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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Forced labor is when CCP comes to your house, grabs you with force and sends you against your will to a "re education camp" and after you have "graduated" sends you to a factory where you have to work in inhumane conditions. You even put suicide fences over windows to stop slave workers from committing suicide. Who are you trying to fool here?
No one did that, China still have people who want to find job but can't, the western media used to accuse Chinese factories and companies use slave workers before, those reports later were all proved to be lies.
Chinese people are hardworking and that's a strength, not a flaw, China can achieve this much in a short span of a couple of decades based on our hardworking population.
Who was grab by the government and sent to factories anyway? any names and pics?

"re education camp" and after you have "graduated" sends you to a factory where you have to work in inhumane conditions

Inhuman working conditions??








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Ha, Indians are Turks join hands to attack China, but have abysmal minority persecution records. What an irony.

Yes, indeed, what_about their persecution records?

Is there a short list of approved countries who are permitted to criticise genocide?
Uighurs will choose China over India any given day.

They have a choice? They exercised that choice? They voluntarily joined China? They voluntarily settled in Xinjiang? When did the Uighur settle in Xinjiang? What did the then Chinese state do to their predecessors? Was it also genocide? How has the names of those predecessors been completely covered over? Were those predecessors the original overlords of Tibet?

Is this a massive cover-up taking place?

Yes. Mainland China and North Korea

Silly me.

I'm not thinking quickly today.

Putting in the hours of overtime in the weekend too?

You should file for promotion at some point man, you have logged hundreds of cringe threads and thousands of cringe posts as loyal pleb of Cringe Commitee Party.

Tell me if you need a letter of recommendation for tier 1 bot role. Vacancies normally open up round about now right?

Why not just tell him what school children in India do get? He obviously doesn't have a clue.

Then China committed Han genocide for almost 40 years and spared all minorities. But we achieved our goal, controlling the number while enhancing the quality of the population.

A most excellent eugenic practice.

Gobineau would have been so proud of you.
They have a choice? They exercised that choice? They voluntarily joined China? They voluntarily settled in Xinjiang? When did the Uighur settle in Xinjiang? What did the then Chinese state do to their predecessors? Was it also genocide? How has the names of those predecessors been completely covered over? Were those predecessors the original overlords of Tibet?

Is this a massive cover-up taking place?

Silly me.

I'm not thinking quickly today.
Actually Han settlers first settled in Xinjiang in Han dynasty, long before ancestors of Uighurs first emerged in the history, name of Xinjiang was given by Qing dynasty and in modern times Xinjiang has been always part of China (late Qing dynasty, Republic of China, the People's republic of China) ,that's much much longer than the history of Republic of India.
The guy wants us to believe something like what happened in Nazi concentration camps, or even worse, is happening in China but the world is silent about it. He is also trying to insist so much on the Uyghurs being Muslim. I am almost 100% sure that he is not a practicing Muslim like me. He is either agnostic or an atheist, but suddenly he has started to become worried about China trying to suppress Muslims.

Very sound.

If you look away, it'll go away.
A most excellent eugenic practice.

Gobineau would have been so proud of you.
That's only for Han population, and the world sees the great economic take off after this policy was put in place in early 1980's.

I think these Chinese bots are actually themselves victims of CCP propaganda. I remember this Chinese guy I met here, he didn't know that Taiwan has its own flag and when I told him about Tibet, he said he have never heard of that place.
Which guy??? you must be kidding.
Actually Han settlers first settled in Xinjiang in Han dynasty, long before ancestors of Uighurs first emerged in the history, name of Xinjiang was given by Qing dynasty and in modern times Xinjiang has been always part of China (late Qing dynasty, Republic of China, the People's republic of China) ,that's much much longer than the history of Republic of India.

Do a little research before committing these laughable errors. Find out what the Qing did to the existing population, before bringing in the Uighur.

Why do all sole spokesmen assume that they can say anything and get away with it?

That's only for Han population, and the world sees the great economic take off after this policy was put in place in early 1980's.

Yes, that's exactly what the eugenics lobby predicted. And that's what I mentioned, that's why you would have made them proud.
"re education camp" and after you have "graduated" sends you to a factory where you have to work in inhumane conditions
Can you provide the picture of "Uighurs working in "inhumane conditions?", what is "inhumane working condition" is like anyway? in the past China did have very bad working condition factories, but now all factories to have meet the national standard of working conditions those who failed can not operate. so your inhumane working conditions mean.....?
So you admit that the west started it, but still blame Iran for it at the same time. HA! So, you blame the victim for falling victim to injustice. Anyway, this is off topic and we can continue this particular matter in the Iranian section later.

Look up NIGYYSOB in "Games People Play" by Dr. Eric Berne.
Yes, that's exactly what the eugenics lobby predicted. And that's what I mentioned, that's why you would have made them proud.
Family plan is a very controversial issue even in China, but that's a thing of the past, it surely has pros and cons, but Indian way of not controlling also has pros and cons cause millions born into poverty every year in India.
Qing did kill a lot of Uighurs after several rebellions in that region, did I ever deny it?

I repeat, PLEASE do your homework. The Uighur were not the original inhabitants; they were moved in there (by the Qing).

Find out a little more before you write your posts.
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