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Bangladesh Air Force

I guess J-31 is another option , do you have any other 5th gen suggestions ?

F-35 isn't an option , and I'm not sure if other European nations are making their own 5th gen fighters

If BAF doesn't sign a deal by next year , they can remove the Air Force name from them and call themselves a trainer/transport company with some weapons

J-31 will be the fighter for India but not Myanmar for obvious reasons.

European options are probably out as UK Tempest will not come out till 2035 at the earliest and exports not till 2040. UK may also not sell such a hi-tech jet to BD for at least the first decade of service.
Franco-German NGF is only stated for service at home starting in 2040.

@Michael Corleone - Initial deal was signed but no firm commitment has been made yet.
I think that TF-X will get a co-developed next-gen engine based on the Tempest core-engine tech but with a 4th gen Turkish option both as backup and to help develop the Turkish aero-engine industry.
J-31 will be the fighter for India but not Myanmar for obvious reasons.

European options are probably out as UK Tempest will not come out till 2035 at the earliest and exports not till 2040. UK may also not sell such a hi-tech jet to BD for at least the first decade of service.
Franco-German NGF is only stated for service at home starting in 2040.

@Michael Corleone - Initial deal was signed but no firm commitment has been made yet.
I think that TF-X will get a co-developed next-gen engine based on the Tempest core-engine tech but with a 4th gen Turkish option both as backup and to help develop the Turkish aero-engine industry.

Either way I guess TFX so the only option , but we don't even have 4th gen fighters yet.

How do we expect these brain dead people to start thinking of 5th generation platforms

President did say we will eventually get 5th generation fighters
why dont u people take a break??!! previous 100 pages were about "baf kela pare naa,kisuh kine naa,amra moira jaitesii,myanmar dhokhol kore nitese..." ..same pechal over nd over again..i knw we all r disappointed with this sorry state of baf..but keep harping same thing over nd over again wont chng anythng..
why dont u people take a break??!! previous 100 pages were about "baf kela pare naa,kisuh kine naa,amra moira jaitesii,myanmar dhokhol kore nitese..." ..same pechal over nd over again..i knw we all r disappointed with this sorry state of baf..but keep harping same thing over nd over again wont chng anythng..


We are bored.
why dont u people take a break??!! previous 100 pages were about "baf kela pare naa,kisuh kine naa,amra moira jaitesii,myanmar dhokhol kore nitese..." ..same pechal over nd over again..i knw we all r disappointed with this sorry state of baf..but keep harping same thing over nd over again wont chng anythng..

Dude, we are taking about the best aircraft to get for BAF now that it is nearly 2021 and no actual orders yet.

If you notice the talk has somewhat changed from getting new build 4th gen Western fighters to having to make do with maybe refurbished 4th gen fighters for this decade and going for 5th gen next decade.

Since there is absolutely no real information about what or if anything BAF will order, at least this keeps this thread alive somewhat.
Either way I guess TFX so the only option , but we don't even have 4th gen fighters yet.

How do we expect these brain dead people to start thinking of 5th generation platforms

President did say we will eventually get 5th generation fighters

BAF has had 4th gen Mig-29s since 2001.
When the order was placed it was for 16 + 16 options.
BAF ended up with 8 in the end due to a change of government.
why dont u people take a break??!! previous 100 pages were about "baf kela pare naa,kisuh kine naa,amra moira jaitesii,myanmar dhokhol kore nitese..." ..same pechal over nd over again..i knw we all r disappointed with this sorry state of baf..but keep harping same thing over nd over again wont chng anythng..

You expect me to do some black magic and summon 4th gen fighters ?

Nah we are talking to keep this thread alive , we are not just disappointed but concerned about our national security and the safety of our airspace which BAF clearly can't protect


Greetings from Myanmar BAF!


Don't wanna leave out felicitations to the BN!
The way things are going, BN, BGB and Bangladesh Police will operate 4++ gen fighter jets before BAF.

Fun facts:
1. BAF has not signed one single contract for 4th gen fighters since this thread of 634 pages started.

2. The initial batch of MiG-29 pilots are almost all retired.

3. The MiG-29s are older than some of the junior officers serving BAF.
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For those who are interested in refurbished Gripens for BAF the below may be of interest - think South Africa would be interested in disposing of some of it's Gripens if it could find a buyer:

Saab AESA trial offers Gripen C/D users new upgrade path
By Craig Hoyle28 April 2020
Saab has begun promoting an active electronically scanned array (AESA) antenna for its PS-05/A fighter radar, offering an upgrade option for operators of its Gripen C/D, and other legacy types.
During a roughly 90min debut flight aboard a Gripen D test aircraft conducted from the Swedish company’s Linkoping site on 8 April, the AESA sensor “collected data while detecting and tracking objects”, Saab says.
Gripen D AESA

Source: Saab
New array was installed on Gripen D test aircraft
Anders Carp, head of the company’s aeronautics business area, describes these as having been “targets of opportunity” such as general aviation aircraft, due to a lack of commercial airliner activity during the coronavirus crisis.
“We had a very successful first flight, both in terms of capability and stability,” Carp says.
Future tests, to be conducted following data validation from the sensor’s airborne debut, will be expanded to incorporate “fighter targets”, he notes. In all, around 15 flights are planned over a period of three to four months.
Integration of the AESA array – which features more than 500 gallium nitride transmit/receive modules – required no alteration to the Gripen’s power or cooling provision, Carp says. “We’re just changing the array itself, and using exactly the same back-end as the [PS-05/A] Mk4” with some software updates, he notes.
“We have the possibility now to get the full radar range to use [MBDA’s] Meteor or similar [air-to-air] missiles,” Carp notes of the enhancement.
The availability of an ITAR-free AESA array offers a potential upgrade path for existing Gripen C/D operators, which in addition to the Swedish air force include the Czech Republic, Hungary, South Africa and Thailand.
As well as being a candidate for such updates, the new array will also be offered with Saab’s proposed Gripen Aggressor platform, which is intended to meet growing military demand for adversary training services.
“The Gripen is a fairly small aircraft compared to many of the competitors, which makes the size of the radar suitable for many other platforms,” Carp notes. This could potentially include advanced jet trainers, and even unmanned air vehicles, he suggests.
Carp points to the fighter AESA design as having drawn on Saab’s experience with developing other X-band sensors, including for the Giraffe 1X short-range ground-based air-defence radar. Its underlying technology could be scaled up to approaching an “Erieye-size” sensor for airborne ground surveillance tasks, he indicates.
“If there’s a customer that wants it now we’re ready to start production – we’re more or less ready to take orders,” Carp says.
Saab fighter AESA

Source: Peter Liander/Saab
Active electronically scanned array is ready for production orders
Saab has already delivered an array almost identical to the design flown in the Gripen to an undisclosed US military customer. The company last October announced its receipt of a contract to supply the system, but will not disclose the operator or platform type.
Saab’s AESA product will not compete with the Leonardo Raven ES-05 array installed on the airframer’s new-generation Gripen E, which is in production for Sweden and launch export buyer Brazil.
For those who are interested in refurbished Gripens for BAF the below may be of interest - think South Africa would be interested in disposing of some of it's Gripens if it could find a buyer:

Saab AESA trial offers Gripen C/D users new upgrade path
By Craig Hoyle28 April 2020
Saab has begun promoting an active electronically scanned array (AESA) antenna for its PS-05/A fighter radar, offering an upgrade option for operators of its Gripen C/D, and other legacy types.
During a roughly 90min debut flight aboard a Gripen D test aircraft conducted from the Swedish company’s Linkoping site on 8 April, the AESA sensor “collected data while detecting and tracking objects”, Saab says.
Gripen D AESA

Source: Saab
New array was installed on Gripen D test aircraft
Anders Carp, head of the company’s aeronautics business area, describes these as having been “targets of opportunity” such as general aviation aircraft, due to a lack of commercial airliner activity during the coronavirus crisis.
“We had a very successful first flight, both in terms of capability and stability,” Carp says.
Future tests, to be conducted following data validation from the sensor’s airborne debut, will be expanded to incorporate “fighter targets”, he notes. In all, around 15 flights are planned over a period of three to four months.
Integration of the AESA array – which features more than 500 gallium nitride transmit/receive modules – required no alteration to the Gripen’s power or cooling provision, Carp says. “We’re just changing the array itself, and using exactly the same back-end as the [PS-05/A] Mk4” with some software updates, he notes.
“We have the possibility now to get the full radar range to use [MBDA’s] Meteor or similar [air-to-air] missiles,” Carp notes of the enhancement.
The availability of an ITAR-free AESA array offers a potential upgrade path for existing Gripen C/D operators, which in addition to the Swedish air force include the Czech Republic, Hungary, South Africa and Thailand.
As well as being a candidate for such updates, the new array will also be offered with Saab’s proposed Gripen Aggressor platform, which is intended to meet growing military demand for adversary training services.
“The Gripen is a fairly small aircraft compared to many of the competitors, which makes the size of the radar suitable for many other platforms,” Carp notes. This could potentially include advanced jet trainers, and even unmanned air vehicles, he suggests.
Carp points to the fighter AESA design as having drawn on Saab’s experience with developing other X-band sensors, including for the Giraffe 1X short-range ground-based air-defence radar. Its underlying technology could be scaled up to approaching an “Erieye-size” sensor for airborne ground surveillance tasks, he indicates.
“If there’s a customer that wants it now we’re ready to start production – we’re more or less ready to take orders,” Carp says.
Saab fighter AESA

Source: Peter Liander/Saab
Active electronically scanned array is ready for production orders
Saab has already delivered an array almost identical to the design flown in the Gripen to an undisclosed US military customer. The company last October announced its receipt of a contract to supply the system, but will not disclose the operator or platform type.
Saab’s AESA product will not compete with the Leonardo Raven ES-05 array installed on the airframer’s new-generation Gripen E, which is in production for Sweden and launch export buyer Brazil.

Well mate BAF is too blind to see any of these deals , although new Gripens seem good and idk if the Phillippines is buying some

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