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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

Who cares?.........it's got nothing to do with us Pakistanis. indian so called "Muslims" are just as much enemies of Pakistan as are indian hindus and sikhs.
We don't have a problem with what Indian Hindus do with their minorities.
We are calling out their secularism. Calling spade a spade.
The fact is, even your most sacred places built by destroying, places, where other faiths use to practice their religion.

The fact is your whole religion is based on genocide against humans and diving the remaining ones in castes

A regressive ideology that is struggling for the last time to regain long lost glory
The fact is your whole religion is based on genocide against humans and diving the remaining ones in castes

A regressive ideology that is struggling for the last time to regain long lost glory

These RSS Indians will always be in denial. Every criticism against RSS Hindustan is turned into a victim argument. The RSS Hindu has never done any wrong.

The entire RSS foundation is based on race, caste and discrimination. It puts the KKK to shame.

Hundreds of people were detained in Ayodhya on Friday ahead of the verdict, amid fears of violence.

Thousands of police officers have also been deployed in the city, while shops and colleges have been shut until Monday.

Social media platforms are being monitored for inflammatory content, with police even replying to tweets and asking users to delete them.


Tell me who these RSS rapists are kidding. What happened to free speech? Isn't someone allowed to oppose the ruling? What are these RSS goons so fearful of?
It is no longer a Disputed land. It is Ram Janmbhumi now.

It is Ram Janambhumi as per myths. Any evidence?

Imagine if this place was really Ram's Janam Bhoomi, would Hindus never know about it century after century until now? This all started when a Hindu slept in this Masjid and in the morning claimed this is Ram's Janam Bhoomi. That is the start and end of your reasoning, logic and evidence.

And this is the state of entire India. You guys are living in a hologram of nonsense which is fed to you and you contribute to because of your lack of sensibility.
It is actually who lost the argument

Your only rss logic about Makkah has already been demolished on this thread

It is becoming crystal clear how nasty and organised RSS racists are. India is a banana republic.
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