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Bangladesh Air Force

i think 4++ gen fighters will remain relevant up until 2060s (germany will operate EFTs) . Once the TF project matures and comes into service with TAF, it will be a candidate for 5th gen fighter procurement.

Germany is not a good example as they are buying more EFTs to support their industry and not because it is the most capable platform available - F-35As are way better.
Germany will start inducting the 5/6th gen FCAS from around 2040, which is it co-developing with France.

J-10C is probably a little late now and so BD should set its sight on the J-35 that should be available in the latter half of this year.

Western 4+ gen now(EFT?) for Myanmar and then best to jump onto Chinese 5th gen latter half of this decade to deal with India.

Anyway Western is not reliable against India at all as we just saw with the favours given to India as regards travel restrictions by both UK and USA, that neither BD or Pakistan got. Brexit UK is begging India for a trade deal right now.
Germany is not a good example as they are buying more EFTs to support their industry and not because it is the most capable platform available - F-35As are way better.
Germany will start inducting the 5/6th gen FCAS from around 2040, which is it co-developing with France.

J-10C is probably a little late now and so BD should set its sight on the J-35 that should be available in the latter half of this year.

Western 4+ gen now(EFT?) and then best to jump onto Chinese 5th gen latter half of this decade.
i doubt india given its track record of developing tejas , arjun and myanmar which is literally on fire right now will be able to field significant amount no matter how much they like to brag with concept designs and acronyms.

T-4 EFTs will be very capable jets and will remain relevant. let BAF get some experience with 4++ fighters first.
the process of getting a new 5th gen fighters needsto be started soon. luckily by the time BAF looks to get a 5th Gen fighter , it will have plenty of choice Tf , Kf-21 block 3 , J-35 etc.
BD Government : *Yawns* we will not induct anything but make some 7.62mm bullets for our Bangubadu-47s that's all.

But seriously I don't have much faith in Bangladesh's leadership in defense lol

True , if we're working on rockets might as well make a dam space agency lol

In my opinion . Government is making the right noises now. But how much work they can get in short time remains to be seen. if GOB gets its act together, 2-3 years is enough. The noises BD government is making clash with India is inevitable. Matter of when , not if.

SAM network in strategically set, Tactical and cruise missiles in overwhelming numbers, offensive drones in large numbers for BA and BN . Strengthening the submarine arm of BN from 2 subs to 8-10 will BD MASSIVE conventional edge when confronting India. Just by doing these thing BD will be able to Fight India conventionally for at least 2 months .

BAF is actually going in the right direction. Say by some miracle they manage to induct 2 squadron of MRCA in the next 3 years. Those 2 squadrons what will they do ? maybe a few interception/ raids and that's just about it. No BAF is going the right way by focusing on offensive Drones , SAMS and radars. If BAF inducts these in sufficient numbers, they will be far more effective and complementary for BA and BN then say MRCA.

MRCA are expensive , if BAF buys in small numbers , they will knocked out in 48-72 hours from the start of war. For MRCA to be effective BAF needs to buy them in high numbers . There is 2 problems there . a) cash b) time . Not enough cash and not enough time to properly form doctrines to effectively use MRCA in sync with BA and BN. Large numbers of Offensive drones , and SAMs can be purchased for half the price of the MRCA's and can be 2wice the more effective in clash with India .
i doubt india given its track record of developing tejas , arjun and myanmar which is literally on fire right now will be able to field significant amount no matter how much they like to brag with concept designs and acronyms.

T-4 EFTs will be very capable jets and will remain relevant. let BAF get some experience with 4++ fighters first.
the process of getting a new 5th gen fighters needsto be started soon. luckily by the time BAF looks to get a 5th Gen fighter , it will have plenty of choice Tf , Kf-21 block 3 , J-35 etc.

BAF now has a decent 4th gen fighter in the 4 upgraded Mig-29BM. I think the other 4 are in ByeloRussia getting upgraded as well.

These planes have relatively modern electronics and radars that should allow BAF to train in proper BVR fighting tactics and techniques.

Yes Western 4+ gen fighter(EFT?) is next on the list but please no more new 4th gen jet types after 2-3 squadrons of these. They are past their time to buy brand new and BAF should jump to Chinese J-35 next.
BAF now has a decent 4th gen fighter in the 4 upgraded Mig-29BM. I think the other 4 are in ByeloRussia getting upgraded as well.

These planes have relatively modern electronics and radars that should allow BAF to train in proper BVR fighting tactics and techniques.

Yes Western 4+ gen fighter(EFT?) is next on the list but please no more new 4th gen jet types after 2-3 squadrons of these. They are past their time to buy brand new and BAF should jump to Chinese J-35 next.
5th generation fighters are thoroughly overrated and overpriced. The stealth factor will evaporate in a decade or so due to rapid advancements in ground radar tech.

Watch the Vox documentary on F-35s.

BAF would be left with unnecessarily complicated fighters with a number of compromises to accommodate so-called "stealth".

BAF will be much better off investing heavily in 4++ gen fighters and then jumping straight onto supersonic UCAVs which will be a reality by 2050.
5th generation fighters are thoroughly overrated and overpriced. The stealth factor will evaporate in a decade or so due to rapid advancements in ground radar tech.

Watch the Vox documentary on F-35s.

BAF would be left with unnecessarily complicated fighters with a number of compromises to accommodate so-called "stealth".

BAF will be much better off investing heavily in 4++ gen fighters and then jumping straight onto supersonic UCAVs which will be a reality by 2050.

I mean 2050 is a long dam way son , BD can at least meanwhile make a home grown aerospace industry or something. Turkish Tai TFX doesn't seem like a bad option either
I mean 2050 is a long dam way son , BD can at least meanwhile make a home grown aerospace industry or something. Turkish Tai TFX doesn't seem like a bad option either
Building drones could be a great start...seeing how effective they were against Armenia...a small scale industry wont eat up a lot of our budget...just need some goodwill.
Like they say in Bangladesh "Purai dijital" (Can't pronounce digital).

But Roja Romzaner din - we shouldn't be showing/mentioning these things.

Did you guys know about the infamous Richard Gere who used (ahem) a "live" plug? It's open secret in the US BTW....heh heh.

Eibar buijjha lao....
Building drones could be a great start...seeing how effective they were against Armenia...a small scale industry wont eat up a lot of our budget...just need some goodwill.

I mean if Bangladesh isn't industrialized by 2050 it's pretty much over then , it should AT LEAST be able to make it's own drones indigenously with it's own electronics aka Walton can help with that.

Bangladesh needs to start with small arms development cause we can't follow India's method of making equipment which tends to be a failure at times.

If small nations like South Korea or Singapore can make assault rifles so can we , for ex like the South Korean K-2 which is based on an AR-100 I think.

If we can get our metallurgy up to a better level we can at least make our own rifles even if it's based on a design like the Styer AUG or the M-4 platform.

Bangladesh doesn't have too much resources or time on it's hands , it needs to industrialize and militarize quick and definitely try to make indigenous weapons.

South Korean K-2

Singaporean SAR-21
I mean 2050 is a long dam way son , BD can at least meanwhile make a home grown aerospace industry or something. Turkish Tai TFX doesn't seem like a bad option either
No it is a bad option.
Fcuk TAI FX, KFX, FAG FA, J-31, F-35, Su-57 and all other 5th gen fighters.
Just read into the developments costs and technical compromises being made for these fighters. Useless vanity projects.

BA is already fiddling a bit with UAVs.
BAF should take it further and establish a dedicated UAV R&D wing and prepare for the future.
The current lot of spinless BAF leaders will be gone one day. While other countries flush money down the toilet on fifth gen fighters, BAF has the opportunity to work towards building autonomous fighters jets which can potentially beat them all. Once prototyped, these can be cheaply mass produced in hundreds to overwhelm the enemy $200-$300 million vanity jets.
No it is a bad option.
Fcuk TAI FX, KFX, FAG FA, J-31, F-35, Su-57 and all other 5th gen fighters.
Just read into the developments costs and technical compromises being made for these fighters. Useless vanity projects.

BA is already fiddling a bit with UAVs.
BAF should take it further and establish a dedicated UAV R&D wing and prepare for the future.
The current lot of spinless BAF leaders will be gone one day. While other countries flush money down the toilet on fifth gen fighters, BAF has the opportunity to work towards building autonomous fighters jets which can potentially beat them all. Once prototyped, these can be cheaply mass produced in hundreds to overwhelm the enemy $200-$300 million vanity jets.

KF21/IFX is planned to have wingman STEALTH drone so basically one fighter can potentialy launch a lot of missile and bomb if it is realized. It is also fit with AESA radar capability that can target many enemy planes in one go.

The experience in developing KF21/IFX is essential to build Wingman STEALTH drone with IWB.

At least it needs 10 year of development to make MALE UCAV that is also happen with Indonesia MALE UCAV program and I propose Indonesia to make STEALTH UCAV wingman as soon as KF21/IFX completes its development in 2026 inshaAllah. It also include developing mission system, flight control system, and other electronics stuff.

You need to start now if wanting to develop any fighter drone in the future, starting from small scale UAV. Malaysia and Singapore despite having an aerospace company and budget (particularly Singapore) still dont have any MALE UCAV/UAV program until now. It needs steps and experience.

KF 21/IFX price is set at 65 milliion USD and by calculating inflation, so in 2028 it will be likely around 70-75 million USD inshaAllah.
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