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Do they teach you history in Iran? So the Nazis who killed MILLIONS of people are now angels compared to Arab Muslims in Syria who fight for their freedom, honor, religion, country etc. against a bunch of unelected and oppressive Child-Murderers who have killed thousands of innocent children, destroyed whole towns, cities and villages besides nearly all of Syria now?

Anyway Child-Murderers and Pagans will all be removed from Syria no matter how long it will take so get used to that thought.

They do, they teach that holocaust never happened, and if they be convinced that holocaust did happened it was only because Germans were defending themselves from ruthless diabolical Zionists(aka Jews)
They do, they teach that holocaust never happened, and if they be convinced that holocaust did happened it was only because Germans were defending themselves from ruthless diabolical Zionists(aka Jews)
no we are not teached this in Iran . don't fantasm about it.
if some stupid people (you guess who i am speaking about) say such things, they are among the most stupid people saying craps. they don't represent Iran.

and by the way ... anti zionism, as you say, is something which exists in all the region.
hatred of Jews is almost zero in Iran but much more in another countries in ME... but for knowing this you need to know some Iranians ...
The irony is, the same 'Arab Muslims' in Bahrain suddenly turn in to Iranian terrorists and puppets and their unelected sheikhdom is a 'true Arab leadership'. Cut the hypocrisy, I've had enough of it.

Sorry, only complete and utter ignorant clowns would compare the situation in Syria with that of Bahrain for a lot of obvious reasons. But anyway what to expect from you? First this Nazi comment and later you show your usual ignorance about the Arab world.

100.000 people have died in Syria while the PROTESTS (it's not a civil war) in Bahrain have killed 93 civilians (both Sunni and Shia Bahrainis) and 5 policeman. In 2.5 years!

They do, they teach that holocaust never happened, and if they be convinced that holocaust did happened it was only because Germans were defending themselves from ruthless diabolical Zionists(aka Jews)

Well, you just need to listen to the world famous statements by those fake wannabe Arab Mullah's in Qom and Mashhad - ironically two cities founded by Arabs. I don't know why they make such comments? To somehow act more Arab than us Arabs ourselves? Besides the vast majority of Arabs never made such comments in the first place. Jews lived in the Arab world for centuries and had it much better than Jews living anywhere else. Even the most fierce Zionist/Jewish nationalist/call it what you want, would have to admit that.
how many Jews in KSA?
how many Jews in Iran ?

it says all.

"So whom to shoot?"
" I explain the last time - rebel in Syria , terrorist in Turkey. Can not you see the difference?"
how many Jews in KSA?
how many Jews in Iran ?

it says all.

Arab Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of the Jews in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish presence in KSA is much older than that in Iran. Besides must Jews converted to Islam or moved elsewhere. We had a small community of Jews living in Southern KSA since 2000 years and they had to emigrate due to political reasons as all Jews living in Arab lands due to the Palestine-Jewish conflict.

Jews even had kingdoms in Southern KSA.

Besides I could give you an example of Yemenite Jews one of the most ancient and unique Jewish communities in the world and among the most numerous.


Also we talked about the world famous comments by your Mullah regime that nobody has even made - certainly not officials from KSA.
how many Jews in KSA ?

Are you dumb?

Arab Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of the Jews in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish presence in KSA is much older than that in Iran. Besides must Jews converted to Islam or moved elsewhere. We had a small community of Jews living in Southern KSA since pre-Islamic times and they had to emigrate due to political reasons as all Jews living in Arab lands due to the Palestine-Jewish conflict.

Jews even had kingdoms in Southern KSA.

Besides I could give you an example of Yemenite Jews one of the most ancient and unique Jewish communities in the world and among the most numerous.


Also we talked about the world famous comments by your Mullah regime that nobody has even made - certainly not officials from KSA.

To elaborate more on the big text above.


Operation Magic Carpet is a widely known nickname for Operation On Wings of Eagles (Hebrew: כנפי נשרים‎, Kanfei Nesharim), an operation between June 1949 and September 1950 that brought 49,000 Yemenite Jews to the new state of Israel.[1] During its course, the overwhelming majority of Yemenite Jews—some 47,000 Yemeni, 1,500 Aden as well as 500 Djiboutian and Eritrean Jews — were airlifted to Israel. British and American transport planes made some 380 flights from Aden, in a secret operation that was not made public until several months after it was over. At some point, the operation was also called Operation Messiah's Coming.

I already told you that most of the Jews in what is modern day KSA converted to Islam, mixed with the local population or migrated. That process took several CENTURIES. Besides the small Jewish community that remained in Southern KSA were part of the Operation Magic Carpet.

Anyway don't try to change the subject.
50 000 in 1948 => 500 in 1972 => 340 now

Census data does not identify any Jews as residing within Saudi Arabian territor (wikipedia)

140 000 in 1948 => 80 000 in 1972 => 11 000 now

Iran is the country having the biggest communauty in the region.
as well in history we helped them for the temple.
and the stupid bastards anti semit in Iran are just a shame. but yeah dictatorship ...
even wiki article about history of Jews in the region says they escaped for anti semitism as one important reason

stop your crap

everyone knows the anti Jews attitude in the all region

you can imagine in Yemen from 50000 they are now 340 !!!
that's a big shame. no other word.
50 000 in 1948 => 500 in 1972 => 340 now

Census data does not identify any Jews as residing within Saudi Arabian territor (wikipedia)

140 000 in 1948 => 80 000 in 1972 => 11 000 now

Iran is the country having the biggest communauty in the region.
as well in history we helped them for the temple.
and the stupid bastards anti semit in Iran are just a shame. but yeah dictatorship ...

Yes, but I told you that this is due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when Arabs and Jews fought and the tensions were huge. Besides the Yemeni government did not kick any Jews out the decision of the Operation Magic Carpet was taken by the Israel regime and they made it a SECRET evacuation.

Do you know who Mizrahi Jews are? They are Jews who lived in Arab lands. They form nearly 50% of all the WORLD's Jews. This means that Jews lived peacefully for centuries in the Arab world. Nobody killed Jews like the Europeans did nor were there any Nazis in the Arab world. Even Prophet Muhammad (saws) had dealings with Jews and Jews lived in Hijaz since ancient times. Even described in the Noble Qur'an.


Many more Jews lived in Arab lands than ever in Iran. There are more Yemeni Jews than Iranian Jews today even. That is just 1 out of the 22 Arab countries.

The only reason why Jews still live in Iran although their numbers are small and they are becoming less and less is because Iran is not an Arab country and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was never a issue in Iran before the "Islamic" revolution in 1979. If you had the same rule in the late 1940's as you have today then you would only have a very small minority of Jews like Yemen has today and other Arab countries.

This is all politics.

Oh, besides the Bahraini ambassador to the United States is a Bahraini Jew.

Houda Nonoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Besides we all know about the Arab-Israeli conflict since the Balfour declaration.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should judge Arab-Jewish relations not on the last 90 years but well over 3000-2500 years of common history in what is today the Arab world.
50 000 in 1948 => 500 in 1972 => 340 now

Census data does not identify any Jews as residing within Saudi Arabian territor (wikipedia)

140 000 in 1948 => 80 000 in 1972 => 11 000 now

such enormous decrease are explained by many reasons
political reason is just a part of it

but if people were feeling good in their countries they would have stayed

so major reason is anti Jews policy in the region

The reasons for the exodus included push factors, such as persecution, antisemitism, political instability and expulsion
(wiki article about Jews in Arab world)
Please read all I wrote in my past post. I already explained everything.

Yes, but I told you that this is due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when Arabs and Jews fought and the tensions were huge. Besides the Yemeni government did not kick any Jews out the decision of the Operation Magic Carpet was taken by the Israel regime and they made it a SECRET evacuation.

Do you know who Mizrahi Jews are? They are Jews who lived in Arab lands. They form nearly 50% of all the WORLD's Jews. This means that Jews lived peacefully for centuries in the Arab world. Nobody killed Jews like the Europeans did nor were there any Nazis in the Arab world. Even Prophet Muhammad (saws) had dealings with Jews and Jews lived in Hijaz since ancient times. Even described in the Noble Qur'an.


Many more Jews lived in Arab lands than ever in Iran. There are more Yemeni Jews than Iranian Jews today even. That is just 1 out of the 22 Arab countries.

The only reason why Jews still live in Iran although their numbers are small and they are becoming less and less is because Iran is not an Arab country and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was never a issue in Iran before the "Islamic" revolution in 1979. If you had the same rule in the late 1940's as you have today then you would only have a very small minority of Jews like Yemen has today and other Arab countries.

This is all politics.

Oh, besides the Bahraini ambassador to the United States is a Bahraini Jew.

Houda Nonoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Besides we all know about the Arab-Israeli conflict since the Balfour declaration.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should judge Arab-Jewish relations not on the last 90 years but well over 3000-2500 years of common history in what is today the Arab world.

The Arab-Jewish riots were due to the Palestinian-Jewish conflict and riots there. As I said don't judge a 3000 year old common history based on 90 years. I already told you that Jews had the best life in the Arab world than anywhere else as a whole before the Balfour declaration and the start of the Arab-Jewish animosity.

Well, I said that this is about politics because Arab and Jews lived peacefully for centuries before all that.

Besides the Jewish Yemenis number 400.000 today.

Sorry, only complete and utter ignorant clowns would compare the situation in Syria with that of Bahrain for a lot of obvious reasons. But anyway what to expect from you? First this Nazi comment and later you show your usual ignorance about the Arab world.

100.000 people have died in Syria while the PROTESTS (it's not a civil war) in Bahrain have killed 93 civilians (both Sunni and Shia Bahrainis) and 5 policeman. In 2.5 years!

Well, you just need to listen to the world famous statements by those fake wannabe Arab Mullah's in Qom and Mashhad - ironically two cities founded by Arabs. I don't know why they make such comments? To somehow act more Arab than us Arabs ourselves? Besides the vast majority of Arabs never made such comments in the first place. Jews lived in the Arab world for centuries and had it much better than Jews living anywhere else. Even the most fierce Zionist/Jewish nationalist/call it what you want, would have to admit that.

Yeah, and that's the reason almost No Jews are living in Arab countries now.:lol:

Do you know why I said terrorists in Syria are worse than Germans? Because Germans were not fighting in the name of religion or polluting it, they didn't behead people or blow them up while saying Allah Akbar (God is great). these terrorists are polluting the name of religion and Islam by their atrocities and savagery.

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