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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

There are plenty of non-Muslim migrant workers from India, Sri Lanka, Phillipines, Sub-Saharan Africa, etc. Would they be allowed in Mecca?

And would a non-Muslim tourist be allowed in Mecca?

I don't hate anyone. But thanks for the kind words.

Mecca is not stolen land. Babri mosque land got stolen by RSS. There is zero revelance to any of your claims.
I did not intend to flame or provoke anybody, I was simply providing an analogy. And how is this verdict anti-Muslim? The Supreme court ordered land to be allocated for the construction of a new mosque.

And my point still stands. Why do Muslims need to have a Mosque in that particular city at that particular location? Are you denying that Ayodhya is a holy spot for Hindus? And when did I say anything about wanting to put idols in Mecca? I simply factually said that non-Muslims are not allowed to build their places of worship in Mecca.

In this case, Muslims are actually allowed to have another Mosque within Ayodhya, right next to the additional spot. What is the big problem here?

Now if the Supreme Court did not give land to Muslims, that would be an entirely different situation.

Makkah is the holy place of Muslim and Babri Masjid is demolished by Hindutva extremists at first that Court didn't even touch the matter instead, replaced the site. The temple could have been built on other location and as per Indian findings, there is no evidence of temple being there before. Furthermore, stop comparing Ka'aba with the most disputed temple existence before Babri Masjid. Will Hinduism allow to build Masjid inside any of temple? then how could you question Muslim for that in regard to Makkah.

The problem is not for us in-fact, you guys aren't looking inside your own House. Just because Modi's extremism has taken over sanity and most of Indians having grudge & enmity against Pakistan; are actually dehumanizing your own minorities. The question arises, why not to build temple at any other place and why Babri Masjid was demolished by RSS Extremists lot instead of Supreme Court having the verdict to be demolished that speaks volume of Mob mentality that now appraises secondary step and conveniently ignoring what illegally has been done primarily.
There are plenty of non-Muslim migrant workers from India, Sri Lanka, Phillipines, Sub-Saharan Africa, etc. Would they be allowed in Mecca?

And would a non-Muslim tourist be allowed in Mecca?

Well they are allowed and work in Makkah city. Yeah they are not allowed inside the grand mosque which makes sense

Before whining about Makkah you guys should clean your holy cities. I have heard your holy cities are filthest in India. Ever seen how clean Makkah and Madina are??

Can't clean your own city but want to get into Makkah :lol:
Very interesting argument bro..I will post in detail what kaaba was and how it became muslims holy site..you will be surprised to know that Mohammad never had any love for kaaba or its idols...but he was forced to accept it as he wanted meccans to turn to his religion without losing their income tht was coming from kaaba..it was a compromise he made..later on this abraham built kaaba story was made up to justify its pilgrimage..there is no historical evidence anywhere to say that pagans of arabia considered the kaaba built by abraham...you would not find a single verse on kaaba ( except the ones that humilate the gods in kaba) in any meccan verses of quran..it was only after mohammad raided mecca and invited meccans to islam ,the first mention of kaba appears in Quran

You will be surprised to know that this kaaba was built b

There is no story of abraham building kaaba anywhere in quran...this story was made up much later by muslims to amplify the significance of kaaba.
There was no mention of kaaba anywhere in meccan verses(except for insulting idols in it)..it was only after muhammad occupied mecca and when he invited meccans to convert to his religion the first verse on mecca appears in quran...meccans had an objection to convert to islam..they would lose their revenue from kaaba if no significance is given to kaaba in islam...Mohammad was forced to accept it(by removing idols) for greater good.
I am a scholar in islam and its history..people here dont want to hear facts..if we speak truth,we will be banned
you cannot be a scholar in Islam if you have not read Quran. You are a liar and cheater
Quraan says"
And , when We designated for Abraham the site of the House, [saying], "Do not associate anything with Me and purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who stand [in prayer] and those who bow and prostrate.
Non Muslims are not allowed by KSA.

According to Indian supreme court there is no evidence that temple was destroyed by Muslims to build a mosque. There is no proof of ram being born in that place. It is the belief of Hindus. The mosque was demolished and now a temple will be built there. Now why is SC of India is giving away something based on beliefs???

Personally I as a Pakistani don't give a **** about what's going on in India. My problem is with those who call India a secular country and rubbished the two nation theory. Raze every mosque no one cares.If Indian Muslims are okay who are we to complain.

The fact is that Supreme Court of India has totally submitted and capitulated to the Hindutva extremists. The judgment, itself, is full of contradictions and would remain a dark spot on this court and these judges.
Talk about yourself. Not for others
The same can be said for you.

Talk about yourself and not about the citizens of the country you profess to hate.

If you hate it so much why are you concerned over it's internal affairs?
Wait ... so Indian government declared demolition illegal yet allowed mandir being built ?
The fact is that Supreme Court of India has totally submitted and capitulated to the Hindutva extremists. The judgment, itself, is full of contradictions and would remain a dark spot on this court and these judges.
Destruction of India started the day Modi took over, its a slow process but a sure process. Poor economy, rising fundamentalism, crime, intolerance has all increased in India. Its only a matter of time before Modi destroys India.
The same can be said for you.

Talk about yourself and not about the citizens of the country you profess to hate.

If you hate it so much why are you concerned over it's internal affairs?

I am talking something related to Islam. If it would have been about some church I wouldn't have bothered a slightest about it
Muslims advanced Hijaz. Muslims advanced Hindustan. Deal with it. STOP disrespecting those who built your nation and earned the right to protect their masjids.

At the absolute most, some sort of neutral construction could be placed on the ayodhya site. This would avoid rewarding Hindutva mobs for an act of religious terrorism in 1992 and all the communal violence that followed.

A neutral construction or some kind of peace monument may have projected a message of harmony and reconciliation. Instead, Modi has (predictably) given the world the bastardised legacy of a massacre. Consider this an opportunity lost for a desperately needed course correction for Hindustan.
Makkah is the holy place of Muslim and Babri Masjid is demolished by Hindutva extremists at first that Court didn't even touch the matter instead, replaced the site. The temple could have been built on other location and as per Indian findings, there is no evidence of temple being there before. Furthermore, stop comparing Ka'aba with the most disputed temple existence before Babri Masjid. Will Hinduism allow to build Masjid inside any of temple? then how could you question Muslim for that in regard to Makkah.

The problem is not for us in-fact, you guys aren't looking inside your own House. Just because Modi's extremism has taken over sanity and most of Indians having grudge & enmity against Pakistan; are actually dehumanizing your own minorities. The question arises, why not to build temple at any other place and why Babri Masjid was demolished by RSS Extremists lot instead of Supreme Court having the verdict to be demolished that speaks volume of Mob mentality that now appraises secondary step and conveniently ignoring what illegally has been done primarily.

The irony is that ultimately, Supreme (Read Kangaroo) Court of India succumbed to the wishes of mob.
Just the same sir, just as you are agitated, not everyone is so distressed, it's a mixed reaction, with the majority of muslims here simply being relieved this matter is done with.
The local Muslims are obviously relieved. Their kids are safe for now.

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