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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Don't think I am pro-west just because I am against CCP. I wish they both destroy each other but that would create a power vacuum for the Russians to fill and I hate them too for what they did to us in the past.

Haha, you are basically saying you are hating everyone, what a miserable life you must be having.
There are many reasons for that, but I don't want to go off topic, so to stay on topic, what you did to Falun Gong and what you do to the Uighurs.
That's what we did to (for) Uighurs, which one you like to deny?

China provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

China invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang government provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare and free annual physical checkup...
That's what we did to (for) Uighurs, which one you like to deny?

China provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

China invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang government provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare and free annual physical checkup...
How nice, it makes up for the genocide and ethnic cleansing I guess.
I don't have anything in particular against the Chinese, I am against CCP, I am against its ideology, and I am against what they did to Falun Gong and what they now do to the Uighurs. I am against Irans relations with China because of the failure of JCPOA, we now have to rely too much on them, and I don't want Iran to rely too much on any country. Theres also other issues but I don't want to go too much off topic.
Well, I have never supported the Chinese either. However, I do believe that a multi-polar world with countries with competing interests is better than a world where one country has found monopoly over international affairs. Nevertheless, the Western media have lost their reputation after false reporting times and times again. I cannot take such reports seriously anymore, particularly when it has been blown out of proportion and there's not much independent evidence to support what they want us to believe.

I complain about the west all the time, All my bans except for one have been because of me criticizing the west.
Yes. I still blame Iran for isolating itself from the west. But I am not dumb, I know the west started it. Don't think I am pro-west just because I am against CCP. I wish they both destroy each other but that would create a power vacuum for the Russians to fill and I hate them too for what they did to us in the past.

How so?
So you admit that the west started it, but still blame Iran for it at the same time. HA! So, you blame the victim for falling victim to injustice. Anyway, this is off topic and we can continue this particular matter in the Iranian section later.

How so? Well, maybe the Uyghurs should stop practicing Islam and follow the dominant Chinese culture instead? After all, what is a religion except an ideology? If the Islamic Republic can be blamed for sticking to its values and ideology which go against Israel and the policies of some Western countries, why can't the same logic be applied to the Uyghurs?
How so? Well, maybe the Uyghurs should stop practicing Islam and follow the dominant Chinese culture instead? After all, what is a religion except an ideology? If the Islamic Republic can be blamed for sticking to its values and ideology which go against Israel and the policies of some Western countries, why can't the same logic be applied to the Uyghurs?

Because the Uighurs are innocent and nothing justifies ethnic cleansing and genocide. Doesn't matter if its the Nazis vs Jews or Chinese vs Muslims.
I cannot take such reports seriously anymore, particularly when it has been blown out of proportion and there's not much independent evidence to support what they want us to believe.
If the west actually gave a F, they would cover it 24/7, not just a couple videos and some small reports here and there. They are just as guilty in this as the Chinese.
Because the Uighurs are innocent and nothing justifies ethnic cleansing and genocide. Doesn't matter if its the Nazis vs Jews or Chinese vs Muslims.

If the west actually gave a F, they would cover it 24/7, not just a couple videos and some small reports here and there. They are just as guilty in this as the Chinese.
But your first post doesn't sound like ethnic cleansing or genocide to me. Forced labor? Yes. Ethnic cleansing or genocide? Not really.

The story you posted doesn't really mention how these 80,000 people have been singled out by the way.
Pakistan or other Muslim countries expect Turkey to support their Kashmir or Palestinian causes just because we're a fellow "Muslim" country and yet the moment Uyghur Muslims need the same help against literally a 21st century Nazi state, they all of a sudden turn their backs. Muslim countries not only stayed silent about this issue but also expressed their support for China against the on-going horrible genocide.

Where are those Erdoğan loving Pakistanis that talk about the "Ummah" all the time? I'm disgusted how Pakistanis straight up ignore this issue simply because they have interests with China but at the same time expect our natural support for the Kashmir issue. Do you see the irony?

This is why I don't believe in any religious unity fantasies because realities are often very different.

Another Kamalists/super nationalists finds an opportune time to divide and attack Ummah concepts in disguise. The best pastime for past 86 years. Pakistan didn't needs Turkey specially Kamalists for its Kashmir cause. Our forces on the LOC standing eye ball to eye ball for past 75 years are enough, in fact liberated 1/3 of Kashmir in '48 by force all alone. We supports Kashmirs and rejects any economic benefits India offers for past 75 Years against it, do you thinks its a small feet. We literally eating grass at the moment but not budging an inch on our animosity on this issue with India.

Just like we supports Palestine and didn't yet accepts Israel despite pressure from USA and security benefits all along on these lines. Just like we supports Azerbaijan on karabakh issue and didn't recognize Armenia at the moment. Just like we supports Turkey on Cyprus issue whole heartedly. Just like we support Bosnian Muslims with active Arms and munition in Bosnian War i/o lip service.

Pakistan and Pakistanis didn't believes in Bull***t, when we decides to moves against China on Uyghur issue we will do it on our terms and speed, we do it openly. If we can defeats strategically Two Super Powers USSR and USA in our backyard Afghanistan and both went tail between their legs outside of it then what is CHINA against us.....Nothing!!

Our priority is to unite 600 Million Muslims of the subcontinent under one flag and at the moment China is in our interests of friendship in this regards. Kamalists or super nationlists Turks in the mean time can go and worship their ancestral Gods if they really so hateful against Ummah or ask their Govts to suspend ties with China or at least provides Arms an munition for Uyghur uprising bravely enough otherwise stop cowardly attempt to antagonize Pakistanis against China for any meaningful outcome excepts supporting Indian cause.
Cute to observe two 21st century Iranians waxing eloquent about the morals of religious genocide of an indigenous population.

Let me get my popcorn. :pop:

Cheers, Doc
But your first post doesn't sound like ethnic cleansing or genocide to me. Forced labor? Yes. Ethnic cleansing or genocide? Not really.

The story you posted doesn't really mention how these 80,000 people have been singled out by the way.

Lets first see what the UN defines as genocide
  • Killing members of the group
  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
  • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
  • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
  • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
So the first criteria are definitely met, no need to discuss it at all.
Serious bodily harm, there is no need to discuss this either, because serious bodily harm can be anything from torture to sexual abuse which basically happens almost everywhere.

Now the interesting part,
  • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

    Pregnant Uighur women are forced to do an abortion,
    They insert IUDs to prevent them from getting pregnant,
    They force them to take experimental drugs to make them sterile.
    In many cases single young Uighur women are forced to live with and marry Han Chinese.

  • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

    CCP have built thousands of "re education" kindergartens/schools. They take young children away from their Uighur parents, they send them to these "re education" kindergartens/schools, where they brainwash them from young age to forget their religion, culture, language etc. They learn to embrace Chinese and communism, then they are sent to orphanages.

    Edit: I forgot this one:
    • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

      According to official statistics, just from 2015-2018. The Uighur population in Xinjiang declined by 84%, while the Han Chinese population in the same area grew by over 100%. There are numerous proofs from satellite photos that they are destroying Uighur cultural sites and mosques.

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Doubt that....hive minds all leave consequences....there's always significant glitches in each matrix you try to create, impress and enforce....for the human mind and experience is something way above the hive minds simplistic immoral understanding.

Shock therapy the smile all you want....you can never know what another person thinks and what a person remembers....

Those memories come back to haunt me
they haunt me like a curse
is a dream a lie if it don't come true....
....or is it something worse?

You will find the answer in the next war with China.
And what is "forced slave labor"? China does set up many small factries and small farms as the supporting poverty alleviation programs for relocated local population so they can make a decent living after moving to free government houses and shaking off poverty and that's optional, no one forced local people to work.
Since when providing people with jobs becomes " forced slavrey", so no jobs, no income is better than having jobs?

Xinjiang rural farmers tell you all happy and wealthy life achieved through hardworking

This young Uighur farmer shakes off poverty in 2019 with the help from the government, he moved into a free government house last year. And get a handsome paying job. He and his fellow villagers tell in the video that all happiness and a wealthy life can only be achieved through hardworking.

And what is "forced slave labor"? China does set up many small factries and small farms as the supporting poverty alleviation programs for relocated local population so they can make a decent living after moving to free government houses and shake off poverty and that's optional, no one forced local people to work.
Since when providing people with jobs becomes " forced slavrey", so no jobs, no incoming is better than having jobs?
Forced labor is when CCP comes to your house, grabs you with force and sends you against your will to a "re education camp" and after you have "graduated" sends you to a factory where you have to work in inhumane conditions. You even put suicide fences over windows to stop slave workers from committing suicide. Who are you trying to fool here?
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