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Australian growing relations with India, where does Pakistan stand?

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has reached a historical agreement with India in the field of science & technology, defense, and maritime security on 4th of June 2020 during a virtual summit with the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

PM Morrison’s visit to India was scheduled for last January, but canceled due to bushfire in Australia, followed by COVID 19 situation.

India and Australia are attempting to counter the rising power of China in the region. China is significantly growing its expanding belt and road initiative. In recent times, China has expanded its military presence in the South China Sea, which is an alarming situation for the United States and Australia. Therefore, the United States wants Australia to extend her relationship with India, especially in maritime time activities in the Indian Ocean region. India also desires to have free trade with Australia. United States invited Australia and India in G7, which has been scheduled to be held this year at Camp David. Therefore, it should have been noticed by the Pakistan foreign office through their diplomats in Australia and counter to the Indian plan for India-Australia relations.

Building relations with Australia could have been an opportunity for Pakistan, particularly in maritime, education, science & technology. Australia is one of the few countries where Pakistan established its embassy in 1948 before India established its relations after the partition of the sub-continent. There was a time when Pakistan had closer ties with Australia compare to Australian relations with India. In the last 40 years or so, there has been a continuous decline in Pakistan-Australian relations. It demonstrates the incompetence and ineffective progress of the Pakistani mission in Australia.

The growing interest of Australia to have strong relations with India in various fields must have been known to Pakistani diplomat a long time ago. So, the point is what Pakistani diplomats have done in the last few years or so. The Australian national media gives India significant space while Pakistanis in Australia hardly see any story on Pakistan-Australia relations. When the news broke out in the Australian media about two years ago regarding the planned visit of the Australian Prime Minister to India, did Pakistani diplomat in Canberra or Sydney tried to invite the Australian Prime Minister to visit Pakistan when will visit to India?

Primary Role of diplomats is to create opportunities for their country in trade, economy, science & technology, and other areas available in the country where they are appointed. Talking about the progress of Pakistani diplomats in Australia concerning Pakistan-Australia relations in trade, science & technology, education, maritime or other areas and compare with the work of Indian diplomats for India, it is highly disappointing what Pakistani diplomats have done for India.

Pakistanis living in Australia see the productivity of Pakistani diplomats is in socializing with so-called Pakistani community leaders, attending parties and community functions as VIPs. Indeed stamping visas and renew passport are their administrative duties; nevertheless, their real job is to promote and extend relations of Pakistan with Australia in different fields. Attending small and large functions as Honourable Guests, having photo-sessions with the community members, and promoting their engagement with community selected members on social media, and now chatting online with a couple of so-called leaders and journalists are not the primary function of the diplomats.

In the current situation of COVID 19, like others, Pakistanis in Australia has been gone through a challenging time, especially over 12,000 Pakistani students gone through financial crises. Pakistani students lost jobs and have no money left to pay their bills, rent for accommodations, pay college/university fees and buy foods to survive. Pakistani diplomat office announced that they would help them and make a travel arrangement so that they can return to their homes in Pakitan. Then they arrange two flights and charged $3000 airfare to these poor, jobless students. They have announced an emergency phone number and formed a committee to look after Pakistani students and visitors issues. But and as a matter of fact, Pakistanis found diplomat offices phone number never be available, committee supposed to help Pakistani community composed on those people who were seen busy in the photo session for self-projection. There are some sincere individual Pakistanis, and groups help Pakistani students, and those needed urgent attention using their resources and fund collections.

Recently, Pakistani foreign minister, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, was engaged online on social media set-up by the Pakistani High Commission with local Pakistani figures claimed as the representatives of Pakistani community in Australia. First of all, this was not a status of a foreign minister of Pakistan to appear on a social media type online arrangement. If this was the wish of the Foreign Minister Qureshi, then his meeting should have been arranged with the Australian national media or with prominent & experienced Pakistani journalist working in Australia. It was not a difficult job for the diplomat to find who is actively involved and genuinely represent the over 50,000 Pakistanis in Australia. Secondly, if the foreign minister had to connect with the Pakistanis in Australia, his meeting should have been announced in the community through prominent and genuine media and community platforms.

PM Khan's slogan was to bring change in Pakistan before he came to power, but now after nearly two years, no change has been seen in the corrupt and inefficient culture of diplomatic offices. I have been watching the activities of Pakistani diplomats for the last at least 25 years in Australia, and when I compare their output with the output of Indian diplomats and how Indians have built relations with Australia, I feel shame.

The majority of overseas Pakistanis demonstrated support to Imran Khan, and his party Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf before Imran Khan came to power. Therefore, Khan’s government has to look at what is happening in Pakistani diplomatic offices in Australia and make things right. (Syed Atiq ul Hassan, writer, is Sydney-based Journalist, analyst, editor Tribune International (Australia), his email address is shassan@tribune-intl.com ).

There's nothing new in this and the alignment is China focused, but having looked at history nothing really comes out of these new 'partnerships'.
India is too far and China is right next door. Once another administration, prime minister etc takes power in Australia (which happens a lot) things will change again.
However what won't change is Aussie alignment to the five eyes.

Keep the personal insults out as well please.
If anyone cares to understand Pakistan's situation on the world forum, consider these gems I got from an ex-Australian diplomat. Let's call our Aussie friend, Mr X. Diplomats like Mr X form an opinion of the country based on such incidents and this opinion later informs Australia's foreign policy. As you will see, Australia considers Pakistani politicians, bureaucrats, and people to be a bunch of conniving thugs.

Mr X was sitting with a relative of someone in the top circles of PTI in a cafe, and the guy was boasting how he manipulated his own people. There is hundreds of acres of land in KP that he wanted to get his hands on. So he got a bunch of crooks to start harassing people, and when people complained about them he came forward as their savior. He offered to buy their land at half price and give them lease for the next 50 years. In turn, he would save them from the crooks. Mr X says I was sitting there staring at this person, and I was thinking 'If this is what he does to his own countrymen, what would he do to me?'

Then there are instances where Australian business tried to acquire land, and for each piece of land twenty people came up as claimants. I asked Mr X, don't you find similar problems elsewhere? He said they faced the exact same problem in far flung PNG. There, they started a system of keeping records of claims. This will reveal if anyone changes their claims over time. By their estimate, it will take 100 years before all the claims can be sorted out. They are happy to wait that period out.

Similarly, one of the female friends of Mr X wanted to rent an apartment from someone, but wasn't sure what kind of person he was. That relative of the corrupt politician (discussed earlier) got in touch with ISI (per Mr X's claims) and produced a thick file on that person. He tells me he was impressed by the amount of information ISI keeps on an ordinary citizen, but also appalled at how carelessly this information is treated. I personally think Mr. X doesn't understand the workings of Pakistani intelligence, and may have confused IB with ISI. In any case, the damage to perception is done.

This same female friend was having problems getting her bond back for the apartment she rented. Again, Mr X came to the rescue. The relative of the corrupt politician sent vehicles full of 30 men armed with AK-47s while Mr X was in the presence of the landlord. The men simply saluted Mr. X and asked if he needed any help, to which Mr. X replied in negative. Scared by what he saw, the landlord immediately released the bond. I have, with my own two eyes and two ears, seen and heard Mr. X laughing his head off on the streets of Sydney saying 'In Pakistan, on my single instruction, thirty armed men answered the call!' This is heard by passers-by who definitely form a poor opinion of Pakistan.

These are examples of how Pakistan's image is systematically destroyed. This is the real reason why our foreign policy is such a failure. Mr X is an ordinary citizen of Australia who stands in line in the supermarket and pays taxes like everyone else. When you treat him like a king and boast about your conniving thuggery in front of him, he forms a poor opinion of your country.

I exhort my readers to seek out foreign diplomats who have served in Pakistan, and ask their first hand opinions of Pakistan. Please don't get misled by interviews of German ambassador in the media. Wasn't it a German national who ran away with an entire plane of PIA and nothing could be done to him? You need to realize, my fellow Pakistanis, that we are a laughing stock in the world because of all this. People laugh on our backs. Mr X has been extremely kind to share these insights to which I was completely ignorant. His stories have helped me understand why the world treats Pakistanis the way it does. I really hope my fellow countrymen will wake up and see how our leadership, our politicians, and our bureaucrats are destroying our prestige and our standing in the world.
Countries that have strategic interests come together, why should Pakistan bother? We all know how racist australians are and how much they hate indians, but due to china, they have to allign. Pakistan on the other hand does not need to follow india or waste our efforts on countries like Australia that are mostly US puppies.

We have nothing in common with Anglo-Saxons and we will keep it that way. Pakistan has suffered at the hands of the Anglo-Saxon nexus. We are not crazy and we know what happened in the past decades when these people abused Pakistan in a variety of ways. Let India have relations with such countries.

If anyone cares to understand Pakistan's situation on the world forum, consider these gems I got from an ex-Australian diplomat. Let's call our Aussie friend, Mr X. Diplomats like Mr X form an opinion of the country based on such incidents and this opinion later informs Australia's foreign policy. As you will see, Australia considers Pakistani politicians, bureaucrats, and people to be a bunch of conniving thugs.

Mr X was sitting with a relative of someone in the top circles of PTI in a cafe, and the guy was boasting how he manipulated his own people. There is hundreds of acres of land in KP that he wanted to get his hands on. So he got a bunch of crooks to start harassing people, and when people complained about them he came forward as their savior. He offered to buy their land at half price and give them lease for the next 50 years. In turn, he would save them from the crooks. Mr X says I was sitting there staring at this person, and I was thinking 'If this is what he does to his own countrymen, what would he do to me?'

Then there are instances where Australian business tried to acquire land, and for each piece of land twenty people came up as claimants. I asked Mr X, don't you find similar problems elsewhere? He said they faced the exact same problem in far flung PNG. There, they started a system of keeping records of claims. This will reveal if anyone changes their claims over time. By their estimate, it will take 100 years before all the claims can be sorted out. They are happy to wait that period out.

Similarly, one of the female friends of Mr X wanted to rent an apartment from someone, but wasn't sure what kind of person he was. That relative of the corrupt politician (discussed earlier) got in touch with ISI (per Mr X's claims) and produced a thick file on that person. He tells me he was impressed by the amount of information ISI keeps on an ordinary citizen, but also appalled at how carelessly this information is treated. I personally think Mr. X doesn't understand the workings of Pakistani intelligence, and may have confused IB with ISI. In any case, the damage to perception is done.

This same female friend was having problems getting her bond back for the apartment she rented. Again, Mr X came to the rescue. The relative of the corrupt politician sent vehicles full of 30 men armed with AK-47s while Mr X was in the presence of the landlord. The men simply saluted Mr. X and asked if he needed any help, to which Mr. X replied in negative. Scared by what he saw, the landlord immediately released the bond. I have, with my own two eyes and two ears, seen and heard Mr. X laughing his head off on the streets of Sydney saying 'In Pakistan, on my single instruction, thirty armed men answered the call!' This is heard by passers-by who definitely form a poor opinion of Pakistan.

These are examples of how Pakistan's image is systematically destroyed. This is the real reason why our foreign policy is such a failure. Mr X is an ordinary citizen of Australia who stands in line in the supermarket and pays taxes like everyone else. When you treat him like a king and boast about your conniving thuggery in front of him, he forms a poor opinion of your country.

I exhort my readers to seek out foreign diplomats who have served in Pakistan, and ask their first hand opinions of Pakistan. Please don't get misled by interviews of German ambassador in the media. Wasn't it a German national who ran away with an entire plane of PIA and nothing could be done to him? You need to realize, my fellow Pakistanis, that we are a laughing stock in the world because of all this. People laugh on our backs. Mr X has been extremely kind to share these insights to which I was completely ignorant. His stories have helped me understand why the world treats Pakistanis the way it does. I really hope my fellow countrymen will wake up and see how our leadership, our politicians, and our bureaucrats are destroying our prestige and our standing in the world.

We have many ills and weaknesses. Every sane person can agree on that. The Mr X story that you narrated is nothing extraordinary. Nor is it unexpected. This story fits the pattern. We have big troubles as a society and we need to rectify them. Although, Pakistan is not an exception to these problems. Most developing nations in the world deal with nepotism, mismanagement and corruption at all levels. It is disingenuous on your part to cover up the identity of Mr X, but reveal the party of affiliations of a certain guy in top circles. That is also very telling.

Here is where the problem begins. There is a difference between people genuinely criticising corruption and mismanagement in Pakistan versus illwishers who lecture us on what we can and cannot do. I don't care what Mr X or Mr Y thinks or says. I only care about the right thing for us and so should every other patriotic Pakistani. Whether that creates a bad or good image is none of my concern. Nations don't run their affairs based on image or opinions of others. Nations run their affairs based on ground realities.

Pakistanis have a huge problem when it comes to identifying their friends and foes. We are also very gullible people who think that enemies can behave positively. The enemy is not going to behave positively. There is a reason why nations like the US took Pakistan for a ride. For decades Pakistan was abused by its so-called allies. Not only was Pakistan accused of all the wrongdoings by its fake allies, but it also bore the brunt on an economic and societal level. Simply because Pakistan trusted in nations that backstabbed and abused it from the word go. Yet, here we are again arguing whether we should trust Anglo-Saxons.

That is not going to happen anymore. Pakistan should look after its interests. That is the primary concern. Whether Mr X or Mr Y laughs or cries behind our back is irrelevant.
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lol- He is a Sinhalese and totally against Tamil Tigers.

Well, he can spin on my middle finger. Frankly I don't give a shit wheter he is a true Aussie or a Martian.

All I know is that he is an enemy. The way he speaks and the way he acts. He is not a well-wisher of my people. For that, he can jump off a cliff.
Ok- You tell him that-Its you who was calling him Indian/Tamil etc and you dont give a ****!- Just calm down.

Like I said, let him jump off a cliff. I will be happy. You should also take a dive after him.
You work with nations that don't undermine your allies and interests.

Australia is a country that undermines Pak interests because its undermines China.

Don't compare Anglo-Saxon nations with most developing nations. There is a day and night difference. I myself have always suggested that the government needs to focus on South America, Africa and other continents around the world instead of constantly relying on backstabbers and savages like Anglo-Saxon nations. This is indeed a massive shortcoming of Pakistan. Pakistan has never made an effort to look beyond Anglo-Saxon nations. We receive loans, aid and dictation from Anglo-Saxon nations and we became addicted. Time has come to change this course.

Anglo-Saxon nations can never have good relations with many developing nations. Many Anglo-Saxon nations have a colonial past. Their attitude towards many developing nations is predatory and insincere. They look down on developing nations.
Ok ok.
You are right.
But there are many many other countries in the world.
And besides dear when did you learn to be neutral in other people's affairs.
Look at India and China, despite all the issues and a huge demand of trade cut off. The trade is going on.
Tayyip eddogan a vocal for Palestinians rights, not only have relations but also do exports and imports to isreal.
China despite differences are friends with Japan.
So countries work like this.
While they ofcource criticise each other.
But the economic sides of things go on.

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