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Australian sentenced to 500 lashes in Saudi Arabia for blasphemy

Get a better example next time kid.

Its useless, I have yet to see a single reasonable argument with justification presented by our Indian buddies here. My fav. is Bang Lore, he makes me laugh.
blasphemy law applies equally on Muslims and Non-Muslims its not a discriminatory law and we Muslims dont abuse other religion nor we make fun of them as they do ... they target Islam as a religion and that is the difference . why they dont stop disrespecting Islam? they are obsessed with Islam thats all
BTW where is your freedom of speech law against Holocaust

What a joke.Next you would say that Al-Qaida is a zionist conspiracy.
You indians really know how to go way off topic.

Makkah and Madinah belong to all Muslims of the world, and that is the property of all the muslims of the world, so it affects us.

But don't worry, it won't get bombed.

But in this guy's case, it is because he did Blasphemy and according to Saudi laws, it is lashes for him. Had it been in Pakistan, he might have gotten away scotch free, or get a jail sentence.

You are comparing two very different things.

Get a better example next time kid.

In a way it was no offence to Muslims, Apologies!

Ain't those cities technically under Saudi's Soveriegnity?

As much as being inside Saudi you follow Saudi Laws, The same way I am implying Mecca Madina deserve no special case!
I hope If tomorrow Mecca Madina is Bombed, you are Indifferent!

Their Country! What it has to do with you?


---------- Post added at 11:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 PM ----------

To those of you with Hindu, Christian or whatever non-Islamic religion background here who keeps talking about how "Religion is Bullsh*t" I say: Not because after you opened your eyes to the world and think you got yourself some education here and there and found out YOUR "Religion is Bullsh*t" that does not make Islam the same way. If anything it just goes further to prove how easily non-Muslims lose their religion after realizing their "Religion is Bullsh*t".

I hate Mullahs and Imams with a passion I have a Liberal mindset I am all for rights for everyone but I still say "There is no God but God and Muhammad is his Prophet" I still pray 5 times a day I still fast Ramadan I still Do my Zakat and I have done Hajj. Just because you believe YOUR religion to be bullsh*t that does not mean all religions are.
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How about abiding by the rules of the land? In fact if you don't like their rules - then don't go their. You expect the same from citizens in the UK - abide by the laws of the land and you cant complain. Simples

Charity begins at home.
In a way it was no offence to Muslims, Apologies!

Ain't those cities technically under Saudi's Soveriegnity?

As much as being inside Saudi you follow Saudi Laws, The same way I am implying Mecca Madina deserve no special case!
why dont mecca and medina deserve a special case?
they are the most important place for Muslims
In a way it was no offence to Muslims, Apologies!

Ain't those cities technically under Saudi's Soveriegnity?

As much as being inside Saudi you follow Saudi Laws, The same way I am implying Mecca Madina deserve no special case!

They are not Saudi property according to Islam. Every Muslim has equal right to them. Only the Saudis are the custodians of the Mosque, not the owners. They look after the mosque, not own it. BIG BIG difference.
To those of you with Hindu, Christian or whatever non-Islamic religion background here who keeps talking about how "Religion is Bullsh*t" I say: Not because after you opened your eyes to the world and think you got yourself some education here and there and found out YOUR "Religion is Bullsh*t" that does not make Islam the same way. If anything it just goes further to prove how easily non-Muslims lose their religion after realizing their "Religion is Bullsh*t".

I hate Mullahs and Imams with a passion I have a Liberal mindset I am all for rights for everyone but I still say "There is no God but God and Muhammad is his Prophet" I still pray 5 times a day I still fast Ramadan I still Do my Zakat and I have done Hajj. Just because you believe YOUR religion to be bullsh*t that does not mean all religions are.

Tariq was shown the video to be relaxed! After reading about this incident, the Jihadi seem to be growing up here!

First, I am not a Abrahamic Religion like you Muslims or Christians. Don't Equate us with you people.

We are Poles Apart!

I am a Hindu and will always remain one even if I say "Religion Sucks!"

We are not even a Religion. All Paths are true according to Hinduism and I don't cease to exist as a Hindu if I don't believe in certain Holy book or Prophet or have to bend apart everyday or go on fast or have to call a slave of someone!
what ever every ones argument here it is about religion.
No religion says to give corporal punishment to people who do things.
A punishment for any one who has made a crime is to make him realize his/her mistake and to give him/her a fresh start to begin with.
There corporal punishments are derived based on some stupid idea. and humans have a tendency to enjoy over some ones suffering. when i see people augumenting such punishments, what i see is a group of people who are enjoying over some 45 year old man's suffering.
why dont mecca and medina deserve a special case?
they are the most important place for Muslims

I understand that according to your emotions and thinking they are owned by all the Muslims.

But Technically, All the World Nations recognize Mecca and Madina as part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!

A Pakistani or a Indonesian lay no claim over both the cities since they are not part of their nations. That would be counted as Trespassing!

Also The Holy Custodian of Holy Mosques - The House of Saud owns these places. :lol:
I understand that according to your emotions and thinking they are owned by all the Muslims.

But Technically, All the World Nations recognize Mecca and Madina as part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!

A Pakistani or a Indonesian lay no claim over both the cities since they are not part of their nations. That would be counted as Trespassing!

Also The Holy Custodian of Holy Mosques - The House of Saud owns these places. :lol:

WoW hindustanis are in a roll today are they always trolling in such an obnoxious manner??
what ever every ones argument here it is about religion.
No religion says to give corporal punishment to people who do things.
A punishment for any one who has made a crime is to make him realize his/her mistake and to give him/her a fresh start to begin with.
There corporal punishments are derived based on some stupid idea. and humans have a tendency to enjoy over some ones suffering. when i see people augumenting such punishments, what i see is a group of people who are enjoying over some 45 year old man's suffering.

First off, you don't understand the phrase 'Stay with in your limits, other people don't share your thoughts and beliefs"

But I do certainly agree with your statement that people deserve a second chance as humans make mistakes.

And plz, don't talk about people enjoying from others suffering. I have seen many threads started by Indians where they get excited and happy about other people suffering. A recent example is on this link.
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