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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

Azerbaijan is negotiating with Airbus Defence and Space over the joint use of their spy satellites

SPOT-6.7 and Pléiades 1A,1B
this is no good azerbijan must buy a satellite otherwise your intel may fall into wrong hand !
Armenian forces wound Azerbaijani soldier, civilians on frontline

The Armenian armed forces still continue aggravating tensions on the contact line of Armenian-Azerbaijani troops with constant shelling of the Azerbaijani Army's positions.

The twenty-year-old Azerbaijani soldier, Farhad Rahimov was wounded as a result of a ceasefire violation by the Armenian armed forces on August 6, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry told Trendnews agency.

Rahimov was slightly wounded. He was taken to hospital for treatment. His condition is stable now.

The Armenian aggressors don't hesitate to fire at the civilians, who live in the villages located near the frontline.

This time two children living in the villages located near frontline were wounded as a result of Armenian shelling on August 6, local media reports.

Fourteen-year old resident of the Mulkulu region of Azerbaijan's Tovuz region, Ismayilov Sarkhan injured in the hand. He also got shrapnel wounds to the chest. Also, the resident of the Kohne Gishlag village of Agstafa region, ten-year old Goshgar Abbasov has been hospitalized with shrapnel wounds in the neck.

Armenia escalated tensions on the border areas from July 31, and scattered fighting has continued ever since. Thirteen Azerbaijani servicemen were killed and several others injured during the clashes between two sides. Despite what is said by Armenian sources, they suffered more losses.

Head of the Defense Ministry's Main Medical Department, Major-General Natig Aliyev said there is no threat for the life of the Azerbaijani servicemen injured as a result of the Armenian diversion on the frontline.

In his interview with the "Azərbaycan Ordusu" (Azerbaijani Army) newspaper, Aliyev noted that a professional team of doctors was sent to the region to treat the wounded soldiers in accordance with the instruction of Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov.

Aliyev said the wounded servicemen are now in a stable condition, noting that the wounded soldiers receive intensive treatment in the Main Clinical Hospital.

Since a war in the early 1990s, Armenian armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan's territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding regions. A fragile ceasefire has been in place since 1994, but long-standing efforts by U.S., Russian and French mediators have been largely fruitless so far.

Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council's four resolutions on its pullout from the neighboring country's territories.

Armenian forces wound Azerbaijani soldier, civilians on frontline - AzerNews
I seriously doubt if NATO would play a role in this if Turkey joins the conflict by itself.
But for the rest of your post i agree.:tup:

Trust me mate..if we had a leader that would retaliate Armenia times of times bigger every time they attack Azerbaijan, he or she wouldn't give a crap about any third party or IGO either :)





No man, what is the point of dirtying your legal right ? Civilians should not be slaughtered, and they should not be forced to leave but encouraged to leave(especially during the first entrance of Azerbaijani army), then when they leave close the doors from their back.

I don't think there is even a need to do something, if they lose they would most likely flee anyway.
No man, what is the point of dirtying your legal right ? Civilians should not be slaughtered, and they should not be forced to leave but encouraged to leave(especially during the first entrance of Azerbaijani army), then when they leave close the doors from their back.

I don't think there is even a need to do something, if they lose they would most likely flee anyway.

I'm not saying systematically kill them.... but Azeris shouldn't hold themselves back while they are on the offensive because of civilians in the area..... You know when PKK attacked Şemdinli, after Turkish army crushed them, some survived terrorists, take shelter in villagers house's and continued to fire from there... it was said that most of that villagers were PKK sympathizers and delibertly gave PKK shelter...

What did Turkish army do? We stopped shooting. Ask yourself what would Israel do in that sitiation ? I am saying the same thing to our Azeri brothers.... kick their @sses, and don't concern yourself with the Civilian Armenian casuelties, they didn't cared about your civilians in the past.
@Azeri440 bro how large baku's shipyard is ? i mean is it large enoghth to become a window to Europe for central asian countries ? can u put some pic ? do u have a railway to black sea ?
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