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Baldia Town Case, Public Prosecutor Withdraws from Case!

Even top Brass of our Agencies know things better then your Jingoism of PTI. Their is no need to proof because whatever happening in Karachi is itself well known as Rangers are just involved in Targeted Operation instead Full Scale one like in 1992.

The report would reflect all agencies but still its Credibility is not been PROVEN by COURTS and till that happened the status of this report is Benefit of Doubt just like Jinnahpur Map and Torture cells back in 1992.

Decisions about Karachi arent PTI's jingoism either its Karachi Decision and Karachiite should decide where and how the cleanup should be if that is your point.

I dont care who listens or who dont but seems like you are paying lot of Attention here.:p:

You are again and again telling your crap to me which I don't want to listen. I don't trust you. I trust our agencies report and I find them credible. You know why because I am not a mad lover of killers. Everybody here knows what is happening in Karachi and who is responsible for it.

Why don't you have a poll here and see what people thinks about that JIT report?
You are again and again telling your crap to me which I don't want to listen. I don't trust you. I trust our agencies report and I find them credible. You know why because I am not a mad lover of killers. Everybody here knows what is happening in Karachi and who is responsible for it.

Why don't you have a poll here and see what people thinks about that JIT report?
If you dont Trust me then go ahead go ahead follow what you want in the end of the day you cant think beyond IK's words and I can Understand that how hard it is for Fan boy to Understand a different Point of View then his. Everybody knows indeed what is happening in Karachi because Karachi make lot of news in Pakistan but not everybody knows the Local Prospective and Ground Reality in Karachi which isnt that simple for Fan club brains to absorb.

Yes we can have a Poll here and all those with mad love for Army would Vote for JIT but Reality wont change that JIT has ZERO Conviction so far so bring Conviction on the basis of JIT and then I would Change my mind.
If you dont Trust me then go ahead go ahead follow what you want in the end of the day you cant think beyond IK's words and I can Understand that how hard it is for Fan boy to Understand a different Point of View then his.

Supporters of PTI become so emotional and unstable, when you try to question and criticize the words of Imran Khan. Its hilarious to witness the outcome, how certain individuals in this forum love to play the role of armchair politician on the internet. The Army does not trust Imran Khan, because previously he was advocating the case of negotiating with the TTP, while they were butchering solders and innocent civilians. Then the delusional fool had the audacity to negotiate with the TTP militants, by giving them an office as political platform, when they clearly rejected the writ of State and the constitution of Pakistan. We all love to discuss, how MQM has a militant wing in its organization that advocates target killings and extortion racket schemes. However, there is a large presence of TTP in Karachi and the sentiments of Karachiites was wounded, when Imran Khan made those childish statements.
She looks terrified!

کراچی: سانحہ بلدیہ کیس کی سماعت کے دوران عدالت میں پیش نہ ہونے پر تفتیشی افسر کی گرفتاری کے ناقابل ضمانت وارنٹ جاری کردیئے گئے ہیں۔

نمائندہ ڈان نیوز کے مطابق ہفتےکو کراچی کی ماتحت عدالت میں سانحہ بلدیہ کیس کی سماعت ہوئی۔

سماعت کے دوران عدالت نے تفتیشی افسر کی عدم پیشی پر برہمی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے تفتیشی افسر سب انسپکٹر جہانزیب کے ناقابل ضمانت وارنٹ جاری کردئیے۔

یاد رہے کہ کیس کی گزشتہ سماعت کے دوران عدالت نے تفتیشی افسر کو حکم دیا تھا کہ وہ گواہوں کے بیانات کی کاپی پراسیکیوٹر اور وکیل صفائی کو پیش کریں تاہم اس حکم پر عملدرآمد نہیں ہوسکا، جبکہ آج سماعت کے دوران تفتیشی افسر جہانزیب خود بھی پیش نہیں ہوئے۔

جس پر عدالت نے تفتیشی افسر کے خلاف توہین عدالت کی کارروائی اور تنخواہ روکنے کا حکم بھی دے دیا۔

واضح رہے کہ گیارہ ستمبر 2012 کو بلدیہ ٹاؤن کی فیکٹری میں آگ لگنے سے ڈھائی سو سے زائد افراد ہلاک ہو گئے تھے۔

رواں ماہ سندھ ہائی کورٹ میں رینجرز کی جانب سے سانحہ بلدیہ ٹاؤن فیکٹری کیس کی رپورٹ پیش کی گئی، جس میں انکشاف کیا گیا تھا کہ اس واقعے میں متحدہ قومی موومنٹ (ایم کیو ایم ) ملوث تھی، تاہم ایم کیو ایم نے اس سے لاتعلقی کا اعلان کرتے ہوئے جے آئی ٹی پر اعتراضات اٹھائے تھے۔

مزید پڑھیں:سانحہ بلدیہ رپورٹ:فوج نےاعتراضات مسترد کردیئے

مذکورہ کیس کی سماعت کے دوران کیس سے دستبردار ہونے والی اسپیشل پبلک پراسیکیوٹر شاذیہ ہنجرا بھی عدالت پہچیں اور اپنے استعفیٰ سے متعلق عدالت کو آگاہ کیا۔

ان کا کہنا تھا کہ وہ دستبرداری سے متعلق اپنے فیصلے پر قائم ہیں اور عدالت کو تحریری طور پر آگاہ کردیا ہے۔

واضح رہے کہ شازیہ ہنجرا نے 16 فروری کو تفتیشی افسرکی جانب سے تعاون فراہم نہ کرنے پر بلدیہ ٹاؤن کیس سے علیحدہ ہونے کا اعلان کیا تھا۔

مزید پڑھیں:سانحہ بلدیہ: سرکاری وکیل کیس سے علیحدہ

ان کا کہنا تھا کہ کسی بھی مقدمے میں تفتیشی افسر اور پراسیکیوٹر کے درمیان ہم آہنگی ہونا ضروری ہے، تاہم انہیں کبھی تفتیشی افسر کا تعاون حاصل نہیں رہا۔

نمائندے کے مطابق مقدمے کے مرکزی ملزمان فیکٹری مالکان عبد العزیز بھیلہ اور ان کے دو بیٹوں ارشد بھیلہ اور شاہد بھیلہ بھی طبی وجوہات کی بناء پر عدالت میں پیش نہ ہوئے، جس پر عدالت نے برہمی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ اگلی سماعت میں پیش نہ ہونے پر ان کے بھی ناقابل ضمانت وارنٹ گرفتاری جاری کیے جاسکتے ہیں۔

واضح رہے کہ مذکورہ ملزمان گزشتہ سماعت میں بھی پیش نہیں ہوئے تھے، جس پر عدالت نے ان کا میڈیکل سرٹیفیکٹ پیش کرنے کا حکم دیا تھا۔

اس کیس کی سماعت 7 مارچ تک ملتوی کردی گئی ہے۔

سانحہ بلدیہ کیس: تفتیشی افسر کی گرفتاری کا حکم - Pakistan
KARACHI: A local court on Saturday issued a non-bailable arrest warrant against Investigating Officer (IO) Sub-Inspector Jehanzeb for his failure to appear before it during the hearing of the Baldia Town factory fire case.

In a previous hearing of the case, the investigating officer failed to bring the Joint Investigation Team's report on record of the trial court. Following this, the court came down heavily on the officer for failing to file statements of witnesses in the case.

Take a look: Baldia factory fire case: JIT report still not filed in trial court

The judge had asked the officer to complete the statements of witnesses and file them in the court on Feb 21 (today). However, the IO failed to comply with the court's order.

The court also expressed displeasure over the absence of the IO from today's hearing and subsequently issued a non-bailable arrest warrant against him.

It also ordered contempt proceedings against the sub-inspector and ordered for his salary to be discontinued.

Meanwhile, factory owner Abdul Aziz Bhaila and his two sons, Arshad Bhaila and Shahid Bhaila, who have been booked for the tragic incident, also failed to appear in court today. Their counsel informed the court that his clients could not appear on medical grounds.

The three accused were also absent from the previous hearing of the case during which the court had ordered the production of their medical certificates. However, the medical certificates were not produced during today's hearing either.

The court ordered the appearance of the three men at the next hearing of the case, saying failure to do so would result in issuance of arrest warrants against them.

The court subsequently adjourned the matter to March 7.

It may be mentioned that earlier this week, special prosecutor Shazia Hanjra had separated herself from the Baldia Town case, saying that investigating authorities had not been cooperating with her and that IO Jehanzeb had given a no objection certificate to the factory owners' bail application. She had said that the IO had still not given her a copy of the case's investigation documents.

Explore: Prosecutor in Baldia factory fire case steps down

The Baldia Town factory inferno case took a dramatic turn last week when a report by Rangers claimed that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement was behind the deadly fire that claimed the lives of at least 258 factory workers.

Examine: Political party faction behind Baldia factory fire, Rangers tell SHC

The report prepared by the joint investigation team (JIT) was submitted to the Sindh High Court by an additional attorney general along with a statement of the deputy assistant judge advocate general of Rangers, Major Ashfaque Ahmed.

The statement had said that the information had been disclosed by suspect Mohammad Rizwan Qureshi, an alleged worker of the MQM, on June 22, 2013 during joint investigation of the factory inferno.

Op-Ed: Game of thrones?
This JIT report has no evidentiary value for the Baldia case as Rizwan Qureshi’s statement is based on hearsay. Everyone must be presumed innocent until proven guilty and MQM is right in asserting that its media trial on the basis of such report is unfair. But the JIT report, MQM’s reaction to it, and the Baldia colony incident together epitomise how our state is devoid of integrity, how our Constitution’s promise of protecting life and property of citizens means nothing and how our society has reconciled with these ugly truths.

Those responsible for Baldia factory fire must be publicly hanged: Altaf Hussain
MQM chief Altaf Hussain on Saturday urged Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Raheel Sharif to form an investigative committee to probe into the factory fire incident and said that those responsible for this heinous act should be hanged publicly in front of the factory.

He appealed to the army chief to select three individuals trusted by the army who are capable of carrying out a "real investigation" into the incident.

He added that the investigators should keep the army chief informed with timely updates of the investigation.

"A special square must be made in front of the factory where the brutal beasts involved in burning more than a hundred people to death should be hanged," the MQM chief said. "Their bodies should be displayed there for many days so that whoever witnesses the site would find it unfathomable to carry out such an act again."

Baldia factory fire: Local court issues non-bailable arrest warrant against IO - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Baldia Factory Fire Tragedy Altaf Hussain Appeals CAOS For Fair Probe

Posted on: 2/21/2015
The founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement Altaf Hussain keenly appealed the Chief of Army Staff to conduct an impartial and independent probe for the Baldia factory fire tragedy.
In a statement issued from London Secretariat, MQM Chief said that he realized that the COAS engaged with Zarb-e-Azb to eliminate terrorists from the country and also having irreparable loss of his beloved mother. He requested him that despite all such issues, he sought justice from his goodship. Mr. Hussain said that it was unfortunate that the factory fire in Baldia Town resulted in loss of lives of more than 250 innocent workers, including women, elders and others but no serious probe yet to be conducted to comprehend the culprits.
He appealed to the CAOS to make a commission of members of good reputations to investigate blaze tragedy and the CAOS should also be taken on board for any positive development. He said that the ruthless accomplices responsible for more than 250 innocent lives should be hung outside the gutted factory to set an example for other criminals.
If you dont Trust me then go ahead go ahead follow what you want in the end of the day you cant think beyond IK's words and I can Understand that how hard it is for Fan boy to Understand a different Point of View then his. Everybody knows indeed what is happening in Karachi because Karachi make lot of news in Pakistan but not everybody knows the Local Prospective and Ground Reality in Karachi which isnt that simple for Fan club brains to absorb.

Yes we can have a Poll here and all those with mad love for Army would Vote for JIT but Reality wont change that JIT has ZERO Conviction so far so bring Conviction on the basis of JIT and then I would Change my mind.

:D IK Words?

I mentioned the names of those anchors and analysts whom entire Pakistan including Karachi listen. I mentioned the name of BBC which made a documentary on your beloved leader. The govt which your leader party is going to join now has accused your beloved party many times for the same which these analysts did. In the end of the day you wasn't able to prove anything except presenting your personal opinions.

Our ARMY wasn't and won't be biased with anyone. You should admit the facts.
:D IK Words?

I mentioned the names of those anchors and analysts whom entire Pakistan including Karachi listen. I mentioned the name of BBC which made a documentary on your beloved leader. The govt which your leader party is going to join now has accused your beloved party many times for the same which these analysts did. In the end of the day you wasn't able to prove anything except presenting your personal opinions.

Our ARMY wasn't and won't be biased with anyone. You should admit the facts.
Do you even know the Difference between Anchor and Analyst?

Those Anchors are just running a Program at PRIME TIME. I hope you know what Prime Time Actually means. They just MANAGE the Discussion with different Guest from different Parties or different Areas their Job is not to ANALYZE the Situation rather Discuss Matters. Maybe since Imran Khan Married Reham Khan you started thinking these Anchors are some kind of SCHOLARS:D. I can expect that from a Fan boy which you are proving yourself everyday.

On the other hand people like Shahid Masood are Analyst as they have deep knowledge of the subject and they do their research before Appearing in front of Screen for their Thoughts on issues. They also have years of experience from being an Editor and sadly in Pakistan we doesnt have best of them because in the past everyone had been Showered with Gifts by different Govt.s in the past. Even people like Haroon Rashid are considered Analysts today by media after that I can only say is our media is Hopeless.

Our Army had been BIASED in the past and whole Karachi knows that when they Tricked Govt. by saying they are going after Dakus of Interior Sindh and then went all the way to Karachi Instead for Fake Jinnahpur and Torture cells. So Past Experience is there and that is why this whole JIT is SUSPECTED Until PROVEN BY COURT.
Do you even know the Difference between Anchor and Analyst?

Those Anchors are just running a Program at PRIME TIME. I hope you know what Prime Time Actually means. They just MANAGE the Discussion with different Guest from different Parties or different Areas their Job is not to ANALYZE the Situation rather Discuss Matters. Maybe since Imran Khan Married Reham Khan you started thinking these Anchors are some kind of SCHOLARS:D. I can expect that from a Fan boy which you are proving yourself everyday.

On the other hand people like Shahid Masood are Analyst as they have deep knowledge of the subject and they do their research before Appearing in front of Screen for their Thoughts on issues. They also have years of experience from being an Editor and sadly in Pakistan we doesnt have best of them because in the past everyone had been Showered with Gifts by different Govt.s in the past. Even people like Haroon Rashid are considered Analysts today by media after that I can only say is our media is Hopeless.

Our Army had been BIASED in the past and whole Karachi knows that when they Tricked Govt. by saying they are going after Dakus of Interior Sindh and then went all the way to Karachi Instead for Fake Jinnahpur and Torture cells. So Past Experience is there and that is why this whole JIT is SUSPECTED Until PROVEN BY COURT.

:D So now MQM lovers will tell me the difference between anchor and analyst? If you read properly what I mentioned I was like quoting three different profession people. Moeed Pirzada or other names I mentioned are analyst and moeed pirzada himself is an anchor as well.

Yeah, you hate Haroon Rashid because he openly tells what MQM is. If you watch Shahid Masood talkshow or see him talking about MQM then you will know what he says about MQM.

Army was not biased. Everybody in entire Pakistan knows that what army did with your party was right. You are such a mad lover of MQM. :D
:D So now MQM lovers will tell me the difference between anchor and analyst? If you read properly what I mentioned I was like quoting three different profession people. Moeed Pirzada or other names I mentioned are analyst and moeed pirzada himself is an anchor as well.
Since Imran Khan Married former Anchor Reham Khan PTI lovers and IK Fan Club have Forgotten this difference Completely so someone should be there to remind them about it:D. Moeed Pirzada is an Anchor so he only Manage the Programs instead of providing his Analysis. There arent many Analysts in Pakistan Media Currently and those Available ones have got Dirty Past Associated with so Pakistani media doesnt currently have much to offer among their Analysts.

Yeah, you hate Haroon Rashid because he openly tells what MQM is. If you watch Shahid Masood talkshow or see him talking about MQM then you will know what he says about MQM.

Army was not biased. Everybody in entire Pakistan knows that what army did with your party was right. You are such a mad lover of MQM. :D
Haroon Rasheed is also against PTI these Days so I dont even give two hoot about his opinion either against PTI or against MQM because I am Aware of how much he had been gifted by Govt.s in the past to write in favor of them Shahid Masood is no Different but at least he understand Karachi and then Talks about MQM and even I never heard he said that MQM is done or PTI is taking over Karachi from MQM.

If Army wasnt BIASED as per your opinion then how come they themselves Refuted from their own Claims of Jinnahpur and Toture cells?Everyone knows that Army was Trying to get rid of MQM by hook or by Crook with evidence without Rights to defend themselves but People Rejected them by 1993 Elections the results are available go check out Provincial Results of 1993 Elections in Karachi(MQM Boycotted National Assembly Elections in 1993).
Since Imran Khan Married former Anchor Reham Khan PTI lovers and IK Fan Club have Forgotten this difference Completely so someone should be there to remind them about it:D. Moeed Pirzada is an Anchor so he only Manage the Programs instead of providing his Analysis. There arent many Analysts in Pakistan Media Currently and those Available ones have got Dirty Past Associated with so Pakistani media doesnt currently have much to offer among their Analysts.

Haroon Rasheed is also against PTI these Days so I dont even give two hoot about his opinion either against PTI or against MQM because I am Aware of how much he had been gifted by Govt.s in the past to write in favor of them Shahid Masood is no Different but at least he understand Karachi and then Talks about MQM and even I never heard he said that MQM is done or PTI is taking over Karachi from MQM.

If Army wasnt BIASED as per your opinion then how come they themselves Refuted from their own Claims of Jinnahpur and Toture cells?Everyone knows that Army was Trying to get rid of MQM by hook or by Crook with evidence without Rights to defend themselves but People Rejected them by 1993 Elections the results are available go check out Provincial Results of 1993 Elections in Karachi(MQM Boycotted National Assembly Elections in 1993).

I want to let you know that instead of running his talk show, moeed also arrives on news channels and he also write his analysis. Haroon Rashid talk against every political party if they are going wrong. I don't care what he has done in the past at least he has the guts to speak the truth. I suggest you to watch shahid mashood talk show which he was doing when there was a fight in between MQM and PTI.

Look army did an operation to clean karachi and they cleaned Karachi . Karachi got clean because all the dust was thrown out.
Look army did an operation to clean karachi and they cleaned Karachi . Karachi got clean because all the dust was thrown out.

If army cleaned mess in Karachi after 1992 operation then why on earth govt needed another operation in Karachi last year ...............
If army cleaned mess in Karachi after 1992 operation then why on earth govt needed another operation in Karachi last year ...............

Because once army cleaned Karachi and left it away that mess again started coming in Karachi slowly slowly and now after more then 20 years that mess has made a circle on Karachi.
I want to let you know that instead of running his talk show, moeed also arrives on news channels and he also write his analysis. Haroon Rashid talk against every political party if they are going wrong. I don't care what he has done in the past at least he has the guts to speak the truth. I suggest you to watch shahid mashood talk show which he was doing when there was a fight in between MQM and PTI.

Look army did an operation to clean karachi and they cleaned Karachi . Karachi got clean because all the dust was thrown out.
I would like you to know that Moeed Pirzada's Expertise lies in Foreign Relations instead of Political analysis. His Political Analysis are not that credible in comparison to his USPAK Relations Analysis because in USPAK relations he lies his specialty. Haroon Rasheed can talk talk and only Talk he couldnt able to defend himself in front of Haider Abbas Rizvi when Haider Abbas asked him to compare their Wealth in response to Haroon Rasheed's POV about MQM people arent Middle class anymore.

Look back in 1990s Army Made a huge mess and that mess is Still strong which was MQM Popularity. MQM was deing their own death in 1990s but Army not only made them Strong but made them Resilient as well. They were in Karachi to clean out MQM but instead made MQM something they are today.
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