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Babrra Massacre

@Spring Onion
What exactly are you, a Pishori?.

NO i am NOT pishori.


The Afghanistanis hate pishories because Peshawar belongs to Pishorie. We Pukhtuns invaded Peshawar and now we are trying to claim it as ours. whereas it was NOT ours. it was ruled by Sikhs and Pishories mostly have their khalistani roots.


Bacha khan might be the most controversial figure in Pakistani politics but he is the most revered personality among the Pakhtoons. He concentrated on awakening and reforming the Pakhtoon society, Khan, Malik, Mullah, Pir and the government were the forces who opposed him.
The British government of India and its successor — the government of Pakistan — could not find any weakness in Bacha Khan’s character which they could exploit ,hence, they attacked Bacha Khan and his Khudai Khidmatgar movement’s allegiance to the All India Congress Party, which was dominated by the Hindus. But he was not the only Muslim figure in that party. Many famous Muslim scholars were members of the Congress. But Muslim leaguis singled out Bacha Khan to cast doubts on his faith and convince the ignorant masses that he was a friend of the Hindus. Unlike Jinnah Bacha Khan performed all his religious duties regularly, including the tahajjud prayer however, unlike the protocol-type religious figures, he did not demonstrate his religious leaning. The late Shorish Kashmiri had once asked him, in an interview, why when he had performed Haj he did not write Haji with his name. He replied that it was a religious obligation and not a label.
The fact is, Bacha Khan demanded renaming of the NWFP as Pakhtoonistan with full provincial autonomy. He made this demand in his address as a member of the first Legislative Assembly. Although Field Marshal Ayub Khan made a distinction between the two brands of Pakhtoonistan in his book Friends Not Masters, separating the Kabul brand of Pakhtoonistan from the Bacha khan's brand in Pakistan, still the common pakistani is confused about it.

1. NO he is NOT the most revered among Pukhtuns. The Most revered among Pukhtuns are likes of Khushal Khan/ Hamza Baba etc etc. He is made larger than life only by ANP family that too just for fooling Pukhtuns during election time or stire ethnic hate.

2. Bacha Khan was against creation of Pakistan. He was a congressi who tried his level best to prevent inclusion of NWFP in Pakistan. He banked on Indian Congress but failed and the same Bacha Khan also got unhappy with congress for not supporting him fully.

3. After creation of Pakistan and after his failure to see his dream of joining India shattered he atlast accepted Pakistan as an independent country.

4. Now i will put aside my objection to bacha khan here at this point when he atlast accepted the independence of Pakistan.

5. BUT however, he still tried to create rift by lobbying for Pushtunistan. This ethnic disaster in waiting indeed testified that he still was dreaming of creating fissures.

6. I may praise him for his political personal embitions but as a Pakistani i find NOTHING Pro-Pakistan in his character.

7. His main aim was to get the ruling power in hands of his own family. Look at the events that led to Babrra firing. he led hundreds of Pukhtuns to killing just because he brother was REMOVED that too lawfully and NOT unlawfully.
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I think the guy got confused between Khan Sahib and Bacha Khan. Give him a break will you?

The point regarding the NWFP House remains. How can Jinnah disregard the Hindu(more accurately non-Muslim) votes from the count and declare that the government is in minority? Even Yasser Latif Hamdani uses your perverse argument and claims the House was 17-18 in favor of Muslim League after defections(no Hindu legislators counted as if they are not humans. And then more perverse argument in pointing that Hindu representation in the House was disproportionate to their population, as if it matters)

1. Good you had read latif so i wont have to repeat those points

2. The representative of Hindus went to India after 47. Mr. Khan Abdual Qayum Khan was also elected member of Congress he also deserted Congress and joined Muslim league that makes the count further less.

3. Jinnah dismissed the chief minister owing to lack of required majority NOT the assembly. The assembly was intact. Dr. Khan sahab was already having a minority govt that was bound to collaps.

4. ABOVE all after 47 Mr. Khan sahab refused to take oath under Pakistani Govt. So hoolaaa here you go why should we have to accomodate an Indian Chief miinister in a Pakistani province??

and oh for the Hindu population i remember another point that as per the population Hindus were to be given 6 per cent ratio but they were given 24%.
I am a wannabe Pashtun who wants to become a Pashtun in every way from culture to identity.... I love Pashtuns because of my book Badal and because of the biases I have seen against them here in this fair city known as Karachi. People might call it identity crisis I reckon but I explained before why muhajir is no real identity and is a biased term that means pilgrim only.

In any case from my contact with Pashtuns I have never noticed what Luffy displays. Never has any Pashtun I have met expressed anti-Pakistani feelings or exhibited a dislike for Pakistan. Pashtuns love Pakistan like everyone else and there are exceptions like Luffy everywhere. It is important not to get bogged down by this.

I have noticed I do not have the energy to carry on the useless debate with Luffy. It is not right for me to speak as a Pashtun until I have fully adopted Pashtun ethnicity. Another thing to note is Pashtuns are not terrorists. Its become a steorotype and today Pashtuns are some of the most misunderstood people on the planet... in my book Badal I wish to portray them as they are: rich in history, strong-willed and beautiful, admirable in their ability to toil in the harshest of conditions and quick to help a friend.
I am a wannabe Pashtun who wants to become a Pashtun in every way from culture to identity.... I love Pashtuns because of my book Badal and because of the biases I have seen against them here in this fair city known as Karachi. People might call it identity crisis I reckon but I explained before why muhajir is no real identity and is a biased term that means pilgrim only.

In any case from my contact with Pashtuns I have never noticed what Luffy displays. Never has any Pashtun I have met expressed anti-Pakistani feelings or exhibited a dislike for Pakistan. Pashtuns love Pakistan like everyone else and there are exceptions like Luffy everywhere. It is important not to get bogged down by this.

I have noticed I do not have the energy to carry on the useless debate with Luffy. It is not right for me to speak as a Pashtun until I have fully adopted Pashtun ethnicity. Another thing to note is Pashtuns are not terrorists. Its become a steorotype and today Pashtuns are some of the most misunderstood people on the planet... in my book Badal I wish to portray them as they are: rich in history, strong-willed and beautiful, admirable in their ability to toil in the harshest of conditions and quick to help a friend.

HaviZsultan how far are you from fully adopting the pushtun ethnicity? Like 60% or 80%?
You're setting an example for all muhajirs! :enjoy:
NO i am NOT pishori.


The Afghanistanis hate pishories because Peshawar belongs to Pishorie. We Pukhtuns invaded Peshawar and now we are trying to claim it as ours. whereas it was NOT ours. it was ruled by Sikhs and Pishories mostly have their khalistani roots.


1. NO he is NOT the most revered among Pukhtuns. The Most revered among Pukhtuns are likes of Khushal Khan/ Hamza Baba etc etc. He is made larger than life only by ANP family that too just for fooling Pukhtuns during election time or stire ethnic hate.

2. Bacha Khan was against creation of Pakistan. He was a congressi who tried his level best to prevent inclusion of NWFP in Pakistan. He banked on Indian Congress but failed and the same Bacha Khan also got unhappy with congress for not supporting him fully.

3. After creation of Pakistan and after his failure to see his dream of joining India shattered he atlast accepted Pakistan as an independent country.

4. Now i will put aside my objection to bacha khan here at this point when he atlast accepted the independence of Pakistan.

5. BUT however, he still tried to create rift by lobbying for Pushtunistan. This ethnic disaster in waiting indeed testified that he still was dreaming of creating fissures.

6. I may praise him for his political personal embitions but as a Pakistani i find NOTHING Pro-Pakistan in his character.

7. His main aim was to get the ruling power in hands of his own family. Look at the events that led to Babrra firing. he led hundreds of Pukhtuns to killing just because he brother was REMOVED that too lawfully and NOT unlawfully.

1-You still couldnt prove him an evil or bad person. If his attachment with congress make him an evil person then All ulema of deoband were also evil? I am deobandi and i would object to that. Note that deoband's anti-imperliast struggle and efforts were genuine while muslim league was never anti-british from the start, was rather anti-hindu.
2- Khudai khidmatgars didnt 'try their best' to prevent inclusion of NWFP in Pakistan. They already came to know that it was already decided that NWFP would go to Pakistan. They simply gave up and bycotted refrendum.
3- Remember that khudai khidmatgars didnt want to join either Pakistan or India, they demanded third option of independant pakhtunisan country. Which was rejected by mountbaiton. It is interesting to note that nehru supported two options in refrendum i.e Pakistan and India thus he ditched bacha khan. Moral of the story is that khudai khidmatgars should never have tied themeselves with congress to begin with. Why associating your party with an indian one when you are not hindostani to begin with? I agree with you he shouldnt have linked himself with "hindus", they fed him to the wolves, from the start his political struggle should have been directed towards joining Afghanistan.
5- Bacha khan was in prison and getting tortured when babra massacre occured. The rally was in protest of his arrest. Protest is democratic and basic human right, there is absolutely no moral or religous justification or excuse for opening fire on unarmed people...i am surprised that you are blaming the victim while no word of condemnation for culprit?
6- In my personal opinion non-violence, getting killed like gajar mooli is a flop idea. It should be qalam plus talwar. We pakhtuns are fit for talwar, if pen is handed over to us, then we are force with no match. Khudai khidmatgars non-violence became their weakness at the end of the day. Their decades long political struggle against british proved futile when british played trick with them and placed their fate with india and pakistan, while it should have been either afghanistan or independant country...
1. Good you had read latif so i wont have to repeat those points

2. The representative of Hindus went to India after 47. Mr. Khan Abdual Qayum Khan was also elected member of Congress he also deserted Congress and joined Muslim league that makes the count further less.
How do you know they all went to India? So all the Hindu legislators communicated officially to Jinnah that they have left for India? And remember, Jinnah dismissed the government on Aug 22, 1947. We are supposed to believe that the Hindus en-masse informed Jinnah "We are leaving to India. Now you can screw our leader and government!!".
3. Jinnah dismissed the chief minister owing to lack of required majority NOT the assembly. The assembly was intact. Dr. Khan sahab was already having a minority govt that was bound to collaps.
Required majority where? clarify this point. How is his government in minority without a no-confidence motion? So that gives license every Governor-General to simply dismiss government and later claim that the government is in minority?
4. ABOVE all after 47 Mr. Khan sahab refused to take oath under Pakistani Govt. So hoolaaa here you go why should we have to accomodate an Indian Chief miinister in a Pakistani province??
Are you serious?! That is a real reason to dismiss a democratically elected government? When the province became part of Pakistan only 7 days ago?

The reason alleged was that the government cannot be allowed to be anti-Pakistan when people have clearly made a decision in the referendum. The question arises, why did referendum take place in just NWFP and not all provinces even where Muslim League got majority?
The only reasonable answer that I could find to this question is that Congress(not the provincial government, the INC) agreed for that to happen.

and oh for the Hindu population i remember another point that as per the population Hindus were to be given 6 per cent ratio but they were given 24%.
How is this point relevant? They are legislators period.
1-You still couldnt prove him an evil or bad person. If his attachment with congress make him an evil person then All ulema of deoband were also evil? I am deobandi and i would object to that. Note that deoband's anti-imperliast struggle and efforts were genuine while muslim league was never anti-british from the start, was rather anti-hindu.
2- Khudai khidmatgars didnt 'try their best' to prevent inclusion of NWFP in Pakistan. They already came to know that it was already decided that NWFP would go to Pakistan. They simply gave up and bycotted refrendum.
3- Remember that khudai khidmatgars didnt want to join either Pakistan or India, they demanded third option of independant pakhtunisan country. Which was rejected by mountbaiton. It is interesting to note that nehru supported two options in refrendum i.e Pakistan and India thus he ditched bacha khan. Moral of the story is that khudai khidmatgars should never have tied themeselves with congress to begin with. Why associating your party with an indian one when you are not hindostani to begin with? I agree with you he shouldnt have linked himself with "hindus", they fed him to the wolves, from the start his political struggle should have been directed towards joining Afghanistan.
5- Bacha khan was in prison and getting tortured when babra massacre occured. The rally was in protest of his arrest. Protest is democratic and basic human right, there is absolutely no moral or religous justification or excuse for opening fire on unarmed people...i am surprised that you are blaming the victim while no word of condemnation for culprit?
6- In my personal opinion non-violence, getting killed like gajar mooli is a flop idea. It should be qalam plus talwar. We pakhtuns are fit for talwar, if pen is handed over to us, then we are force with no match. Khudai khidmatgars non-violence became their weakness at the end of the day. Their decades long political struggle against british proved futile when british played trick with them and placed their fate with india and pakistan, while it should have been either afghanistan or independant country...

First of all i have no issue with even if he was EVIL as long as he was NOT anti-Pakistan.

if someone is angel and against Pakistan for me he is not welcomed.

1. Good he already knew he was going to be left out.

2. He was Pro-India and was member of Hindu party simple as that.

3. Khudai khidmatgar? what the heck is this which these Khan family people and misguided beneficiaries of their use as a ploy.

which khudai khidmat he has done ?

he was all for banking on ethnic divide to grab power for his family.

Just look at ANP even today.

The ANP family of mr Bacha Khan is getting killed all pishori ANP leader and some Pukhtun leaders in Swat but Asfandyar wali and his son in law Hoti the ex CM of NWFP ran away with their tail in legs to Islamabad. they dont come over.

They let the Bilour family down. all the vote bank of so-called khudai khidmagar party is due to Pishori Bilour family.
I am a wannabe Pashtun who wants to become a Pashtun in every way from culture to identity.... I love Pashtuns because of my book Badal and because of the biases I have seen against them here in this fair city known as Karachi. People might call it identity crisis I reckon but I explained before why muhajir is no real identity and is a biased term that means pilgrim only.

In any case from my contact with Pashtuns I have never noticed what Luffy displays. Never has any Pashtun I have met expressed anti-Pakistani feelings or exhibited a dislike for Pakistan. Pashtuns love Pakistan like everyone else and there are exceptions like Luffy everywhere. It is important not to get bogged down by this.

I have noticed I do not have the energy to carry on the useless debate with Luffy. It is not right for me to speak as a Pashtun until I have fully adopted Pashtun ethnicity. Another thing to note is Pashtuns are not terrorists. Its become a steorotype and today Pashtuns are some of the most misunderstood people on the planet... in my book Badal I wish to portray them as they are: rich in history, strong-willed and beautiful, admirable in their ability to toil in the harshest of conditions and quick to help a friend.

well to be honest bro .. i consider u as part pashtun beacause ur forefather were one .. so it is not necessary that u r pashto speaking or not ...for example in case of imran khan who is punjabi pathan being hgis forefathers were mixed with punjabis that is why they lost their language..otherwise people dont loose their language unless some other ethnic group is not involved .. but they stil consider him pure niazi because some of them are proud of him..
now look at the case of abdul qadeer khan.. he is a mohajir and he has accepted it since day one..in some sources he has called himself persian where his forefathers came with mughal armies.. but these afghanis consider him pashtun and are always insisting that he made the nuiclear weapon .. thats true but they only accept those no pakhto speaking pakhtuns as pakhtuns who have had some proud acievment
1. Good he already knew he was going to be left out.

2. He was Pro-India and was member of Hindu party simple as that.

3. Khudai khidmatgar? what the heck is this which these Khan family people and misguided beneficiaries of their use as a ploy.

which khudai khidmat he has done ?

he was all for banking on ethnic divide to grab power for his family.

Just look at ANP even today.

The ANP family of mr Bacha Khan is getting killed all pishori ANP leader and some Pukhtun leaders in Swat but Asfandyar wali and his son in law Hoti the ex CM of NWFP ran away with their tail in legs to Islamabad. they dont come over.

They let the Bilour family down. all the vote bank of so-called khudai khidmagar party is due to Pishori Bilour family.

Tell me one thing, do you support khan abdul qayyum khan for babrra massacre?
well to be honest bro .. i consider u as part pashtun beacause ur forefather were one .. so it is not necessary that u r pashto speaking or not ...for example in case of imran khan who is punjabi pathan being hgis forefathers were mixed with punjabis that is why they lost their language..otherwise people dont loose their language unless some other ethnic group is not involved .. but they stil consider him pure niazi because some of them are proud of him..
now look at the case of abdul qadeer khan.. he is a mohajir and he has accepted it since day one..in some sources he has called himself persian where his forefathers came with mughal armies.. but these afghanis consider him pashtun and are always insisting that he made the nuiclear weapon .. thats true but they only accept those no pakhto speaking pakhtuns as pakhtuns who have had some proud acievment

Imran khan or should i say case of whole Niazi tribe is different. Mianwali is a Niazi majority district and in its isa khel tehsil they make 90%. As my district is neighbour to mianwali and we are cousins of niazis so i have frequently visited mianwali for various purposes. Their mother tongue is seraiki but they can also speak pakhto, i.e they are bilingual. More they are culturally pashtuns with some influences of seraiki. And niazis claim that they are pure pakhtuns, not mixture. One member here is rehan falcon niazi, you can confirm this from him.
By the way search AQ khan and pathan in youtube, you would find his interviews in which he says that he is pathan and he is afraid from no one. From where you have heard that he claims to be persian.

*this time i expect a sensible reply otherwise i would simply put you in my ignore list
How do you know they all went to India? So all the Hindu legislators communicated officially to Jinnah that they have left for India? And remember, Jinnah dismissed the government on Aug 22, 1947. We are supposed to believe that the Hindus en-masse informed Jinnah "We are leaving to India. Now you can screw our leader and government!!".

Required majority where? clarify this point. How is his government in minority without a no-confidence motion? So that gives license every Governor-General to simply dismiss government and later claim that the government is in minority?

Are you serious?! That is a real reason to dismiss a democratically elected government? When the province became part of Pakistan only 7 days ago?

The reason alleged was that the government cannot be allowed to be anti-Pakistan when people have clearly made a decision in the referendum. The question arises, why did referendum take place in just NWFP and not all provinces even where Muslim League got majority?
The only reasonable answer that I could find to this question is that Congress(not the provincial government, the INC) agreed for that to happen.

How is this point relevant? They are legislators period.

:what: do you mean 11 members are a large number not to be noticed for movement?

Tell me one thing, do you support khan abdul qayyum khan for babrra massacre?

NO. i dont support him for the shooting.

Their political rivalry resulted in shooting at protesters.

i do hold both Qayum and Bacha Khan and his Bro responsible for the shoot out.
I think the guy got confused between Khan Sahib and Bacha Khan. Give him a break will you?

I don't who the CM of NWFP, I only said people voted for Bacha Khan.

@Monkey D Luffy are Khan Sahib and Bacha Khan different people.
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