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Bahrain, first Arab country to put Hezbollah on terrorist list

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If you care so much about Palestinian as the great Muslim Arab nationalist you calim then you would be against Israel , and the puppet GCC government who are allies with the killers of Palestine; Israel.. and you would also be against Jordan (Black September)
Also you are REPRESENTING only "Arabs" (traitors)...

and if you really care about Syrian lives, you would have supported peace, not NATO invasion, sending terrorists and sending weapons... more weapons = more bloodshed..

Last time I checked then the GCC is donating and doing more for the Palestinian cause than anybody. Why don't you ask a regular Palestinian or visit a Palestinian forum. Do I have to give an link to an Arabic Palestinian forum so you can see it yourself?

The ally crap is your fairytales. No Jews live in the GCC, there are no synagogues, Judaism is not allowed to practice and Israelis are not even allowed to enter. I have not commented what I think about those rules but I know for a fact they exist. All contratry to Syria. So who is against who the most?

You also claimed that Qatar was exporting to Israel which was proven to be a lie by a Israeli member here (500 if I remember correctly).

Yes, I am representing the indigenous Arabs, the sons of Prophet Muhammad (saws), all the Prophets before him, his companions, all Arab Caliphs since they hailed from the Peninsula, and most of the scholars, scientists, military commanders etc. not to say sons of the Arabian Peninsula, the homeland of all Arabs and Semitic people. Even all the Arabs in Syria belong to Arab tribes who trace their ancestry to the Arabian Peninsula or are fairly recent arrivals. You can see that by the names as well.

I already told you that I support the fall of Al-Assad. This is peace. I already told you as well, that I would have implemented a no-fly zone the first time the Al-Asad thugs and Child-Murderers started to shot at children, innocent protestors, civilian Syrians, carpet bombing whole villages and towns.

But the Syrians will themselves deal with that traitorous behavior once the only remaining people who are under the oppressive rule of Bashar can break the barrier of fear and speak out and take action.

As a non-Muslim you don't care obviously and only hope for more Muslim killings and misery. Like most of the Christian Syrians who live in the West far away from Syria and all the troubles.

Go back defend your country from a "false revolution" in your eyes if you have the guts. I would do it if I were in your position but I guess you don't care as a non-Muslim.



I am done with those childish games. Personally I like both Indian food, the vast majority of Indians I have encountered and especially the Indian Muslims I have met. I would like to visit India as well and I know personally that Arabs and Indians can live side by side and the relations are ancient since ties to ancient Arabia Felix (current day Yemen and Southern KSA) are as old as 3000 years, especially in connection with trade which only grew after Islam.

Whatever you believe Cherokee. I and everybody else can read history and everyone knows that Muslims ruled vast areas of current day India for centuries before the British even entered and colonized India.

You know very well how a typical Indian looks like or let me say Indic person. It does not matter anyway. You know that you people are obsessed about color. I just saw a Indian documentary that aired recently in Europe on the same issue. I can give you a link if you want. It was about the Miss India and at the same time they followed an Indian girl from a middle class family that was part of Indian nationalist party (don't remember the name of the party).

Excuse me sir, but you started the insults instead of concentrating on what was posted to you. Moreover nobody approached you. Your sole intention was to troll here. What is your intention meddling in an Arab and mostly Muslim conflict? Do you see me meddling in Indian affairs even on a forum? Or Hindu? No because I have no interest.

It seems the world still has not lost the grip/interest in the Middle East. Long been the most sought after region for bad and good.
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all you said is nothing important to any Syria... the whole world knows how GCC, the west, and Israel relations are... so everything you said makes you look like a fool.. and stop with your racism, you are going blind...

Israel doesn't give a **** about the GCC. They went in the heart of the GCC, Dubai, and executed one of Hamas' important members, humiliating the Emiratis.
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all you said is nothing important to any Syria... the whole world knows how GCC, the west, and Israel relations are... so everything you said makes you look like a fool.. and stop with your racism, you are going blind...


I'm done with you... your racism is exposed in every post you make.. I won't see your posts anymore...

Why don't you try to counter argue the correct points I have written to you? Or are you just using the Western/Jewish card to somehow prove that Arabs are suddenly best friends of both?

Can anybody tell me how I can contact the CIA or FBI? I want them to know that they have an individual like "Syrian Lion", who supposedly is Christian, among them. He could pose a danger for the security.

Excuse me sir, the only racism is that of your own. You are obsessed with Arabs who are not from Syria and obviously Jews. Short yourself out.

It's not more than a few weeks ago that you claimed your Arab family was originally from Yemen or was it Hejaz.

Get your act together and reply to my points for once unless you as always, admit defeat before an discussion has even begun.

Nobody here is from Qatar. What are you trying to prove? The country you live in (USA) is the greatest ally of Israel and have the highest number of Jews in the whole world.

What are you going to do about that hypocrite?

Get your act together and return to Syria and fight for your beloved dictator and country if you think the Syrian revolution is a false revolution. Or are you just a coward? What are you waiting for?

How can you see yourself in the mirror living in the most evil country that sponsors all the misery in Syria openly and is the best friend of the Jew?

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Qatar dude.
Besides other GCC states probably do it in secret.

Qatar once acted unwisely got spanked back to reality by Abo mt3b.:hang2:

Unfortunately the invasion of Kuwait was planned at a very bad time, the collapse of the USSR removed all obstacles for the US to invade Iraq, otherwise abo mt3eb would be my dishwasher now.

Unfortunately your dream didn't come true and instead of making abo mt3b your dishwasher he made a factory out of you.:lol:
Qatar once acted unwisely got spanked back to reality by Abo mt3b.:hang2:

Unfortunately your dream didn't come true and instead of making abo mt3b your dishwasher he made a factory out of you.:lol:

Qatar still acts the same as when they met Israel.

yes, very unfortunately
american this and that

they're wahabis/salafis

pet dogs or lion hearts, this is what they are, that's their nature. Look at OP's name: yazid. Look at how Hashimi has thanked him. Look at how all the three arabs are happy.

This is why I don't understand why there are still certain Iranians who consider themselves muslims. People like Soheil never made any sense to me. Most Iranian youngsters these days don't want to associate themselves with this sort of culture and relion anymore.

May one day our regime collapses and we can be free of this tyrany and completely break away with this nonsense culture of the arab world. Constant backstabbing, racism, secterianism, tribalism

Religion of peace you guys call it?

More like 6th century arab culture

First of, next time you type Wahhabi or Salafi please in capital ,it's something that is to be very proud of boy.

Second, I never said what my user stand for ,shut that brain you got cause it's playing tricks on you.

Third, I don't think there's nothing wrong of being Persian or Arab why do you always prefer to use a racist language?

Good. EU should also follow Bahrain's example.

Solomon! Since you and I often understand each other effectively, would u kindly explain to me why most of the Iranian peeps here promote hatred against Arabs? Or maybe Jews in general?

Yeah good thing Bahrain did!

What? Shia are 40% of the Lebanese population. Hezbollah (Iran) has give the Shia population of Lebanon a voice, and their social projects have contributed to their development. All thanks to Iran, not to any Arab country. It was Iranian money that rebuild Lebanon when Israel struck these areas in 2006. It was Iranian training, Iranian organization-structure, warfare doctrine, money, ideology, etc. Besides the fact that they speak Arab, there is nothing Arab about Hezbollah.

That is why they defeated Israel.

I can ship Hezbollah to you in Iran for free! We don't need them take them!
They waged an unnecessary war with Israel and killed 1000s of peeps!

Take 'em!

Well, I don't consider Iraqis to be real Arabs neither. When Iranians say Arabs they usually mean Peninsula Arabs.

Yeah just show the true color of your regime ,keep doing it.

Syria might be a "Step" for you but for most of the civilized world its a country with average Human beings like the rest of us . So "Your great plan for the region" is not valuated at much .

I don't like to offend people but since you fired first ,I think I reserve the right to fight back.

The only thing India is now known for is the civilization of RAPE and nothing else. Maybe Curry too LoL. :omghaha:

In past 8 years Hezbollah did not fire a single bullet towards Israel. But kills people in Syria instead.

Sorry I totally disagree my lady. Terrorism is a dirty job. We don't want an Iranian proxy to meddle in our affairs ,as you can see, back in 06, when we sided with the defenders we have been accused to be traitors. Not to mention the suicide bombing in Bulgaria.

I am done with those childish games. Personally I like both Indian food, the vast majority of Indians I have encountered and especially the Indian Muslims I have met. I would like to visit India as well and I know personally that Arabs and Indians can live side by side and the relations are ancient since ties to ancient Arabia Felix (current day Yemen and Southern KSA) are as old as 3000 years, especially in connection with trade which only grew after Islam.

Whatever you believe Cherokee. I and everybody else can read history and everyone knows that Muslims ruled vast areas of current day India for centuries before the British even entered and colonized India.

You know very well how a typical Indian looks like or let me say Indic person. It does not matter anyway. You know that you people are obsessed about color. I just saw a Indian documentary that aired recently in Europe on the same issue. I can give you a link if you want. It was about the Miss India and at the same time they followed an Indian girl from a middle class family that was part of Indian nationalist party (don't remember the name of the party).

Excuse me sir, but you started the insults instead of concentrating on what was posted to you. Moreover nobody approached you. Your sole intention was to troll here. What is your intention meddling in an Arab and mostly Muslim conflict? Do you see me meddling in Indian affairs even on a forum? Or Hindu? No because I have no interest.

It seems the world still has not lost the grip/interest in the Middle East. Long been the most sought after region for bad and good.

You did not seem to get his point. The question comes to mind that while Taliban who have directly killed US troops are having an office in Qatar while Hezbollah who is not directly at war with the US is denounced as a criminal organization?

If its their religious doctrine you dont agree with, it is fine. You see this is what I meant when I said your govts have a flawed foreign policy.

Once again, I in no way mean to disrespect anyone.
You did not seem to get his point. The question comes to mind that while Taliban who have directly killed US troops are having an office in Qatar while Hezbollah who is not directly at war with the US is denounced as a criminal organization?

If its their religious doctrine you dont agree with, it is fine. You see this is what I meant when I said your govts have a flawed foreign policy.

Once again, I in no way mean to disrespect anyone.

I am not from Qatar nor is any user on this page from Qatar. So your post is a fallacy itself.

Taliban are part of the Afghan opposition that the Afghan government and Americans are doing business with/deals openly So they partly recognize it already.
I am not from Qatar nor is any user on this page from Qatar. So your post is a fallacy itself.

Taliban are part of the Afghan opposition that the Afghan government and Americans are doing business with/deals in secret. So they partly recognize it already.

GCC works as a unit. Any move by any of the member states has the backing of all member states.

Now why does the US recognize Taliban? Why not recognize Hezbollah who also have parliament seats in Lebanon?

So this is what the double standards come to light and frankly the well wishers of the Arab world get really disappointed due to their foreign policy.
GCC works as a unit. Any move by any of the member states has the backing of all member states.

Now why does the US recognize Taliban? Why not recognize Hezbollah who also have parliament seats in Lebanon?

So this is what the double standards come to light and frankly the well wishers of the Arab world get really disappointed due to their foreign policy.

Really? You might read up about the KSA-Qatar rivalry on all fields.

Ask the Americans. Maybe because Taliban are harmless while Hezbollah can partly threaten USA's greatest ally in the region if not the greatest ally overall - Israel?

Frankly speaking we don't need any well wishes from foreigners. We have to deal with our own mess ourselves like every other people. Already is happening in Syria while we speak.
Really? You might read up about the KSA-Qatar rivalry on all fields.

Ask the Americans. Maybe because Taliban are harmless while Hezbollah can partly threaten USA's greatest ally in the region if not the greatest ally overall - Israel?

Frankly speaking we don't need any well wishes from foreigners. We have to deal with our own mess ourselves like every other people. Already is happening in Syria while we speak.

France and US are at loggerheads on almost everything, but they are still in NATO.

Lastly, you don't need any wished from foreigners, so why did you recognize the syrian opposition who are favored by the foreign govts.

Try to take criticism positively and do not think that everyone here is trying to insult your way of life.

good day.
France and US are at loggerheads on almost everything, but they are still in NATO.

Lastly, you don't need any wished from foreigners, so why did you recognize the syrian opposition who are favored by the foreign govts.

Try to take criticism positively and do not think that everyone here is trying to insult your way of life.

good day.

Can you tell me which political/ideological differences France and UK have? Because I don't know any.

Also what happens in Qatar has no relation to anything in KSA, Oman or any other GCC or Arab country. If so all laws would be the same, same policy and we could just merge and form one giant country on the Arabian Peninsula and control 66 percent of the oil and gas in the world and other natural resources.

Excuse me, the Syrian opposition are fellow Arabs and Sunnis. Moreover they are not a terrorist organization. So this is a ridicules comparison. Do you compare them with Hezbollah and Taliban?

I already told you that outsiders can think what they want. I just counter things I disagree with or things that are outright wrong/not truth. This is the point of debating. I respect your views because otherwise I would not waste my time replying to you.

The fact is that KSA and Qatar are largely rivals and have different policies.

I can make you a quick example. Pakistan and USA are both allies but have different policies and interests in their respective regions and completely different way of lives/laws etc.

Turkey, which is the only Muslim NATO member state has also very different views from let's say Spain which is also a NATO member state.

It is night here but thank you.
As a an old Hezbollah Sympithizer im not suprized with that decision took by Bahrain authoriteis..
Iran no.1 enemy of Bahrain government. Iran strives to colonize Bahrain through manuplating and provoking Shii arabs againist government So if Hezbollah is a military outpost o f Iran what is wrong with that decision took by Bahraini gov.??

Syrian internal war made everything quite clear and revealed true face of all sides. Hezbollah involved in killing of ten thousands innocent Syrian civilians to protecting interest of Iran by supporting Persian puppets Assad the butcher.

There is no things such Shias-Sunni war in the middle east. there is th chaos of Persian expantionism through provoking secterain differences....
a terrorist group for defending Lebanon's territorial integrity and re-building destroyed homes following the 2006 (and other) wars?

that seems rather bizarre

I dont think millions of Lebanese would largely agree

american this and that

they're wahabis/salafis

pet dogs or lion hearts, this is what they are, that's their nature. Look at OP's name: yazid. Look at how Hashimi has thanked him. Look at how all the three arabs are happy.

This is why I don't understand why there are still certain Iranians who consider themselves muslims. People like Soheil never made any sense to me. Most Iranian youngsters these days don't want to associate themselves with this sort of culture and relion anymore.

May one day our regime collapses and we can be free of this tyrany and completely break away with this nonsense culture of the arab world. Constant backstabbing, racism, secterianism, tribalism

Religion of peace you guys call it?

More like 6th century arab culture

are you referring to the GCC countries or the Muslim world as a whole (majority of which isnt Arab and isn't tribal)
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