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Babrra Massacre

Congress won 30 out of 50 seats. :laugh:

yeh congress won 30 seats out of 50.

of these 30 seats 12 were Hindu MLAs while two were of ulema e hind which was again ally of congress and anti Muslim league.

that makes it 17 -17 ratio :)

how that means we voted for Bacha khan?

the congressi assmbly lost the majority by the time it was dismissed on the same basis.
yeh congress won 30 seats out of 50.

of these 30 seats 12 were Hindu MLAs while two were of ulema e hind which was again ally of congress and anti Muslim league.

that makes it 17 -17 ratio :)

how that means we voted for Bacha khan?

the congressi assmbly lost the majority by the time it was dismissed on the same basis.

Can you provide any detailed link. @Monkey D Luffy

But majority of the people of NWFP voted against Muslim League, even Hindu members were voted by Muslims of NWFP, still Muslim league didn't get enough seats to push for NWFP becoming Pakistan and NWFP assembly deserved same treatment like Sindh, Bengal and Punjab assemblies.
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funny you are trying to get Indian support here :P

anyway on the topic:

Khan Abdul Qayum Khan was a very honest BUT strict ruler.

Khan Abdul Qayum Khan was a staunch admirer of Bacha Khan. So staunch that he had even wrote a book about Bacha Khan.

Why he started doubting Bacha Khan ? this the main question you should ask. any country will took to task those who commit treason.

What do you mean he started doubting Bacha khan? Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan himself started his political career as a member of the Indian National Congress and from 1937 till 1946 he was a Congress member of the Legislative Assembly and between 1942 and 1946 he was also the Deputy Leader of the Congress parliamentary party in the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi. He wrote book on Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan as a congressite, "Gold and Guns", in which he profusely praised the leadership of Bacha Khan and his political vision and mission...Then in 1946 he defected to muslim league..oppurtunistic individual with no character, sense of morals and ethics.
And why Bacha khan should be called "traitor " when he was not even in muslim league and was not part of Pakistan movement to begin with...
Bacha khan, red shirts were following plan A for independence . Jinnah and muslim league were following plan B for independence. Jinnah succeeded and any non-muslim leagui became traitor? Do you even know the defination of traitor.

But why did Jinnah dismissed the
legitimate government of Dr Khan Sahib in

Because Jinnah was of opinion that only muslim league has the right to rule Pakistan. He even tried to convince lord mountbaitan to dismiss khan sahab governament before refrendum, but lord sahab refused.
It is interesting that original muslim league which consisted of nawabs, sardars, pirs, landlords etc soon disappeared after jinnah death. It was one man show.
@Spring Onion
What exactly are you, a Pishori?. Bacha khan might be the most controversial figure in Pakistani politics but he is the most revered personality among the Pakhtoons. He concentrated on awakening and reforming the Pakhtoon society, Khan, Malik, Mullah, Pir and the government were the forces who opposed him.
The British government of India and its successor — the government of Pakistan — could not find any weakness in Bacha Khan’s character which they could exploit ,hence, they attacked Bacha Khan and his Khudai Khidmatgar movement’s allegiance to the All India Congress Party, which was dominated by the Hindus. But he was not the only Muslim figure in that party. Many famous Muslim scholars were members of the Congress. But Muslim leaguis singled out Bacha Khan to cast doubts on his faith and convince the ignorant masses that he was a friend of the Hindus. Unlike Jinnah Bacha Khan performed all his religious duties regularly, including the tahajjud prayer however, unlike the protocol-type religious figures, he did not demonstrate his religious leaning. The late Shorish Kashmiri had once asked him, in an interview, why when he had performed Haj he did not write Haji with his name. He replied that it was a religious obligation and not a label.
The fact is, Bacha Khan demanded renaming of the NWFP as Pakhtoonistan with full provincial autonomy. He made this demand in his address as a member of the first Legislative Assembly. Although Field Marshal Ayub Khan made a distinction between the two brands of Pakhtoonistan in his book Friends Not Masters, separating the Kabul brand of Pakhtoonistan from the Bacha khan's brand in Pakistan, still the common pakistani is confused about it.
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Pakhtuns including khudai khidmatgars were anti-imperialists but same can not be said about Muslim league, wali khan writes in his book facts are facts,

Pakistan was a different story. The Muslim League had taken no part in the country's freedom. They never launched any movement or struggled for freedom. So engrossed were they in opposing the Congress Party that they sought British help in fulfilling their objective. The British were aware that in the whole of Pakistan there was only one organisation which had participated in the struggle against British imperialism, the Khudai Khidmatgars of the North West Frontier Province. The British and the Khudai Khidmatgars were naturally not kindly disposed towards each other. On these two scores, the Muslim League and the British were on common ground; therefore, whoever opposed the British, was also opposed to the Muslim League. Consequently, a Muslim League Government was expected to fall in line with the British, and would allow the British to use it in taking revenge on behalf of the allies. The British viewed Pakistan as a totally new country, which would take a while to stand on its own. For years to come the Government of Pakistan would have to look up to the British for assistance.

Another reason for British complacency about Pakistan was that her rulers were not locally born, but had migrated from India. They were immigrants who did not have their roots in the new country. Their authority was derived from the Muslim League. Based on empirical evidence the British realised that the Muslim League could not acquire political power even in Muslim Punjab. It is axiomatic that if a political party is not properly organised and disciplined, the political power slips out of its hands and passes on to the bureaucracy. The Government of Pakistan did precisely what the British had expected them to do. Almost all key positions were given to the British. When the names of the new Governors of the Provinces were announced, with the exception of Sind all the provinces had British Governors: (1) Sir Frederick Bourne, East Bengal; (2) Sir Francis Mudie, Punjab; (3) Sir George Cunningham, NWFP; and (4) An Englishman as Agent in Baluchistan.
Sir Ghulam Husain Hidayatullah was the only Pakistani, who was appointed the Governor of Sind. This appointment was made because the capital of Sind was Karachi which also happened to be the capital of Pakistan. The Government House of Sind was occupied by Jinnah, the Governor-General of Pakistan. Therefore another residence had to be arranged for the Governor of Sind!
The British were appointed the Chiefs of the Pakistan Army, Air Force and Navy: (1) General Sir Frank Messervy, Commander-in-Chief, Army; (2) Air Vice-Marshal Perry Keane, Chief of Air Force; and (3) Rear Admiral Jefford, Chief of Naval Staff.
There were five British Secretaries in the Central Government of Pakistan. In addition, Defence and other Central Ministries were placed under British officers. In his autobiography, Iskander Mirza profusely praised these British officers, saying how hard they worked for the consolidation of Pakistan. In particular, he admired one General Ross Mackay, who was entrusted with the responsibility of organizing the Pakistan Army. Iskandar Mirza has also mentioned two other British officers, through whose intervention Skardu was included in the accession of Gilgit to the Northern Region of Pakistan. According to him these two officers were great supporters of Pakistan. They manipulated a rebellion of the Scouts to facilitate the accession of Gilgit and Skardu to Pakistan. "In the most northern sector things went well, we were able to take over Gilgit Agency and Skardu. Here a rising of the Gilgit scouts was organised by the two British officers with the scouts who were pro-Pakistan."
The situation in the North West Frontier Province deserves special mention, because, as viewed from the British angle, this was the most sensitive area. It was here that for one hundred years the British had fought against the tribals. The main difficulty for the British was that it was this Muslim-dominated Province which had all along opposed the domestic policies of the Muslim League and the international policies of the British. In the last two elections to the State Legislative Assembly, the Khudai Khidmatgars had secured a two-third majority. Therefore, it was necessary, both for the Government of Pakistan and the British, that they should first deal with this province and the Khudai Khidmatgars. It was said about Jinnah that whenever the subject of NWFP and the Khudai Khidmatgars was brought before him, he always said that none but the British could subdue the Pathans. The decisions taken with regard to NWFP should be viewed in this perspective. In this province a large number of British officers still hung around; it was difficult to say that the British had departed and we had attained independence. The Governor of the province was British. British officers were in key positions such as Chief Secretary, Secretaries to the State Government, Police Chief, and even Secretaries of Public Works Department and Department of Electricity.

Kyun bhai... apnay watan ka zameen kam par gaya tha ?

That , my friend , is a million dollar question which has never been answered properly ... Why would a leader ask to be buried not in his free country ? :azn:

@Monkey D Luffy

May I know first the point of creating this thread ? Is it constructive criticism or the same spewing venom against the state of Pakistan and its founders as you do usually ?

** Or been doing in this thread in a quiet , subtle manner :azn:
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Many people confuse Khan abdul Qayyum khan with Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Khan who was pashtun from swabi, and renowned and respectable educationist, politician and founder of Islamia college Peshawer.

Sahibzada abdul qayyum khan.

@Armstrong , @haviZsultan
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wow to start of ... who are telling us about are realities.. afghanis and hindus...
hindus u shud not speak because i know ur *** is burning because every pakhtun i.e pakistani pakhtuns love pakistan and u are not able to swallow the truth .. u indians have tried to pose as pakhtuns and balochs but all in vain because real pashtuns from pakistan always support pakistan .. well for nwfp ,,jirga decided to join pakistan and not india as bacha khan the traitor wanted .. bacha khan was an afghani like luffy who wanted to remain with india because he was obsessed with gandhi .. he was not even following islam .. is islam we are taught that we shud speak for our rights but instead of that this prick was following gandhis statements .. he is not even a muslim but luffy here wants to make him one just to satisfy his soul that is he wants support from pakistan pakhtuns but neither he is getting it from here nor from other places.. he knows that and i know that too..yindus u shud look at ur selves what u guys have done in kashmir.(can u say kashmiris call themselves indians but many pakhtuns from paksitan will tell u they always wanted to join pakistan and maybe 5 percent wanted to make pakhtunistan but that was only if pakhtuns from afghanistan were merged into that state and that wud have never happen because afghani pakhtuns have been animals since 1893 when they sold their own brothers to british,, these afghanis can never loose northern populations and untill they had done so 5 percent of pakistani pakhtuns didnt want to live under them)..secondly look at u yindus how u guys have taken hyderbad and u yindus are trying to tech our history to us .. well go learn ur history first what did u guys do .. ur gandhi was the biggest croook of the history . he wsa the biggest scam and u can understand it by listening to sikhs what they call him...

on the other hand we shud listen to luffy as according to him he made out afghanistan history by himself as shown in the posts that i had before with him in which he waas not able to prove shiiit.. now this part of history that is 1947 is v difficult for him to understand and he is using indian books to tell us the real facts ..mate if we are fed with pakistani books then u r reading hindu books .. hindus have been changing everything ,,if it was upto them they wud have even changed that they were never ruled by muslims in subcontinet..luffy u shud not use ur mind and make up all these things by reading books written by people who are anti jinnah or anti pakistan ..
khan abdul qayyum khan was a good person , the reason why didnt support bacha was because of bachas character.. bacha was gandhis right hand and he neevr wanted the seperation.. and bacha khan airport is named bcz of anp the children of that traitor because they have strong hold in that part ... pakhtuns most of them dont like bacha because of his relation with gandhi .
whenever a pakhtun tries to defend pakistan luffy calls him pishory just to satisfy himself...luffy just for a moment bring some real pakhtuns from pakistan who agree upon everything that u have written ..dont bring the mohajirs like urselves . :pakistan:
and for those who are saying anti jinnah things .. well to be honest jinnah made thsi country and if it was not for jinnah we wud still have been under the rule of british till now .. and maybe around 10 years ago we wud have signed a anti racism agreement with britishes lik in australia where now aboriginal people are treated in a better manner as compared to 10 years ago..so for that reason jinnah dismised khan sahib because he was in congree ,,why wud he keep him over there because congress lost all its support in an instinct .. on the other hand jinnah was the one who made this country and thus he had every right to make any decision which i highly doubt because he was a practical man not like u indian and afghani loosers who are strong over here only ... afghani luffy go n sort out ur country as ur not gonna get any support here in pakistan from pakistani pakhtuns except from people like u who are mohajir. and indians gigawatt i think u need to look at ur own country what it is doing in dealing with its own people ..in pakistan all of us call ourselves pakistani but in india everybody is maratha, punjabi, gujaraty , south indian tamil , telugu ,, u guys hold so much hatred that u guys even do not allow copying of hindi movies from telugu .. this depicts the hate that u have for each other in ur country.. ur country is the biggest joke , i think ur country in real is 3 countries north india, south india and central india.. every state hates each other ..
yeh congress won 30 seats out of 50.

of these 30 seats 12 were Hindu MLAs while two were of ulema e hind which was again ally of congress and anti Muslim league.

that makes it 17 -17 ratio :)

how that means we voted for Bacha khan?

the congressi assmbly lost the majority by the time it was dismissed on the same basis.

I think the guy got confused between Khan Sahib and Bacha Khan. Give him a break will you?

The point regarding the NWFP House remains. How can Jinnah disregard the Hindu(more accurately non-Muslim) votes from the count and declare that the government is in minority? Even Yasser Latif Hamdani uses your perverse argument and claims the House was 17-18 in favor of Muslim League after defections(no Hindu legislators counted as if they are not humans. And then more perverse argument in pointing that Hindu representation in the House was disproportionate to their population, as if it matters)
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