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Australian growing relations with India, where does Pakistan stand?

We have nothing in common with Anglo-Saxons and we will keep it that way. Pakistan has suffered at the hands of the Anglo-Saxon nexus. We are not crazy and we know what happened in the past decades when these people abused Pakistan in a variety of ways. Let India have relations with such countries.

We have many ills and weaknesses. Every sane person can agree on that. The Mr X story that you narrated is nothing extraordinary. Nor is it unexpected. This story fits the pattern. We have big troubles as a society and we need to rectify them. Although, Pakistan is not an exception to these problems. Most developing nations in the world deal with nepotism, mismanagement and corruption at all levels. It is disingenuous on your part to cover up the identity of Mr X, but reveal the party of affiliations of a certain guy in top circles. That is also very telling.

Here is where the problem begins. There is a difference between people genuinely criticising corruption and mismanagement in Pakistan versus illwishers who lecture us on what we can and cannot do. I don't care what Mr X or Mr Y thinks or says. I only care about the right thing for us and so should every other patriotic Pakistani. Whether that creates a bad or good image is none of my concern. Nations don't run their affairs based on image or opinions of others. Nations run their affairs based on ground realities.

Pakistanis have a huge problem when it comes to identifying their friends and foes. We are also very gullible people who think that enemies can behave positively. The enemy is not going to behave positively. There is a reason why nations like the US took Pakistan for a ride. For decades Pakistan was abused by its so-called allies. Not only was Pakistan accused of all the wrongdoings by its fake allies, but it also bore the brunt on an economic and societal level. Simply because Pakistan trusted in nations that backstabbed and abused it from the word go. Yet, here we are again arguing whether we should trust Anglo-Saxons.

That is not going to happen anymore. Pakistan should look after its interests. That is the primary concern. Whether Mr X or Mr Y laughs or cries behind our back is irrelevant.

I quoted what I heard. If he said something about PML/PPP, I would quote that as well. Notice in my post I have used the word 'politicians' everywhere. It is your own insecurity that leads you to infer a directed hostility towards PTI. I am hostile towards all the well-known politicians.

Same can be said of all the countries in South Asia

In no other country low level foreign diplomats would be treated like kings in a manner that goes against sanity, morality, and basic rule of law. No other country portrays itself like a lawless society, even though they actually are completely lawless. There is a difference between officials upholding themselves as people of character, versus officials sharing their exploits in the manner I quoted above.
Some of us do know much about war's history, theory and instruments (past and present)... sordid subject it all is....but one you need to know lot of the time for greater purpose. One after all can't dance around that huge part of human nature and wish it weren't there....or imagine it all away...not when it affected so many and continues to do so....ever more so like an apocalyptic sword of damocles even.

But too many of us somewhat revel in it (even joke about it) or trivially dabble in it with no greater purpose. This extends at large to every sordid aspect of us mortals in general I suppose. That's the issue that most upsets me...but I grow both resigned and weary to it.

A certain exchange is seared in my memory, it always sends a shiver down my spine, esp the zimmer music creeping up....

CPT Ramsey (mocking LCDR Hunter): Von Clausewitz will now tell us exactly who the real enemy is!...Von?

LCDR Hunter's answer is basically my own conclusion:

@PanzerKiel @Joe Shearer @niaz @Jungibaaz @Vergennes @KAL-EL @T-123456 @jaibi @Socra

''We are still progressing as a collective through intergenerational shifts. Some individuals are able to make the leap from one way of being to the next within the course of their life. Others are not able to make the shift and remain in one way of being while the people around them outgrow that way of being.''

No use in getting upset or worry to much,that what has to happen will happen.
Sometimes it is better for a thinker to not think.
Agree with your sentiment. And can confirm Tolkien’s Orcs were Elves, they were taken by Melkor to Utumno where they tortured and bred in mockery to become orcs. It makes one wonder what manner of maltreatment was visited upon our lot to make them so hostile.

I leave a few clues in my posts here and there (for both those that are in the know like you and also those that may not be so they may be spurred to read about it all). It's more my style...a bit like what Led Zeppelin did in a few of their memorable songs :-).

You talk to one that has read and analysed the silmarillion in depth a few times :) . I gave a quick summary a few times already this year (somewhat out of the blue) to various ppl, folks like @BL33D .

I don't judge anyone completely here (nor should anyone else I feel), as I would be hypocrite since this is again a anonymous spot full of anonymous needs...they could be quite different outside of here and compartmentalised this place specifically etc....but just in case they aren't and haven't... I wish them the best path of redemption and renewal to deal with whatever it is going on with them out there.

You are correct there is plenty of quality in this forum, its not farewell from me, not even close to that. Just going to be mostly reading and interact only with non-toxic folks on largely non-toxic subjects as far as possible. It's all relative in my case, many worthies have long been doing this...I join them now.

Eventually, the knowledge disappeared from the forums and only ammunition remains.

I cannot tell. The world is grown so bad
That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch.
Since every jack became a gentleman,
There’s many a gentle person made a jack.
You talk to one that has read and analysed the silmarillion in depth a few times :) . I gave a quick summary a few times already this year (somewhat out of the blue) to various ppl, folks like @BL33D .

I don't judge anyone completely here (nor should anyone else I feel), as I would be hypocrite since this is again a anonymous spot full of anonymous needs...they could be quite different outside of here and compartmentalised this place specifically etc....but just in case they aren't and haven't... I wish them the best path of redemption and renewal to deal with whatever it is going on with them out there.

You are correct there is plenty of quality in this forum, its not farewell from me, not even close to that. Just going to be mostly reading and interact only with non-toxic folks on largely non-toxic subjects as far as possible. It's all relative in my case, many worthies have long been doing this...I join them now.
Re the Silmarillion, I’ve also done the same. I was a Tolkien nerd for a time too, read other books of the Legendarium too. There’s something gratifying about reading such depth in works of fiction.

Also, it’s good to hear you’re still sticking around, I concur with your sentiments.
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