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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Doubt that...

Uighurs will choose China over India any given day.

China provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

China invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang government provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare and free annual physical checkup...

What Indian government provides for their minorities??
Uighurs will choose China over India any given day.

China provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

China invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang government provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare and free annual physical checkup...

What Indian government provides for their minorities??

Putting in the hours of overtime in the weekend too?

You should file for promotion at some point man, you have logged hundreds of cringe threads and thousands of cringe posts as loyal pleb of Cringe Commitee Party.

Tell me if you need a letter of recommendation for tier 1 bot role. Vacancies normally open up round about now right?
Putting in the hours of overtime in the weekend too?

You should file for promotion at some point man, you have logged hundreds of cringe threads and thousands of cringe posts as loyal pleb of Cringe Commitee Party.

Tell me if you need a letter of recommendation for tier 1 bot role. Vacancies normally open up round about now right?
Running out of arguement and making the last resort to personal slanderings? Can you anwser my question at all?

China provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

China invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang government provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare and free annual physical checkup...

What Indian government provides for their minorities??
Then China committed Han genocide for almost 40 years and spared all minorities. But we achieved our goal, controlling the number while enhancing the quality of the population.
The guy wants us to believe something like what happened in Nazi concentration camps, or even worse, is happening in China but the world is silent about it. He is also trying to insist so much on the Uyghurs being Muslim. I am almost 100% sure that he is not a practicing Muslim like me. He is either agnostic or an atheist, but suddenly he has started to become worried about China trying to suppress Muslims.
The guy wants us to believe something like what happened in Nazi concentration camps, or even worse, is happening in China but the world is silent about it. He is also trying to insist so much on the Uyghurs being Muslim. I am almost 100% sure that he is not a practicing Muslim like me. He is either agnostic or an atheist, but suddenly he has started to become worried about China trying to suppress Muslims.

In another thread Opposed Hagia Sophia becoming Mosque again. Definitely not a practicing Muslim from anywhere.
In another thread Opposed Hagia Sophia becoming Mosque again. Definitely not a practicing Muslim from anywhere.
Yeah. Apparently he is a true hero. A hero in shining armor opposing tyranny and wrongdoers wherever they are. Unless they are in the west.
Then China committed Han genocide for almost 40 years and spared all minorities. But we achieved our goal, controlling the number while enhancing the quality of the population.
Its totally not the same, China targets only Uighurs to erase them

The guy wants us to believe something like what happened in Nazi concentration camps, or even worse, is happening in China but the world is silent about it. He is also trying to insist so much on the Uyghurs being Muslim. I am almost 100% sure that he is not a practicing Muslim like me. He is either agnostic or an atheist, but suddenly he has started to become worried about China trying to suppress Muslims.
If you are a Muslim then you should know its haram to do takfir on other Muslims.
Yeah. Apparently he is a true hero. A hero in shining armor opposing tyranny and wrongdoers wherever they are. Unless they are in the west.
Nah, west, east, south, north, fukk them all. You seem to have a very big soft spot for the Chinese for some reason.

I'm agnostic. And you aren't a practicing Muslim either. Stop pretending to be one.
I am a Muslim. Alhamdulillah. You can be whatever you want, but don't push your faith on me please.

In another thread Opposed Hagia Sophia becoming Mosque again. Definitely not a practicing Muslim from anywhere.
Nice job, continue with the takfir lol, suits you right, you know what I mean.
Nah, west, east, south, north, fukk them all. You seem to have a very big soft spot for the Chinese for some reason.
I'm neutral about them but you seem to have something against them for some reason. What did they do to you? Have you had bad experience with Chinese nationals in Norway that has shaped your opinion about them negatively?

I am a Muslim. Alhamdulillah. You can be whatever you want, but don't push your faith on me please.
Sure you are. Why are you living in the land of blasphemy then? How can a Muslim live in a feminist country?
An Iranian patriot that loves Islam and cares for Muslims so much that he has been wholeheartedly following a 58 page conversation about the mistreatment of Muslims in China, trying to open the eyes of ignorant people like us to an ongoing "genocide" in China. He has General Soleimani as his display picture. Yet I have never seen you complain about how the West has turned Iran into a concentration camp by isolating Iranians from financial transactions and even pharmaceutical products. I even remember that you blamed Iran for isolating itself from the west (which is not true).

Shouldn't we use your logic to conclude that it is the failure of the Uyghurs that has made them subject to discrimination in China? That logic seems to apply to this situation as well.

Flying both Iranian flags, won't you get in trouble?

Cheers, Doc
Not really.
I'm neutral about them but you seem to have something against them for some reason. What did they do to you? Have you had bad experience with Chinese nationals in Norway that has shaped your opinion about them negatively?
I don't have anything in particular against the Chinese, I am against CCP, I am against its ideology, and I am against what they did to Falun Gong and what they now do to the Uighurs. I am against Irans relations with China because of the failure of JCPOA, we now have to rely too much on them, and I don't want Iran to rely too much on any country. Theres also other issues but I don't want to go too much off topic.

Sure you are. Why are you living in the land of blasphemy then? How can a Muslim live in a feminist country?
An Iranian patriot that loves Islam and cares for Muslims so much that he has been wholeheartedly following a 58 page conversation about the mistreatment of Muslims in China. He has General Soleimani as his display picture. Yet I have never seen you complain about how the West has turned Iran into a concentration camp by isolating Iranians from financial transactions and even pharmaceutical products. I even remember that you blamed Iran for isolating itself from the west (which is not true).

I complain about the west all the time, All my bans except for one have been because of me criticizing the west.
Yes. I still blame Iran for isolating itself from the west. But I am not dumb, I know the west started it. Don't think I am pro-west just because I am against CCP. I wish they both destroy each other but that would create a power vacuum for the Russians to fill and I hate them too for what they did to us in the past.

Shouldn't we use your logic to conclude that it is the failure of the Uyghurs that has made them subject to discrimination in China? That logic seems to apply to this situation as well.
How so?
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