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Bahrain, first Arab country to put Hezbollah on terrorist list

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Pakistani President Stresses need to Respect Syria's Sovereignty

Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari stressed the need to respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Zardari Spokesman Farhatullah Barbar said that during a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi in Islamabad on Monday, President Zardari added that any external intervention would further complicate the situation and would have severe repercussions on neighboring countries.

He stressed that the solution to the crisis in Syria should be made by the Syrians and led by them, expressing Pakistan's readiness to play a role along with Egypt in reaching a peaceful solution to the crisis in the country.

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::

You are posting Syrian regime sources. It makes as much sense as Iranians using PressTV and claiming it to be the objective truth.

Move the discussion to the Syrian thread. This is about Bahrain and Hezbollah.

Pakistani President Stresses need to Respect Syria's Sovereignty

Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari stressed the need to respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Zardari Spokesman Farhatullah Barbar said that during a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi in Islamabad on Monday, President Zardari added that any external intervention would further complicate the situation and would have severe repercussions on neighboring countries.

He stressed that the solution to the crisis in Syria should be made by the Syrians and led by them, expressing Pakistan's readiness to play a role along with Egypt in reaching a peaceful solution to the crisis in the country.

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::

Well that may be one of the few things our former president said that I can agree completely on
Stop it Syrian Lion. You have been exposed as an hypocrite time and time again. Your own Syrian regime was supporting terrorism in neighboring countries, including Iraq which I and other users already provided plenty of evidence for.

So who killed those 70.000 civilian Syrians?

Anyway as Aeronaut said then stay on topic. There is Syrian thread for that.

Activities of Lebanese Hezbollah that constitutes "terrorist" activity?

Honest question from a curious outsider with zero ties or interests in that region
Activities of Lebanese Hezbollah that constitutes "terrorist" activity?

Honest question from a curious outsider with zero ties or interests in that region

Take it to the Syrian thread and I will gladly try to answer. Not here since we are going off-topic.
The Pakistani state hasn't passed any comments for or against Assad

Quite frankly - we have nothing to do with the uprising there. What's happening however is devastating and heart breaking to say the least. I've been following the conflict closely as an outsider

If we all are prepared to label Hezbollah as terrorist then also label Jaba al Nusra (al Qaeda essentially) as terrorists.

I have seen how they operate, I've seen their indoctrination videos. They will destroy Syrian from its seams. Do you want that for Syria?

At least Hezbollah are product of Lebanese society. If they were Iranian citizens occupying South Lebanon engaging in anti state actiity then yes - their expulsion would be valid.

Don't bring up religious sect. I flush "Sunni" and "Shiia" titles down my toilet long ago. I don't accept it.

As for ISI - they are good but they aren't God. I trust them to keep us safe to best of their ability

We have many enemies and are situated in a hostile region

Lalay, i NEVER posted anything of sectarian nature. I don't believe in sects myself :D

He stressed that the solution to the crisis in Syria should be made by the Syrians and led by them, expressing Pakistan's readiness to play a role along with Egypt in reaching a peaceful solution to the crisis in the countr

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle-east-africa/244830-bahrain-first-arab-country-put-hezbollah-terrorist-list-8.html#ixzz2Q1LecEzs

This should sum up our stance.
a terrorist group for defending Lebanon's territorial integrity and re-building destroyed homes following the 2006 (and other) wars?

Those were built by mainly GCC money,
International reactions to the 2006 Lebanon War by evacuations and aid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This terrorest guerrillah hijacks Lebanon, refuses to hand their arms to the national army, train and arm terrorists to craete chaos in Yemen, Bahrain, and Iraq, It creates terrorists cells in Arab countries to spy, do attacks and instigate people to topple their regimes through violence for the interest of Iran.
that seems rather bizarre
Not really, for the aformentioned reasons.
I dont think millions of Lebanese would largely agree
Yes they agree except for shia Lebanese people especially in those days.

Mohammad Arfan a Pak Expt, works as a Muzuzzin targeted by Hezbollah in Bahrain

Pakistan Muzuzzin targeted by Terro Group Hezbollah ENG

Terrorists in Bahrain targeting Pakiatsnis claiming that they're Sunnis

I met a Jordanian policeman who served in Bahrain. He was injured in the leg, and was carried to hospital for treatment, Actually, a doctor over there was going to chop off his leg until his family got him out of te hospital to Jordan to get treatment, :/

For those who talk about granting citizenship for foreigners to change the demographic balance, I would like to tell them that a big portion of Bahrain's from a specific sect are of Iranian origins themselves and were granted citizenship in the past as well, so some of them are not native.
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Solomon! Since you and I often understand each other effectively, would u kindly explain to me why most of the Iranian peeps here promote hatred against Arabs? Or maybe Jews in general?

I think the reason is that in general, people who register in defence forums tend to be right-wing or nationalistic, with respect to their country, as opposed to being liberal/free-thinkers.

In case of Iran, being right-wing also means priding on the Persian empire, which was traditionally anti Arab due to the wars the Arabs fought with Persia. Additionally, being right-wing for Iranians also means accepting the narrative of it's Khomenie regime - that Jews and Israel is evil and Arabs are traitors to Islam.

This is why Iranians hate both Jews and Arabs
I think the reason is that in general, people who register in defence forums tend to be right-wing or nationalistic, with respect to their country, as opposed to being liberal/free-thinkers.

In case of Iran, being right-wing also means priding on the Persian empire, which was traditionally anti Arab due to the wars the Arabs fought with Persia. Additionally, being right-wing for Iranians also means accepting the narrative of it's Khomenie regime - that Jews and Israel is evil and Arabs are traitors to Islam.

This is why Iranians hate both Jews and Arabs

It's not the Iranians who murder Palestinian arabs and attempt to destroy the muslims holy mosque in Jerusalem by digging underneath it. It is the jews who do this. It is also the jews in the media who also portray muslims and arabs as savages. How some saudi's on this forum can praise you is proof that they are scum and it also proves that saudi arabia and israel are sisters.
It's not the Iranians who murder Palestinian arabs and attempt to destroy the muslims holy mosque in Jerusalem by digging underneath it. It is the jews who do this. It is also the jews in the media who also portray muslims and arabs as savages. How some saudi's on this forum can praise you is proof that they are scum and it also proves that saudi arabia and israel are sisters.

Quote from wikipedia:

In 1970, Israeli authorities commenced intensive excavations outside the walls next to the mosque on the southern and western sides. Palestinians made false accusations that tunnels were being dug under the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to undermine its foundations, while the closest excavation to the mosque is some 70 meters to its south.[83] The Archaeological Department of the Israeli Ministry of Religious Affairs dug a tunnel near the western portion of the mosque in 1984.[31] According to UNESCO's special envoy to Jerusalem Oleg Grabar, buildings and structures on the Temple Mount are deteriorating due mostly to disputes between the Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian governments over who is actually responsible for the site.[84]

The Islamic Waqf, which has custodial rights over the Temple Mount and is responsible for overseeing any construction work there, built an emergency exit for the Marwani Mosque (Solomon's Stables) in 1999. The move raised concerns from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) that, due to the use of bulldozers by the Waqf, damage was being done to structures dating from the early Muslim period. A number of Israeli archaeologists, however, accused the Waqf of destroying building material dating from the First Temple Period in Jerusalem, while Ehud Olmert, the mayor of the city at that time, alleged that any construction on the Temple Mount without the supervision of Israeli authorities undermined Israel's claims to the religious complex. Adnan al-Husayni, then head of the Waqf, responded by stating "We never asked for permission from the occupation."[85] The archaeological digging in 2007 was 60 metres away from the mosque

Islamic Waqf is surely attempting to destroy Al Aqsa/Temple mount. Here are two pictures from their latest digs:



There is no diplomatic relation between Saudi Arabia and Israel. What happens in a forum isn't necessarily indicative of ground realities
Plots to Destroy the Holy al-Aqsa Mosque

By: Grace Halsell

For three decades, Gershon Solomon, a militant Israeli who heads an organization dedicated to the destruction of Jerusalem’s most holy Islamic shrine, has led Zionist zealots in armed assaults on the Muslim grounds of Haram al-Sharif, or Noble Sanctuary, that encloses both the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque.
No Israeli political leader has spoken out against the assaults on the mosque, holy to more than a billion Muslims around the world. Moreover, no Israeli rabbi has condemned them. Indeed, beginning in 1967, many of the assaults were led by Jewish rabbis.
I first heard about the Israeli militants’ intent to destroy the mosque in 1979 when I went to Jerusalem. I talked at length with Bobby Brown, a third-generation American from Brooklyn who, flying to the Jewish state and instantly becoming a new citizen, confiscated land from Palestinians to help build an illegal Jewish settlement. “The mosque,” he told me, “has to go. It is a blot on our land.”
Militant Jews such as Brown and Solomon want a Jerusalem that is “pure” Jewish—without evidence of inhabitants of the other monotheistic faiths and their shrines. Surprisingly, millions of U.S. evangelical Christians endorse and financially support this Jewish plan.
Although united in their immediate goal of destroying the mosque, the Israeli militants and Christian zealots have different long-range agendas.
Secular Jews such as Stanley Goldfoot, one of the perpetrators of the dynamiting in 1946 of the King David Hotel which killed some 100 Christian, Muslim and Jewish civilians, want the mosque destroyed for political reasons. Other Jews believe that the building of a temple on the Muslim grounds will usher in the Jewish Messiah.
A growing number of Christians embrace the idea that in all history, Israel is on center stage. They say God has planned epochs of time (“dispensations”) such as an “in-gathering” of Jews in the ancient land of Canaan. One epoch, they say, includes the present time when Jews are obligated to build a Jewish temple and re-institute animal sacrifice. Such epochs or “dispensations” are necessary, they say, before Christ can return. Ironically, while Christian dispensationalists place Israel as the most important nation in all the world, they do not respect or even like Jews—as Jews. Yet, because they believe Christ can only land in a “safe” area near Jerusalem, they make a cult of the land. They thus give total, unquestioned support to Israel.
Goldfoot and Solomon are welcome in countless U.S. pulpits, where Christian Zionists give generous donations of money, as well as their gold wedding rings and gold earrings to finance the mosque’s destruction. They know its destruction might well trigger wars culminating in Armageddon, but they welcome this. They push Armageddon along, saying they, as “Born-Again Christians,” will be spared any suffering, because they will be “Raptured,” wafted up to heaven to view the slaughter below. “I’m not worried,” Lynchburg, Virginia televangelist Jerry Falwell shouts. “You know why? I ain’t gonna be here!”
This dispensationalist doctrine, less than 200 years old, pervades Assemblies of God, Pentecostal and other charismatic churches, as well as the 16 million-member Southern Baptist Convention and countless so-called Bible churches and mega-churches. It’s estimated that at least one out of every 10 Americans is a devotee of this cult.
In both Israel and the U.S., a conspiracy of silence reigns as militants lay siege to the Jerusalem mosque. No political leader—or religious leader—in Israel or the U.S. has addressed the issue. In the case of Israeli rabbis, if they themselves have not aided and abetted planned assaults on the mosque, they have kept silent. In the case of all major U.S. Christian church leaders—the voices that are heard throughout the land—if they themselves are not raising money to destroy the mosque, they keep silent about the conspiracy.
“I don’t favor it,” one Christian told me. “But if it happens” –the destruction of the mosque—“it doesn’t mean I won’t support it.”

Assaults on the Mosque
Two groups in particular are dedicated to the destruction of Jerusalem’s most sacred Islamic shrine: the militant Bloc of the Faithful or Gush Emunim, led by rabbis such as Moshe Levinger; and Ateret Cohanim, a Jewish yeshiva composed of militant Jewish students and their rabbis. Fundamentalist, militant Christians, who also want the mosque destroyed, give support and financial aid to both of these Israeli organizations, as do wealthy American Jews.
Beginning in 1967, when Israel militarily seized Arab East Jerusalem, Jewish terrorists on more than 100 occasions have laid siege to the Muslim mosque. Here are a few of the assaults:
• August 1967. Chief Chaplain of the Armed Forces Shlomo Goren—later Israel’s chief rabbi—leads 50 armed extremists onto Haram al-Sharif. “It is a holy commandment,” Goren said, for Jews to go to the Muslim grounds, which Jews call the Temple Mount. Writing in an Israeli publication, Eti Ronel reports: “Many rabbis, including members of the Council of the Chief Rabbinate, support…Jewish sovereignty” over Haram al-Sharif.
• August 21, 1969. Jewish extremists set fire to Al Aqsa, destroying a priceless wood and ivory pulpit sent from Aleppo by the Muslim ruler Saladin. The arson prompts the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel’s failure to curb terrorist attacks on Islam’s shrine. Four months later (12/19/69) a group of militant Jews storm their way to Haram al-Sharif, in order, they claim, “to conduct Hanukkah prayers.”
• March 3, 1971. Gershon Solomon leads Temple Mount Faithful followers onto Haram al-Sharif. After struggling with Palestinian guards, they are expelled. Three years later (3/3/74) Solomon again, with followers, storms the mosque. Again (7/14/78) Solomon leads militant Jews onto the Islamic holy grounds. Palestinians stage protests. Israeli troops hurl tear gas to quell the rioting.
• August 10, 1980. Three hundred Gush Emunim fanatics, heavily armed, overcome Palestinian police and storm the grounds, but are later dispersed. A month later (9/15/80) armed Gush Emunim settlers associated with Stanley Goldfoot and the Temple Mount Faithful again force their way onto the mosque grounds. After scuffling with police they are evicted.
• April 11, 1982. Alan Goodman, an Israeli citizen with a U.S. passport, marches into Al Aqsa with an M-16 rifle and opens fire on worshippers, killing two Palestinians and wounding others. In November 1997, the Israeli government releases Goodman. Unrepentant, Goodman boasts, “I fulfilled my mission.”
• July 25, 1982. Yoel Lerner, a member of the militant Meir Kahane Kach movement, storms the mosque grounds with plans to dynamite and destroy the Dome of the Rock.
• March 10, 1983. Armed Gush Emunim fanatics climb walls onto Haram al-Sharif, attempting to overcome security guards and take the mosque by storm. They have in their possession large quantities of explosives, automatic rifles and pistols. Twenty-nine are charged and held for trial.
• September 21, 1983. An Israeli court acquits the 29 Jewish terrorists who six months earlier had laid siege on the mosque.
• January 27, 1984. In the most ambitious plot to dynamite and destroy the mosque, Jewish terrorists, armed with 250 pounds of explosives, including dozens of grenades, boxes of dynamite and 12 rounds of mortar, attempt to dynamite and destroy the mosque. They are led by Rabbi Moshe Levinger, one of the most militant of Jewish extremists.
• 1994. The Israelis appoint Meir Davidson, a senior official of Ateret Cohanim, as a municipal adviser on Palestinian properties. This signals the Israeli government will work closely with an organization whose aim is destruction of the mosque.
• September 1996. Ateret Cohanim, funded largely through tax-exempt dollars donated by rich American Jews, including Miami millionaire Irving Moskowitz, opened a tunnel—excavated in secret night-time operations—that runs the length of the Al Aqsa complex. The controversial tunnel sparked intense fighting which claimed the lives of 60 Palestinians and 15 Israeli soldiers. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu proudly visited the tunnel, as have fundamentalist Christian leaders.
• October 18, 1998. Gershon Solomon, with followers waving Israeli flags and blowing rams’ horns, mounts a ramp to the mosque grounds. “The time has come to rebuild the Jewish Temple,” said Solomon. To underscore his point, Solomon parked near an Old City gate a flatbed truck carrying a 41—G.H.
Grace Halsell, a Washington, DC-based author, is the author of 15 books, including Journey to Jerusalem,Prophecy and Politics and Forcing God’s Hand.

Plots to Destroy the Holy al-Aqsa Mosque || Imam Reza (A.S.) Network

By the way, there is absolutely NOTHING holy about the wailing wall. All it is a remnant of a Roman fort. Here is a video of a person who grew up as a jew, talking about the history of the wailing wall. Notice how the jews in the video thrust their penis in a sexual motion against the wall.
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Imam Reza (A.S.) Network? What kind of a news source is that?

Furthermore, the article never indicated that Israel (represented by Israel's government) wants to destroy al aqsa/temple mount. One or two jewish extremists don't represent Israel.

By the way, there is absolutely NOTHING holy about the wailing wall. All it is a remnant of a Roman fort. Here is a video of a person who grew up as a jew, talking about the history of the wailing wall. Notice how the jews in the video thrust their penis in a sexual motion against the wall.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

This is absolutely laughable!

Taking a jew from Satmar and Neturie Karta sect and generalising all 13 million jews is like assuming all Muslims are Osama Bin Laden
Why are you bashing me all the day long? :/ anyway let me just point view things out for you:
A- I'm not a scum my friend and I don't appreciate being called this.
B- This forum is open for everyone ,as long as they don't give people such attitude.
C- Me talking to King Solomon won't change the fact that he's human just like us ,and I could care less what his faith stands for,nor do I care about his nationality.
D- I came here to get to know people and share thoughts and ideas with them ,I'm not an extremist who wants to annihilate an X and Y people.

That Saudi Arabia -_- is making everybody mad.
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