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Bangladesh Air Force

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Different Sources have different altitudes listed, But I would argue its 15 KM.

Because the above excerpts are from articles from 2017, Hisar "+" level wasn't a thing until 2019, Both Aselsan and Roketsan tout the System as a "Medium Altitude Air Defence System".

I do not think that service ceilings are fixed in stone.

If the 25km range Hisar-O can go up to 15km altitude then there is no reason that the 15km FM-90 cannot go up to 9-10km range in theory but obviously the chance of a hit diminishes the higher it has to reach to get to it's target.

Remember that the tracking range of the FM-90 radar is 25km and homing is 20km and so the radar can guide the missile for longer than the missile can travel.
I do not think that service ceilings are fixed in stone.

If the 25km range Hisar-O can go up to 15km altitude then there is no reason that the 15km FM-90 cannot go up to 9-10km range in theory but obviously the chance of a hit diminishes the higher it has to reach to get to it's target.

Remember that the tracking range of the FM-90 radar is 25km and homing is 20km and so the radar can guide the missile for longer than the missile can travel.

Anyhow, the 15 KM value is not related to the "+" version, my bad "+" versions only came to light in 2020.


They system was deployed in Syria, I believe its a step over FM-90b, what remains to be seen is what the Air Force procures, the army is looking for strategic air defence anyway.
Anyhow, the 15 KM value is not related to the "+" version, my bad "+" versions only came to light in 2020.

View attachment 687475

They system was deployed in Syria, I believe its a step over FM-90b, what remains to be seen is what the Air Force procures, the army is looking for strategic air defence anyway.

Strategic air defense ? Like what systems exactly ?
Anyhow, the 15 KM value is not related to the "+" version, my bad "+" versions only came to light in 2020.

View attachment 687475

They system was deployed in Syria, I believe its a step over FM-90b, what remains to be seen is what the Air Force procures, the army is looking for strategic air defence anyway.

Yes it is better than the FM-90 but really is not medium range as you need around 50km for that.

FM-90 for short range SAM defence - BD is equipped already

Extended Hisar O for medium range - As long as quality is good enough then BD needs to build a network based on this all over the country.

Finally a few batteries of strategically placed long range Hisar-U to make BD airspace almost impenetrable to hostile planes to complete SAM coverage of BD.

Hisar A was termed low altitude during its testing, it has a max ceiling of 10 KM.

Hisar U is touted as a High altitude variant with a specified altitude of 20 KM.

Hisar O has been christened as "Medium Altitude", given that and the various sources stating its 15KM, I think it is indeed 15 KMs.

Anyway, enough about that.

Its a good purchase. It seems we will be getting delivery of the Kasirga system soon too.

Yes it is better than the FM-90 but really is not medium range as you need around 50km for that.

FM-90 for short range SAM defence - BD is equipped already

Extended Hisar O for medium range - As long as quality is good enough then BD needs to build a network based on this all over the country.

Finally a few batteries of strategically placed long range Hisar-U to make BD airspace almost impenetrable to hostile planes to complete SAM coverage of BD.

Army and BAF I believe are more concerned with Slant Range rather than range and altitude itself. Which is very interesting, If you think about it.


I'd say we need a lot more Fm-90B, If we actually want to provide credible short range air defence.
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Hisar A was termed low altitude during its testing, it has a max ceiling of 10 KM.

Hisar U is touted as a High altitude variant with a specified altitude of 20 KM.

Hisar O has been christened as "Medium Altitude", given that and the various sources stating its 15KM, I think it is indeed 15 KMs.

Anyway, enough about that.

Its a good purchase. It seems we will be getting delivery of the Kasirga system soon too.

Army and BAF I believe are more concerned with Slant Range rather than range and altitude itself. Which is very interesting, If you think about it.

View attachment 687482

Hopefully India doesn't make a big deal about this :confused: , and yeah slant range seems good for incoming mf ground strike aircraft or bombs
Interesting news from Turkey again. Well, not sure who's actually getting it but i will just post it here cause BAF was supposed to get MR-SAM first. Acc to this guy name Tayfun, Bangladesh will receive first modern air defence missile system so he congratulated the Turkish defence industry.

Yesterday, Aselsan announced a deal worth 118 million Euro signed with an unknown country which can provide us at least 2 batteries of HISAR-O acc to Turkish TDF member. I hope the news is really meant for us.

Medium range first
i used it already few pages ago :undecided:
You resurrected from dead to alive? :o
waiting for the next parade ceremony..our air chief will certainly reveal this in his speech...

He already did almost two years ago. Talk about MR-SAM is actually older than that. Even older than army's evaluation.

Too many false dawns with "insider" reports that we should wait for official confirmation.

Well, Aselsan already make official announcement including other Turkish sources like the SAM's project manager. We shouldn't expect anything from our side, they make proper announcement only few times and sometimes they don't tell it specifically. Though minister and air chief already announced MR-SAM procurement years ago.

Where did you get this from?

As long as weather is clear LGBs can bomb from service ceiling of plane and up to 30km away.

Sorry, i forgot to add "AFAIK/I could be wrong". I was actually trying to find about the altitude from where fighter jet can launch ground attack accurately. Previously i found 3-8km range but mostly in 4-6km range.

After your question i tried to find about it again and i only found that American LGB can be dropped at 9km altitude. The Russian LGBs on Su-30MKI have 5-10km altitude range while Israeli SPICE has 3-4km. India's own Sudarshan LGB has 7km altitude.

LITENING and Sniper pod has operational range of 12km and 15km. India uses the first one. I couldn't find anything about 30km or service ceiling anywhere. Can you please provide the link? @dbc can you shed some light in it?

“In a modern weapon system, there’s no payoff” below 5,000 feet, Leaf explained. “In terms of precise, laser-guided bomb employment, moving it up to 15,000 or 20,000 feet, if the weather allows, you get better, not worse, in terms of precisely placing your ordnance.”

As the tactical payoff diminishes, the random dangers to aircraft increase. Said Leaf: “If you are below 5,000 feet AGL, anybody with an AK-47 or anything else can really ruin your day.” In Vietnam, there were several reported cases of pilots or their backseaters being killed by small-arms fire. “Above 15,000 feet, you’ve got less vulnerability and more reaction time,” continued Leaf. “Based on radar warning or visual acquisition of something that’s threatening you, you’ve got more time to respond and they’re less likely to hit you. You don’t get comfortable, but you do have a sense that above 15,000 feet you have a more significant sense of being able to control the situation.”



True , don't know why BA didn't get the Chinese LY-80s ?

LY-80 can engage target at 18km altitude. Not much difference.

I am not convinced that the 25km range Hisar-O actually has 15km altitude ceiling and this is more likely to be the 50km range version.
Hisar O has been christened as "Medium Altitude", given that and the various sources stating its 15KM, I think it is indeed 15 KMs.

I don't understand why you two are making so much fuss about the altitude. It's officially confirmed. @DalalErMaNodi already showed it. What is here to argue about then? And Hisar O+ (50km) will have 20km altitude range.


If the 25km range Hisar-O can go up to 15km altitude then there is no reason that the 15km FM-90 cannot go up to 9-10km range in theory but obviously the chance of a hit diminishes the higher it has to reach to get to it's target.

Remember that the tracking range of the FM-90 radar is 25km and homing is 20km and so the radar can guide the missile for longer than the missile can travel.

This just went over my head. With that logic Hisar O should have increased altitude as it can detect and track targets up to 40-60km. :undecided:

Yes it is better than the FM-90 but really is not medium range as you need around 50km for that.

How did you reach to that conclusion and determine that MR-SAM has to be in 50km range? MR-SAM has 25/30/40/50km ranges.

I'd say we need a lot more Fm-90B, If we actually want to provide credible short range air defence.

I think army and air force have full SHORADS coverage now, that's why they are moving forward with MR-SAM procurement.
LITENING and Sniper pod has operational range of 12km and 15km. India uses the first one. I couldn't find anything about 30km or service ceiling anywhere. Can you please provide the link? @dbc can you shed some light in it?

45 km in ideal conditions, 0 in adverse conditions cloud cover, fog and sand storm. 15 km sounds about right for a typical conditions.
Partly the reason why we still practice gun runs and toss/dive bombing.
I don't understand why you two are making so much fuss about the altitude. It's officially confirmed. @DalalErMaNodi already showed it. What is here to argue about then? And Hisar O+ (50km) will have 20km altitude range.

View attachment 687577

This just went over my head. With that logic Hisar O should have increased altitude as it can detect and track targets up to 40-60km. :undecided:

How did you reach to that conclusion and determine that MR-SAM has to be in 50km range? MR-SAM has 25/30/40/50km ranges.

I think army and air force have full SHORADS coverage now, that's why they are moving forward with MR-SAM procurement.

I wasn't arguing, merely reaffirming that Hisar O has a max altitude of 15,000 meters.

Why would I argue over such a trivial matter ? If he was an Indian maybe I'd argue over such little things for the sake of argument.

Bangladesh is a small country, given that, I'd say Medium would mean a whole different system for us than it would for example a country like Pakistan, in MRSAM category, for us anything from 30 to 50 KM would be appropriate.

Long range, If ever procured, could be 60+ km and so on, In context of Bangladesh, I feel like the ly80 is LRSAM.

FM-90B is great for short range defence but we need a few more regiments for both BAF and BA, currently we have what 4 regiments ?

Alot of high level infrastructural projects are reaching their completion, some even more important than Padma bridge, places like these need to be brought under the air defence umbrella, example Matarbari deep-sea port & Payra Deep Seaport.

I seriously doubt they have completed fulfilled the shorad requirement with only 4 - 5 regiments of FM-90B....

Whatever happened to manufacturing MANPADs in Bangladesh ? Anybody got an update.
Network centric warfare is a well established doctrine and it is more relevant when the airspace is compressed. Because a 'tiny airspace' compresses your reaction time and data from these connected assets / sensors will allow you to anticipate enemy actions better and respond more effectively.

By high performance I assume you mean 4.5 Gen then I agree. But the 4.5 Gen platforms are less effective when operating disconnected from the network. Put another way one squadron of network linked 4.5 Gen fighter is more effective than three squadrons of the same type.
FACTS! I would like to know more about your professional/work background.
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