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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

yea i get it now damn russians i can guess they threaten turkmens to boycott their gas and cotton income and not to sell turkmenistan needs to turkmen with our these people would die out :disagree: btw why they are helping armenia ?? surly they know if they help them this means they will become enemy with you and other turkic countries armenia does not worth all these trouble o_O

Armenia is the only country willing to allow Russian troops to station in their country in South Caucasus
and Russia doesn't want to lose its influence there
Armenia is the only country willing to allow Russian troops to station in their country in South Caucasus
and Russia doesn't want to lose its influence there
what is was thinking was about our gas to EU i didn't know about their troops , couldn't we just simply make them to come to our side ?? we are so much richer and we are 7 or at least 3 turkic /turkish country what's the bran telling me is the russians should side with richeres and strongs but i don't see it ? armenia is poor with handful of populations it don't have role in world what benefit they can bring to russians o_O

i know im asking too much but i just wanna know :D
what is was thinking was about our gas to EU i didn't know about their troops , couldn't we just simply make them to come to our side ?? we are so much richer and we are 7 or at least 3 turkic /turkish country what's the bran telling me is the russians should side with richeres and strongs but i don't see it ? armenia is poor with handful of populations it don't have role in world what benefit they can bring to russians o_O

i know im asking too much but i just wanna know :D
looking at the map, we can see that Turkey and Azerbaijan are almost severed from each other.


Im sure Russians would like to keep it this way, just to block a solid direct link between Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Plus Russia will have a casus belli against Azerbaijan and Turkey if Armenia gets attacked by our nations.
Maybe Russia can even annex Armenia and give them autonomy within Russian federation.
Russia doesnt care if we are rich or not, they will simply side with a party through which they can gain more themselves.
divide and rule.
Erdoğan's first visit after elections is to Azerbaycan , also after Necdet Özel's visit to Azerbaycan...(Or i don't know if ÖZEL turned back from Azerbaycan, maybe Özel & Erdoğan will be in Azerbaycan at the same time) 8-)
Defence Minister İsmet Yılmaz is going to Azerbaycan with Erdoğan... I saw on TV...
Good news guys... 8-)

Here is the paragraph about us...


Bizim aramızda tabi ki siyasi, askeri, kültürel ekonomik ve ticari birliktelik, bizim kardeşliğimizin nereye vardığını gösteriyor. Önümüzde çok ciddi yatırımları birlikte atacağız. Özellikle doğalgaz konusunda atacağımız adımlar, bu konuyla ilgili olarak, daha önce Petkim'de başlayan süreç bu adımların ne kadar önem arzettiğini gösteriyor.

Bakanlarımız kendi aralarında gerek enerji, gerek savunma sanayiine yönelik konuştular. Dikkat ederseniz Azerbaycan-Türkiye arasındaki üst düzey ziyaretler çok daha gelişmeye başladı.

Bugün Karabağ meselesini görüşme fırsatımız oldu. Bizler bugüne kadar nasıl bir kararlı tutum içerisindeysek bundan sonra da bu tutumdan taviz vermeyeceğiz. Özellikle ekranları başında bizi izleyenlerin bilmesini istiyorum. Bize yapılan ev sahipliğine, özellikle basın mensuplarına da kalbi şükranlarımı sunuyorum.

Erdoğan'dan Azerbaycan'da kritik açıklamalar - TG


Note: I couldn't reach all of press meeting when i reach i will add all of it here... Most probably whole video... If you find and add before me it will be appreciated... :tup:
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