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Australian sentenced to 500 lashes in Saudi Arabia for blasphemy

Let's take it back then?
If it was for all muslims, the judges should be more diverse :mad:

I would accept your assertion if Mecca and Madina would have been under the control of a Representative of Muslims - Say the OIC.

Fuuny thing is Saudis used His Majesty as the Title for guarding the Mosques until 1986 - something stamped by the White Man!
Muse became an Indian? :azn:

There are enough Muslims who realize the Bluff the Al Saud are carrying on fooling the Muslims in the name of Islam with Wahabism exporting Arabic Culture Bothmalled with Islam replacing the Indegenious Cultures all over the World!

Some Slaves are always ready. They get despised in their own country :lol:

Yeah, you are right about one thing.
BECAUSE you are a Hindu-stani.

See at a point even Muslims, Christians and Jews can agree on some things
and one of those is our conviction against Paganism.

Leave the debate between Muslims to Muslims.

keep out of it, and do not talk about things you do not understand.
@ KarachiPunk please don't post such pictures...

alright, is this ok??


Some people have a outdated belief of god.

Not sure whose god you are referring to, muslims have no god (god term is not endorsed) but Allah, thy gone blind? a little researched would do no harm.

Second it is a saudi law-punishment, has not been applied in any other part of the Islamic world, Saudis implement many a laws that doesn't even touch or come close to even haven't been explained in Hadiths or Quran. An example of how people in Prophet's time would say many things to him and on his back, he was well aware but left them and continued to focus on the the real issues, here Saudis are moving away from the real issue of Islamic world and saudi arab and mingled into some wasteful activities, you don't like someone throw him out of your country ban him-her from coming that is sufficient, someone who is guilty indeed Allah will deal with them here or in the afterlife. I can list a number of saudi prince(s) who are involved in zina(adultery) no one if willing to unleash any punishments, infact KINGship in itself is not the part of Islamic rule how does saudi government make it a legitimate part of islamic rule, i can list a number of things saudi government is doing against Islam just some things saudi government do to amuse themselves.
Hahaha so your tries at creating a rift between us failed through first Sunni vs Shia in religious grounds. Now you are doing it through political grounds?? Man see we have a saying here Hindustani : "Me and my brother on my cousin, me and my cousin on the stranger" Even though we have our differences we are cousins and you are the stranger...remember that. You know Hindustanis in Pakistani flags do the job you are doing a lot better than you, You should learn from them a bit.

you, your brother would be iraqi had it not been for the stranger helping you from your cousin. :)
Saudi Arabia should deport this guy in worst scenario and Muslims shouldn't react like that because our prophet ever wins hearts with forgiveness and mercy but not with punishment.
Assalam alaikum

Saudia should give him life in prison with 100000 lashes
Abusing of companion of Prophet in their own land and in front of their grandsons. these saudies r very kind to these creatures who call them selves muslims

Saudi Arabia should deport this guy in worst scenario and Muslims shouldn't react like that because our prophet ever wins hearts with forgiveness and mercy but not with punishment.

My friend tariq and everyone else, If only people could think sanely, remember that woman who used to throw garbage on The Prophet of Islam, and a day passed she wasn't seen anywhere that is when The Prophet got worried and look for her and found her to be sick, helped her, numerous other true stories. These people are looking for some enjoyment in torture, if the man is an outsider deport him, If saudis do that put a fine on them I'm sure there is nothing horrible then putting a huge a Fine on someone would stop screwing around.

Where are saudis authorities on danish cartoons, where are saudi authorities on kaba bar in new york, where are saudi authorities on fox new Islam bashing, where are saudis on egypt virginity tests, where are saudi authorities on controversial books against Islam, where are saudi authorities on burn Quran in US and so on these saudi authorities are worst and hypocrites.
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