Well my initiation tells me that you are a Shia and thus have believes that are shared by most Shias on the issues we are discussing. Just like we all see it from our point of view.
Why is Qatar not part of KSA? No person can answer that question. Both Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and UAE are all new states. It does not mean that they had no history prior to their independence/creation as states but all 4 are tied to Arabia and there is virtually no differences. After all they are all located on the Arabian Peninsula.
Yes, they are Balochi immigrants. Their name says it all. I thought we were talking about locals? Because the Arabian Peninsula, especially since the 1950's and in Hejaz (since Islam appeared and way before that even) have attracted foreigners, not that they ever were anything more than a little minority. Today 90 percent of them (non-locals) are non-nationals and partial residents. The indigenous Arab and Semitic people are still the same as always though.
No, I have not seen your post on that subject 7abbi but I am glad that you can differentiate.
Sure but that is why you have 5-10 percent of the local Bahrainis (50.000-100.000) individuals who are partially Persian as I told you although most today have intermarried with the local Arab population.
Well Hezbollah does not owe Southern Lebanon. Especially since the organization is a well-known proxy that is controlled from Tehran. Last time I checked Tehran has no business in the Arab world.
The Taliban, whom we compared earlier, are also "indigenous" to the Pashtun areas of Afghanistan but I am not sure that their description changes because of that.
Well, it all points to a work of Hezbollah. It would not be the first kind of such an attack.
Well, I just made a comparison that was easy to understand for all.
Sure Saudi Arabia is the world's 13th biggest country with different climates, diverse landscapes and great geographical differences and distances from North to South and West to East. So obviously the population is not the same everywhere in look, culture etc. but all regions are inhabited by Arabs. What you are referring to are Afro-Arabs which I already mentioned shortly if you spotted that.
They form approximately 10 percent of the population and are descendants of pilgrims who settled or former slaves.
I agree.
Let's end. I have made my points clear and we seem to be in agreement largely with everything aside from the Hezbollah thing.
I understand that thought of it being legitimate but many Muslims/individuals could argue the same about the Taliban for example.
There is very little difference overall. Both are native, religious and military organizations. Both have fought against outsiders, both enjoy great support in some areas of their respective countries (Afghanistan and Lebanon) and one is labelled a terrorist by Iran and the other by Bahrain this time.
Anyway Hezbollah had my and most Arabs support, regardless sect or ideology back in 2006 but what they have done after that in Syria have caused them great harm and now most Arabs have turned away from them, outside the Shias who formed it obviously. Same with their leaders in Iran (the Iranian regime).
Nice to have a normal civil talk.