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Ban Gayi Modi Sarkar!!!!!!!!

No fake pictures though. :) That is your forte.... Starting with the picture of an Indian company in Bangalore that you tried to show as software company in Lahore :D.. Its been downhill from you since then ;)
Running back in time again ..... must be that time to salvage some pride. what next.....1971. :lol:
Free colonoscopy for all butthurt people, dramaqueens and clowns included.

Back to the same name calling, trolling, flame baiting and overall low standards of posting (As I have witnessed in the last few pages of this thread). Suffice to say, my comeback will be short lived.

Negative rating .. hmm. Guess I trolled a troll big time. No one calls MY Prime Minister Names, an untouchable, Chai wala, murderer and bad names. I apologize for the extreme sub standard of my post, but he deserved one.
bhai the photoshop was in real bad taste i always kept you on a better level than the fanboys

please jammer bhai you are much much bettre than that and you are the last person i expect to be swayed away by hype and euphoria

Acha yaar, aap ko mubarak ho.....I'm out of this madness.
Negative rating .. hmm. Guess I trolled a troll big time. No one calls MY Prime Minister Names, an untouchable, Chai wala, murderer and bad names. I apologize for the extreme sub standard of my post, but he deserved one.

What can I say, the entire thread is in bad taste and my post button is really feeling the pinch. It would be unfair of me to only reprimand you for the issue. Negative rating be gone......
Not it ain't possible unless you peg your currency which isn't gonna happen in today's world anymore; even China is moving onto floating exchange rate !

These are loose words. It all depends on how ur economy is benefitted. Nobody can legally stop u from pegging da currency.
Wasn't a part of the culture back when I joined PDF.

PDF isn't what it used to be when I joined up either; I miss some of the more intelligent posters ! :(

But cheer-up old chap because if you go how in heaven's name would we get all the insider information about whether a brave Gurkha Schwarznegger really did go Jackey Chan on some Infiltrators arse on the LOC using his superior martial arts while holding off his AK-47 spewing a hail of bullets or whether this was more of a Bollywood meets Hollywood script being sold as Journalism for the hundredth time ! :unsure:
What is article 370....

Article 370 of Indian constitution provides temprorary autonomous status to J&K. As per it, any laws enacted by central govt, have to first approved by J&K legislative assembly, before they can be implemented in J&K.

It specifies that except for Defence, Foreign Affairs, Communications etc the Indian Parliament needs the State Government's concurrence for applying all other laws. Thus the state's residents lived under a separate set of laws, including those related to citizenship, ownership of property, and fundamental rights, as compared to other Indians.

Removal/amendment of article 370 will bring J&K into mainstream, equivalent to all other Indian states.
Elections were decided when u gonna field chuutus like Rahul Gandhi

Even if it was not Rahul Gandi, victory was sure for Modi.. Congress looted Indian like its their father's wealth.. There was no strong leadership.. No one was bothered about development and inflation was high.. Why should people vote for some party who do not care for them.. I didnt vote for BJP or Modi but I was sure that they were going to win the election.. The problem with congress is they cant think beyond Gandhi family.. Now they are asking Priyanka to take over leadership!!
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