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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

Defence Minister heading towards the front line

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URGENT: Azerbaijan began shelling the positions of Armenians of rocket launchers
Enemy carries heavy losses.
The Azerbaijani army is shooting at Armenian fighting positions of small arms and artillery: grenade launchers, mortars, anti-aircraft installations, thermobaric grenades.
As the Oxu.Az citing Haqqin.Az , stated in an emergency statement from the Ministry of Defense.
According to the enemy suffers great losses.

According to the statement, in recent days the situation on the contact line of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan escalated dramatically. Azerbaijani armed forces do not stop trying to penetrate the Armenian positions.
Also frequent shelling of border settlements. Day by day the number of losses of the parties.
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia calls on Azerbaijan to stabilize the situation.We're looking at the most global instability I've ever seen in my lifetime. The world is literally spinning out of control.

All it will take is one global shock (made easier due to the trade system setup) and this entire tinderbox will go up in flames.

I'm moving up my prediction. I think we're going to see a major regional war in 1 to 5 years (versus my previous 5-10) unless something drastic happens to change current conditions.

UPDATE: Thanks to Requiem for this news...via ZeroHedge.
With the world's attention focused on the ongoing death and destruction in Gaza most have forgotten that just two months ago a vicious Al-Qaeda spinoff, after taking over the north of Iraq and a third of Syria's territory including its oil production facilities, proclaimed the creation of an Islamic State caliphate a few hundred kilometers north of Baghdad. The reason why the ISIS story fell off the front pages is that while the jihadists were consolidating their power in the caliphate region, it was believed that they have no chance of advancing onto Baghdad and the energy-rich Iraq regions south of Baghdad (and thus have little impact on the price of Brent). And yet there was one major "weakest link" - recall that a month ago we reported that "Baghdad May Lose Its Drinking Water As ISIS Approaches Dam", an outcome which would put Iraq's capital, and its 8 million residents, at the mercy of ISIS.
According to Al Arabia it is this "weakest link" that is now in play after ISIS took over Iraq's biggest dam unopposed by Kurdish fighters, who also lost three towns and an oilfield on Sunday to the Sunni militant group, witnesses said cited by Reuters.
If needed I think we can easily move some special troops and equipment(some btr 80s, cobras etc.) under disguise as Azerbaijani soldiers, but would our government do that ? I doubt.

Azeris have no shortage of land forces.... What we should do is take out Armenia's air defence systems out... maybe hit a few strategic buildings....Azeris will clear the rest..

But i don't know if we can do that without a political backlash.
Azeris have no shortage of land forces.... What we should do is take out Armenia's air defence systems out... maybe hit a few strategic buildings....Azeris will clear the rest..

But i don't know if we can do that without a political backlash.

That would cause a huge fuss, there are Russian troops at there.
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