bud JF-17s are 99% Chinese technology, Pakistan doesn't have experience in making fighters or its electrionics.

Gripen is however also part Swedish,British and American

Sweden alone still is ahead of Pakistan in terms of jet manufacturering

So learn some actual facts that you guys are literally taking a Chinese fighter and calling it Pakistani.

How fücking funny , at least we don't claim we made F-7s
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