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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

ha ha these clown Indian muslims should be ready for more. They are weak, this is their biggest crime.

"Taqdeer kay Qazi ka yeh fatwa hae azal say
Hae jurm e zaeefi ki saza marg e mufajat"
Find one text in Hinduism, where it encourages to do that.

Isn't the great mosque of mecca, built by destroying the original temple there was, by Prophet himself ?

Nobody cares about hindu texts. Not even hindus. But hindus practically did what you accuse Muslims of

As for conquest of Makkah. It was the most peaceful conversion as result of a revolution against nonsensical pagan practices and social ills in human history. More people die in India listening to bullshit speeches of your PM than that died in Makkah conquest
By that measure Jesus Christ is our true lord and savior.

Even more so if you consider the disparity between the western nations and the arab ones.

Anyone can be your lord or savior as your religion has been corrupted in the past many centuries. That doesn't bother me.
Mecca has been there since the time of Ibrahim(Abraham) A.S.

Kaaba has been there not the Masjid al Haram, and Kabaa was place of worship for non muslims of Mecca.

Their temple was destroyed by Prophet himself, when his army conquered Mecca. Isn't that the truth ?
It's actually u who stated the obvious...I only pointed out the moronic conclusion u came to after all this time. The reason I'm not a member of Bharat Rakshak is bcuz I have no interest in any discussions with the members(Indians) there. Just the name of the forum was enough...I didn't become a member and then months later realized "OMG...this is an Indian forum where Indians write their opinions".

So whether statements or opinions...if u have no interest in "raining on someone's parade"...the easiest solution is to not participate. U on the other hand did participate...only to say that u r not going to participate...and then stated the obvious :woot:

I do intend to stay on here and discuss with people who are into sensible discussion.

People who pass their opinions as statements are free to keep going on and on about how India is going to break. I'm not going to rain on their parade. Not sure what part of this got you hurt, maybe you are one of those? Anyway, enjoy theorizing how India is going to break.
This stupid decision by the Indian Supreme Court can lay down the foundation of the second partition of India. Muslims in India are being crushed from all possible angles. Hindu terrorism's first attack is coming on its own born Muslim citizens.

While Pakistan is providing Indian Sikhs with a platform to consolidate against terrorism of Hindustan, it needs to provide another platform to Muslims in India so they could protect their rights from blatant Hindu terrorism.

Look at the contrast.

Pakistan is on this day opening its doors to Sikh community.

India is stealing from its minorities.
Anyone can be your lord or savior as your religion has been corrupted in the past many centuries. That doesn't bother me.
I'm only extrapolating using your line of logic.

You can't lord over whose religion is right over numbers or global reach, Christianity beats you on that front.
This is Jinnahs message in action

Even the SC wont protect Indian muslims rights, even though they hold the title deed

Jinnah always said this would be the case

To Indian muslims, India is your enemy
The Hindus are usurping your rights
In India Hindus are the enemy, in Palestine Israel is the enemy, in Myanmar Buddhists are the enemy and in rest of the world Christians are the enemy.
Kaaba has been there not the Masjid al Haram, and Kabaa was place of worship for non muslims of Mecca.

Their temple was destroyed by Prophet himself, when his army conquered Mecca. Isn't that the truth ?

Kabbah was built by who? If you don't know, it was built by Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismael, the two Prophets of Islam. It was not built by non-Muslims.
Find one text in Hinduism, where it encourages to do that.

Isn't the great mosque of mecca, built by destroying the original temple there was, by Prophet himself ?

You are entering into discussion on religion, which is not allowed, at least in principle, on PDF forum. The question, under discussion, in this thread, is not Islam and Hinduism, but the today's verdict of Supreme Court of India.

@The Eagle
Kindly clean this thread, from posts on religious discussions.
Kaaba has been there not the Masjid al Haram, and Kabaa was place of worship for non muslims of Mecca.

Their temple was destroyed by Prophet himself, when his army conquered Mecca. Isn't that the truth ?

Kaaba was built first by Prophet Abraham who was the biggest opponent of idol worshiping like any Prophet sent by God

So clearly it was a corruption that was done by people over the centuries and corrected by Islam
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