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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

Find one text in Hinduism, where it encourages to do that.

Isn't the great mosque of mecca, built by destroying the original temple there was, by Prophet himself ?
There was never any idol in Mecca when it was made by Prophet Abraham PBUH.
Mecca has been there since the time of Ibrahim(Abraham) A.S.
And religion of Hazrat Ibraim alihe salam was what is now Islam
Kaaba has been there not the Masjid al Haram, and Kabaa was place of worship for non muslims of Mecca.

Their temple was destroyed by Prophet himself, when his army conquered Mecca. Isn't that the truth ?
you are wrong all along
Holy Kaaba was built by Hazrat Ibraheem alihe Salam 5000 years ago. It was not a temple, Hazrat Ibraheem AS was a worshipper of One God Allah. Kaaba was built in the middle of the desert, there was no population before that. When Hazrat Ibraheem was building the walls of Holy Kaaba he was also praying for the arrival of the Last Prophet PBUH. This was never a temple. later on idol worshippers put their idols in the Kaaba which was cleansed when Muslims conquered Mecaa.
Hindus get to build temple on disputed land. Muslims to get 5 acres of land to build mosque.

A win-win scenario. Obviously this will be spun as a defeat for Muslims to create rifts within the community from external players.

Isn't the babri masjid a historical landmark? what will you do next destroy the Taj mahal as that construction represents Muslim rule of India which is not acceptable to RSS bhagats like you?
I wouldn't blame you for having such an attempt to provoke & flame the Muslim community but not to forget that Makkah had the idols inside before Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) conquering & demolishing them then after. Secondly, who knows that Hindus or anyone else wanted to do it so badly but can't express due to ground realities for them at the moment.

This is not about what you want but this is about respect the religion and what happened today in regard to Babri Masjid, shouldn't be a surprise for anyone especially under Modi ruling India. The facts & science of archaeology & all is already been twisted & forged to the level as it suits the one.

In the last, the kangaroo verdict should be rubbed on the faces of Ulema Deoband Hind that already supported the verdict when they praised Modi for the siege & occupation of Kashmir, more than anyone else.

I did not intend to flame or provoke anybody, I was simply providing an analogy. And how is this verdict anti-Muslim? The Supreme court ordered land to be allocated for the construction of a new mosque.

And my point still stands. Why do Muslims need to have a Mosque in that particular city at that particular location? Are you denying that Ayodhya is a holy spot for Hindus? And when did I say anything about wanting to put idols in Mecca? I simply factually said that non-Muslims are not allowed to build their places of worship in Mecca.

In this case, Muslims are actually allowed to have another Mosque within Ayodhya, right next to the additional spot. What is the big problem here?

Now if the Supreme Court did not give land to Muslims, that would be an entirely different situation.
Don't mix mythology with historical facts.

Original temple at Kaaba was destroyed by prophet and his followers and mosque was built in its place is a historical fact.
Where as God asked Abraham and his son to build Kaaba is mythology.
wow you are teaching muslims their history, ha ha. This we are talking of Arabian peninsula, this is not India where history is written as per your desire
And my point still stands. Why do Muslims need to have a Mosque in that particular city at that particular location? Are you denying that Ayodhya is a holy spot for Hindus? And when did I say anything about wanting to put idols in Mecca? I simply factually said that non-Muslims are not allowed to build their places of worship,

Because there are Muslims in ayodhya while there are no non Muslims in Makkah

So obviously there would be a mosque in ayodhya and no hindu temple in Makkah

You again missed the simple fact that Islam unlike Hinduism is a global religion
Abraham and Ismael were Jews and not Muslims, so there should be synagogue there and not a mosque.
They were not jews. Judaism started from Prophet Moses AS who was one of the descendents of Prophet Ibraheem AS. Your History is as poor as your logic
I did not intend to flame or provoke anybody, I was simply providing an analogy. And how is this verdict anti-Muslim? The Supreme court ordered land to be allocated for the construction of a new mosque.

And my point still stands. Why do Muslims need to have a Mosque in that particular city at that particular location? Are you denying that Ayodhya is a holy spot for Hindus? And when did I say anything about wanting to put idols in Mecca? I simply factually said that non-Muslims are not allowed to build their places of worship in Mecca.

In this case, Muslims are actually allowed to have another Mosque within Ayodhya, right next to the additional spot. What is the big problem here?

Now if the Supreme Court did not give land to Muslims, that would be an entirely different situation.

So any historical landmarks built by the muslims is not acceptable to RSS bhagat Nazi inspired facist India and should be demolished forthwith with out delay, alright we get you loud and clear.
Because there are Muslims in ayodhya while there are no non Muslims in Makkah

So obviously there would be a mosque in ayodhya and no hindu temple in Makkah

You again missed the simple fact that Islam unlike Hinduism is a global religion
Non Muslims aren't allowed in Mecca. Which further proves my point.
Isn't the babri masjid a historical landmark? what will you do next destroy the Taj mahal as that construction represents Muslim rule of India which is not acceptable to RSS bhagats like you?

Let me tell you who the bigger culprit is in this daylight robbery. If RSS is the brainchild the Western world is the bloc that provides tacit approval.

Although the white man likes to take pictures at the Taj Mahal so there will be outrage by the Western world if the RSS ever touched this symbol.

The white man don't care about Babri mosque.
So any historical landmarks built by the muslims is not acceptable to RSS bhagat Nazi inspired facist India and should be demolished forthwith with out delay, alright we get you loud and clear.
There are many Muslim monuments under ASI protection.

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