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EU agrees to put Hezbollah armed wing on terror list

So, he's not hiding from the Zionist entity's military? :rofl:

Give him one good reason to expose himself to IDF or Mosad. Why should he make himself an easy target of Mosad if he knows those cowards wouldn't hesitate to assassinate him? It's not called being scared, it's called acting wise.
Give him one good reason to expose himself to IDF or Mosad. Why should he make himself an easy target of Mosad if he knows those cowards wouldn't hesitate to assassinate him? It's not called being scared, it's called acting wise.

If he hadn't done anything wrong then why should I keeping hiding behind the curtains and walls? Why should bring another war to Lebanon that had brought nothing but a full-scale destruction to appease his Iranian masters? :lol:
This is really a shame, but nobody outside of EU ( except maybe a couple of Middle Eastern pawn nations) takes these lists seriously anyways. What it will affect however is the Lebanese people living in EU who support Hezbollah ( which means the majority). They will be criminalized if they try to raise support for Hezbollah, much like the Kurds have been when raising support for PKK. But I am sure the Lebanese people will find their ways around the idiotic terror laws of EU.

Watch out though, they might come for your pro-Hezbollah Lebanese tv stations! EU is notorious for shutting down TV stations in which they do not agree with. Just like they did with the Kurdish ROJ TV. So much for freedom of speech and media freedom... Hypocricy!
PKK is a terrrorist organization.
It has nothing to do with hypocrisy. When your will and actions are terror, weapons , threatening and killing : you cannot be described by something else than terrorist.

If Hezbollah is popular in Lebanese population? this is much more complicated than this (PKK is far to be popular for Iranian kurds for exemple): they support moderately Hezbollah for two reasons: Israel policy and Lebanon army is not strong at all.

Only solution: a strong Lebanon army that is able to protect the country from militias and terrorist groups.
A lot of Lebanese want it but most of them i guess if i watch the Lebanese programs... just don't believe it can happen in a short time ... Lebanon is living in both corruption and hezbollah military "said protection"

And by the way before always say the easy word "Iranian master" it cannot be oversimplified and there is a need to read the nasrallah speechs to understand the Hezbollah policy (Hezbollah didn't need Iran orders to go Syria for exemple; this over simplification is terribly stupid)
PKK is a terrrorist organization.
It has nothing to do with hypocrisy. When your will and actions are terror, weapons , threatening and killing : you cannot be described by something else than terrorist.

If Hezbollah is popular in Lebanese population? this is much more complicated than this (PKK is far to be popular for Iranian kurds for exemple): they support moderately Hezbollah for two reasons: Israel policy and Lebanon army is not strong at all.

Only solution: a strong Lebanon army that is able to protect the country from militias and terrorist groups.
A lot of Lebanese want it but most of them i guess if i watch the Lebanese programs... just don't believe it can happen in a short time ... Lebanon is living in both corruption and hezbollah military "said protection"

And by the way before always say the easy word "Iranian master" it cannot be oversimplified and there is a need to read the nasrallah speechs to understand the Hezbollah policy (Hezbollah didn't need Iran orders to go Syria for exemple; this over simplification is terribly stupid)

Lol. Do you even know what you are talking about? PKK is a response to the massive facist and terror state of Turkey ( and also Iran, but I do not feel like going in to that discussion right now. We can take that in another seperate thread). If you go and search the files for why PKK is a terrorist organisation in the eyes of EU you will find that it is almost empty. In 2009 PKK was close to getting off the list because the lack of evidence that it was put there on in the first place. This year the designation of PKK ''terrorists'' was changed to PKK ''activists''. I am certain that within a couple of years, PKK will be removed from the terror list, especially given the on going peace process which was actually started by PKK and its leader itself.

And you should know that PKK has engaged in policies with 4-5 different partys in Turkey. But they were all closed down. So of course, at some point, your only will has to be with weapons. Your only chance will be the fight with weapons, otherwise you will be annihilated as a people. Go learn the history of PKK in Turkey before you start talking. And by the way, Ocalan and PKK can gather two million people at Newroz in Diyarbakir. So do not come here and talk about popularity. Not even your terrorist mullahs will ever gather that many people. Funny how a mullah supporter is suddenly calling others terrorists, when we all know that the only terrorists are the ones executing civilian and innocent in the streets of Urmiye and Tehran.

As for Kurds who live in Iran, there is another party there that has been active for many years thus being able to gathering massive support. PJAK has only been active for a couple of years there so naturally its support is not as big as for example PDKI. But look at PKK in Turkey and Syria... That is another picture, and in these two countries, being a PKK supporter is very natural for any Kurd living there.
Haters gonna hate.
That clown has kicked many arses.
He failed to take Shabaa farms, so he unleashed with wrath on Quseir.


2006 - people of Quseir express solidarity with Hezbollah.
2013 - Dahya, Hezbollah guys celebrate destruction of Quseir.
He failed to take Shabaa farms, so he unleashed with wrath on Quseir.


2006 - people of Quseir express solidarity with Hezbollah.
2013 - Dahya, Hezbollah guys celebrate destruction of Quseir.

They returned their favor by liberating Quseir from the claws of terrorists and extremists. You see it like that, I see it this way.
Quesir is completely destroyed as result of the "liberation". U can fool only urself with that lame propaganda.

And many parts of Germany also destroyed to liberate it from Nazis,with the difference that Nazis are angels compared to these terrorists.
Your arguement is invalid.
Quesir is completely destroyed as result of the "liberation". U can fool only urself with that lame propaganda.
And if the so called freedom seekers could try to hold peaceful protests(like what Indians did),now These destructions wouldn't be in existence

BTW, use the supernature and give us some magical predictions about Hezbollah:lol:
And many parts of Germany also destroyed to liberate it from Nazis,with the difference that Nazis are angels compared to these terrorists.
Your arguement is invalid.

Do they teach you history in Iran? So the Nazis who killed MILLIONS of people are now angels compared to Arab Muslims in Syria who fight for their freedom, honor, religion, country etc. against a bunch of unelected and oppressive Child-Murderers who have killed thousands of innocent children, destroyed whole towns, cities and villages besides nearly all of Syria now?

Anyway Child-Murderers and Pagans will all be removed from Syria no matter how long it will take so get used to that thought.
And many parts of Germany also destroyed to liberate it from Nazis,with the difference that Nazis are angels compared to these terrorists.
Your arguement is invalid.
WW2 was not about liberation Germans from Nazis. It was about destroying Nazi war machine and punishing Germany for its aggression.

And if the so called freedom seekers could try to hold peaceful protests(like what Indians did),now These destructions wouldn't be in existence
First months protests were quite peaceful, but Assad started shooting them as result he got a full scale civil war.

BTW, use the supernature and give us some magical predictions about Hezbollah:lol:
Nothing happens to Hezbollah. Nasrallah will keep sitting in his hole. Couple dozen of Hezballoons will keep dying each month in Syrian war. Business as usual.
Do they teach you history in Iran? So the Nazis who killed MILLIONS of people are now angels compared to Arab Muslims in Syria who fight for their freedom, honor, religion, country etc. against a bunch of unelected and oppressive Child-Murderers who have killed thousands of innocent children, destroyed whole towns, cities and villages besides nearly all of Syria now?

Anyway Child-Murderers and Pagans will all be removed from Syria no matter how long it will take so get used to that thought.

The irony is, the same 'Arab Muslims' in Bahrain suddenly turn in to Iranian terrorists and puppets and their unelected sheikhdom is a 'true Arab leadership'. Cut the hypocrisy, I've had enough of it.
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