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Baktar shikan increased range n laser guided


Baktar-shikan installed on Pakistan Army M-113
i guess this is not baktar shikan

The Launch Tube do look different to me as well. I have been keeping this pic with e for quite some time, looking for other descriptions but that is the best i cam across. If you suggest it is something else please do let us know so it can be corrected!
Please let us try not to start another our claim your claim!!

As for IAF Canberra, it was fired upon by IAF fighter when it retrieved back into Indian Airspace after being struck with an Anza MANPAD. IAF though it to be PAF intrusion :P

Nonetheless, the point i was making was that it was ANZA not RBS-70!
The Mi-8 helicopter that you mentioned about that was hit in Raan of Kuch area was struck by RBS-70 however.

I agree with you for the first part! Though the aircrafts involved were a MiG 27 and MiG 21, not two MiG 21s.
Any source for bold part?
@Dazzler buddy any idea how much range was increased with the new guidance ????
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Whoa, wait, wait, wait, hold on.

If we already have the technology for laser guided bombs, why the hell is it taking so long to develop a derivative for our drones? Am I missing something, or am I just stupid?
So you don't know?

No I don't know ! :cray:

But even I know that creating a laser guided ATGM & a Drone that can fire Laser Guided Ammunition aren't exactly interchangeable technical skills !
No I don't know ! :cray:

But even I know that creating a laser guided ATGM & a Drone that can fire Laser Guided Ammunition aren't exactly interchangeable technical skills !

I know, that's why I said derivative.
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