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Bahrain, first Arab country to put Hezbollah on terrorist list

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Well, since you are an Indian you have no say anyway. Nor can you do anything about it. Nor do you know about what plan I am talking about. Anyway it is in the process of being completed while we speak. I don't need to even lift a finger.

NATO/WEST have the same stance as us Arabs and 90 percent of all Muslims. One just need to visit an Arabic forum or Islamic one. Hindus never had any say in the Arab or Muslim world anyway.

What plan are you talking about?
A very sinister plan Iranian. You will not like it. But there is no other solution to the problem.

I am not Iranian, but im sure your sinister plan is to carry out your master israel(the devil) wishes.
I am not Iranian, but im sure your sinister plan is to carry out your master israel(the devil) wishes.

Yes you are. A dozen of other members have said the same. No sane American behaves this way. Your account is like taken out of the Mullah brigade graduation school in Qom.
Yes you are. A dozen of other members have said the same. No sane American behaves this way. Your account is like taken out of the Mullah brigade graduation school in Qom.
Those members who are israeli boot lickers like you say that.


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Those members who are israeli boot lickers like you say that.


Yes, an Indian cleric who can't even speak Arabic has suddenly discovered the Holy Grail. The majority of the Muslim world have friendly ties to Nato/West.

Rather that than living as a failed and isolated state like Iran, North Korea and other states ruled by infallible lunatics.

Also I studied 1 year in the US and if there is one thing Americans agree on then it is patriotism. No American, regardless of political views, have the same views as you. Rather they are fitting among the Mullah brigade from your country in this forum.

Secondly no Arab here is against Jews but only Zionism. On contrary we have stated that we are both Semitic people, share cultural and religious similarities, ancestral, historical and even linguistic. 20 percent of Israel's population are moreover Arabs.

Go fight the Jews on your own. I am sure a suicide mission can be arranged. Meanwhile leave us Arabs and Sunni alone and mind your own business.
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Yes, an Indian cleric who can't even speak Arabic has suddenly discovered the Holy Grail. The majority of the Muslim world have friendly ties to Nato/West.

Rather that than living as a failed and isolated state like Iran, North Korea and other states ruled by infallible lunatics.

Also I studied 1 year in the US and if there is one thing Americans agree on then it is patriotism. No American, regardless of political views, have the same views as you. Rather they are fitting among the Mullah brigade from your country in this forum.

Secondly no Arab here is against Jews but only Zionism. On contrary we have stated that we are both Semitic people, share cultural and religious similarities, ancestral, historical and even linguistic. 20 percent of Israel's population are moreover Arabs.

Go fight the Jews on your own. I am sure a suicide mission can be arranged. Meanwhile leave us Arabs and Sunni alone and mind your own business.

This is the sheik's background

Sheikh Imran Hosein. Imran Hosein was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as
indentured labourer from India. He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute in Karachi and has studied at sevaral instutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland.

He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of
Trinidad and Tobago but gave up his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam. He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint

Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA. He was the Imam, for sometime, at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Juma'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously.
This is the sheik's background

Excuse me, since when have you become a Muslim? And even if that is the case you are probably a Shia given that you are an Iranian.

I have not seen a single clip of him talking Arabic. Nor is he even widely known in the Arab world. Nor do his opinion matter anyway. KSA are no allies of Israel. No Arab country is that or Muslim.

At most Turkey but just because they are an member of NATO. The only Muslim member state I can think of. And as an supposed American, should you not worry about removing the 7 million Jews who live in the US and supposedly control everything? No other country has as many Jews as the US.
Funny how the only proven anti-zionist arab force to confront israel in recent years, is put on a terrorrism list by bahrain. It shows the extent of the betrayal of arabs towards other arabs.

Bahrain= zionist lapdog
In past 8 years Hezbollah did not fire a single bullet towards Israel. But kills people in Syria instead.
In past 8 years Hezbollah did not fire a single bullet towards Israel. But kills people in Syria instead.

So there hasn't been a covert war between Israel and Hezbollah?
Well, since you are an Indian you have no say anyway. Nor can you do anything about it. Nor do you know about what plan I am talking about. Anyway it is in the process of being completed while we speak. I don't need to even lift a finger.

NATO/WEST have the same stance as us Arabs and 90 percent of all Muslims. One just need to visit an Arabic forum or Islamic one. Hindus never had any say in the Arab or Muslim world anyway.

You are a Far greater "IntelLACKtual" than i thought of . Let me tell School you whats Wrong with you :
1. Its a Global Affair , So everybody has a Say .
2. If you don't like listening to Dissenting opinions you should Get back to a Tent and discuss with your 7abibis
3. Your Process " is being Completed from past 2.5 years" and its far from Complete . Einstein said "'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.' Maybe your "IntelLACKtuals" should get back to the drawing board and reminisce over what is wrong .
4. Funny thing is NATO/West has a Say in Arab and Muslim world , Hindus Don't : rofl: . And who cares what Hindus have and what not . It clearly shows How much you guys Lick up to WEST/NATO with your tongues .
5. This Forum is not a monarchy so learn to Live with Dissenting Views or go and complain to your King .
Looks like a Hindu got angry. It's time to go back to cleaning the dirty toilets or your cow.

I am just telling you that your opinion matters jack **** in the Arab world, Syria or the Muslim world for that matter. This is mostly an internal Arab affair and that of main powers who have a interest in it. None of them have any connection to India. If anything you should complain/interfere in the deportation of thousands of illegal fellow Indians from KSA.

lol arab.....please dont explode on us......
Lol. Terrorist organization its sole intention was to occupy southern Lebanon couldn't find anyway to legitimize its move so they provoked Israel. There is no difference in both to be frank, both are committing crimes against innocents. Only fools would prize Hizboallat, that fake beard has killed Palestinians refugees, assassinated political and religious figures inside Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine. Plotting against arabs and arab countries, killing innocent in syria, plying in Egypt's backyard. Not to mention his empty threats toward Saudi Arabia and the hallelujah state he wants to establish in Bahrain. Did I miss something? sure a lot and that its not case Im just trying to find an answer for this Q>why we shouldn't call Hizboallat terrorists organization?

Soon those rats to be pulled out of their sewer pipes by FSA & FIA.

Im actually surprised such step has just been taken now, should've been done long time ago.
lol arab.....please dont explode on us......

My friends toilet actually just exploded recently from all the bad Indian food he and his company was served by the employed Indian maid so they had to call an Indian to clean the mess up and fix it. A few days latter they found out that they were illegals who had been deported back to the New Delhi slum they came from.

LOL , Again an Irrational Reply . Its you who are getting Angry my Dear 7abibi InteLACKtual .

And yeah if its time for you to go cleaning toilets or Cow you should not waste your Time on internet . Go Ahead .

There is nothing Like Internal Arab Affair . If there was anything like Internal Arab affair you would not be Rolling on feet of U.S. to Save you from Iraq during First Gulf War . And Go ahead deport Illegal Indians Who cares ??

Now that you are done Barking i mean Parking Off topic comments try to comment on matter from Now Onwards . I know it will be hard for an IntelLACKtual like you , but i don't give up on tribals . I still have hope :D . Go ahead try to frame a Comprehensible reply and i will reply to you or help you reach a Point where you reach a Level of Educated Debates .

I guess His Favorite Place is Bomb Tree i mean Palm Tree :rofl:

Did you just escape from the Indian slum and found a computer? My lineage is one of the oldest in the world. My family does not lack anything and I have studied at one of the best universities in USA, the Sorbonne in Paris and I currently study in Northern Europe at another great University. I also speak several languages. You on the other hand probably enjoy misery in India. There is no serious talk with a troll that puts his nose in matters that do not relate to him, his people, religion or anything. Nor does his opinion even matter or have any influence. Regarding the insults then you started and you are just getting the same in return. If you can't take it then don't start. Simple as that.

Regarding Western influence in India then let us not even talk about that before you get too embarrassed. Your people were ruled by British and they transformed your entire society. Before that your were largely ruled by Muslim rulers. There is no other people who are as good servants/obedient as the Indians and who lack as much courage to fight for themselves as you. Or self-respect for that matter. Nor do I know a people who are as obsessed about skin color (white) as you despite mostly looking like the stereotypical Indian.
My friends toilet actually just exploded recently from all the bad Indian food he and his company was served by the employed Indian maid so they had to call an Indian to clean the mess up and fix it. A few days latter they found out that they were illegals who had been deported back to the New Delhi slum they came from.

Did you just escape from the Indian slum and found a computer? My lineage is one of the oldest in the world. My family does not lack anything and I have studied at one of the best universities in USA, the Sorbonne in Paris and I currently study in Northern Europe at another great University. I also speak several languages. You on the other hand probably enjoy misery in India. There is no serious talk with a troll that puts his nose in matters that do not relate to him, his people, religion or anything. Nor does his opinion even matter or have any influence. Regarding the insults then you started and you are just getting the same in return. If you can't take it then don't start. Simple as that.

Regarding Western influence in India then let us not even talk about that before you get too embarrassed. Your people were ruled by British and they transformed your entire society. There is no other people who are as good servants/obedient as the Indians and who lack as much courage to fight for themselves as you. Or self-respect for that matter. Nor do I know a people who are as opposed about color (white) as you despite mostly looking like the stereotypical Indian.

Just Shove Your Lineage to Where Sun Doesn't Shine . No one gives a penny under HorseShyt about Your Lineage , Nor it is in any ways relevant to this thread . But who will explain that to a Chest Thumping Arab .

Plus don't even Get me Started on Yemen . India is In each and every way better than Yemen . Learn to Treat "Akhdamns" Properly before you so self Preaching and Singing Random Chest thumping escapades of yours .

And Regarding Western Influence , Even "Saudi Arabia" is in Existence because of The Britishers , Otherwise you would just have been a state of Ottomans . Read History before you quote history . Its a double Edged Sword .

And there is Nothing called Stereotypical Indian . And if you understand the language which you are using here , Stereotype is itself a fallacy .

And rent of your Codswallop is not worth replying so i will leave it as it is .
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