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Australian sentenced to 500 lashes in Saudi Arabia for blasphemy

The Saudi Qazis are selected after carefully scrutinizing the man's character. So far there have never been a report of miscarriage of justice in a Saudi court who are beyond approach. An accused gets far greater opportunities to defend himself than in the courts following the English Common Law. And there is no hassle of paying this charge or that. It can be said for certain that the man sentenced had deserved it. Hope Saudis withstand external pressures and deliver the sentence.

A renowned Canadian imam who travelled to Saudi Arabia to perform the annual Muslim Hajj pilgrimage has been arrested in Medina after allegedly being beaten, witnesses say.

The Canadian government confirmed the arrest on Sunday and a spokesman with the foreign affairs department said its embassy in Riyadh was prepared to provide diplomatic assistance. The Canadian foreign office gave no further information, citing privacy concerns.

According to news reports, Usama al-Atar was with an international group that travelled to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj and was leading a prayer recitation at a cemetery on Sunday when witnesses said he was confronted by officers from the country's religious police.

CTV reported that officers beat him without provocation, chasing and suffocating him in front of more than 200 witnesses. The officers then reportedly took him into custody without explanation.

Michael Hayward, a British citizen, described the assault to CTV: "He was bleeding quite a lot from the beating. They put his head to an air conditioning unit and sat on him until he was blue in the face."

Hayward told the Toronto Star that police “virtually strangled” al-Atar even though the imam did not put up a fight.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported that al-Atar was accused of attacking Saudi religious police and remains in police custody. Saudi police have not confirmed the charges or his detention, the CBC reported.

Defiant speech

Al-Atar, who studies cancer research at the University of Alberta, is an outspoken Shia Muslim leader and founder of Active Muslim Youth of British Columbia, a not-for-profit organisation that teaches youth about Islam.

The imam's website states that al-Atar is originally from the Iraqi city of Karbala. It says he began to recite the Quran professionally at age 14 and by 19 was reading before large audiences. Reports said that al-Atar's work on diabetes and cancer had been widely published.

The London-based Islamic Human Rights Commission was quoted by the Toronto Star as saying that al-Atar was “manhandled” and the group demanded Saudi authorities release him immediately.

In March, al-Atar gave a speech in protest against the violence in Bahrain in which he said: "When my children ask me about what I did when I saw people getting killed and oppressed, I do not want to tell them that I stood silently".

A Saudi-led force of Gulf Co-operation Council troops was deployed to Bahrain's capital Manama to crack down on the mostly Shia-led anti-government protests.

Al-Atar has a pregnant wife and a three-year-old child in Canada, according to reports.

The Saudi religious police referred to in reports are known as the Mutawa, a force charged with maintaining the predominantly Sunni Muslim nation's system of Islamic law.

Saudi police arrest Canadian imam at Hajj - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

i see from your avatar you live in Canada i have posted article above for you to read and understand how the law is applied and by whom if u were there and you personally witnessed him saying that then i can understand you for asking him to be punished but if you are going by some one who is known to lie and cheat and you still wish for this guy to be punished over a lie then there is no difference between you and them but i am sure at the end Almighty will do the justice and that's what counts.
A crime is when ever you insult some other sect/ religions holy/religious figures-

so u mean do as we say not as we do

The Takfiri Super Shia Cheets in da hooouuuuse. What up.

did u or did u not thanked this guy for this comment Hypocrisy to the max.

Even if you hate the companions of the prophet more then you hate Satan himself, why on earth would you go to the holiest city during Hajj and start saying that?
That is just plain stupid, it is liking running into a burning house with gasoline, and that guy deserves the punishment he gets.

you are passing on the judgement over a crime you didn't see taking place unless you are claiming they don't do any thing to shias.
Thank God the Almighty you called me a shia and not a wahabi

Brother i am asking you a question?
using bad words against companions is right???
Let aside the saudis rule of lashes...
Thank Budda im not a muslim
He was not punished for being muslim, but for being at wrong place at wrong time.
BTW who are these companions of mohammed, can anybody tell me. I would remember not to offend them when flying saudi arabian.
Thank Budda im not a muslim

no one cares if you are, or are not
get over yourself.

---------- Post added at 08:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 AM ----------

He was not punished for being muslim, but for being at wrong place at wrong time.
BTW who are these companions of mohammed, can anybody tell me. I would remember not to offend them when flying saudi arabian.

He was not at the wrong place at the wrong time.
He committed a crime.
if you don't like the laws then fine but a crime was committed.
Thats even worse, if you ever visit SA, you can get death sentence just for venturing into the holy district.

yeah right. out of all places id want to go to the one of many Muslim countries that doesnt allow women rights and prejudices against other religions.

He was not punished for being muslim, but for being at wrong place at wrong time.
BTW who are these companions of mohammed, can anybody tell me. I would remember not to offend them when flying saudi arabian.

Arent Shias Muslim?

no one cares if you are, or are not
get over yourself.

Obviously you do, otherwise you wouldnt take the time to reply back to me
being a budda lover if you do the same then you will face the same consequences in saudis arabia.

I know thats why I wouldnt want go back to the stone age. Id be fine anywhere else but away from that part of the world.
Thank Budda im not a muslim

yeah right. out of all places id want to go to the one of many Muslim countries that doesnt allow women rights and prejudices against other religions.

ahah, this really made me laugh.
You admit you never been to a Muslim country yet you somehow magically know exactly what is going on there.
I once saw a news report of a rape in NYC, I guess that must mean that almost all women in NYC are raped and that the police just allow it. :rolleyes:

back to your point, Women and minorities have rights in Muslims countries.
Unlike your country We dont commit any genocide and then refuse to back a UN deceleration to give them rights.

United Nations adopts Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

just in case you didn't want to read it

"The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been approved after 143 Member States voted in favour, 11 abstained and four – Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States – voted against the text."

You people are blocking human rights for your aboriginal people yet cry crocidile tears for your self made fantasy of abuse of woman and minority rights in Muslim countries.
I know thats why I wouldnt want go back to the stone age. Id be fine anywhere else but away from that part of the world.

saudis are more happy that you should stay far away from that place....so what age are you living now just curious?
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