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Baldia Town Case, Public Prosecutor Withdraws from Case!

This time it would because you arent fighting against Same MQM which was formed few years ago now they are Mature and knows how to Drag people into it.

BTW 15000 people lost their lives in 1992 operation for something that doesnt exist like Jinnahpur Maps and Torture cells so this time do you think Karachiite would sit back and watch Curfews imposed on their streets on a basis of JIT Report that havent Proved in the court yet and have Probability of being FLAWED???You have no Idea how bad things can get if Army took things to Extreme.

Really MATURE? How can you prove it? Giving threats is maturity?

That operation cleaned Karachi as well. That report was made by intelligence agencies of Pakistan including ISI, FIA, Rangers etc. Everybody trust that report. ISI is the top intelligence agency and it was declared by US crime news.

Your personal decision isn't entire karachi decision. I told you that before.

Why don't you tell this to anyone who will listen your crap?
Really MATURE? How can you prove it? Giving threats is maturity?

That operation cleaned Karachi as well. That report was made by intelligence agencies of Pakistan including ISI, FIA, Rangers etc. Everybody trust that report. ISI is the top intelligence agency and it was declared by US crime news.

Your personal decision isn't entire karachi decision. I told you that before.

Why don't you tell this to anyone who will listen your crap?
Even top Brass of our Agencies know things better then your Jingoism of PTI. Their is no need to proof because whatever happening in Karachi is itself well known as Rangers are just involved in Targeted Operation instead Full Scale one like in 1992.

The report would reflect all agencies but still its Credibility is not been PROVEN by COURTS and till that happened the status of this report is Benefit of Doubt just like Jinnahpur Map and Torture cells back in 1992.

Decisions about Karachi arent PTI's jingoism either its Karachi Decision and Karachiite should decide where and how the cleanup should be if that is your point.

I dont care who listens or who dont but seems like you are paying lot of Attention here.:p:
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MQM cannot hold the rest of Pakistan in a hostage like scenario

MQM can't but Taliban and their allies can. No one can touch Red Mosque mullahs sending suicide bombers all over Pakistan.
This scenario is much better and the citizens of Karachi have the right to support MQM during an election to demonstrate there dissatisfaction. Using arms against the state is a declaration of war, henceforth we can only hope and pray that the leadership of MQM does not take this route. 1992 and 2015 tells you a difference story, because the demographics and population growth has expanded in Karachi.
PTI would take the tool in doing that because they are the ones who are running their mouth mostly against MQM if the operations goes against MQM and Curfews are imposed. Anti Army Sentiments would started to appear within Karachi and could lead to unfavorable outcomes(Sympathies for Baluch Separation terrorist etc.) That is why Army need to show Restraint and try to manage the situation without harming Citizen's everyday lives because Backdrop is very high in that.

The death of thousands of lunatic supporters and the safety of millions looks to be a good deal for Pakistan. MQM may have developed survival instincts, however cutting the head of a snake makes the function of any organization collapse into disarray. After, World War 2 the allied forces had to rehabilitate hundred of thousands of solders, so the same approach can be used in Karachi.

Army only needs to kill off the top leadership of MQM and the rest would follow into place. Obviously this action would be difficult in nature, however its possible to achieve when you have the will of the nation supporting you.
Oh yes and then London based Microphone Leader would start calling it Genocide and their international Presence would start Protesting throughout and make the perfect Case against Pakistan Army. Very good Idea for Saving Millions as if those Millions Voted for them again then the clock restart at that point. Like I said They have develop Survival Instinct in such situation so they wont going to go that easily so its much better destabilize them from inside like Minus Altaf Formula that would be much better Option which could lead to Target Specific Altaf Loyalist Criminals within Their Ranks let the Young generation takeover MQM because they are more Constructive but that too without Imposing Curfews or unannounced Raids at people's home.
MQM can't but Taliban and their allies can. No one can touch Red Mosque mullahs sending suicide bombers all over Pakistan.

When an individual is cornered from all directions, eventually they would be forced to fight back for survival. The mullah brigade in Red Mosque, will eventually be held accountable because the level of tolerance will cease to exists from the general public. If the security forces and the state institutional mechanism fails to achieve this objective, then the proletarians of Pakistan will be forced to take up arms and dispose these animals themselves. This case point has been proven, when the spokesman of Ahle-Sunnah Jamaat was killed a couple of days ago. Pakistan has struggled to combat TTP since 2007, however things are slowly improving and the ratio of terrorists attacks and deaths has decreased significantly.
PTI would take the tool in doing that because they are the ones who are running their mouth mostly against MQM if the operations goes against MQM and Curfews are imposed. Anti Army Sentiments would started to appear within Karachi and could lead to unfavorable outcomes(Sympathies for Baluch Separation terrorist etc.) That is why Army need to show Restraint and try to manage the situation without harming Citizen's everyday lives because Backdrop is very high in that.

PTI will continue its parrot dialogue for the next couple of weeks, until its core leadership realizes the assumption, that no one gives a flying hoot about there opinion in Karachi, because they can hardly defend and monitor Peshawar. Operation should occur on those parties, which have a separate militant wing. Karachi is a large city and its population is large, however its status is not bigger than the whole of Pakistan, so any traitor who think's about supporting and showing sympathy to the Baluch movement, should be hanged without any impunity.

Oh yes and then London based Microphone Leader would start calling it Genocide and their international Presence would start Protesting throughout and make the perfect Case against Pakistan Army. Very good Idea for Saving Millions as if those Millions Voted for them again then the clock restart at that point. Like I said They have develop Survival Instinct in such situation so they wont going to go that easily so its much better destabilize them from inside like Minus Altaf Formula that would be much better Option which could lead to Target Specific Altaf Loyalist Criminals within Their Ranks let the Young generation takeover MQM because they are more Constructive but that too without Imposing Curfews or unannounced Raids at people's home.

In Brazil in the city of Rio de Janeiro, it faced a similar problem in comparison to Karachi. However, this was resolved when the government of Brazil took the comprehensive decision in sending the security forces to arrest and kill all the agitators. The world applauded its strategy and Brazil became an economic super power within South America. Altaf Hussain can start his tantrums of genocidal accusations against the Army, however nobody will listen because the war in Afghanistan is about to finish and the various western powers need a ticket to escape safely with the help of Pakistan. In addition, Altaf Hussain is facing money laundering charges in the United Kingdom, henceforth his voice has become worthless. Ideally I want to see Altaf Hussain and his loyalists hanged, so that the next generation can reform and start the reconstruction process of Karachi. However, this is very difficult because the youths in its ranks have become high politicized through violence.
PTI will continue its parrot dialogue for the next couple of weeks, until its core leadership realizes the assumption, that no one gives a flying hoot about there opinion in Karachi, because they can hardly defend and monitor Peshawar. Operation should occur on those parties, which have a separate militant wing. Karachi is a large city and its population is large, however its status is not bigger than the whole of Pakistan, so any traitor who think's about supporting and showing sympathy to the Baluch movement, should be hanged without any impunity.
The Baluch liberation scenario would start appearing when Army started making Check posts and imposed Curfews because this would cause Disturbance in Daily Lives and also go against People's civil Rights as well. If you analyze Karachi situation then you would Acknowledge that Army is Last hope left as Rangers and Police had already been Failed here but people still wont support Army under the circumstances of complete takeover of People's lives and I think you still have no clue regarding the Reaction due to fallout if Army tried Disturbing Karachiite's Daily Lives. Its Dense and if Political Forces Start Gathering Crowds against them then even Army cant control that with light weapons and using Conventional Weapons means Full Blown Civil War. So situation isnt that simple as people put its way Complex and even Army isnt willing to go inside if you ask me that is why they are supporting security Agencies on JIT from the back because if they dont then the whole flow of Karachi Operation can be Disturbed.

In Brazil in the city of Rio de Janeiro, it faced a similar problem in comparison to Karachi. However, this was resolved when the government of Brazil took the comprehensive decision in sending the security forces to arrest and kill all the agitators. The world applauded its strategy and Brazil became an economic super power within South America. Altaf Hussain can start his tantrums of genocidal accusations against the Army, however nobody will listen because the war in Afghanistan is about to finish and the various western powers need a ticket to escape safely with the help of Pakistan. In addition, Altaf Hussain is facing money laundering charges in the United Kingdom, henceforth his voice has become worthless. Ideally I want to see Altaf Hussain and his loyalists hanged, so that the next generation can reform and start the reconstruction process of Karachi. However, this is very difficult because the youths in its ranks have become high politicized through violence.
Rio De Jeneiro example doesnt Apply here because Crimes over there is based on Division of Society while Karachi has Politically Motivated to large Extent so Rio Example doesnt apply on Karachi because in the end Rio Situation was Controlled without lost of many Lives but Karachi would take a huge Death tool to become Normal and even after that their is no Guarantee that situation would remain same because in the end Karachi would be handed over to Sindh Govt. and you can bet they would restart the same Clock again. Altaf Hussain has his Hands full in UK over Money Laundering and he is Looking for Best Available scenario to Divert the whole Attention from that and Army Entering Streets followed with Death tool is perfect Diversion for him so that is why I would go for Reform within MQM option or you can say Minus Altaf Option because he and his old time buddies have done Enough to MQM and its time for Change and New generation of MQM to Takeover which is not only good for MQM but also for Karachiite because new Generation is more Constructive then Destructive Old Generation of MQM. Army and Agencies need to focus their Attention towards that because it can Defuse lot of Problems within MQM and Karachi as a whole without even need to be deployed to the Streets.
The Baluch liberation scenario would start appearing when Army started making Check posts and imposed Curfews because this would cause Disturbance in Daily Lives and also go against People's civil Rights as well. If you analyze Karachi situation then you would Acknowledge that Army is Last hope left as Rangers and Police had already been Failed here but people still wont support Army under the circumstances of complete takeover of People's lives and I think you still have no clue regarding the Reaction due to fallout if Army tried Disturbing Karachiite's Daily Lives.

Can your analogy be used in the example of FATA, where the Pashtun people would demand the borders to become redefined to become independent, on the basis of having a check post and imposed curfew enacted by the Army? Disturbance of daily life already exists in Karachi, because extortion, bribery and target killing is prominent with the city. You could be correct in your assumption, that my analysis on the reaction of Karachiite's could be understated, however again no person is above the integrity and national security of the State.

Rio De Jeneiro example doesnt Apply here because Crimes over there is based on Division of Society while Karachi has Politically Motivated to large Extent so Rio Example doesnt apply on Karachi because in the end Rio Situation was Controlled without lost of many Lives but Karachi would take a huge Death tool to become Normal and even after that their is no Guarantee that situation would remain same because in the end Karachi would be handed over to Sindh Govt. and you can bet they would restart the same Clock again.

Rio de Janeiro can be applied because the violence across the city is multifaceted, where politics plays a significant part. Evidence can be shown in this link, where the two components have an intricate relationship. Obviously, I don't want to see a number of deaths in Karachi, however things have to change for the better or one day a radical step would be taken to wipe the filth from the city.
Can your analogy be used in the example of FATA, where the Pashtun people would demand the borders to become redefined to become independent, on the basis of having a check post and imposed curfew enacted by the Army? Disturbance of daily life already exists in Karachi, because extortion, bribery and target killing is prominent with the city. You could be correct in your assumption, that my analysis on the reaction of Karachiite's could be understated, however again no person is above the integrity and national security of the State.
Again FATA and Karachi has no Comparison because FATA had Enjoyed Complete Freedom with Self Rule but Karachi was Ruled throughout by Pakistan through Sindh Province. Karachiite also have this demand of Self govened Separate Administrative Structure like Provincial one for Years now because Sindh Govt. is HOPELESS so considering such scenario either Army had to give them this Incentive if they want Support in Creating Check Points and Imposing Curfew if necessary otherwise Karachiite wouldnt going to like Army in the Street.
Altaf Hussain has his Hands full in UK over Money Laundering and he is Looking for Best Available scenario to Divert the whole Attention from that and Army Entering Streets followed with Death tool is perfect Diversion for him so that is why I would go for Reform within MQM option or you can say Minus Altaf Option because he and his old time buddies have done Enough to MQM and its time for Change and New generation of MQM to Takeover which is not only good for MQM but also for Karachiite because new Generation is more Constructive then Destructive Old Generation of MQM. Army and Agencies need to focus their Attention towards that because it can Defuse lot of Problems within MQM and Karachi as a whole without even need to be deployed to the Streets.

This is one dimension which could develop and actually work in the best interest of Pakistan and Karachi as a whole. I have visited Karachi in 2005, when I was a small child and I was deeply impressed in how much growth and development was occurring across the city. For this situation to transpire, Altaf Hussain must be gone and his loyalists so that the new generation can start with a new fresh mind.
Rio de Janeiro can be applied because the violence across the city is multifaceted, where politics plays a significant part. Evidence can be shown in this link, where the two components have an intricate relationship. Obviously, I don't want to see a number of deaths in Karachi, however things have to change for the better or one day a radical step would be taken to wipe the filth from the city.
Brazil doesnt have this Image Problem around the world and also most Part of Rio Crime Syndicate was CLASS BASED and Confined to Slums only its like Lyari Gangwar but not whole Karachi. The situation got Under Control by Police Action and it wasnt required whole Army to Step in and takeover a whole City which many here are trying to say it was more of Police Action that cause Criminal Elements to run out of Slums and then it was supported by Tight Police Control in order to keep those Element outside but Karachi has different scenario because once Karachi Handed over to Sindh Govt. things would go Square one or even Worse.
Again FATA and Karachi has no Comparison because FATA had Enjoyed Complete Freedom with Self Rule but Karachi was Ruled throughout by Pakistan through Sindh Province. Karachiite also have this demand of Self govened Separate Administrative Structure like Provincial one for Years now because Sindh Govt. is HOPELESS so considering such scenario either Army had to give them this Incentive if they want Support in Creating Check Points and Imposing Curfew if necessary otherwise Karachiite wouldnt going to like Army in the Street.

Personally, I believe upon the notion that the different provinces in Pakistan should be reduced in size, so that the control of money and economic progression can be achieved easily. However, this outcome should only occur in Karachi when reform takes place in MQM and other political parties. FATA has enjoyed the luxury of being autonomous in Pakistan, however that has not existed since 2007 and I don't expect the population to take up arms against the Army. Most of FATA supports the Armed Forces, even though check post have been erected and curfew is utilized.
This is one dimension which could develop and actually work in the best interest of Pakistan and Karachi as a whole. I have visited Karachi in 2005, when I was a small child and I was deeply impressed in how much growth and development was occurring across the city. For this situation to transpire, Altaf Hussain must be gone and his loyalists so that the new generation can start with a new fresh mind.
You know MK is not around only because likes of Altaf is running the show in MQM once Altaf is gone MK and others would come back and join Leadership to get things rolling.

Personally, I believe upon the notion that the different provinces in Pakistan should be reduced in size, so that the control of money and economic progression can be achieved easily. However, this outcome should only occur in Karachi when reform takes place in MQM and other political parties. FATA has enjoyed the luxury of being autonomous in Pakistan, however that has not existed since 2007 and I don't expect the population to take up arms against the Army. Most of FATA supports the Armed Forces, even though check post have been erected and curfew is utilized.
Karachiite wont be taking Arms against Army they are Patriots but they dont want the situation like 1990s here because that was Nightmare and Caused MQM to Grow into Monster later. The Administrative Solution of Karachiite lies with Fully Empowered Local Bodies self Governance that Central and Provincial Govt. are trying to avoid here and this is the major cause of all problems that need to be Addressed first before moving towards the decision of Sending Army to the Street. FATA's fate would remain Autonomous with Army Presence for Security Reasons so they dont have any problems having that but Karachi's fate still had to be decided before taking any Action here.
Brazil doesnt have this Image Problem around the world and also most Part of Rio Crime Syndicate was CLASS BASED and Confined to Slums only its like Lyari Gangwar but not whole Karachi. The situation got Under Control by Police Action and it wasnt required whole Army to Step in and takeover a whole City which many here are trying to say it was more of Police Action that cause Criminal Elements to run out of Slums and then it was supported by Tight Police Control in order to keep those Element outside but Karachi has different scenario because once Karachi Handed over to Sindh Govt. things would go Square one oreven Worse.

There is a huge negative perception in the world, that if you travel to Brazil and specifically Rio de Janeiro, then there is a high chance that you would be robbed and kidnapped for ransom. The only safe location is the walled city, where the rich live away from the violence. Yes its true that the majority of the Rio crime syndicate families are class base, however it can be also described on ethnicity problems due to the forced migration of African's to the continent in the colonial period. This link is a good example, if you read it properly. The problem with Karachi police is that the organization is highly politicized and can not function properly to finish the objective at hand. Personally I would not call the Army to sweep the filth from Karachi, if the Police Force was competent.

Jorge da Silva - DEALING WITH URBAN VIOLENCE IN RIO DE JANEIRO: Prospects and Challenges for the Pacifying Police Units (UPPs) Program

You know MK is not around only because likes of Altaf is running the show in MQM once Altaf is gone MK and others would come back and join Leadership to get things rolling.

MK was a great asset to Karachi and he managed the city quite beautifully. However, even if AH was not around, what is the likely chance that MK and like minded people would survive assassination attempts to stop him from reforming the party. Obviously, the loyalists of AH have a different ideological opinion in how the party should be run.

Karachiite wont be taking Arms against Army they are Patriots but they dont want the situation like 1990s here because that was Nightmare and Caused MQM to Grow into Monster later. The Administrative Solution of Karachiite lies with Fully Empowered Local Bodies self Governance that Central and Provincial Govt. are trying to avoid here and this is the major cause of all problems that need to be Addressed first before moving towards the decision of Sending Army to the Street. FATA's fate would remain Autonomous with Army Presence for Security Reasons so they dont have any problems having that but Karachi's fate still had to be decided before taking any Action here.

I would fully endorse the analysis provided by you and actually it can be used to reform cities and provinces across Pakistan. Karachi would grow much more faster, if it was fully empowered with local self government bodies to resolve local issues without the interference of the central government. This solution is long term rather than short term.
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